Thursday, December 26, 2024

Luther's Sermon on the Word - The Whole Story in One


This is the link below - which leads to the entire sermon.

One WELS pastor named his blog - The Main Thing Is the Main Thing.

I thought the title was excellent, because it expressed the hippy-dippy advertising loved, promoted, and exhausted by the maggots of Fuller Seminary, Willow Creek, Jeske Incorporated, and other pest-houses.

The effective Word of God is not all about the personality of the pastor, the purity of his inbred DNA, and his sure and certain hope of everlasting synodical titles. 

I realize very little will be noted here, because the American clergy have foolishly straight-armed the truth of the Bible in favor of slimy slickness of fads. 

Charlie Sue was expecting her main meal, and her main meal is the main meal, whenever needed.

The Word of God is the Foundation Wrecked by Man

Old Testament, Pristine Text, False Translators

Note the disparity in the two great texts - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament remains the Hebrew text, 100%, because the Jewish scholars have preserved the text even to the point of destroying any book that has even one error, down to counting the total numbers of letters and words in any given book.

Translators, drunk on their Princeton and the Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic), plus many more, turn the precision of the Old Testament into the laughter of their Father Below.

New Testament Greek - 

Abused by the Really Cool

The New Testament Greek text is the plaything of anyone with a degree, an attitude, and a lust to oppose "My Word will last forever." Their revelations come from rejection of the Trinity, the Virgin Birth of Christ, the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ, and His Assumption. They have the traditional text - called the Byzantine - and they know the ancient confession of its truths, but they must rule over their academic seminars, conferences, and little-read "scholarly" wingdings.

The King James Version does not deny the resurrection of Jesus in Mark 16:9-20, nor does it omit "the Son of God" in Mark 1:1 - beloved by Westcott and Hort, adored by all. 

I gathered the basics for a book about the King James Version. The Otten-Beck New Testament is packed with such nonsense (see above) and treated as the Holy Grail for Waltherian addicts. As they said about a backed-up sewer, "I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was that bad!"

What They Are Now Teaching - 

The Brain-Dead Kids in Seminary

Think about this, before writing an angry letter to Christian News (if they are still printing). The seminaries do not teach Jesus Christ the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, risen from the dead and assumed into Heaven. They do not have faith in Him so they do not teach faith.

They teach how to start new churches because the denominations are sinking fast from their lack of faith.

They emphasize personality because everyone wants to have happy-clappy-chappy congregations that fund the endless numbers of overpaid denominational staff, who also take whatever loot they can get from Thrivent. I went to two different seminary graduations. Both "gave away" cheap little portable home communion hardware sets (but no KJV).

They avoid touchy topics because of their ignorance and their need to make people calm and sedated.

They can provide worship for anyone via a computer, but they do not care to pay the small Zoom fee and its minor complications.

Proving how Roman Catholic the twin Missouri seminaries are, they lust for all the trivia, fish-hats, shepherd's crooks, and genuflections possible. 


Rolf Danger Preus edited this book by his father, Dr. Robert Preus.

Ah yes, but Robert Preus repudiated OJ before he died, and two of his sons edited Justification and Rome.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Second Christmas Day - Boxing Day - " Whoever does not receive the Word for its own sake, will never receive it for the sake of the preacher, even if all the angels preached it to him. And he who receives it because of the preacher does not believe in the Word, neither in God through the Word, but he believes the preacher and in the preacher."


Complete - Luther's Sermons - Luke 2:15-20.
Second Christmas Day.
Or Early Christmas Service


Luke 2:15-20. And it came to pass, when the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing that is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in the manger. And when they saw it, they made known concerning the saying, which was spoken to them about this child. And all that heard it wondered at the things which were spoken unto them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these sayings, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, even as it was spoken unto them.

1. In the light of the exposition of the preceding Gospel this text is easily understood for it cites an example and the putting into practice of the doctrine taught there, in that the shepherds did, and found, all just as the angels had told them. Consequently, it teaches what the results and fruit of the Word of God are, and what the marks are, by which we know whether the Word of God is established in our hearts and whether it is doing its work there.


2. The first and principal fruit of the power of the Word is faith. For had not these shepherds believed the angel they would never have gone to Bethlehem, they would moreover never have done one of the things related of them in this Gospel.

3. One, however, might say: Yes, I would also gladly believe if an angel thus from heaven were to preach to me. This is very foreign to the subject. Whoever does not receive the Word for its own sake, will never receive it for the sake of the preacher, even if all the angels preached it to him. And he who receives it because of the preacher does not believe in the Word, neither in God through the Word, but he believes the preacher and in the preacher. Hence the faith of such persons does not last long. But whoever believes the Word, does not care who the person is that speaks the Word, and neither will he honor the Word for the sake of the person; but on the contrary, he honors the person because of the Word, and always subordinates the person to the Word. And if the preacher perishes, or even falls from his faith and preaches differently, he will forsake the person of the preacher rather than the Word of God. He abides by what he has heard, although the person of the preacher may be what he will, and come and go as he may.

4. The true difference between godly faith and human faith consists also in this, that human faith cleaves to the person of the preacher, believes, trusts and honors the Word for the sake of him who spake it. But godly faith, on the other hand, cleaves to the Word, which is God himself; he believes, trusts and honors the Word, not because of him who preaches it; but because he feels it so surely the truth that no one can ever turn him again from it, even if the same preacher were to try to do it. This was proved by the Samaritans, John 4:42, when they had heard first of Christ from the heathen woman and upon her word they went out of the city to Christ.

After they themselves heard Christ, they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of thy speaking: for we have heard for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

5. Moreover, all who believed Christ because of his person and his miracles, fell from their faith when he was crucified. So it is in our day and so has it always been. The Word itself, without any regard to persons, must be enough for the heart, it must include and lay hold of man, so that he, as if taken captive, feels how true and right it is, even if the world, all the angels, all the princes of hell said differently, yea, if God himself spake otherwise; as he at times tempts his own elect and appears as if he were different than he had before declared. So it was with Abraham when commanded to offer his son Isaac; with Jacob, while wrestling with the angel; and with David, when persecuted by his son Absalom; and other like examples.

6. This faith triumphs in life and death, in hell and heaven, and nothing is able to overthrow it; because it rests upon nothing but the Word without any regard whatever to persons.

7. These shepherds possessed such faith; for they agree with and cleave to the Word so fully that they forget the angels who declared it to them. They do not say, Let us go and see the word that the angels made known to us, but the word that the Lord hath made known unto us. The angels were soon forgotten and the Word of God only seized and retained. In like manner St. Luke speaks in the text of Mary, that she kept all these sayings, pondering them in her heart. Without doubt she did not let the humble appearance of the shepherds trouble her, but esteemed all as the Word of God. Not only Mary, but all the others who heard these words from the shepherds, and wondered, as the text says. All clung to the Word.

8. And although it is the idiom of the Hebrew language that when it speaks of an historic fact, it says, “they wish to see the word”, as St. Luke says here (because the history is embodied in words and is made known by means of words); so is it therefore thus provided by God that faith should be expressed as that which cleaves to the words and relies upon the words spoken concerning the history. For if Christ’s life and sufferings were not embodied in the words by which faith is anchored, they would have been of no use, because all who saw them with their eyes received no benefit from them, or very little.

9. The second fruit is the unity in the spirit. For it is the nature of Christian faith to unite hearts into one, that they be of one mind and of one will, as Psalm 68:6 says: “God, the Lord, Christ our God, setteth the solitary in families.” St. Paul speaks of the unity of the Spirit in many places as in Romans 12:18; 1 Corinthians 12:4; and Ephesians 4:3, where he says: “Be ever diligent that ye be of one mind, of one will.” Such unity is not possible apart from faith, for every one is well pleased with his own ways, therefore is the land, as the proverb runs, full of fools. Here one sees in his own experiences how the various orders, callings, and sects are divided among themselves. Every one esteems his order, his calling, his character, his work, his plans the best, and the right road to heaven. He disparages the things of others and rejects them; as we see at present among the priests, monks, bishops and all who profess to be spiritual.

10. However those, who have the true faith, know that it depends only upon faith, in which they unanimously agree. Therefore they are never divided and disunited because of any outward calling, conduct or work. To them all external matters, however different they may be, are the same.

Thus the shepherds here are of one mind, of one will, speak the same thought among themselves, use the same form of words and say: “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem”, etc.

Some Christmas Cheer on Boxing Day


Boxing Day is not for pugilists but to offer gifts for the staff in Britain and Canada. Charlie Sue was quick to get up this morning, so I could get her some treats for the staff.

Just before Christmas I was getting the mail from the post office.That was dimmed by a series of health insurance bulletins - alone - in PO Box _____. My uncles were postal carriers, so I grew up hearing about all the anomalies of mail. Repeated bad work irritated my normally friendly uncles.

I told the same carrier the same tale about getting mail for the same medical insurance company time after time. He always made a note of that on the envelope and got increasingly irritated about the carrier who was so careless. I said, "At least he is consistent!" That made him laugh. He reached over and shook my hand, "Well, Merry Christmas! We won't darken Christmas!"

When the long line for Christmas went almost out the door, I was holding a big box, telling them, "Don't worry. The line is starting to move. I got here yesterday." Everyone laughed.