Dear Brothers,
Greetings in the name of our gracious God!
I consider it an amazing privilege to be writing to you for the first time as your synod president. I sincerely share the Apostle Paul’s wonder that a “chief of sinners” like me would be entrusted with such an awesome responsibility. But I also share Paul’s confidence that it is God’s grace and God’s power alone that will bless those whom he has called to serve in his church. I’m deeply grateful for this opportunity to serve you and all of the members of our synod in this office. I thank you for the hundreds of expressions of encouragement that you and your members have sent, and I ask your continuing prayers.
The recent synod convention was faced with some very difficult and potentially divisive decisions. By the time it was over, we could all thank God for the unity that was evident, for the brotherly debate on important issues, and for the prayerful decisions that were made.
Perhaps most striking for me was the overwhelming sense of renewed optimism and confidence that seemed to result – not just from the decisions made but from the promises of God which were the basis for those decisions. We still have some real and difficult challenges ahead of us. But there was a clear consensus that, with God’s help, we will join our hearts and our efforts to move forward in the mission God has given us to do with confidence and joy.
There may be differing opinions on which resolutions and decisions were the most significant. The following would be included on my list:
The budget resolutions which directed us to expand our efforts in world and home missions and to maintain our current system of ministerial education – a system which will enable us to prepare an increasing number of workers to send into a ripe harvest field
The clear directive to maintain the opportunities for grass-roots participation in the decisions and governance of the synod’s work
The encouragement given to all congregations to support the work we do as a synod with increased mission offerings based on faithful study of the Word, as well as the authorization to conduct a special offering to address the synod’s capital debt
The appointment of a special commission to conduct a wide-ranging evaluation of the synod’s finances and programs and to develop a comprehensive, long term plan to address the various problems and challenges before us
Perhaps most significant, in my opinion, is a resolution passed on the last day of the convention. It escaped the notice of many, probably because it came after several other high profile discussions and decisions. This resolution, coming from the Ministry Direction floor committee, is significant because it does what the committee’s name implies: it clearly outlines the direction that we, as a synod, have chosen to take together. Resolution #1 of Floor Committee #2 is:
WHEREAS 1) Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us his Great Commission to preach the gospel to every
man, woman, and child (Matthew 28:19,20; Mark 16:15,16; Luke 24:46-49; John 20:22,23; Acts
1:7,8); and
WHEREAS 2) our Lord has blessed us with a finite number of resources at this time to accomplish
his work on the synodical level; and
WHEREAS 3) the synod in convention in 2005 agreed that our core work is "mission outrea
(establishing and maintaining home and world missions, and such charitable institutions as it may
deem appropriate to its calling), ministerial education (establishing and maintaining theological
seminaries, colleges, academies, schools, and other institutions of learning), and synod publications
(printing, publishing, purchasing, selling, and disseminating literature that maintains Lutheran doctrine
and practice)" (Proceedings 2005, pp. 59-60--Synod Ministry Direction); and
WHEREAS 4) there has been a perceived disconnect between what our synod directed in convention
in 2005 and the ministry plan carried out since that convention; and
WHEREAS 5) we understand that historically the purpose of our synod has been to do together
what we cannot do as individual congregations;
therefore be it
RESOLVED a) that we affirm the purpose of our synod to be an instrument to carry out those kinds
of gospel ministry efforts which cannot be done easily by individual congregations; and be it further
RESOLVED b) that we commit ourselves to expand mission efforts at home and throughout the
world, using both traditional and innovative means of gospel outreach, as God provides the resources;
and be it further
RESOLVED c) that we commit ourselves to recruit and train as many qualified workers as possible,
confident that the Lord of the Church is calling upon us to send workers into his harvest field,
dedicating ourselves to maintain an effective and affordable three-tiered system of ministerial
education, which positions our synod for growth and expansion; and be it further
RESOLVED d) that we direct and authorize the synod president and Synodical Council in
consultation with the Conference of Presidents to evaluate all current programs and staffing, and to
make any changes deemed necessary to carry out the core work of the synod in the most effective
and beneficial manner; and be it further
RESOLVED e) that we encourage one another to be filled with confident hope and joy created by the
gospel and its promises, for we are co-workers with God (2 Corinthians 5:20, 6:1); and be it further
RESOLVED f) that we call for a renewed commitment by all members and congregations to walk
and work together in proclaiming the gospel, strongly encouraging increased unity, and identifying and
resolving issues which threaten our unity; and be it further
RESOLVED g) that we strive by all possible means to restore the people's and called workers'
confidence in our synod and its mission, finding ways to restore the understanding that when God's
people give to "synod," they are, in fact, giving to our synod's core work; and be it further
RESOLVED h) that we reconnect with our brothers and sisters in our synod through clear, timely,
and accurate information and communication, identifying and resolving those factors which hinder
such information from reaching the people of our synod; and be it finall
RESOLVED i) that ahead of anything else the president forges a future that leads us to live up to
God's expectation to be in his Word, urging every pastor, teacher, staff minister and every WELS
member to recommit to Bible study, and doing more to encourage those who are not in the Word to
be in the Word
As we work together to carry out all of the convention resolutions, I pray for a unity of purpose and resolve that can come only from God. You may not personally agree with every decision made by this convention. But now that we have made those decisions, I’m confident that we will set personal views aside and work faithfully to support and implement them.
As we join in this work, I recognize that I will be working not only with you, but for you. As your president, I am making a solemn commitment to emphasize the following priorities:
Providing clear, accurate, concise, and timely information from the synod administration to you, and inviting input and communication from you to us. Efforts to do this are already beginning; I ask your patience as we address these issues in the coming weeks.
Encouraging continued improvement in the clarity, simplicity, and accuracy of the synod’s financial reporting
Encouraging every person who works in the synod – at every level – to carry out his or her work with a servant attitude, recognizing that God has placed us in our positions to serve him and the people of the synod
As we encourage faithful stewardship on the giving end, working with all areas of ministry to be faithful in their stewardship of the gifts given by God’s people
Emphasizing that my “agenda” is nothing more – and nothing less – than faithfully carrying out the direction and the decisions of the recent convention
Encouraging you and your people to draw your strength and motivation from the Scriptures. In times of financial problems, our first tendency has been to declare that we need to have a scriptural study of stewardship. I would make an alternate suggestion to you today: This fall, don’t begin with a study of stewardship. Rather, lead your people in a study of something more basic: What is the Church? What is its mission? What does it mean that I am a member of that church, and what is my role? How can I work with fellow believers to carry out that mission? I believe that if people clearly understood who they are as Christians, godly stewardship will follow as a fruit of their faith.
Brothers, I place a special importance and value on the role that you play as shepherds of the flock and leaders in the church. Without you and your support, very little of what the convention decided could, humanly speaking, be carried out. If God is to bless us with success in our decisions, if we are to move ahead with confidence and joy in the gospel, it will happen only if you are shepherding your people, proclaiming law and gospel. I assure you that you will receive nothing but support, respect, and encouragement from me as you carry out your role. Sadly, some have said, “The pastors are the problem.” I say, “The pastors are an integral part of the solution to the problems.” Some have described pastors as “gatekeepers” and have not used that term as a compliment. I believe that you ARE the gatekeepers. That’s what shepherds do. They protect the flock. I want to give you every reason to open those gates to your people when it comes to the mission of the synod. – because the synod’s mission is their mission. We can’t afford to have you, the shepherd, be silent when it comes to encouraging your people’s support for missions and when it comes to reminding them of their personal role in sharing the gospel. We need you to lead, to instruct, to guide, and to motivate them with the Word. I’m confident that, working together, we will maintain a relationship of growing confidence and trust between the people of the synod and the people serving them in the synod’s administration.
In other words, I will do all I can to help you to renew the connection that your people have with the work that we do together as a synod.
As we begin our work together, let’s never forget what makes it all possible: A gracious God. A living Savior. Full and free forgiveness in Christ. Amazing and unbreakable promises from God. With those gospel truths, we can move forward with confidence and joy. In a world filled with trouble, we have a Savior who sends us on our mission with the reminder, “Take heart! I have overcome the world.”
God’s richest blessings to you and to the people you serve!
In Christ,
Mark Schroeder
ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
Martin Luther Sermons