Thursday, October 25, 2007

Episcopalians in Open Revolt - From Virtue Online

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Oceanographer

Posted by David Virtue on 2007/10/21 18:50:00 (4275 reads)

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

The Anglican Communion is roiling from crisis to crisis as one Anglican province after another faces fleeing parishes, break-ups, endorsements of same-sex rites, and confusion at the very highest levels of the church over what it means to be Anglican.

In the American Episcopal Church, the ink was barely dry on a statement from the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council endorsing TEC's House of Bishops request for the curtailment of same-sex rites and future pansexual bishops, when Los Angeles Bishop J. Jon Bruno turned a blind eye allowing a same-sex couple's nuptials to be regularized in a cardinal parish in his diocese.

Undaunted by calls for constraint by the Archbishop of Canterbury, clergy and laity in the Diocese of California went even further and called on Mark Andrus, Bishop of California, to allow a trial use of three same-sex blessing rites in his diocese. "The Commission on Marriage and Blessing celebrates the intention of the Episcopal Diocese of California to support and bless both same-gender and heterosexual couples in godly relationship, while hoping for the day when 'marriage equality' will be the reality in our church and state," the group said in an introduction to the report.

Andrus himself, it should be pointed out, is not without unanswered questions in his own closet. When he was a priest in the diocese of PA, a scandal of an alleged sexual nature with another priest erupted, resulting in a confidentiality agreement being struck with then Bishop Allen Bartlett that nothing should be revealed. However, when Andrus was elected Suffragan Bishop of Alabama, the liberal dominated Standing Committee of the Diocese of PA refused to give its consent.

It isn't just the Episcopal Church that is showing its defiant face towards Canterbury. Two Canadian dioceses - Quebec and Montreal - went to bat last week announcing that they would permit the blessing of same sex unions, with Quebec getting the tacit approval of the new Canadian Primate Archbishop Fred Hiltz. To date none of these flagrant in-your-face acts has met with public condemnation from Lambeth Palace.

Even as liberal and revisionist dioceses showed their public face of defiance, orthodox cardinal parishes in the dioceses of Central Florida and Pittsburgh announced they are leaving the Episcopal Church with nine parishes in Central Florida telling Bishop John W. Howe they are calling it quits with TEC. While this comes as no big surprise, as talk of orthodox flight has been quietly talked about for several months, it poses a major headache for Howe, an Evangelical, who finds his loyalty to the institution challenged by his loyalty to the gospel, a gospel TEC no longer embraces. The story in this diocese is far from over. As many as 20 parishes could flee, making it the second largest orthodox flight from the Episcopal Church after the Diocese of Virginia - a diocese currently embroiled in multi-million dollar lawsuits over property ownership.

Even as orthodox parishes flee TEC, four dioceses - three Anglo-Catholic (Quincy, Ft. Worth and San Joaquin) and one evangelical (Pittsburgh) - will hold conventions to determine their own future in a post-Christian denomination known more for theological and moral innovation than for creedal and biblical adherence. This poses an ecclesiastical and legal nightmare for Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as she traverses the world mouthing peace and reconciliation with the Eucharist as ecclesiastical entertainment in one hand, and Millennium Development Goals to save the planet in the other. The lawyers, of course, will be the winners whether Mrs. Jefferts Schori wins or loses the rights to retain Episcopal properties. The court of public opinion will see this as a public relations disaster for the church, with secular liberals more convinced than ever that the church is part of the problem, not a part of the solution to providing peace on earth and goodwill to all persons of non-gender specific identities. The subtext in all this is that our sins of homophobia and racism can be washed away in the deep spiritual waters of the now much ballyhooed baptismal covenant. Fiat lux.

On the international scene, the slithering evil of pansexual behavior has now reached deep into the heart of Africa, causing the disintegration of the Anglo-Catholic Province of Central Africa. There has never been, in the history of the rise of Christianity in Africa, such a sight as African bishops vying over whether sodomy is good and right in the eyes of God. The dioceses of Harare and Manicaland have withdrawn from the province even as the pro-gay Bishop of Botswana, Trevor Mwamba wants the province to embrace Western modalities of sexual behavior. A breach, here in the heart of evangelical Anglican Africa, could spell disaster on this continent as it would allow the deep financial pockets of the American Episcopal Church and Trinity Church Wall Street to move in for the coup d'etat, lining the pockets of simpatico African bishops in the name of "mission" and the fight for global acceptance of homoerotic behavior now firmly entrenched in North American Anglicanism.

In England this past week, the Archbishop of Canterbury found himself facing a revolt from inside his own church. Church of England Evangelicals, fed up with having liberal bishops reign over them and the refusal of anybody to discipline recalcitrant revisionist bishops, announced that they had had enough. Some 1700 priests and parishes who belong to REFORM said they would now ordain their own clergy in an open revolt against their bishops, if the liberal drift continues. Coupled with this has been the long time cry of Forward in Faith Anglo-Catholics who have been bucking for some time for a third province with an all male clergy, who are equally fed up with the CofE's acceptance of women priests and the possibility of women bishops. REFORM told Dr. Rowan Williams that evangelicals would increasingly defy Church rules and their own bishops by parachuting in outsiders to carry out irregular ordinations of "orthodox" candidates.

BUT IN A MOVE that has distinct overtones of possible future schism through historical spin, Canon Gregory Cameron, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Anglican Communion, recently publicly distanced Anglicanism from Protestantism. In an article in the London-based Church Times, Cameron spoke of an Anglican "dialogue with the Protestant traditions" making it clear that he regarded Anglicanism as lying beyond the pale of Protestantism.

The distinguished Professor of Historical Theology at the University of Oxford, Dr. Alister McGrath took Cameron to task by ripping his interpretation of Anglican history saying that historians generally consider "Anglicanism" as one of the most remarkable and influential forms of Protestantism to emerge in England.

"From an historical perspective, the English national Church must be regarded as a Protestant variant - the 'Protestant Episcopal Church of England and Ireland', as state and parliamentary documents regularly describe it. And, as many readers will recall, the body which now prefers to describe itself as 'The Episcopal Church' was originally entitled 'The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.' (Indeed, this remains the Church's legal title)," wrote McGrath.

"We need to appreciate that the sixteenth-century Reformation was a complex phenomenon. The forms of Protestantism which emerged in the great imperial cities (such as Strasbourg), territories (such as Saxony) and nations (such as England or Sweden) had their own distinct characteristics. Some, for example, retained the episcopacy and a fixed liturgy; others discarded one or both. Yet each represented a local implementation of the Protestant agenda. From the reign of Edward VI onwards, English Church leaders began to use this term to refer to themselves, and see themselves as being connected with the great reforming movements and individuals on the continent of Europe."

McGrath blasted the ACC leader saying "Canon Cameron appears to belong to the revisionist school of thought which is trying to airbrush out Anglicanism's Protestant heritage and tradition. (The same agenda can be seen in the 1977 decision of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America to drop the word 'Protestant' from its name in common usage.)

It is an unwise strategy for two reasons. First, it is historically indefensible. Cameron may wish that Anglicanism was not Protestant; he cannot, however, rewrite history to suit his tastes. His form of revisionism has itself been revised, and found to be untenable. But, much more importantly, understanding Anglicanism's history allows us to appreciate what may be about to happen within the Anglican Communion, in the face of renewed tensions over issues of sexuality. To understand this point, we need to consider the Protestant concept of a 'denominational family'."

RECENTLY orthodox Anglicans meeting in Pittsburgh announced the formation of a new ecclesiastical structure which, in time, will no doubt lead to a new North American Anglican Province. When that happens, it will be interesting to see if Dr. Williams recognizes this group or chooses to ignore them, siding with the Episcopal Church as the sole legitimate representatives of Anglicanism in North America.

If he does not, one thing is for sure, there will be no reversal of the realignment currently underway in worldwide Anglicanism. Revisionist Anglicans across the communion will continue to act defiantly against Scripture, tradition and reason, pushing pansexuality and attempting to outlaw those whose consciences cannot accept women to the priesthood or episcopacy.

There is now no stopping the train of renewal and reformation for orthodox Anglicans across the world. It has left the station. The only thing left to consider is what the Anglican Communion will look like after the great schism has occurred and who the leaders will be.

New Poll - Greatest Theologian

The Seed-Planting Church

by Dr. Waldo Werning (LCMS)

Proposing Biblical principles, this book shows how the church can be revitalized by God’s design. It displays a nurturing seed-planting model in place of a maintenance harvesting style of church. Dr. Kent Hunter (LCMS), The Church Doctor, writes, “Powerfully practical... will change your church from a bureaucracy to the movement God has called Christianity to be. I have already begun using this material in my work with churches.” 168 pages

The Seed-Planting Church #304
Price: $12.00


The new poll near the bottom of the page asks, Who is the greatest theologian of the Lutheran Church? This is your chance to vote for Waldo Werning, who has worked closely with WELS, ELS, and LCMS Church Growth gurus.

Poll Results - How Does the True Christian Church Grow?

Smells and bells high-church. 2 (5%)

Blitz the community with marketing. 0 (0%)

Seeker Services and cell groups. 0 (0%)

Only through the Means of Grace. 38 (95%)

GJ - No comment needed.

Jack Preus and Polemics

LCMS President J. A. O. Preus, aka Jack Preus,
aka Chairman JAO

I was in the LCA when Jack Preus was elected LCMS president and newly ordained when Seminex erupted. Going to Notre Dame introduced me to LCMS President Pfotenhauer's liberal grandson, who moved his congregation into the LCA. Another Pfotenhauer grandson was WELS. Another was Pentecostal. That used to describe the three-way split of Lutherans in America: liberal, orthodox, Pentecostal.

I have read the documents about the split many times, from the apostate perspective, and from the conservative side. I wrote "liberal" instead of apostate at first, but apostate is far more precise. The Seminex leaders were evil, deceptive, and always howling about how mistreated they were. Doubtless some were not given fair treatment, but overall the Seminex split was a disaster for the apostates and a victory for the conservatives.

I admire Jack and Robert Preus for being polemical when they might have simply used their credentials for a comfortable life. Jack knew how to make a point. He was certainly a politician, playing both sides all the time. Nevertheless, the Word of God did the impossible, breaking up a system built to promote apostasy. Imagine moving schoools around today to do something similar, like getting rid of Church Growth.

Did the Barry administration do anything in nine years? Barry did nothing about Benke, reminding us of LCMS President Benken doing nothing about everything

Did Bohlmann do anything except protect the apostates?

Young pastors today do not realize the shock of having intellectual Lutherans (Jack and Robert) defend Lutheran Orthodoxy when all the denominations were in retreat. Yes I know that WELS and the ELS broke with Missouri a little earlier, but that failed to register on the radar of most Americans.

Jack Preus was loathed by all the LCMS headquarters people. He had many District Popes against him. The media excoriated him.

Robert suffered more abuse overall, in my opinion. Toward the end of his life LCMS officials went out of their way to humiliate him as often as possible. I remember a teaching offer dangled in front of him by Johnson at St. Louis. Robert wanted to do this summer school course and wrote that he did. Johnson "forgot" or overlooked that response. That was minor compared to other slaps and put-downs. The cross is never separated from the teaching of the true Word.

Christian News played a major role in getting the word out to people while bypassing the official channels. LCA pastors routinely denounced CN. Later I realized the WELS loathed CN for the same reasons - the information could not be massaged and controlled.

Church and Change Now Has a Theme Song

Church and Change Theme Song
(sung to the tune of Radio Ga Ga)

I'd sit alone and read at sem,
My only friends are somewhat fem.
And everything I had to know,
I got it from my Church Growth notes.
Church Growth notes.

You gave us all those Schwaermer stars
Through wars of words -- from Fuller czars.
You made us laugh -- you made us cry ,
You made us strut our piety.

So don't become forgotten fads,
Some yellowin' books, filled with ads.
Who just don't reach and just don't teach,
And just don't buy me a place near a beach.
This is your time, you have the power,
You've yet to live your finest hour.
Church Growth.

All we hear is Church Growth ga ga,
Church Growth goo goo ,
Church Growth ga ga.
All we hear is Church Growth ga ga,
Church Growth blah blah,
Church Growth what's new?
Church Growth, Waldo still loves you!

We watch the shows -- we watch the stars,
On DVDs for hours and hours,
We hardly need to use our brain,
How doctrine has gone down the drain.

Let's hope you never quit old friend,
Like all good fads on you we depend.
So stick around cos we might lose face,
When we're confronted by the Means of Grace.
This is your time, you have the power,
You've yet to live your finest hour.
Church Growth. Church Growth.

All we hear is Church Growth ga ga,
Church Growth goo goo,
Church Growth ga ga,
All we hear is Church Growth ga ga,
Church Growth goo goo ,
Church Growth ga ga ,
All we hear is Church Growth ga ga ,
Church Growth blah blah,
Church Growth what's new?
Church Growth, Olson still loves you!

This is your time, you have the power,
You've yet to live your finest hour,
Church Growth.

All we hear is Church Growth ga ga,
Church Growth goo goo,
Church Growth ga ga ,
All we hear is Church Growth ga ga.
Church Growth blah blah,
Church Growth what's new?
Church Growth, Paul Kelm still loves you!
Loves you.


Brian P Westgate has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Now Has a Theme Song":

I wish I knew that tune, because that's quite the parody!

GJ - Brian needs to listen to classical music! A music video of Radio Ga Ga is easy to find. The robot is from Metropolis, one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all times.

James Adams' Preus of Missouri

Pope John the Malefactor, center, in India

I was reading Preus of Missouri again. Every century I pick up a book about Lutheranism or the Reformation, to stay even with the synodical leaders. I know from experience that they are a studious lot.

I happen to own Pope John's copy of Preus of Missouri, probably through a book sale. I thought I left the night light on in the library, but the glow came from this iconic book, which should really be in the rare books collection of Bethany Lutheran College. In the high-security showcase: "SP John Moldstad actually owned this book. Scholars are divided about whether he read it."

Robert Preus left his priceless collection to Bethany rather than Concordia, Ft. Wayne.

I chuckled when I read Preus of Missouri's description of the Little Sect on the Prairie as "hyper-orthodox." The journalist's grasp of theology was definitely mainline, but he tried to be fair and largely succeeded.

Neuhaus played a significant role in the Seminex split, leaving the LCMS, joining ELCA, and now prominent in the Church of Rome. Leigh Jordahl was a student of Jack Preus at Bethany. Leigh married a Gullerud (CLC president) and became ELCA by steps. Jordahl was friends with Wilken, who joined Rome. (Jordahl had some minor involvement with my dissertation at Notre Dame, as an advisor.)

Bethany itself is central to Lutheran history of the last century. Al Barry and Oswald Hoffman studied there. Robert Preus earned the first seminary degree there, leaving Luther Seminary just before graduation. Jack Preus had a faculty position at Bethany, etc. Preus relatives at Bethany College included Ylvisaker and Norm Madson.

Once upon a time, the Little Sect on the the Prairie had courage. On November 22nd, 1938, the Norwegian Synod (now the ELS) sent a letter to LCMS President Behnken. Missouri was getting close to the American Lutheran Church without expecting a repudiation of errors, such as unionism, Lodge membership, etc. The Admonition was signed by two Preus relatives: S. C. Ylvisaker and Norm Madson. It was also signed by Christian Anderson and H. M. Tjernagel. The ELS followed with a longer message in April of 1939, signed by the same four leaders, sent to all LCMS pastors and professors.

The Norwegian Synod was impoverished and tiny in size. They did not have Marvin Schwan as a sugar-daddy yet. But they had faith in the efficacy of the Word. The Word proved efficacious, hardening Missouri's attitudes against orthodoxy. Behnken was definitely a see-no-evil president.

Can anyone imagine the ELS writing a similar admonition to WELS? I cannot. For one thing, the ELS is so eager to parrot WELS that they have nothing to say to correct WELS.

No synod has repudiated the Church Growth Movement and meant it. Instead they have spoiled the Egyptian compost heap while denying their involvement. The ELS likes to hold itself above WELS but is no different.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "James Adams' Preus of Missouri":

Oh yes, the holy Preus name. They can certainly do no wrong can they! Robert left to join the unionists in Missouri. Rolf gets kicked out of the ELS and sends his kids to Constantinople...I mean Fort Wayne. Smart theologians who evidently have no concept of fellowship. I guess if you can't stand the heat you might as well jump into the fire.


GJ - If Anonymous reads the Adams book, he will see that Jack and Robert grew up among three synods: Big Norwegians (eventually ELCA), Little Norwegians (ELS), and LCMS. I think Jack was a Missouri member for 20 years while he was growing up. Governor Jake Preus was an all-synod man. Founding Lutheran Brotherhood and other causes made Jake sceptical or maybe indifferent about church organizations.

Jack and Robert Preus did more to change Missouri in the twentieth center for the better than anyone else. Their publishing efforts alone were worthy of note. Too bad Lutherans do not read good material anymore. Robert's last work was an excellent repudiation of moving toward Rome. UOJ is also repudiated in the clearest possible language.

I do not consider the Preus name holy. I am saddened that the men who started to change Missouri went after each other and handed victory to the apostates. Bohlmann was of course a Bohlmann loyalist, so he may not count. The same is true for Waldo Werning. According to legend, Jack was just as much an antagonist toward Robert as Bohlmann was. The Otten brothers have kept the same Bronze Age Missouri position.

Everyone in a synod is a unionist today. Scaer is fond of saying, "Why join the community ministers group? Just go to LCMS circuit meetings. Each one is a rainbow coalition."

WELS is united behind Leonard Sweet, Reggie McNeal, and Fuller Seminary. They have their own Holy Office of the Inquisition set up: Church and Change. There are pastors who dissent, but they are being disciplined. The buddies of these errorists? - the CG gurus of WELS.

The Little Sect on the Prairie is silent about false doctrine. In 1939 the quoted Walther as saying, "Indifference is unionism." That was then, this is now. The ELS certainly echoes and imitates the worst errors of WELS.

The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) protects the two worst false teachers from the consequences of their errors.

ELDONA disagrees about justification by faith, unles Stefanski(associated with but not a member of ELDONA) has read the Book of Concord or the Gospel of John and changed his mind. Stefanski is a UOJ fanatic.


Causes for apostasy are:

1. Lack of study.
2. Blood is thicker than doctrine.
3. Loyalty to classmates (who are often relatives).
4. Loyalty to the seminary, whose professors are often relatives.
5. Veneration of Holy Mother Synod, Immaculate and Infallible.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Unintentional Reformation Humor Department

WELS Fuller Seminary District President Paul Janke

District President’s Report

Fall 2007

For some years now I’ve tried to read a book on Martin Luther or on Lutheranism during the month of October, prior to celebrating the Reformation. It seems that during this month I’ve got more than the usual amount of time on planes, time that can be devoted to reading. This year I picked up a copy of Why I Am a Lutheran: Jesus at the Center by LCMS Pastor Daniel Preus (CPH, 2004, also available from NPH). The book serves as a great reminder of the blessings God has given us through his Son, Jesus Christ, and the blessings he continues to bestow on us through the gospel in Word and Sacraments. The beautiful, soul-saving truth of the gospel—salvation by God’s grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ alone—which was so badly obscured by a theology of works in the years leading up to the Reformation, is confessed and taught in the Evangelical Lutheran Church as nowhere else. In the course of his book, Pastor Preus also points out how the errors of mainstream American Protestantism, namely Arminianism and Pelagianism, obscure the gospel and rob Jesus of his glory by giving man a share of the credit for his salvation. One caveat is that like the book by Klemet Preus, The Fire and the Staff, the chapter on “The Office of the Holy Ministry” reflects a different doctrine of the Ministry.


GJ - I wonder how many WELS pastors and leaders have come to California to study at Fuller Seminary. I am curious about who or what entity paid for all that tuition. Oelhaven and Adrian (Michigan District Missions Board) said they were trained at Fuller. Fuller once bragged in a letter about all the WELS pastors they trained. Joel Gerlach, Norm Berg, David Valleskey, Frosty Bivens, and their LCMS mentor Waldo Werning - all studied at Fuller. So did the C. Peter Wagner Professor of Church Growth at Martin Luther College - Lawrence Otto Olson.

And to think he liked what Preus said about Arminian/Pelagian theology! Rev. Janke, are you trying to kid us?

But - hush - the DP warns us against Preus' false view of the ministry. Preus does not dance the Wawautosi.

Have the WELS leaders warned anyone against the doctrine of Fuller Seminary, which they are so eager to promote?


Bonus: Even More Unintentional Reformation Humor

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Unintentional Reformation Humor Department":

I can't believe your commentary. It's typical of you. There's nothing in Pres. Janke's write-up that says anything about "Church Growth" or Fuller, but yet that's how you spin it. You're pathetic!

GJ - Rev. Mouse, it has been established that you cannot believe my commentary. A typical WELS statement warns the innocent against the errors of the LCMS but ignores the apostasy promoted by the Wisconsin sect. Janke said nothing about Fuller because he would then condemn himself for participating in the biggest rape of Christianity since the Sack of Rome.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Unintentional Reformation Humor Department":

It gets even better. Toward the end of the report he writes:

"I attended the ELS-WELS Forum on September 28 as the COP’s representative. The main subject of the forum was “Women Communing Women.” Concerns about this practice arose in both the WELS and the ELS after one WELS congregation called MLC female staff ministry interns to administer communion to female shut-ins. After review of the practice by the COP, the congregation was asked not to continue having women commune women. The congregation complied with the request. The COP conceded in its January 2005 statement on this issue that the Bible doesn’t specifically address this matter, but concluded that for numerous reasons it was not wise to continue having women commune women."

It’s apparent now that the COP’s call to refrain because the practice is “not wise” is not as strong a statement as some in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod were hoping to hear. According the 2006 ELS Synod Report, the ELS has urged its Doctrine Committee, “To continue its discussions with the CICR on the matter of women communing women noting that we unanimously agree that Scripture clearly teaches that women are not to be in the pastoral office, because this presiding office includes the exercise of authority over men (1 Cor. 14:34-35, 1 Tim. 2:11-12). Also, when Scripture refers to one who officiates at the word and sacrament liturgy it speaks in male terms (1 Tim. 3:2, 1 Tim. 4:13). Therefore women shall not read the Scripture lessons in the divine service, preach the sermon, administer Baptism or distribute the Lord’s Supper, for these things are intimately related to the pastoral office.” (Underlining mine) WELS, through its Commission on Inter-Church Relations, clearly needs to continue talking with our brothers in the ELS on this matter, but I hope it’s also clear that we in the WELS—even if there were no concerns from the ELS—are not in a position to have women read Scripture lessons in worship or to have women commune women."

Is this what it sounds like when someone talks out of both sides of their mouth?


GJ - "Error loves ambiguity," as Krauth said. No, kindly Anonymous (not to be confused with the rabid and seldom coherent Rev. A. Nony Mouse) there is nothing in the Bible against ordaining women, according to John Brug in the Wisconsin Synod Quarterly (aka The Pope Speaks). Once something has been infallibly published in The Pope Speaks, it cannot be undone. In time the ELS will come around. A few well-aimed cuffs will stop the growling.

Various WELS pastoral papers have also echoed "there is nothing in the Bible against women's ordination," reminding me of LCA pro-abortion advocates saying the same thing about abortion.

Eastern Orthodoxy Connections:
Infant Communion

(Tune: We Three Kings of Orient Are)

We three priests of stealth-mode EO,
Lacking gifts we borrow them so
Chalice, patten, Greek, not Latin,
Bishops will save our soul.

O-o Orthodoxy, floats our boat
Orthodoxy gets your goat
Eastward leaning, incense steaming
Using Luther to misquote.

I was advised by someone that Pastor Berg would never join Eastern Orthodoxy, because Berg said so. Nevertheless, Berg is obsessed with infant communion, so much that he just released his thoughts on the topic, that the Lutheran Reformation had no problems with it. The same argument from silence could prove anything.

I just want to list some of the tidbits I have been noticing on the Internet:

Here is the Crypto-Eldona Conference agenda from August, 2007 -

The Second Annual Theological Conference and Plenary Session of The Augustana Ministerium will be held August 30-31, 2007 hosted by Charity Lutheran Church, Burleson, TX and her pastor, the Rev. Dr. Kent Heimbigner.

A stimulating and timely theological agenda, open to all—pastors and laity—is being planned that will address two important areas that need discussion and clarification in our midst. The first is to put Eastern Orthodoxy into focus vis-à-vis Confessional Lutheranism. These will include: EO vs. confessional Lutheranism on Original Sin, Pr. John Rutowicz, facilitator; on Justification, Pr. David Juhl, facilitator; on Sanctification/Theosis, and how they relate to God’s plan of salvation, Pr. Gary Gehlbach, facilitator. The second major area is Sanctification, and topics will include: “Sanctification: What is it? What causes it? What are its consequences?” Dr. Steven Hein, facilitator, and “Modes of Communication in the Ministry of the Gospel,” Pr. Robert Schaibley, facilitator.

Gary Gehlbach was a source for Berg's infant communion essay. Do they realize people know how to blog?

Here is an interesting exchange on Cyberstones:

Mar 30, 2007 14:32:44 Re: Infant Communion - Gary Gehlbach

Fr. Weedon, thank you for your well-reasoned comments. You said it much better than I could.

Mar 30, 2007 18:53:42 Re: Infant Communion - weedon

Fr. Gehlbach,

What I presented was nothing but a condensation of the arguments you have assembled and helpfully presented for all to read. For that the Church owes you a debt of gratitude indeed.

Gehlbach's blog is Lutheran Enigma.


  1. Eastern Orthodoxy is heavily promoted by Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne. The seminary trains LCMS pastors who turn EO when they graduate.
  2. Heiser's first breakaway group had problems when a pastor favoring infant communion was invited to join.
  3. Gary Gehlbach is an officer in the so-called Augustana Ministerium, which is clearly designed to lead people into ELDONA.
  4. Gehlbach is clearly teaching Berg and others to advocate infant communion. Notice the smart-alecky discussion about this on Cyberstones.
  5. The crypto-ELDONA conference description lacks any suggestion that Eastern Orhtodoxy might contain heresy. The ambiguous wording allows someone to conclude it is a critical look at EO or it is a fawning promotion of EO. Krauth wrote: "Error loves amibiguity."


Brian P Westgate has left a new comment on your post "Eastern Orthodoxy Connections:Infant Communion":

I think ELDONA has come out against infant communion. I do think you meant to say that, it just didn't come out quite as clear as it could have.

As for Fr. Berg, he's not obsessed with infant communion. That article was probably written due to Fr. Frey's article on it.

Your parody is funny, but way off, as Fr. Rutowicz and others have been trying to tell you. There is nothing wrong with incense, and nothing wrong with bishops, as you know.


I hear you Brian, but I have to judge the words, not the intentions. Until recently, Eastern Orthodoxy was not even on the Lutheran map. Now there is a conference on EO for Crypto-ELDONA, plus the many other things going on. I think it is a mistake to call it sacerdotalism, as some have. That term is too vague and sounds like high church or high church-in-overdrive. This new trend, a tidal wave coming from Ft. Wayne and ELCA, is an embrace of Eastern Orthodoxy.

Some things are harmless by themselves but the new fanatics make me wonder about the necessity of using them: the title father, the title bishop, the incense, the fancy threads. There is no clear Eastern Orthodoxy confession of faith. It is amorphous. Nevertheless, Eastern Orthodoxy is the closest thing to Roman Catholicism. They have the same relationship to Rome that the Little Sect on the Prairie has with WELS, resentful and obedient at the same time.

Most alarming is the way this is paralleling the Church Growth infection. First there were some little suggestions, panel discussions, open wondering if CG would help Lutherans. Gradually they came out of the Fuller/Willow Creek closet. Now they operate out of the Love Shack, the Purple Palace, and the Seminary Built on a Bluff.

My parody is funny because it is right on target. Anyone who links an ecumenical/Marian monastery as "Confessional Lutheran" is Neuhausian in strategy. I recall Neuhaus calling himself a Confessional Lutheran until he became a priest. His buddies who joined Rome were also labeled Confessional Lutheran until they poped.

I have a better term for the Fuller/Willow Creek boys and the future papists/EO monks: Recessional Lutherans. They are backing away from Luther's doctrine as slyly as they can. One wit called it sinuflecting toward Rome.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Comment by Spurgeon

Charles Spurgeon, English Lay Preacher

From Slice of Laodicea, another blog about apostasy:

Spurgeon Gem for Today

Heresies in the Christian church come never from the city missionary, never from the faithful pastor, never from the intense evangelist; but always from gentlemen at ease who take no actual part in our holy war.

–C.H. Spurgeon

My Comment: The heretics of today who undermine the authority of Scripture drift from conference to conference to book signing to yet another conference. They fly first class or in their own jets, they have huge advances from their publishers and they live very, very comfortable lives. It isn’t difficult being a false teacher. Satan always makes sure that there is plenty of money and that there are plenty of followers to reward such men and women. But their final reward is what matters, and I tremble to think about it. How much better to soldier on here, to take the incoming missiles and the affliction and yet to do it with our Savior by our side. We have all eternity to rest.


GJ - Are they talking about Leonard Sweet? Church and Change? The Church Growth Gurus?

Slice of Laodicea Has Some Words about the LCMS

LCMS Invites Emerging Guru Dan Kimball **Updated**

Apparently finding God in His Word is no longer enough. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is inviting emerging church guru Dan Kimball to address a youth ministry conference. This is the same Kimball who had his book, The Emerging Church, forwarded by neo-liberal heretic Brian McLaren. Brian McLaren does not believe in a literal hell or the substitutionary atonement of Christ and believes that monogamous homosexual relationships are A-Ok. (See McLaren featured at the “gay” Open Door Community Church in Arkansas. Scroll down on the last link to see “Pastors” Randy and Gary snuggling up together.) Does the LCMS feel any longer that spiritual affiliations are important? They would not allow a conservative Baptist or Reformed pastor in the door to preach, but they are allowing Dan Kimball who asks gay-supportive, substitutionary atonement denying Brian McLaren to write a forward for his book, to tell them how to reach youth? Is the Holy Spirit so absent in church now that they are reduced to asking men like Kimball how to conduct ministry?

Kimball supports the stampede back to mysticism with labyrinths, eastern-style meditation and Lectio Divina. He leapfrogs the Reformation and tells us we need to go back to the Desert Fathers to learn how to experience God. I somewhere missed that section of the Book of Concord where it tells us that we meet God in the silence and our imaginations. Emerging church authors and leaders routinely dismiss the Reformation and its biblical Solas as irrelevant. “We are in postmodern times now. That’s outmoded modernity. Everything must change now. Re-imagine church. Redefine the Scriptures as narrative instead of Divine fiat. Who ever said Scripture Alone was true anyway?” Having researched the emerging church for years now, I can say authoritatively that they are waging the biggest assault on Scriptural authority than we’ve seen in the last 100 years.

The thought of bringing emerging church guru, Dan Kimball, into the LCMS to teach ought to be ringing alarms bells at the headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. Oh, wait a minute. Those are the same people bringing Dan Kimball in. Looks like it’s time for another Reformation, this time in the Lutheran church.


GJ - Notice how naive the writer is about the LCMS (or substitute WELS, ELS, and the micro-minis)! Missouri welcomed a feminist, pro-gay, pro-abortion preacher in the pulpit. Was anything done? She became the Lyman Beecher lecturer at Yale Divinity (the best homiletics gig in America).

Watch the St. Louis seminary president swooning as Leonard Sweet talks about himself, sounding like one of those elderly hippies who over-ingested banned substances.

The video can be found here.

Sweet-hearts in WELS invited him to speak in 2005 (Church and Change).

The four-letter synods crawl into the laps of the false teachers and coo at them, so one more heretic is hardly a crushing blow to orthodoxy. Each wave of apathy from the clergy and laity prepares the way for the next worse teacher of falsehood. Synod minders like Rev. Mouse are not as keen to defend false doctrine as they are to attack personally those who warn others. Synod minders like Mouse are not pro-Church Growth Movement. They are anti-anti-Church Growth Movement, a subtle difference.

Comments and Questions from a WELS Layman

Well so far I have gotten through about 140 pages of Thy Strong Word. I am enjoying it. Thank you for being able to put into words what I have been trying to verbalize myself for sometime. I have come to these conclusions in the last 5 years or so.
1. God may be testing the WELS to show if they really believe and trust in His Word.
2. Many people do not know even know what Confessional Lutheranism is, therefore how would they be able to refute the trends. I would suspect pastors as well.
3. Many have been duped with the idea that "the content doesn't change" with regards to the contemporary style services. I still remember in the ALC it was what was left out and not taught that left me wanting.
4. There seems to be great confusion of how God the Holy Spirit works and builds His Church.
5. There is a degree, it would seem, of envy and jealousy toward the churches out there that are leading the way with their "great numbers." That alone should make the alarms ring.

My one question thus far has to do with a statement in in introduction. "we now belong to the largest Lutheran synod of all, the 5,000,000 people who are Lutherans but refuse to attend the synodical franchise actively engaged in publishing." Could you explain this to me. Are you saying that there are 5 million confessional Lutherans with "no home?" Also how is that number quantified?

Have you ever gone to the web site - Slice of Laodicea? Just google that. They are definitely not Lutheran, but they bring out many concerns about the "Purpose Driven Church" etc. They also have a national radio broadcast.

Thanks again. This book confirms what I have learned by personal observation and experience in the last 17 years. I'll have to find a copy of the book that Kurt Marquart wrote. I think you should consider doing an abbreviated work, say of 150-200 pages or so that is more summary in nature and less intimidating for many who would be interested in what your driving at with this book. Not that it is a difficult read. It's very readable and it gives lots of great Lutheran and Biblical quotes. I have always wanted to ask Kincaid Smith if he ever thought of doing a book called What's Going On With Confessional Lutherans.


GJ - This anonymous layman sent me the signed email copied above. He asked about the largest synod. The 5 million Lutherans mentioned in Thy Strong Word are those people who call themselves Lutherans but will not go to church.

I doubt Kincaid Smith will admit anything going wrong among confessional Lutherans. He was a nasty part of driving Rolf Preus out of the ELS. When I need a hatchet man, I will phone Kin. If I need a writer, I will contact someone else.

Note to new Ichabodians - the complete text of Thy Strong Word is linked on the main page. The book is also found at Thy Strong Word. Also, portions of the book are being published on My editor and I decided on omitting the Greek citations. So far the justification chapter is published (chapter five). No one else has gathered all the quotations (within reason) supporting justification-without-faith and those quotations from the Bible and the Book of Concord that refute UOJ.

Step One for Church and Change - Expletive Deleted

Now that people have reacted appropriately to the cheap shot from Church and Change (about Pastor Bartling), the sound file has been removed. Perhaps all the downloads ground their server to a halt!

Step Two - Church and Change should issue an apology on the same website:
Apologize for the so-called sermon, especially the intentional insult of Pastor Bartling, causing the bovine audience to laugh.
Step Three - Apologize to WELS and the ELS for the conference.
Step Four - Dissolve the apostate lobby in order to find time to read the Book of Concord.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Step One for Church and Change - Expletive Deleted...":

1 John 2:18-19 (King James Version)

18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Pastor Mark Bartling - A Man I Know

Church and Change attacked Pastor Mark Bartling (retired WELS pastor) in the so-called sermon given at the end of the conference.

I have known Pastor Bartling for many years. He was LCR at one time and joined WELS. He is one of the rare pastors who will publish in favor of sound doctrine. Pastor Bartling is the kind of man anyone would want to have in a confessional Lutheran congregation. As one layman wrote to me, "Does anyone know what confessional Lutheran means now?

Bartling's sin was publishing criticism of Church and Change in Christian News. The point of the alleged sermon was, "We won. You lost. They closed us down in 2005, but we registered this conference on the official WELS website, showing how proud Wisconsin is of our work. Nyah. Nyah."

This kind of attitude is typical among the Church Growth apostates. They have been spitting in the face of faithful Lutherans (WELS-ELS-LCMS) for decades while people say, "It seems humid in here." They know the pastors do not have the guts to stand up to them, so they are arrogant and stupid. Read Luther's statements on false teachere here on Ichabod.


WELS teacher has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Mark Bartling - A Man I Know":

Dr. Mark Braun, I know Pastor Bartling and you are no Pastor Bartling.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Aardvark Alley Lists Lutheran Blogs

If anyone gets tired of reading synodical PR releases, go to Aardvark Alley and find a suitable Lutheran blog.

Another list of Lutheran blogs is at Lutheran Blog Directory.

I foresee a need for a list of all lists of Lutheran blogs.

WELS Pastor Attacked (Not By Name) During Church and Change Sermon

Charis Spawned Church and Change (WELS)

From Bailing Water

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Church and Change group is not divisive – Dr. Mark Braun

In his closing sermon at the Church and Change conference Dr. Mark Braun jokes about Rev. Mark Bartling’s understanding of the Church and Change group.

Church and Change
(if this link doesn't work go the churchandchange site and follow the audio link to the sermon)

In his sermon, Dr. Braun says that he recognizes that over the last decade groups in the WELS have become polarized. He even says that “Birds of a feather flock together” (there you go again..oh those Magpies). He further says that these organized groups could be called an ecclesiastical version of political action groups.

Rev. Braun then quotes Rev. Mark Bartling’s article from the Christian News in which Rev. Bartling said “we now have an official group in the WELS entitled Church and Change. The name itself should tell you something is wrong here.”

Dr. Braun pauses in his sermon and the Church and Change congregation erupts in laughter (at the expense of a nameless WELS pastor)

Dr. Braun goes on with his sermon and says he would like to ask this (nameless) pastor (who we know as the Rev. Bartling), “what is wrong here? Is it that we can’t put church and change in the same sentence? or the same title? Is it that if it is the church it can not change and if there is change it better not be in the church!?”

I wonder why he didn’t ask Rev. Bartling these questions directly instead of in a Conference sermon…hmmm.

Dr. Braun’s sermon goes on to emphasis the changeless Gospel in a changing church. I would invite you to listen to this quote and the entire sermon in context and post your responses.

Comments on Bailing Water

RandomDan said...
Has Church and Change even made it into the late 90s? That audio file is huge. Do these people not know how to use mp3's?

October 22, 2007 6:14 PM

Anonymous said...
randomdan brings up a really interesting point. The Church and Changers see themselves as cutting-edge innovators within the WELS, but compared to the church and the world at large, they're really far, far behind the times. The audio file is an example of this. They think they're making their churches seem cutting edge and innovative, but when a visitor compares the WELS praise band to the megachurch praise band or the WELS PowerPoint to the PowerPoint they saw last week at work, the WELS church seems cheesy and behind the times. Let's be honest, praise bands and PowerPoint aren't the strong points of the Lutheran church. Why not focus on what are our strong points--the liturgy and Scriptural doctrine? Those are the things that we can do excellently. Those are the things that can set us apart from the Evangelical churches. And yet those are the very things that C&C seek to eliminate.

October 22, 2007 6:37 PM

Anonymous said...
Here's my reaction to the sermon:

It sounded more like a defense for the existence of C&C than a sermon proclaiming law and gospel.

There wasn't really any law. Instead of calling the congregation to repentance for the times when they have lost confidence in the power of the gospel, he sought to justify their opinion that we can make the gospel more effective.

There wasn't really any gospel. He talked a lot about the gospel, but never actually proclaimed the gospel itself. He spent more time talking about old TV characters than Christ.

The sermon was filled with little jabs at those silly, unenlightened WELS pastors and people who aren't a part of their special little group. The condescending laughter after each jab revealed exactly how C&C people view the rest of us poor WELS people. (The laughter of the Pietistic cell groups in Spener's day toward the rest of the Lutheran church probably sounded quite similar.)

In short, it was a propaganda piece, not a proclamation of law and gospel.

October 22, 2007 7:03 PM

Anonymous said...
I just wanted to agree with the person who mentioned that compared to "evangelical" Christianity...our "efforts" at praise bands and what not is pretty laughable.

Plus, they can't so any live streaming nor do they seem to be able to condense their audio odd.

I hate when things get nasty--snarky and "tit for tat"'s all very high schoolish. It is really saddening to hear it being utilized in a sermon...revolting.

Thanks for the link. I'm off to listen to the "sermon" (is that truly what it was?).

October 22, 2007 7:52 PM

rlschultz said...
The WELS is always a day late and a dollar short in jumping on the latest fads. Yes, the sermon is a .wav file instead of the compressed, .mpg file. Most teenagers who are computer savvy know that .wav files are too big, even with broadband access. That was a really cheap shot by Dr. Braun against Rev. Bartling. Furthermore, if the tables were turned, Rev. Bartling would be getting flogged with the "8 & 18 switch" (8th commandment & Matthew Chapter 18) by not approaching the offender on an individual basis. Even though, neither admonition applies when the sin is public.

October 22, 2007 9:35 PM

A WELS Pastor said...
I don't know if Pastor Bartling is still in the active ministry or not. But he needs to pursue this through his DP and Synod President if need be.

October 22, 2007 9:51 PM

Anonymous said...

Never in my life have I ever heard one WELS pastor use another as the object of ridicule in a sermon to get some cheap laughs. That's what those of us in the WELS who are still confessional are to the C&Cers--a joke.

How disgusting.

October 22, 2007 10:06 PM


GJ - Bailing Water gets a lot of comments. This set did not include any from synod minders, who guard the image of Holy Mother WELS by attacking anyone who doubts the immaculate conception of the Wisconsin sect. For instance, one poster bullied Bailing Water about the truth of Church and Change removing their fraudulent link because of SP Schroder's insistence. Surely Bailing Water must be lying! But no, Bailing Water spoke to Schroeder about the problem. Isn't that the rule?

Being flogged in a sermon is not new to me. I have experienced it in the LCA and in WELS. My friend was at a WELS conference where I was denounced by name by a WELS VP. My friend said to him, "Too bad Greg wasn't here to defend himself." The WELS VP had to leave the ministry, for cause. And I liked the guy.

Kuske and Valleskey made a point of denouncing me for opposing Church Growth. The Church Growth pastors took their swipes, even when guests in my pulpit in the WELS. Satan's disciples are uncouth, but tolerated. Thus God smites people who tolerate falsehood, according to Luther.

Pastors and laity must get used to this approach by apostates. The dogs howl when they feel the pain, but they bite a lot, too. In the long run we will be dead and answering our Savior for what we taught.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Attacked (Not By Name) During Church a...":

And what about the swipes you take at people, twisting the truth about them, telling untruths and even outright lies? You criticize others, but yet you do the same thing, and even worse. Didn't Jesus say something about a sliver and a plank?

GJ - Oh yes, another string of unwarranted accusations from Rev. Mouse. I suppose he got another day pass from the high-security facility where they are treating him. (Just kidding, Mouse.) No other Lutheran blog has so much raw information, verbatim quotations with the sources, and quotations from interesting blogs. I do not see a micron of evidence for the charges made--anonymously--above. Rev. Mouse, aren't you supposed to go to me and tell me face-to-face about my many sins, to rescue me from Hell, as Paul Kelm tried to do?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Pastor Attacked (Not By Name) During Church a...":

I have a better name for this group who feels they've discovered a better way to recruit new members. Instead of 'Church and Change', let's call it what it is.... A CHANGED CHURCH. Folks, it's the Word of God, pure and simple. You shouldn't have to fancy it up and package it into the catagory of entertainment. It is what it is. If these people want to change it, let them split off and start their own reformed Lutheran churches. But quit trying to change our liturgical and traditional worship services. The two do not mix. I refuse to buy a ticket for their show.

Holy Trinity Society Follows Thrivent in Uniting All Lutherans

I got this from reading LutherQuest (sic), I confess.

Holy Trinity Society

Taken from that link the following:

"Members of the Society are ordained ministers who hold public office in churches that are not in communion with one another. Yet we drafted and subscribed to a Rule that commits us to celebrating the Lord’s Supper together precisely because ministers of the Word and the Sacraments also need to be fed with the Word and the Sacrament."

The communion service at Concordia, Ft. Wayne, featured LCMS, ELCA, and supposedly one WELS pastor. ELCA women pastors participated, but WELS says there is nothing in the Bible against ordaining women (Brug, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly).

LCMS SP Kieschnick communes with ELCA, too. The seminary president will get a severe post card and a case of beer for this slip.

When the Insurance Companies Stopped Ratting Out the Synods

Mrs. Ichabod and I used to do joint research at Lutheran libraries. Two convenient sources for union activities between WELS and ELCA were the insurance magazines. AAL bragged about what they funded, and Lutheran Brotherhood bragged about what they did. AAL did not want to plan three separate events, apparently, so they got their money's worth with the four-letter synods (ELCA-WELS-LCMS) working together.

One can only guess how much insurance money was funneled into Fuller Seminary trips and tuition, seminars at Willow Creek, and other such nonsense. Listen to the ELCA-WELS-LCMS leaders now - they all sound the same.

I routinely reported these activities, mostly in Christian News. I spoke to people, wrote to people, xeroxed people. One effect was that our principal sources dried up. Even today I look over the Thrivent (AAL/LB) magazine for news of joint programs.

I supposed I could get news from ELCA annual reports, but they are more interested in themselves. Everything is now out in the open anyway.

Just in case anyone thinks the Little Sect on the Prairie is innocent - the ELS has always defended false doctrine in WELS. Coffee hour crabbing is allowed, especially since it makes the clergy feel superior to WELS, but nothing can be said in public. The ELS pursues the main points of spin-doctoring:
1. It did not happen.
2. Who told you?
3. Attack the source, especially when the source is reliable.
4. Administering the Left Foot of Fellowship.

Pretty in Pink: Pauk Kelm, WLC, Church Growth

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Paul Kelm's Topics and Readings at WLC":

My wife took this class from Kelm. She said he wore pink pants to class and gave you a bad grade if you even suggested that Church Growth methodologies indicated a lack of confidence in the Holy Spirit.

GJ - But Kelm is tough on doctrinal discipline. Here is a letter he wrote me about WELS being involved in religious radio production with ELCA:

Your September 21 article in Christian News perpetuates a lie, slanders leaders of your church and risks spiritual offense to weak brothers and sisters. You describe a conference on leadership in which fellowship lines were clearly drawn and at which testimony to the truths which separate Lutherans was publicly given as 'a joint ministry conference with a liberal agenda.' Then you add, 'Months later, the three groups [ELCA, LCMS, WELS] joyfully announced a joint religious radio show, Joy, also funded by Lutheran insurance money. WELS participated in 'Joy' from the beginning and continues to be a part of the project.'
Pastor Paul Kelm (WELS), Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 9-23-92.

The mistaken announcement by a reporter from another Lutheran body was clearly repudiated in the March 15, 1992 issues of The Northwestern Lutheran. Yet you boldly state that the WELS continues to be a part of this project, in which it never participated. Dr. Jackson, I ask you to repent of your slanderous lie and retract it publicly. Galatians 6:1-2 leads me to ask this of you, for the sake of your spiritual life. Titus 3:10 urges me to ask this of you for the sake of the church. cc: District President Robert Mueller, Vice President Paul Kuske, Vice President Gerald Schroer, Rev. David Grundmeier, Rev. Gary Baumler.
Pastor Paul Kelm (WELS), Letter to Gregory L. Jackson, 9-23-92.

GJ - Yes, The Northwestern Lutheran helped deceive WELS about the Joy Radio Show, but I did what WELS leaders always urge. I phoned the man in charge, an ELCA pastor. He was astonished that WELS was calling him a liar for the PR announcement. His secretary even gasped, "Barber (WELS) was at all the meetings." The WELS spin was that they were so full of talent that ELCA needed them as consultants only. It was not a joint-ministry with ELCA-WELS-LCMS, as ELCA correctly stated. Snowbird was joint leadership, with a photo of Miscke with the ELCA bishop and Bohlmann. The Church Membership Initiative was joint evangelism among ELCA-WELS-LCMS. Now all this work is bearing fruit, the weed seeds of false doctrine. Now, thanks to Church and Change, Leonard Sweet, Reggie McNeal, and others, Kelm's decisive leadership in promoting false doctrine has been proven prophetic (in a sense). Comatose WELS pastors and laity are now starting to say, "Huh?"


Read and Weep Department

"TELL has served the church faithfully for 15 years. Three editors have served; Ronald Roth (1977-84), Paul Kelm (1985-88), and the undersigned since 1989...The lead article in the first issue of TELL was titled 'Church Growth - Worthwhile for WELS.'...The author of this article in April 1988 issue of TELL concludes, 'It's obvious by now that I believe we in WELS can profit greatly from the writings of the church-growth leaders.' ... TELL as a separate publication ends with this issue. Nevertheless, the focus of The Evangelism Life Line will continue for years to come as an integral part of the new Board for Parish Services journal - PARISH LEADERSHIP.
Rev. Robert Hartman TELL (WELS Evangelism) Summer, 1992.

"The Network of WELS Small Group Leaders. 1. Information on active/interested small group leaders. 2. The Resource Sharing Network led by Divine Savior in Indianapolis, Indiana [Pastor Dan Kelm]." WELS Campus Pastors, Small Group Training Conference, Jan. 7-9, 1991, Madison. p. 19. Finding the Receptive: People in Transition, by James Witt - "The Bible illustrates the people-in-transition receptivity principle very well. Converts such as Naaman, a leper; Ruth, a widow; the woman at the well, a five-time divorcee; the thief on the cross, a convict near death; were all people who in a period of transition were receptive to hearing the Gospel. The Receptivity-Rating Scale shown at left... Paul Kelm, editor, The Evangelism Handbook, WELS Evangelism Appendix III,

"MOTIVATING AND ORGANIZING THE CONGREGATION AROUND THE GREAT COMMISSION" [This is the Donald Abdon view of relating all church structures to evangelism, as noted in Valleskey's PT notes.]
Paul Kelm, editor, The Evangelism Handbook, WELS Evangelism

"Don't let the world paint us into a corner of antiquarianism on subjects like a six-day creation or verbal inspiration."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 13.

"Thesis Seven: Sound Apologetics Can Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good...Logic never converted anyone; but Christianity is logically defensible, once one makes reason ministerial to God and His Word...Read C.S. Lewis, Francis Schaeffer and Josh McDowell for practical apologetic tools. In fact, lend your copy to the prospect whose intelligence and education have become his curse. Once you've read Josh McDowell's 'Lord, Liar, or Lunatic' argument for the deity of Christ, you'll find yourself using it."
Paul Kelm

Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 14. "PLANNING, long-range or short-range, should be S-M-A-R-T ..specific...measurable...accepted...realistic...timed...." Paul Kelm, editor, The Evangelism Handbook, WELS Evangelism p. 3.

"A last word on sound doctrine is in place. Sound doctrine must be distinguished from tradition, praxis and preference. The liturgy, translation of the Bible, vestments and organizational policies of the church are not equatable with sound doctrine."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 3.

"Doctrines in controversy and applications to those doctrines are a disciple's meat. They are swallowed only after patient doses of discipling milk. The art of mission work is to preserve that sequence despite a prospect's desire to chew what he can't swallow."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 3.

"Non-Christians usually become good prospects for personal reasons or as I like to say: 'They come for sociological reasons and stay for theological reasons.'" [Note: this is the felt needs approach of Fuller, also endorsed by Pastor Forrest Bivens, now a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary: "I went to Fuller Seminary and I happen to believe we can use sociological methods to bring people to church so we can apply the Means of Grace." Midland circuit get together, attended by Pastor - now DP - John Seifert.]
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 4.

"Thesis One: Sound Doctrine Sounds Good When Good People Sound it. Normally, people respond to other people before they respond to doctrine."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," p. 7.

WELS Mission Counselors' NEWSLETTER, April, 1992: authors are - James Woodworth, Disciples of Christ; "Net Results," March, 1991; Roger K. Guy, Disciples of Christ; Arnell P. C. Arn, American Baptist Church; Jane Easter Bahls, Presbyterian; C. Jeff Woods, freelance writer and minister; Lyle Schaller, United Methodist; Pastor Paul Kelm; Pastor Jim Mumm, WELS; Pastor Peter Panitzke, WELS; Pastor Randall Cutter and Mark Freier, WELS; First Congretional Church, Winchester, MA."
Pastor Jim Radloff, editor, WELS Mission Counselors' NEWSLETTER, April, '92, 2929 Mayfair Road Milwaukee, WI 53222

"Small churches need not be small thinkers, but small-thinking churches will always remain small. Churches and people seldom go/grow beyond their expectations."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," See Waldo Werning and Robert Schuller for the same thought. Did the Apostles know this? p. 6.

"Small thinking churches typically budget to remain small."
Rev. Paul Kelm, "How to Make Sound Doctrine Sound Good to Mission Prospects," See Waldo Werning and Robert Schuller for the same thought. Did the Apostles know this? p. 7.

"Evangelism upside-down is starting with the subjective issues of perceived reality and working back to God's objective truths of ultimate reality - sin and grace. It's offering the attendant blessings of salvation as the 'hook' to gain an audience for God's plan of salvation." [felt needs used to sell the Gospel]
Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 4.

"Upside-down evangelism may begin with different diagnostic questions. What do you want out of life? lets the other person pick the path for witness. How do you feel about where our society is heading? uncovers fears and needs without becoming too personal. What makes people happy (or unhappy) do you think? allows someone to express preceived [sic] needs in the third person."
Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"Upside-down evangelism doesn't begin with personal sin and guilt, but rather with the consequences of sin. Societal consequences (for which each day's newspaper provides evidence) are the 'perceived need' door to understanding the alienation of life and people from God."
Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"It's just easier for many people to work backwards from the subjective to the objective in their thinking. In fact, upside-down evangelism may start with gospel and work back to law, stating the solution as a prelude to the problem and clarifying both at the cross." [This is Moravian Pietism, as shown by Walther's Law and Gospel.]
Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"Upside-down evangelism follows the path of least resistance to the God of gracious acceptance."
Paul Kelm The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Fall, 1985 p. 5.

"Lifestyle evangelism is the merger of visual and verbal witness, by the people Jesus intended, in the way that He modeled. It's the primary element in a church's strategy to win the lost." [Other endorsements from Rev. Burton Bundy, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, and Dr. Erwin Kolb, LCMS] Rev. Paul Kelm, Evangelism, WELS
Your Invitation! Kent Hunter, (D.Min., Fuller; S.T.D., LSTC) Church Growth Center, Corunna, Indiana 46730 Phone 219-281-2452 Invitation for Heart to Heart Workshop,

"When planning the service, Rev. Dan Kelm and the worship committee decided immediately that there wouldn't be any organ music and that the usual Lutheran liturgy wouldn't be used."
Carol Elrod, "Pastor Hopes Seeks Will Find Way to Special Church Service," Indianapolis Star, May 12, 1990 printed in CN

"The role model for this carefully choreographed and rehearsed service, referred to by Rev. Dan Kelm as a 'seeker service,' is Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, Ill., near Chicago, an independent congregation formed 14 years ago...Rev. Kelm said he viewed a videotape of a service at the Chicago-area church before planning the first seeker service for Divine Savior, which is affiliated with the Milwaukee-based Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod."
Carol Elrod, "Pastor Hopes Seeks Will Find Way to Special Church Service," Indianapolis Star, May 12, 1990 Reprinted in CN

"Our synod now has a fulltime executive secretary for evangelism. He's the Rev. Paul Kelm; and we need him. We need him to be our evangelism advocate."
Rev. Ron Roth, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985 p. 2.

"Church growth theory suggests the need for seven fellowship groups for every 100 members."
Pastor Paul E. Kelm, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Winter, 1985, p. 4.

Spencer (WELS) Excited about Church and Change

SP Schroeder is no longer "excited about Church and Change," which was falsely reported on the Church and Change website. However, the official WELS website still has a 2004 article, by Church Growth maven James Aderman, gushing about the conference.

Spencer Excited about C and C

“I can’t believe there are so many exciting things going on in WELS,” says Barry Spencer, a lay leader at Immanuel, Medford, Wis.

found out about these exciting things from Church and Change, a three-day conference in November when 180 WELS members—men and women, called workers and laity—came to share ministry ideas, encourage each other, and celebrate God’s grace through Word and sacrament. It was funded by a grant from WELS’ 150th anniversary thankoffering.

This was the fourth and final conference that was hosted in connection with the Board for Parish Services for WELS members who are carrying on innovative ministries. Its purpose? To encourage and enable WELS congregations and individuals to better serve their Savior.

Cheryl Nelson from St. John, Minneapolis, Minn., appreciated that encouragement. “Church and Change has given me ideas and tools to take back to my congregation,” she says.

Church and Change is more than a once-a-year conference. It’s a clearinghouse for workable ministry models. Its Web site,, lists descriptions of hundreds of innovative approaches to ministry along with contacts for more information. Ideas on the Web site range from renting storefronts for conducting teen ministry to having members act out sketches before the sermon to prepare people for the answers that God’s Word provides to offering a “ladies’ power hour” that combines Bible study with aerobics.

Idea sharing also happens year round on the organization’s e-mail listserve.

James Aderman


WELS Kingdom Workers Invited People to Attend Church and Change


to attend the Church and Change Conference in Milwaukee, Wis., October 15-17, 2007. WELS members will conduct workshops focusing on five ministry areas: adult discipleship, women’s ministries, children and youth, outreach evangelism, and worship. All WELS members are encouraged to attend.Those who attend will gain a greater appreciation of the grace of God, and receive information about gospel ministries for use in their congregations. The goal of our conference is in keeping with a resolution passed at the WELS convention, which states: “be it resolved that we commit ourselves to expand mission efforts at home and throughout the world, using both traditional and innovative means of gospel outreach, as God provides the resources.”For more information about Church & Change and the conference, visit

WELS Kingdom Workers
414-771-6848 or 1-800-466-9357


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Spencer (WELS) Excited about Church and Change":

I wonder which of the Board of Apostates decided it would be good to tell everyone the convention made them do it...or the pres. is excited about it.

Misinformation. Deception. Twisting words. False teachers, anyone?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Spencer (WELS) Excited about Church and Change":

Well, its official. I'll never consider helping or supporting WELS Kingdom Workers ever again.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Church and Change Deception Removed from Their Website

Maybe SP Schroeder Was Not So Excited about Church and Change...And Not Endorsing the Apostate Lobby

"What a scandal...

I see you saw my post on President Schroeder being excited - so did many others. Word made it to the top and now that link is gone.

What a riot..."

WELS Source

Previous breaking story on Church and Change.

GJ - False teachers lie about everything. All people have to do is report the lie and insist on the deception being repudiated. This needs to happen daily, not once every 20 years.

Adam Mueller, the son of President-in-Waiting Wayne Mueller, is an important part of Church and Change. Maximum deniability is a little tough when Junior is there.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Church and Change Deception Removed from Their Web...":

SLICK SOMEONE AT WELS. While the link is gone, reference in Q and A remains in sanitized version.

GJ - So where is this Q and A page? A URL would help.

My Suggested Readings for Lutherans

The Two Natures of Christ, by Norma Boeckler

Luther said that Christians are drawn away from the faith by curiosity (Eastern Orthodoxy and Romanism today) and satiety (an abundance of orthodox Lutheran congregations). When we had large conservative Lutheran congregation rising out of the farm communities of Middle America, we grew bored and tired of conservative Lutheran doctrine. Our itching ears wanted to hear about all the fads rolling through our culture. Now we even have a culture watchdog, who is the essence of faddism: Leonard Sweet.

Here is my list of the best things to read, then to read over and over. My library is small but choice.

Luther's Sermons, the Lenker set in 8 or 4 volumes.
Concordia Triglotta or the Tappert edition.
Chemnitz' Two Natures of Christ.
Chemnitz' Examination of the Council of Trent.

I would add these hymns:
1. Any hymn by Luther, Gerhardt, or Martin Franzman.

Many of Luther's hymns are neglected. Pastors do not select the lesser-known ones. Then people do not learn them and they remain lesser-known hymns. "Flung to the heedless winds" is a great hymn with a beautiful melody. Luther wrote that hymn, his first, after two young men were burned at the stake in 1523 for their Lutheran faith.

There are many other great Lutheran hymns. I wish Lutheran pastors and their choirs would emphasize the greatness (pure doctrine) of Lutheran hymns rather than the temporary popularity of spiritual ditties.

Weird Blog

I ran into Lutheran Enignma because I was searching a source for Berg's infant communion material. Gary Gehlbach is the author of this blog:

Theosis: Achieving Your Potential in Christ (1)

In preparation for my presentation (directed discussion) for The Augustana Ministerium's Theological Conference (30-31 August 2007) in Burleson, Texas, one of the readings which I suggested was Achieving Your Potential in Christ: Theosis by Anthony M. Coniaris. Selected portions of his book can be found on the internet.

As John Fenton points out on his blog, "Orthodoxy has no central body of "confessional documents" because it does not have a central hierarchical authority." Thus I cannot attribute to Coniaris's book any authoritative status on the subject of theosis. However, numerous Orthodox parishes refer to his book as an excellent resource for those interested in discovering more about theosis. Coniaris may not necessarily be the final authority but his presentation is highly regarded among the Eastern Orthodox.

Coniaris's book is in its 2nd edition from Light and Life Publishing Company. Its slightly over 100 pages (1st edition) are in large type font. His presentation is not a theological treatise, but a treatise for Eastern Orthodox laity.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Theosis: Achieving Your Potential in Christ (2)

Over a decade ago, a friend introduced me to the term 'Theosis.' Being thoroughly rooted in Missouri Synod Lutheranism, I had no idea what 'theosis' was. It sounded like a disease. But I was informed that this was a very old term and had great importance to the Eastern Orthodox Church's view of salvation. Now, after reading a few works on 'theosis,' I'm beginning to wonder if my first impression was not so far off the mark.

It is possible that some readers are now thoroughly offended by that previous comment. I will be simply dismissed as an unenlightened protestant heretic. (Yes, some EO writers clearly lump all protestants together as heretics and I am not in the least bothered by that judgment because they are wrong.) What I have discovered is that the word and concept of theosis carries with it all the baggage of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Some Lutherans (particularly the Finnish Lutherans) have tried to resurrect the word 'theosis' into the vocabulary of the modern Lutheran Church. They rationalize their position by stating that 'theosis' simply means 'deification.' And because Luther himself uses the term 'deification,' it is appropriate for Lutherans to use the word 'theosis.' Some might consider this an over-simplification of their argument, but it basic point which I gathered from some Finnish Lutheran presentations.

The concept of theosis in Anthony Coniaris's book Achieving Your Potential in Christ: Theosis is the fruit of all Eastern Orthodox doctrine. All EO doctrine serves and enlightens its understanding of theosis. What this means is that the errors of EO on original sin, justfication, work of the Spirit (eg, Pelagianism) corrupt any positive usage of the term 'theosis.'

It is possible that 'theosis' is a very good term, but its current usage among the EO make it very inappropriate for usage by Evangelical Lutherans.


GJ - With a little research, certain threads come together: Fenton (who left Missouri for Eastern Orthodoxy), Berg's connections with Eastern Orthodoxy fans (probably Ft. Wayne graduates), and His Grace, the Right Rev. James Heiser, Archbishop of ELDONA. The theosis Eastern Orthodoxy paper will be or was given at the so-called Augustana Ministerium meeting. Augustana was organized to be a half-way house for LCMS pastors aching to join ELDONA but not ready yet.

My only conclusion at this point is that a lot of LCMS men are walking the tightrope between Lutheran doctrine and Eastern Orthodoxy, with far too much interest in EO, as the writer above likes to call it. (I consider that an ominous sign, like my classmate who referred to his parole officer as his PO. My crime-laden classmate seemed all too familiar with the criminal justice system.)

Since Lutheran clergy are so ignorant of Luther's doctrine and the writings of Chemnitz, wouldn't it be better to concentrate on their confessional writings rather than the dubious and amorphous body of Eastern Orthodox literature? As I recall, Kurt Marquart was quite wary of the EO trend, but he is gone. So is Robert Preus. It is not unusual to have the suppressed get even after the guard-dogs are gone.


A comment posted on Lutheran Enigma:

Fr John W Fenton said...

A few comments, if I may:

* I understand your argument that theosis does not measure up to a Lutheran standard. Unless I missed it (which is entirely possible), I don't see the points listed for how or why it doesn't measure up.

* When Coniaris suggests that theosis is "the fruit of all Eastern Orthodox doctrine," he is suggesting that, for the Orthodox, theosis is not a doctrine (e.g., justification or sanctification). I would suggest that it is the practical (and practiceable) application of baptism--which, per se, is not a doctrine. (It took me a while to learn this point about theosis.)

* If I'm going to study what Lutherans teach about justification or any other doctrine, reading Scaer or Marquart would not be as profitable as reading the Book of Concord or the application of the doctrine in the liturgy. I suggest the same is true of Orthodox theology (or any theology, for that matter). Coniaris is good, but his context is the liturgy and the church fathers (e.g., St Athanasius, St Maximos the Confessor, etc). Orthodox priests are not "bound" to Coniaris, but they are to the fathers and liturgy (although not in the same way that Lutherans are "bound" to the Book of Concord).

Roll, Tide, Roll
Going East

Sancta Sophia, The Church of Holy Wisdom, Constantinople (Istanbul)

One of the ELDONA priests, Rev. Rutowicz, complained bitterly that I pegged him as crypto-Eastern Orthodox after looking over his website. He allowed that perhaps his page on "Confessional Lutheran Links" was mislabeled. I imagined that he changed it, so I went back. Here is the list of links, in order:

Confessional Lutheran Links

  1. Issues, Etc. ~ The Radio Voice of the Lutheran

    Faith for the 21st Century

  2. Project Canterbury

    The Survival of the Historic Vestments in the Lutheran Church after 1555
    by Arthur Carl Piepkorn

  3. Project Canterbury

    The Proper Communion Vestments
    by P. Severinsen

  4. Vestments and Liturgies

    A plea for a more general use of the historic Vestments

    and Liturgies of our Church

    By J. A. O. STUB, D. D.

  5. Salem Lutheran Church in Malone, Texas

  6. Saint Augustine's House

    Lutheran Monastery & Retreat House,
    Oxford, Michigan

Some history of St. Augustine's House, from their website:

On May 27, 1956, this former businessman in his fifties was ordained a priest in the cathedral of St. Lawrence in Lund, Sweden. The ordaining bishops were the famous theologian-bishops Anders Nygren and Gustaf Aulen. Rather than being assigned to a specific parish or other church post, he was commissioned "for ecumenical work in the United States among Lutherans."

A Quonset hut erected in 1958 has served as a chapel ever since. It is named for the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as part of a wish to restore Mary to the piety of reformation churches and appropriate to a place of worship with many visitors. It is a humble building with a small pipe organ and simple appointments. After all these years of service it is constantly in need of repair. The highest priority for the community and its friends right now is its replacement by a more adequate and dignified structure.

GJ - The Reformation changed Protestantism from being Mary-centered to Christ-centered. This was a remarkable development since all the Reformers were raised in a Marian piety with a thousand-year tradition. The Assumption and Immaculate Conception of Mary were accepted as truth before the Reformation.

One of the first signs of poping or semi-poping is a longing for Marian piety. I thought of using advertizing on this blog, but I found another one with "Lutheran Rosary" as an ad provided from Google.

Readers are invited to check the links and see for themselves.


The Motley Magpie
is being praised on LutherQuest (sic). MM criticized Church and Change, leading to a bitter editorial.

Someone on LQ thought the latest MM was cool, so I decided to read it: I Believe in the Communion of All the Saints, by Peter Berg, Chicago. The article was written in 2004, but finally revealed for free. Urbe et orbe.

The article uses a few dubious references to prove the Lutheran Reformation--and Luther--approved of infant communion.

If you Google the names from this Berg passage - "I must confess that I have not dealt with primary documents. I am relying on the translating work and research of others and to them I am indebted. To mention a few by name, I’m particularly indebted to Fr. Duane Osterloth, Fr. Gifford Grobien, and Fr. Gary Gehlbach." - you will find a curious group of Ft. Wayne graduates, characterized by a fascination with liturgy and Eastern Orthodoxy. There is also a connection with ELDONA through the so-called Augustana Ministerium.

I first heard a Lutheran, Eugene Brandt, one of the chief editors of the Lutheran Book of Worship (LCA/ALC/LCMS), embrace infant communion when he gave a Notre Dame lecture. His entire justification was, "We baptize babies. Why not commune them? Why deny them God's grace?" His lecture was a trial run for a position he did not get. One of America's most famous theologians asked a drunken question afterwards. Cold sober, I asked the lecturer how he justified infant communoin. He said, "Read my articles." I was tempted to say, "I will read yours if you read mine." That was about 30 years ago.

Notre Dame is the center for liturgical studies in America. Notre Dame is to liturgy what SIECUS is to sex education. All roads lead to Rome in this case.

Berg writes decisively about infant communion, a practice limited to Eastern Orthodoxy. His so-called research is based on the work of others, the Ft. Wayne gang, one with a PhD in liturgy from Notre Dame.

There are many Luther scholars out there who have made a name for themselves by inventing things about the Reformer. One problem is the vast amount of material available and the ability or willingness of the scholar to discern the valid from the bogus. Roland Bainton wrote an excellent critique of Young Man Luther where these points were made. I have found a number of Lutheran pastors who talk about Luther but clearly do not know their subject matter.

About infant communion - I went through Chemnitz' Examination yesterday to find a trace of commentary on the practice. None. I have never read about infant communion even being a topic of discussion during the Reformation. Perhaps I missed something, but I have read many books about the Reformation and more Luther than most Lutherans.

A Missouri pastor has written to me that there are many Missouri discussion groups centered on Eastern or Roman worship. They are the Oxford Movement of the Lutheran Church. Some will pope and join Rome. Some will semi-pope and join Eastern Orthodoxy (Fenton). Some will stay and agitate for the Eastern/Roman causes they hold dear.

Many of these stories and people overlap. His Grace, the Right Reverend James Heiser, ELDONA, was once part of the Lutheran Confessional Synod. The leader was Bishop DeJaynes, who organization fell apart when a new recruit apparently advocated infant communion. When Bishop DeJaynes was on vacation, his wife preached for him. The Little Sect on the Prairie was in fellowship with the LCS for a time.


GJ - According to Briag Westgate, the quonset hut is gone. Did Marian piety flee with it? I doubt it. I have addressed Berg's infant communion gambit publicly because he made it public. The new motto is, "Go East, young man."

Arguments from silence are not very powerful, Brian. In fact, they are logical fallacies. I have a new post which illuminates the LCMS problem a little more. Perhaps it is more of a Ft. Wayne problem.


Brian W. went on to say: Then there are those who are like Fenton. Fr. Berg is not going East, and I think you know that.

GJ - I do not know what anyone is going to do. Actuaries would say that if 1000 clergy are treating EO material like the Holy Grail, a certain percentage of them will join in time. A number have already and they are recruiting Lutherans. The Lutheran clergy are weak because they have been force-fed Reformed doctrine, do not know Luther's doctrine, and get all pumped up about how educated they are.