Sunday, November 28, 2021

This Sticky Post Is for Vimeo Live and Saved, Facebook Saved Vimeo, and YouTube Saved Vimeo - The Means of Grace Worship and Teaching

This sticky post on the left column will improve as I refine the links. Right now I feel like a hog on ice, trying to sort out the many controls used by Vimeo. Input about woes and wins will help refine this.



The newest video is on the top, and it is ready about an hour after the service is over. Facebook seems a little slower than YouTube in converting.


The Ustream-IBM videos will be archived here until they are downloaded and posted on another YouTube channel. We saved 900 videos the old way, including Greek lessons. IBM said we had over 32,000 views.


I will post videos on Instagram once I learn how to do that. Somebody loan me a grandchild to tutor me.