Friday, December 14, 2007

ELCA News Release - Dead Serious Stuff

Do Something About Your Own Methane, ELCA!


December 13, 2007

ELCA Advocacy Offices Purchase Carbon Offset Credits

WASHINGTON (ELCA) -- The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Washington Office, ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility, Pittsburgh, and Lutheran Office for World Community, New York, have purchased carbon offset credits to mitigate their carbon emissions accumulated through air travel.

"Our offices have been working to reduce our carbon footprints by turning off lights and power strips when we're not in our offices, for example. But short of turning off all electricity and ceasing to travel, it's very difficult to eliminate your carbon emissions entirely," said Mary Minette, ELCA director for environmental education and advocacy.

"Since the advocacy staff travels extensively, we've purchased offset credits to balance those carbon emissions. The credits will go toward renewable energy projects, thus reducing the overall amount of power generated by burning fossil fuels," said Minette.

The specific projects funded by the carbon offsets purchased by the advocacy offices will support the use of anaerobic digesters, machines that dramatically reduce the amount of methane that escapes into the atmosphere while simultaneously generating renewable energy for the dairy farms that run them. Methane, like carbon dioxide, is a major contributor to global warming.

To determine the amount of the offices' carbon emissions that needed to be offset, Minette surveyed the staff about their air travel. She used that information with a carbon emissions calculator on the Internet and then purchased the appropriate
amount of credits needed to compensate for the travel.

Minette hopes this move by the advocacy office will start a trend in the ELCA. "Imagine the amount of carbon emissions we'd save if the entire churchwide organization, every synod office, and every congregation were to reduce their energy use and budget for the purchase of offset credits for the remaining energy consumption," she said.

"Our social statement, 'Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope and Justice,' commits us as individuals, as a worship community, and as a public church, to address the threat of global warming. I encourage all Lutherans to calculate their carbon footprints, reduce their energy consumption, and purchase carbon offset credits where appropriate," Minette said.


GJ - Greenland was once fertile farmland, long before people worried about cow methane and global warming. According to the book 1421, Greenland was circumnavigated during that time, before the area froze over again. Warming and cooling cycles are not caused by ovine, bovine, and human methane.

J.K. - I read about the ELCA buying "carbon credits". What's that anyway? From whom does one buy carbon credit? I never heard of this, but I do have planet for sale that is currently unoccupied by any Mormon patriarch.

GJ - Roman Catholics would call it reparation - paying for one's sins with money. Money is given to various green projects to atone for one's sins. This is crucial for ELCA's ultra-sensitive (to fads) departments. They love traveling all over the world on the offerings of the laity. However, they are burdened with guilt for spewing all that exhaust into the atmosphere. So they use even more offering money to satisfy the rage of AlGore, deity of the Greens. Meanwhile, AlGore is making money from the loot being offered to these projects.

NIV Isaiah 33:1 Woe to you, O destroyer, you who have not been destroyed! Woe to you, O traitor, you who have not been betrayed! When you stop destroying, you will be destroyed; when you stop betraying, you will be betrayed.

The Wauwatosa Gospel at Work

Police Called To Wauwatosa Denny's Over 100 Times
TODAY’S TMJ4 ^ | 12/13/07 | Mick Trevey

WAUWATOSA - There are problems at a Denny’s restaurant in Wauwatosa.

TODAY’S TMJ4 has video showing people punching each other in the dining room. We're talking about the Denny’s location on North Avenue right by Highway 45. Police are called their constantly, nearly every other night according to police reports.

That's too much for some Wauwatosa leaders. One melee broke out at 2:00 a.m. Saturday as people were trying to eat at Denny’s. Punches flew. People rushed from their tables to see what was going on. Chris Gilbert was there.

“A little wrestling and then it got broken up and I was in between and kind of separating both sides,” Gilbert said.

Dartell Delarosa was in the fight. He has broken blood vessels in his eye.

TODAY’S TMJ4’s Mick Trevey: “Do you think there should be people fighting in a Denny’s restaurant?”

“No. Ithink there should be better security. There was a guard there but he didn't really do much,” Dartel Delarosa said.

People inside say they don't like eating with violent fighting nearby.

“When you go to a restaurant, you expect to go eat, calm, peace, but things happen,” Gilbert said.

This Denny’s drains Wauwatosa police resources. Officers were called to the diner 100 times in 2006 and about 150 times so far this year.

Most of those calls come in the very early hours of the morning.

Aldermen think something needs to change.

“My own particular preference is that they close their, reduce their, business hours and are closed between midnight and 5:00 a.m.,” Wauwatosa Alderman Don Birschel said.

Late Thursday afternoon, Denny’s announced changes because of the serious problems. They say the location will close from midnight until 5:00 a.m. on weekends. They're deciding whether to make that change permanent.


has left a new comment on your post "The Wauwatosa Gospel at Work":

This Denny's is but a few blocks away from the Love Shack at 2929. Why can't we all just get along?

A. Nony Mouse has left a new comment on your post "The Wauwatosa Gospel at Work":

Keep up the wonderful articles, Greg! People will see how nuts you really are.


The premier Wauwatosa website of the Wisconsin Synod remains silent about these shocking incidents.