Wednesday, January 9, 2008

God's Zilla Monster

Godzilla Was Nothing
Compared to Katherine Jefferts-Schori,
Presiding Bishop, Episcopal Church

Virtue Online

This week two more churches in the Diocese of Tennessee, (now six in all, but more will follow) announced they were leaving The Episcopal Church for warmer theological, ecclesiastical and spiritual climes, abandoning property in obedience to the call of God, and declaring, in no uncertain terms, that the cheap, all inclusive generic Eucharistic wine of TEC cannot be consumed without doing permanent damage to one's soul.

The leaders of Holy Cross Church, a Murfreesboro, Tennessee Episcopal/Anglican congregation with approximately 90 members, announced they are leaving The Episcopal Church and will affiliate with the Anglican Communion through the Anglican Communion Network and the Common Cause Partnership of North America, as a part of the Church of Uganda under Bishop John Guernsey.

"This move is necessary for the health of our congregation," The Rev. Frederick Richardson told VOL. "There has been a strong outcry from our members because of the clear direction of The Episcopal Church, which is the opposite direction of where we are going. We feel our future lies in the traditional faith, order and practice of the Bible, followed by the Anglican Church since its beginning, rooted in the teachings of the apostles."

According to statistics released by The Episcopal Church itself, it is losing members at the rate of one whole congregation every one and a half days since 2004. The figure of 1,000 a week was recently elevated when some 8,000 parishioners from the Diocese of San Joaquin decided en masse to leave the Episcopal Church.


GJ - The article above was shortened. Use the link for the complete story. Pope Jefferts-Schori does not seem to mind losing members, as long as she can keep their property. She has no legal right to do so, but many congregations do not want to spend a fortune and deal with the anguish of a protracted legal fight.

Roman Catholic parishes are listed, not under the parish name, but under the bishop's name. Caveat emptor, ELDONITES.

ELCA Heckler at Valpo


January 8, 2008

Valparaiso University Names Mark Heckler, ELCA Member, Its Next President

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Mark A. Heckler will become the 18th president of Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind., on July 1. He will succeed Alan F. Harre, who will retire June 30 after 20 years as Valparaiso's president.

Heckler, 52, is provost and vice chancellor for academic and student affairs at University of Colorado (UC) Denver. He is a member of St. Philip Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Littleton, Colo. Valparaiso is an independent Lutheran university.


GJ - Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS) is called Wisconsin's Valpo.

WLC invited Archbishop Weakland to be their featured speaker in a series of public speeches where other Roman Catholic priests spoke. WLC also refused to dis-invite Martin Marty (ELCA) as a featured speaker, after the Michigan District asked them for that consideration. Pastor Guy Purdue's famous remark was, "WLC just gave the Michigan District the finger."

WLC begat Charis, which begat Church and Change, which begat the famously canceled Sweet Werning Conference of 2005. WLC graduates mourned the loss of that opportunity to hear giants in the field of apostasy at their tiny school.

Here is a little-known fact dug up by my extensive research - ELCA sponsored a big church event in 2007 where the speakers overlapped WLC's favorites:

Let the River Flow is a "connecting event" event for pastors, staff, and other leaders of large ELCA congregations and "anyone who feels they can benefit from this opportunity". The event will be June 18-21 at Prince of Peace Lutheran in Burnsville, Minnesota. Featured speakers include Martin E. Marty, Barbara Rossing, Reggie McNeal, Wyvetta Bullock, Leonard Sweet, Ken Medema, and Peter Eide. Registration is $150 (or $100 for registrations before April 13).

Marty spoke at WLC and for WELS/ELCA/LCMS in Florida. Sweet was invited but the party was canceled. (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, venerated his New Age insights, taped them, and broadcast them.)

ELCA has a lot in common with WELS and Missouri, but the conservative synods act as if they are not in fellowship with the biggest and most dysfunctional synod.

Wayne, Wayne, Go Away

Because the Left Foot of Fellowship Is for Lutherans, Not Ecumenical Pioneers Like Wayne

The Pope Speaks, which is the official newsletter of Pope John the Malefactor, issued this chilling announcement:

Clergy Transfer
Pastor Wayne Borgwardt has accepted a call to serve Holy Scripture (WELS) in Red Deer, Alberta. His clergy membership is therefore being transferred to our sister synod. Wayne will continue serving Thoughts of Faith, but now as a newly elected member of the Board of Directors. We wish God’s blessing on the Borgwardts as Wayne takes up his new pastoral charge in Canada.

Borgwardt did some of the heavy lifting in getting rid of Northwestern College (WELS), Watertown. They called it amalgamation. Pastor Guy Purdue called it The Anschluss. More importantly, Borgwardt helped organize the ELCA-WELS-LCMS conference in Florida with Martin Marty as the featured speaker.

In 1992, I was sitting in the office of an LCMS executive, in charge of Church Growth for Missouri. He explained how WELS worked with ELCA and Missouri, "The two Waynes worked with us." That would be Wayne Mueller and Wayne Borgwardt. I asked if the ELS was invited to participate. He said, "No, they are statistically insignificant."

Fortunately, Borgwardt will be far enough away from the Vatican of the Little Sect on the Prairie that no one will notice him.

Meanwhile, Kincaid Smith's son is busy in India. Kincaid is the official hatchet man of the ELS.

My mother taught me this song for rainy days, but it work for Wayney days, too:

Wayne, Wayne, go away.
Come again some other day.

During the Breaks They Could Discuss Doctrine

From Norm Teigen:

Preusische Union

I received this meeting announcement in my mailbox this morning. The four Lutheran organizations together are known to some as the Preusische Union.

“Four Lutheran Organizations to Debate ‘Church Government’ in Minneapolis”

(Reclaim News commentary: The subject of who governs a congregation and how a congregation should be governed has become one of the primary concerns in Lutheranism today. We commend the sponsors of this free conference for having the courage to openly debate this potentially incendiary topic and make the conference available to both clergy and lay people.)

On January 30 and 31, 2008 speaker from the
Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches (ACLC)
Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA)
Orthodox Lutheran Confessional Conference (OLCC)
United Lutheran Mission Association (ULMA)
will address the topic "The Church and Her Government"

The 2008 Winter Confessional Lutheran Free Conference is hosted by:
2008 Winter Confessional Lutheran Free Conference for the purpose of discovering and building fellowship among confessional Lutherans at the Select Inn, River Ridge Banquet Hall, 250 N. River Ridge Circle, Burnsville, MN 55337, 952-890-9550 on January 30 and 31, 2008 9:00AM-5:00PM

The following are scheduled to speak:

Rev. Steven Brockdorf (ACLC)
“The Presence of the Church”

Rev. Jack Cascione (ULMA)
“The Supremacy of the Voters Assembly”

Rev. Martin Diers (OLCC)
“The Bishop's Bequest: human accord or divine decree?”

Rev. John Rutowicz (ELDoNA)
“Episcopal Polity in Historic Lutheranism”

Rev. Roger Fehr (OLCC)
“The Keys, The Confessions, and Consistency”

Rev. Leslie Lanier (ACLC)
“Waltherian Polity in Context”

In keeping with the spirit of the Preusische Union, " the very nature of this conference presupposes that all participants and attendees will listen patiently and carefully, giving the benefit of the doubt, and will not make condemning reports verbally or in periodicals, on list serves, or in blogs. Pejorative language will not be tolerated at the conference."

The prohibition of intemperate language does not apply to Preusische Union members who might want to use such language in going after those church bodies and synodical officials with whom they disagree.


GJ - This reminds me of a joke. Each nation was assigned to write about elephants for a United Nations global conference. Here are the titles:
1. America - How To Make Money with Elephants
2. Britain - Elephants in the British Empire
3. France - The Sex Life of Elephants
4. Sweden - The History of Sweden.

They should discuss justification by faith. Like the established synods they have left, they are terrified of addressing real issues.

I am surprised Rutowicz did not have the meeting at his favorite Marian chapel.


Brett Meyer
has left a new comment on your post "During the Breaks They Could Discuss Doctrine":

There is little need to wait for Rev. Rutowicz to present his paper at the "debate". He has posted, "An Argument for Lutheran Episcopacy" on ELDoNA's website ( Reading it reminds me of the irrefutable scriptural evidence Pres. Moldstad provided in defense (when he cared enough to reply) of the false doctrine of the "Public Ministry of the Word". I quote, "While it is clear that in the new testament the terms for bishop and presbyter/elder are interchangeable, there does seem to be a precedent for bishop-like oversight among some members of the office of the ministry. James, the brother of our Lord, seems to have a bishop-like position in the Jerusalem church. James also certainly seems to have a prominent position at the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15. Further, he seems to have a prominent position with regard to the other "elders" in Acts 21:18. Was James a "bishop" as we think of them? Probably not with all the ideas that we bring to the term, but an office of oversight does seem to be implied." He then goes on to state, "But, it can be said, that while there is no command to adopt Episcopal polity in the new testament, there is precedent for a type of episcopacy in the new testament. To interpret these passages as depicting a type of episcopacy is, probably, the best interpretation of them." Sarcasm overwhelms me.

He continues to attempt to justify adopting Episcopal polity within Lutheran churches. He even points to some aspects of ELCA to use as a possible model. He confuses the Catholic (Rome) Churches sacrament of 'tradition' with the Augsburg Confession defense of Christ's Church the Universal Catholic Church. He states, "The concept of catholicity is indispensable to Lutheran theology. It is necessary to believe that the Holy Spirit works in and through the creation." This is new age and Roman Catholic doctrine. The Holy Spirit works through God's Word alone.
He finally gets to his "Motivating Issues" and states, "The real issue, the unacceptable situation, is the utter lack of clerical authority in the congregation. Pastors who are honest will admit this is a real problem. Parish pastors are essentially hired employees of the congregation. ..... In far too many circumstances the parish pastor cannot be a spiritual father to his flock because he cannot give them medicine they need, but don't want. Congregational autonomy from the district and the synod, even the pay structure for clergy has a devastating impact on the ability of the pastor to do his job effectively. Pastors cannot be helped by district presidents whose positions are advisory, and pastors are too beholden to the sensibilities of the congregation which might cut off his salary at any time. ..... Pastors are constantly told catechesis is the answer. Education is the key to success and happiness, as if the only problem is a lack of knowledge in the church. Once the people know what is correct they will choose it. It seems as if we have abolished the concept of sin. The word "catechesis" is spoken of as if it were an almost magical word. But, if all the pastor has is catechesis, he can always be dismissed as a "flake." ..... The real issue is pastoral authority, not the ability to tyrannize, but the ability to do what is right even if it is unpopular.....Such a pastor must have an authoritative bishop behind him. I am not arguing here for the ability to tyrannize the laity. I am simply arguing for the ability to be a real shepherd, a real spiritual father. To do the right thing by the sheep even when they don't like it. Any father would do what was best for his children even when they complained about it. Think of the absurdity of it, if a father had to rely on simple catechesis to get his children not to stay up until midnight, or eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

Rev. Rutowicz has rejected the Holy Spirit in the Word. The Word is dead to him and incapable of working contrition and faith. No wonder he pleads for authority, the authority to declare and demand his rules and mans rules. He disregards that in Christ's Church God is the authority and the authority of the Office of the Public Ministry of the Word, as instituted by Christ, is from and of the Lord. In my opinion this paper describes an individual who is Catholic, Roman Catholic. I honestly cannot fathom why ELDoNA would be invited to a Lutheran conference. Too bad the attendees must provide the benefit of the doubt when listening to his speech.


GJ - I hope they sing the original words to Faith of Our Fathers at the conference:

Faith of our Fathers, Mary's prayers,
Shall bring our country back to Thee...

That is a foot-stomper at ELDONA.

Seriously, folks, at a free conference, non-Lutherans like Cascione and crypto-papists like ELDONA can freely mix, share recipes for incense, and go home happy they are not those other heretics.

ELDONA's vision of the bishophric sounds like AMWAY, without the religion. AMWAY uplines are encouraged to enter homes of their downlines and inspect everything, to make sure the brand is on every single item in the house.