Bishop Gene Robinson: "May I pick the hymns?"FLORIDA: Bishop Formally Fires 22 PriestsBy David W. Virtue
On March 25, the Bishop of Florida, the Rt. Rev. Samuel Johnson Howard, formally fired 22 priests from the Diocese of Florida the largest single group of priests to be deposed in the history of the Epsicopal Church at one time.
In a letter obtained by Virtueonline, Howard wrote, "By my action today, with the advice and the consent of the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Florida, and pursuant to Canon IV.10.2.ii, I hereby release from the obligations of priests (for causes which do not affect the person's moral character) and deprive of the right to exercise the gifts and spiritual authority conferred in ordination upon:
The Rev. David C. Allert, Priest
The Rev. Charles S. Bailey, Deacon
The Rev. Gary Blaylock, Priest
The Rev. Charles H. Colt, Priest
The Rev. Gilbert T. Crosby, Priest
The Rev. Mark Eldredge, Priest
The Rev. Travis Greenman, Priest
The Rev. Edwin C. Griswold, Priest
The Rev. George W. Hall, Jr., Priest
The Rev. Harald K. Haugan, Priest
The Rev. Dorothy Head, Deacon
The Rev. James L. Hobby, Priest
The Rev. Sharon S. Hobby, Priest
The Rev W. Hall Hunt, Priest
The Rev. Neil G. Lebhar, Priest
The Rev. Petrina A. McCarty, Deacon
The Rev. Lawrence E. O'Connell, Priest
The Rev. William Earl Palmer, Priest
The Rev. James M. Parker, Priest
The Rev. Shawn E. Porter, Priest
The Rev. Leonard Eugene Strickland,Priest
The Rev. George W. Stockhowe, Jr., Priest
Neither Strickland nor Porter were ever inhibited, a source told VOL.
This action is taken after expiration of the six month period of inhibition for abandonment of the communion of this church and failure of either of the above named individuals to communicate any retraction of any declaration of act relied upon in the determination that the above individuals have abandoned the communion of this church.
The letter was dated March 25, 2008 And signed by the Rt. Rev Samuel Johnson Howard VII Bishop of Florida.
The letter was signed in the presence of two witnesses the Rev. Gayanne Silver and the Rev. Sandra K. Moyle.
The letter was forwarded to the Presiding Bishop, Recorder of Ordinations, The Secretary of the House of Bishops, The Church Deployment Office and the Bishops of the Episcopal Authority (or Ecclesiastical Authority of each) and to various offices in the Diocese of Florida.
All of the above priests challenged the Episcopal Church on pansexuality and the church's ordination of an avowed homosexual to the episcopacy, the formal acceptance of homosexual behavior for clergy, the blessing of same sex unions, same-sex rites, and the abandonment of the authority of Scripture. They believed the church had moved beyond the bounds of Scripture to endorse behavior that endangered their souls and those of their parishioners.
Most of the priests have entered into formal association with Continuing Anglican jurisdictions that are orthodox in faith and morals.