Friday, July 4, 2008

The Unanimous Declaration
of the Thirteen United States of America

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.


GJ - I want to offer my thanks to all our military, past and present, who have given us the freedom and prosperity we enjoy today. They and their families have sacrificed a great deal to serve the country they love.

We often think of the soldier's sacrifice, but their spouses and children, parents, brothers, and sisters also pay a price. They miss their loved ones serving abroad in many different countries. We get to have more family time, but they feel the separation more acutely, on Independence Day and all other holidays.

Lefty Piscy Sems Losing Students, Funds, Faculty

Bow! Bow! To the Rainbow PB Elect!

Faculty at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary to lose jobs

Officials at Evanston Episcopal school insist it is not closing

By Manya A. Brachear | Chicago Tribune reporter

April 25, 2008

Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, one of 11 schools in the U.S. dedicated to preparing Episcopal priests, told tenured faculty on Thursday that their jobs would end next year.

Officials at the Evanston seminary insist the school is not closing, but that it is redefining its approach for preparing men and women for priesthood. Earlier this year, the school stopped accepting new candidates and advised first-year students that they should enroll in other seminaries if they wish to earn their degrees from an Episcopal institution.

For more than a century, seminarians have traditionally enrolled in a three-year residential program to earn a master's of divinity degree that prepares them for the priesthood. Seminary officials said the school would explore the possibility of offering the degree in other formats such as distance learning or short-term residential stints.

"We want to bring the traditional excellence and depth of residential theological education to the new challenges and realities of the 21st Century," said Rev. Gary Hall, dean and president of Seabury-Western. "People can't afford to come here. We need to figure out how to bring it to them."

Of the nation's 11 accredited Episcopal seminaries, three have taken steps to downsize. In recent months Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass., sold some of its campus to Lesley University in Boston. And Bexley Hall Seminary closed its campus in Rochester, N.Y. to consolidate its program in Columbus, Ohio in partnership with Trinity Lutheran Seminary.

Seabury-Western is the only school to stop admitting students.

Experts say its fate highlights the challenges facing many shrinking mainline Protestant denominations. Some also suggest that it's a symptom of the theological polarization within the church since the 2003 approval of New Hampshire Bishop V. Gene Robinson—the church's first openly gay bishop.

On Thursday, the seminary's board of trustees declared an imminent financial crisis, a required step in order to end the employment of tenured faculty. The seminary's budget is projected to run a $500,000 shortfall for the current fiscal year. Annual expenditures are projected to run $2.9 million. Seabury-Western also carries a $3.5 million debt.


Lane Hensley shares his thoughts

I’m writing as an alum of Seabury as well as a Trustee. Those of us who are trustees are hearing good, honest, and difficult questions about Seabury’s major announcements and about its future. Chief among those questions has been, “Why should anyone give money to Seabury now, if Seabury is getting out of the residential M.Div. business? Does the Seabury I know even exist anymore?”

Yes we do, and I want to offer my own thoughts to explain why I think it’s imperative that everyone continue to give to Seabury. It’s this simple: Seabury still has 20 M.Div. and 35 D.Min. students enrolled, students who bring valuable gifts and hopes for ministry that everyone preceding them did. They deserve the same high-quality educational formation for ministry that Seabury has been giving and continues to give, and the church deserves to have them equipped as leaders for Christ. We need to make that happen.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Another Paul Kuske Boy Gone Bad:
POPLUTHERAN, Columbus, Ohio

Prince of Peace was built by WELS with loads of mission subsidies.

Now the congregation's website brags about its LCMS membership.

Pastor Marc Schroeder should not be confused with SP Mark Schroeder. No relation.

No, this Schroeder is the son of the DMLC professor, Morton Schroeder, nicknamed Salty Schroeder. Mark's lovely second wife is the daughter of a former WELS missionary to Japan.

District VP Paul Kuske embraced the Church Growth methods of Mark Schroeder, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Roger Zehms, and that missionary to the unwashed barbarians in the Ukraine - Roger Kovaciny. Wally Oelhaven thought the doctrine of Columbus congregations was not corrupt enough yet, so he excitedly brought in Schumann, who apostatized to Thrivent.

POPLUTHERAN is Kuske's greatest achievement, after Pilgrim Community Church. All that WELS mission money went down the drain when they lost POPLUTHERAN. District Pope John Seifert extended the Left Foot of Fellowship to Mark Schroeder, who had once undermined Barb Seifert's teaching novitiate. POPLUTHERAN followed Mark out of WELS and into the perfumed bosom of Missouri. The perfidy! We all know that the Wisconsin Synod's mission is to save people from the Missouri Synod.

Not all is lost. WELS kicked the congregation out for sticking with Schroeder, but they kept the money. Check out the Sausage Factory's website. George Skestos is still funding the smokey-links as they are processed, each one identical as they roll out, prepared to do battle against Missouri. The Salem Foundation, funded by Skestos, provides a subsidy for them. How many LCMS members are named and honored at the WLS website?

Just one.

"In a typical school year a strong majority of our student body (about 90%) receives financial assistance from school funds. In addition to this, students are eligible to apply for grants from the Salem Lutheran Foundation."

Cross Talk about CrossWalk

We have answered your question on WELS Topical Q&A but decided not to post it to the system for others to view it. This may be on account of the topic being too private and sensitive, or perhaps this questioned (sic) has already been asked. Your question and our response follows.

You asked:

I see in the current Call listing that someone is called to serve the Crosswalk Ministries. What is that? Is Crosswalk Ministries affiliated with the Willow Creek Association?

This is our reply:

Crosswalk Ministries is a mission outreach venture of WELS congregations in the Phoenix, AZ, area. The congregation has grown to over 350 in a few years. Most of their new members are transfers from other WELS congregations in the area. WELS Home Missions has provided counsel for the start-up and may have provided some seed money.

Crosswalk, a new mission start, is petitioning the Arizona-California District of the WELS for regular congregational membership. It is in no way affiliated with Willow Creek or any other non-WELS entity. They have recently teamed up with Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services of Milwaukee to start another outreach effort in the Phoenix area that will be focused on Christian counseling.

Thanks for asking your question and let us know if you have any more questions.

WELS Topical Q&A Staff


GJ - WELS members - looking for a good place to hide? Try CrossWalk. No one will know you are a Lutheran.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zach at Harvard Div,Where Laughter Is Serious and Well Funded

Meet Zach

Zach Warren, MDiv '07, was drawn to Harvard Divinity School because of its juggling club. Once here, his talent for juggling and unicycling led him to the children's circus that would become the focus of his research and ministry training.

During his first year at HDS, Zach learned about the Mobile Mini Circus for Children (MMCC) in Afghanistan. When the circus invited him to teach juggling and unicycling, he created a summer field education placement through the Office of Ministry Studies: "It was the most magical experience I've had." The MMCC uses entertainment to provide education and support to over 300 children, helping to feed their spirit and sustain moments of joy. "For me, one of the primary reasons that religion, circus, and forms of artistic expression are important is because they help people move beyond survival mode."

Zach's passion for the circus has been woven into his time at HDS. He wrote his MDiv senior paper on the circus as a theological expression of Christian faith. "I looked at what it is about wonder and fascination that the circus tradition holds and which the Christian tradition celebrates, at where they overlap and compete for the same mythic space, and why it is that American churches over the past few decades in particular have taken on more strategies for entertainment that are circus-like, such as drumming, magic and dance." Themes of the circus pervade his research on Christianity: "The circus is about celebration, and Christianity is a strategy for celebration. Jesus' death and rebirth is a joyful trick, in a simple sense, the way peek-a-boo was pleasurable to us when we were children. Circus and Christianity tell mythic stories about death and rebirth, disappearing acts, impossible possibilities, the tightrope walker who tempts fate and survives, the lion tamer, the woman sawed in half and restored."

While completing his MDiv, Zach also made use of the resources at Harvard Medical School as a research fellow. "I wanted to find a way to measure children's resilience through laughter and smiles." He is working to find a quick tool to assess Afghan children most at risk for problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder or depression.

Zach was awarded the prestigious Frederick Sheldon Fellowship to return to Afghanistan and complete three research projects. First, he will create a cross-cultural laughter databank for research, examining "laughter acoustics." Second, he will collect jokes, particularly from religious leaders—continuing research he began several years ago, which has been funded by The New Yorker, National Public Radio, and HDS's Office of Ministry Studies. Finally, he will examine the way laughter affects stress responses across cultures.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Conservative Episcopalians Fight for Doctrine, Property Rights, and Win

Bow! Bow! To the Rainbow PB Elect!

In a fatherly kind of way
I govern each tribe and sect,
All cheerfully own my sway —
Katisha (Katy Jefferts-Schori):
Except his Rainbow PB Elect!
As tough as a bone,
With a will of her own,
Is his Rainbow PB Elect!
Bow! Bow! To the Rainbow PB Elect!

Orthodox Score Three Significant Goals this week

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue

It was a week that orthodox Episcopalians and Anglicans in the U.S and around the world might justly feel proud and not just a little vindicated.

The first major event was the guilty charges found against the revisionist Bishop of Pennsylvania, Charles E. Bennison. An ecclesiastical court declared that he knowingly did nothing while his brother John Bennison, also a cleric, engaged in sexual relations with a minor. A court found him guilty 9 - 0. A second charge that he covered up his brother's sexual misbehavior also got a guilty verdict of 6 - 3, garnering the necessary two-thirds necessary vote for a guilty verdict.

He will appeal, of course. Bennison is a narcissist and sociopath so he sees he has done nothing wrong. A number of Episcopal bishops I spoke with here in Jerusalem say Bennison is toast. He will never get his See back again. He will fight the conviction, but he will not win. He walked away from charges that he mismanaged the diocese. In September, he faces civil charges, brought against him by Fr. David L. Moyer, that he committed fraud. He will be cross-examined by one of Philadelphia's most astute lawyers. It is being said that what Bennison experienced in the ecclesiastical court is just a taste of what he can expect at his civil trial.

The second major event, for which orthodox Anglicans in the US are rejoicing, is that a court decision in Fairfax, Virginia saw 11 faithful orthodox Anglican congregations, which broke with the U.S. Episcopal Church, win a second court decision. The latest ruling by a Virginia judge is part of the larger upheaval over orthodoxy in the global Anglican community.

These congregations broke with the Episcopal Church over the authority of Scripture and the consecration of Gene Robinson, the openly homoerotic Bishop of New Hampshire.

On Friday, Judge Randy Bellows of the Fairfax County Circuit Court ruled that the Virginia law under which the congregations want to keep the property is constitutional.

"We have maintained all along that our churches' own trustees hold title for the benefit of these congregations. It's also gratifying to see the judge recognize that the statute means what it says -- it's 'conclusive' of ownership," said Jim Oakes, vice chairman of the Anglican District of Virginia, to which the traditionalist churches now belong.

The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and its Bishop, Peter Lee promptly labeled the decision "regrettable" and said it still believes the law violates the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of church-state separation. They will, of course, continue to pursue every legal option available to them. They will need to raise several more millions of dollars to do so. They have already mortgaged a number of properties in the diocese to meet current legal bills, but sources tell VOL that, unless the national church steps in with a blank check book, Lee is on the hook for more fire sales to pay the fees. Two parishes, Falls Church and Truro, are said to be worth at least $25 million.

The third and most significant goal attained this week occurred here in Jerusalem where some 1200 pilgrims gathered to reaffirm the historic Christian Faith in the land of its birth.

Today, this fellowship of Confessing Anglicans has affirmed by acclamation a Declaration that they will uphold the faith, maintain the sanctity of marriage, use the classic Book of Common Prayer and form a Primates' Council to "oversee the transition process." In effect, they told the Archbishop of Canterbury that they don't need to go through him to get to Jesus and that the Anglican Communion is his to lose, if he does not discipline theologically and morally errant provinces like the U.S. Episcopal Church. For the future, they will no longer look to him for leadership of the Anglican Communion.

This is the worst-case scenario a leader of 56 million Anglicans could possibly face on the eve of the decennial gathering of bishops in Canterbury. To be told that he no longer speaks for 70% of the Anglican Communion is a personal humiliation that is hard to imagine.

This week is one that orthodox Anglicans around the world can rejoice in. They have been beaten down (but not out) and now they are on their way up. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A new day has dawned in the Anglican Communion, and as one Archbishop noted, "we have seen the good hand of God work mightily."


GJ - Circuit Pope John Seifert suggested that I bring charges against District Pope Robert Mueller, but Seifert did a 180 and backed Mueller. The facts were not much different Bennison's major scandal, covering up for his brother. Did those rock-ribbed Welsian Lutherans do anything? First they re-elected Mueller and later elected Seifert for the same position. That is why the carpets are so lumpy at the Love Shack - so much has been swept under them.

Note well that Episcopalian bishops have defied Her Heinous Jefferts-Schori, gone to court, and won. This moment is the tipping point so many have dreaded, so many have anticipated.

So far the collective wisdom of the ELS, LCMS, and WELS leadership has failed to noticed that all three brands are nothing but shills for Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek.

Meanwhile, Paul McCain (MDiv) has remarked with nostalgia that the early church leaders had courage. If only he had been there to suffer with them. But when he was living high at the Purple Palace, he and Al Barry did nothing to stem the apostasy rampant in the LCMS. DP Benke got a "Naughty! Naughty!" and St. John's in Ellisville spun out of control as a Willow Creek Association congregation.

Willow Creek? Did that make St. John's a union church? The LCMS acted at once. The Willow Creek Association no longer published their partners.

Wally Schulz was a member of St. John's in Ellisville, mildly complaining about the place, the whole "We have an exciting Sunday for you" approach to worship. He must have fought against the congregation's waywardness. Right? No, he went to another congregation.

The get-along go-along Lutherans find themselves waving goodbye to their pastors who join Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy.


MLS Veteran has left a new comment on your post "Conservative Episcopalians Fight for Doctrine, Pro...":

Are those actual vestments, or did you do some spiffy photoshop or something?

Does the individual clergy-person get to design their own uniform or something?

It looks like something an 8 year old would consider "sophisticated and princess like"...


GJ - Sure, I have time to PhotoShop Episcopalian primates. The Rainbow PB Elect has a closet full of robes like that. I know from my collection of photos.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Spring in Arizona, by Norma Boeckler

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 8 AM Phoenix Time

The Hymn # 369 trans. Loy - Wenn wir in hochsten The Invocation p. 15
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual Romans 6:3-11
The Gospel Matthew 5:20-26
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 370 – tune: Magdalen The Sermon
Righteousness from God or from Ourselves

The Hymn # 314 by H. E. Jacobs – tune: Herr Jesus Christ dich The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 45 tune: Liebster Jesus

Hymn notes – Loy was one of the great leaders of the old ALC, serving a church in Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus, Ohio. The old ALC seminary had a great faculty and led the Midwest in orthodoxy. Lenski taught there, but is now forgotten or scorned. Trinity Seminary is ELCA now and so is Loy’s congregation in Delaware. Henry Eyster Jacobs was one of the great leaders in the Muhlenberg tradition (LCA). He helped restore Reformation Lutheran doctrine to the Pennsylvania Lutherans.

Lord God, heavenly Father, we confess that we are poor, wretched sinners, and that there is no good in us, our hearts, flesh and blood being so corrupted by sin, that we never in this life can be without sinful lust and concupiscence; therefore we beseech Thee, dear Father, forgive us these sins, and let Thy Holy Spirit so cleanse our hearts that we may desire and love Thy word, abide by it, and thus by Thy grace be forever saved; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin. 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. 21 Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.

Righteousness from God or from Ourselves

Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees…

At first glance that looks like a criticism of the scribes and Pharisees, as if they were immoral, lax, hedonistic, stingy, bad examples. The opposite is true. They held to a rigid observance of the Law.

Luther has an extensive discussion of Law and Gospel in his commentary on Galatians. That book was one of his finest, and he held it as one of his best, along with the Small Catechism.

First let me discuss the observance of the Law. As Luther knew from his own effort to please God with the Law, one can be outwardly observant while inwardly raging against the Law. This counts for nothing, for our thoughts condemn us as much as our actions. That is often missed in congregations today, where the appearance of piety is mistaken for faith in the Gospel. The piety on display is really to impress others. If those glittering vices (Augustine) are overlooked, people point them out. “My father founded this church” or “I serve on seven committees” or “I was a charter member of this church.”

Someone can be kept from outwardly sinner by physical restraint and threats. That does not remove sin. Luther said, “You can tie a pig ever so tightly to a tree, but you cannot keep him from squealing.”

The Roman party tried to make Luther into a hedonist, but he was making the point that the system of righteousness through the Law was destructive to Roman Catholic souls, as he knew. No peace can come with righteousness through the Law, because nothing is ever enough. Either the person is tormented by the Law and hates God, as Luther did, or he is hardened by his self-righteousness, as Paul was. The Apostle was so observant as a Pharisees that he actively sought out Christians and arrested them. So God chose this hardened instrument to be His instrument of grace. No one knew the Law better, so Paul became the best Gospel preacher during a time when the Law-mongers wanted to drown out the Gospel.

Strangely, I had the misfortune of hearing the Willow Creek Community Church preacher give a sermon on this text. He began the same way, but what he offered was man’s observance of the Law as the solution. The Law does show us our sin, but the Law cannot cure the problem. My wife had a cardiac test this week, but another test is not going to make her heart better. If tests (the Law) cured her, she would be Superwoman by now.

One example from Willow Creek was a sports star who vacuumed the rugs there. They wanted to prove their “servant model” and make people feel guilty about not volunteering. If a Chicago Bears football star took the money he made per hour in sports, he could buy new carpets instead of sweeping them. I suppose that would have been a lesson in piety too. The minister also told people how men had to accept women’s leadership in the church before they were allowed to join. And yet, in an age where men flee from spiritual leadership and need to be encouraged to lead, LCMS and WELS gurus tell their pastors to take classes at Willow Creek to learn how to do things right.

The trouble with the Law is that we feel pretty comfortable with it. My college students, even graduate students, ask me, “What do you want?” I remind them - that is a child question, not an adult question. “I want 1000 words” (Law) will yield 1000 words – minimal fulfillment of the Law. The Law moves us to do the minimum. The Gospel is entirely different.

Just to show how deeply some are involved in the Law – one Lutheran at a conservative congregation became very angry when I said the Law did bear any fruits. I was quoting Walther in a congregation where Walther supposedly walked 6 feet off the ground. The statement enraged the man because he did not accept the dominance of the Gospel and trusted in the Law. The Scriptures warn us constantly that Moses is not our Savior and the Law is a terrible form of salvation. If we make God the God of Law alone, the burden is intolerable.

The Gospel cures the problem of sin. That is why pastors are called stewards of the mysteries of God. A mystery is something revealed by the Holy Spirit and known only through revelation. That is, everyone can and should know there is a Creator. Almost everyone in America believes in God in some fashion. However, the Trinity is not the final result of man’s research, common sense, or logic. Neither is the Incarnation, the Atonement, the Resurrection, or justification by faith.

We can see how these are mysteries because man’s wisdom wants to reduce them to something else. Man reduces the Two Natures of Christ to one nature, either divine alone or human alone (depending on the era). Man constantly works against justification by faith. The greatest intellectual edifice ever fashioned is justification by works – a product of Medieval Christianity. Thousands of books are devoted to maintaining a transparent attack against the message of the entire Bible – that man receives the righteousness of Christ through faith. That faith is the result of proclaiming the Gospel. Only God can produce that faith in man. Only God can supply the righteousness received through faith.

Pietism rules over Protestant America, and other forms of Pietism dominate Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy. They have the same formula – performing works to earn God’s salvation.

That is the reason for the religious leaders hatred of Jesus. They could not condemn Him for being gracious, kind to the poor, full of miracles for the needy. They loathed Him because He said, “Your righteousness does not come from within you but from the outside, from Me alone. Believe in Me and you will be forgiven, saved, and taken into the bosom of Abraham.”

We are not saved by the virtue of faith, as Chemnitz teaches below:

"We must note the foundations. For we are justified by faith, not because it is so firm, robust, and perfect a virtue, but because of the object on which it lays hold, namely Christ, who is the Mediator in the promise of grace. Therefore when faith does not err in its object, but lays hold on that true object, although with a weak faith, or at least tries and wants to lay hold on Christ, then there is true faith, and it justifies. The reason for this is demonstrated in those lovely statements in Philippians 3:12: 'I apprehend, or rather I am apprehended by Christ' and Galatians 4:9: 'You have known God, or rather have been known by God.' Scripture shows a beautiful example of this in Mark 9:24: 'I believe; help my unbelief.'"
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 503. Philippians 3:12; Galatians 4:9; Mark 9:24.

We are saved by the object of our faith. Faith apprehends and grasps the Gospel Promises, which never deceive.

Christ is the healing balm for our sin. The Law shows where our flaws exist, where the wounds of our human nature lie. The Gospel of forgiveness heals these wounds. We need constant healing because we wound ourselves and wound others as well.

The Gospel from Christ is also the power to defeat sin. The Law shows us sin but has no power over sin, just as an x-ray reveals a broken bone without healing it. The Gospel is the energy of God’s Holy Spirit to guide us and strengthen against sin.

The Law says, “I told you that you could never overcome this problem.”

The Gospel proclaims forgiveness when we fail and return in godly contrition, even when we fail and fail again. Each step along the way shows us the folly of our Old Adam and the loving grace of our Savior.

People are not driven away by Christianity but by the Law religion they hear or choose to hear. That is why so many have made hay from this Law obsession. The Law-mongers condemn with the Law and sell a varnished version of the Law as the cure. You have problems? You don’t believe hard enough! (More condemnation) You are poor? Give God all your money and He will give you seven times as much back. (Paying God for forgiveness, not to mention making a nice investment with a great return.)

The Gospel promises forgiveness and the cross. We would rather pass on the cross business, but the cross must remain. The unbelieving world hates the righteousness of Christ, so they must persecute the Word wherever it prospers and threatens to take root. Christ and the apostles were not spared, so why should we be?

I will never forget this wonderful lesson from a talented woman. She had an MBA and stayed at home to raise her children. She was a perfectionist and loved hymn 370, which we sang today. It was her favorite hymn. She said, “I am a perfectionist. That’s why I know I am not perfect. That is also why I need the Gospel. I know Christ is my righteousness.”

My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less
One morning it came into my mind as I went to labour, to write an hymn on the ‘Gracious Experience of a Christian.’ As I went up Holborn I had the chorus,
‘On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.’
In the day I had four first verses complete, and wrote them off. On the Sabbath following I met brother King as I came out of Lisle Street Meeting…who informed me that his wife was very ill, and asked me to call and see her. I had an early tea, and called afterwards. He said that it was his usual custom to sing a hymn, read a portion, and engage in prayer, before he went to meeting. He looked for his hymn-book but could find it nowhere. I said, ‘I have some verses in my pocket; if he liked, we would sing them.’ We did, and his wife enjoyed them so much, that after service he asked me, as a favour, to leave a copy of them for his wife. I went home, and by the fireside composed the last two verses, wrote the whole off, and took them to sister King…As these verses so met the dying woman’s case, my attention to them was the more arrested, and I had a thousand printed for distribution. I sent one to the Spiritual Magazine, without my initials, which appeared some time after this. Brother Rees, of Crown Street, Soho, brought out an edition of hymns [1836], and this hymn was in it. David Denham introduced it [1837] with Rees’ name, and others after…Your inserting this brief outline may in future shield me from the charge of stealth, and be a vindication of truthfulness in my connection with the Church of God.
Edward Mote
Letter to the Gospel Herald

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.


"But when we are speaking of the subject itself, it is certain that the doctrine of gracious reconciliation, of the remission of sins, of righteousness, salvation, and eternal life through faith for the sake of the Mediator is one and the same in the Old and in the New Testament. This is a useful rule which we must retain at all costs: The doctrine, wherever we read it, in either the Old or New Testament, which deals with the gracious reconciliation and the remission of sins through faith for the sake of God's mercy in Christ, is the Gospel."
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1989, II, p. 459.

"Therefore God, 'who is rich in mercy' [Ephesians 2:4], has had mercy upon us and has set forth a propitiation through faith in the blood of Christ, and those who flee as suppliants to this throne of grace He absolves from the comprehensive sentence of condemnation, and by the imputation of the righteousness of His Son, which they grasp in faith, He pronounces them righteous, receives them into grace, and adjudges them to be heirs of eternal life. This is certainly the judicial meaning of the word 'justification,' in almost the same way that a guilty man who has been sentenced before the bar of justice is acquitted."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 1989, II, p. 482.

"Yet these exercises of faith always presuppose, as their foundation, that God is reconciled by faith, and to this they are always led back, so that faith may be certain and the promise sure in regard to these other objects. This explanation is confirmed by the brilliant statement of Paul in 2 Corinthians 1:20: 'All the promises of God in Christ are yea and amen, to the glory of God through us,' that is, the promises concerning other objects of faith have only then been ratified for us when by faith in Christ we are reconciled with God. The promises have been made valid on the condition that they must give glory to God through us."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 1989, II, p. 495.

"Therefore this apprehension or acceptance or application of the promise of grace is the formal cause or principle of justifying faith, according to the language of Scripture."
Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 502.

"We must note the foundations. For we are justified by faith, not because it is so firm, robust, and perfect a virtue, but because of the object on which it lays hold, namely Christ, who is the Mediator in the promise of grace. Therefore when faith does not err in its object, but lays hold on that true object, although with a weak faith, or at least tries and wants to lay hold on Christ, then there is true faith, and it justifies. The reason for this is demonstrated in those lovely statements in Philippians 3:12: 'I apprehend, or rather I am apprehended by Christ' and Galatians 4:9: 'You have known God, or rather have been known by God.' Scripture shows a beautiful example of this in Mark 9:24: 'I believe; help my unbelief.'"
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 503. Philippians 3:12; Galatians 4:9; Mark 9:24.

"For we are not justified because of our faith (propter fidem), in the sense of faith being a virtue or good work on our part. Thus we pray, as did the man in Mark 9:24: 'I believe, Lord; help my unbelief'; and with the apostles: 'Lord, increase our faith,' Luke 17:5."
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 506. Mark 9:24; Luke 17:5.

"But because not doubt but faith justifies, and not he who doubts but he who believes has eternal life, therefore faith teaches the free promise, which relies on the mercy of God for the sake of the sacrifice of the Son, the Mediator, and not on our works, as Paul says in Romans 4:16: 'Therefore it is of faith, that the promise might be sure according to grace.'"
Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, 2 vols., II, p. 507. Romans 4:16

"Thus when we say that we are justified by faith, we are saying nothing else than that for the sake of the Son of God we receive remission of sins and are accounted as righteous. And because it is necessary that this benefit be taken hold of, this is said to be done 'by faith,' that is, by trust in the mercy promised us for the sake of Christ. Thus we must also understand the correlative expression, 'We are righteous by faith,' that is, through the mercy of God for the sake of His Son we are righteous or accepted."
Melanchthon, Loci Communes, “The Word Faith.” Cited in Martin Chemnitz, Loci Theologici, II, p. p. 489.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Look for the Union Label

Norm Teigen

"The gathering was at the the Swedish church. It was very well received by all who were in attendance. The presiding minister was Jerry Lanes, the pastor of Scandian Grove.

I wish that I had been able to attend. I am happy to report that the Norselanders, both Swedish and Norwegian, both ELCA and ELS, joined together in singing praises to God on the occasion of their anniversary."


GJ - I could never sing with an ELCA congregation. When I was at a Concordia, Ft. Wayne worship service, George Orvick and W. Peterson were singing with the Missouri Synod. They said to me afterwards, "Don't tell. We couldn't help singing."

The Wisconsin Synod works with ELCA and Missouri on a wide variety of religious projects, including joint worship and evangelism efforts. Clucketh not thy tongue at the Little Sect on the Prairie.

The conservative Episcopalians are doing the opposite, showing their disgust toward their leadership, which happens to work hoof-and-claw with ELCA.

One Small Step for a Woman,
One Giant Leap for Apostasy

Presiding Bishop and Bishop

WELS Women Ministers

The Episcopalians started the same way, with baby steps.

The WELS women staff ministers' list can be found here.

Staff ministry began as a project of Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller Seminary) at Martin Luther College. Fuller ordains women and has a special committee to beat up men who have problems with women being ministers. They must have thumped Larry pretty thoroughly.

Many WELS pastors say, "Larry Olson is no problem. Everyone knows he's a false teacher."

That is why he is teaching at Martin Luther College.


Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "WELS Women Ministers":

Hi Dr. Jackson,

How women take over the seminaries and clergy is mostly by feminizing the churches and seminaries. Boys flee feminine environments. Now the Reformed Jewish seminaries are two-thirds female.

Colleges are the same way. They are 60% female and becoming more female all the time. Universities are allowed to have Black clubs and women's clubs, but men's clubs are strictly verboten. More importantly, in the formative years of grade school and junior high school, most of the teachers are women. Boys get the idea that academics is for girls and women.

One could say that families were feminized by the courts and laws, so that women alone could decide whether to have a child or not, and whether the man would live at home or live somewhere else and have a portion of his pay sent to the family by court order. Anyway, men have been running from families, too.

The Reformed are one of the liberal Jewish denominations, and now two-thirds of their seminarians are women:

Study: Non-Orthodox men less connected than women to Judaism
Jun. 18, 2008, by Matthew Wagner, THE JERUSALEM POST

The study, entitled "Matrilineal Ascent/Patrilineal Descent: Gender Imbalance in American Jewish Life" and released by the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute and the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, found that women have been taking an increasingly more dominant role in Jewish rites. As a result, the phenomenon of "Ima on the bima" (mom on the podium) has become the rule rather than the exception in liberal Jewish settings.

"When it comes to gender equality or gender balance, contemporary American Jewish life is caught between a rock and a hard place," said co-author Daniel Parmer, a Brandeis graduate student. "Boys and men as a group are not attracted to feminized Jewish activities and environments."

In contrast, Orthodox Judaism, which has not integrated women into traditionally male roles such as rabbinical ordination and leading prayers, has managed to maintain the masculine connection to religious devotion.

In their conclusion, Fishman and Parmer suggested that the increasingly dominant role played by women in Jewish activities might be turning boys and men off. The authors suggested that initiatives more geared toward Jewish men and boys could help strengthen the frayed masculine Judaic connection.

"Excellent coed and single sex programs and activities may be particularly important in the middle school and teen years, when boys in liberal Jewish settings often grow most impatient with female religious and educational leadership," they went on. "Ironically the women's movement - responding to great gaps in Jewish life - has often created successful materials and programming for female teens, while teenage boys have often been left behind."

Fishman and Parmer noted in their introduction to the study, which was based on 300 interviews, that outside the Orthodox world men are becoming less and less engaged in every aspect of Jewish life, from the home to the synagogue to communal organizations.

"In Fall 2005, women outnumbered men two to one in the entering rabbinical class in the Reform movement's Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). Nationally, girls and women outnumber men in weekly non-Orthodox worship services, in adult education classes, in volunteer leadership positions, and in Jewish cultural events," they said.


GJ - Yes, Bruce Church is right. Higher education is now 60-40 women, reversing the old ratio. Women are the high achievers in academics (another reversal). Women are easing out men in most leadership positions in higher education, too. Half of my bosses at one school have been women. In religious studies, women are going to have the advantage in hiring at most schools because men held most of the posts before. Society must favor certain quotas in order to maintain social justice, we are told. At Intel in Phoenix, the best student interns and the best computer people are not hired because they do not fit into the 40 diversity categories.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS Women Ministers":

Those female staff minister positions are ridiculous and so are some of the male staff minister positions. I have a difficult time comprehending how they can say these are "Divine Calls".

What is interesting is that the synod yearbook separates male and female teachers (both active and retired) but classifies both male and female "staff ministers" together.

I'm sorry; I just cannot buy into the staff ministry "Calls"...especially the female ones. What a mislabeling...
sorry.... perhaps they should be labeled "pastor wannabee".
no disrespect intended but this really bothers me.

"Minister of Administration"?????

A "Divine Call" to be a "Minister of Administration"??????
Think about it.

Ichabodians Can Track Their Favorite Blog
With Technorati

Higher Things

One reader told me about Technorati, which tracks how blogs are mentioned and quoted.

Click here for the Ichabod link.

I have noticed instant responses to Ichabod posts. The Leonard Sweet fan in Corona, California removed his gushing review of Sweet overnight when I mentioned the WELS connection to the heresiarch. The Life Coach on the the staff of the Kelm-Parlow beehive had her job changed just as swiftly. The Moose Report snorted and pawed the ground repeatedly, after being quoted. How unfair, to quote someone verbatim!

Like all Church Growth Enthusiasts, they want to chatter without pause about their favorite heresies and curse the conservatives who know better.

Meanwhile, people are using all kinds of combinations of Ichabod and something else to access this blog through Google and AOL.

L P Cruz - Guest Writer

Ft. Wayne graduates, Eldonites. Do we look Eastern Orthodox?

L P Cruz

"Pr. GJ,

Thanks for blogging you keep many of us sane.

I linked to your post on the EO migration from a certain seminary here

Why I Prefer Uni Education


Thursday, June 26, 2008
See why I prefer uni education?


Ichabod blogged a couple of months on how a seminary can have grave influence on its graduates for good or ill. It all depends on who is teaching.

In one of his posts, he blogged about a recent graduate from a "confessing" seminary here; the gentleman is said to be just one of the many who have either journeyed to Rome or Constantinople. The thought is this - it alleges that the said seminary produces graduates who eventually abandon the "confession". Ironic, if it were true, then this suggests that it seems to produce more defectors than defenders of the "confession".

A few months ago, I said why I prefer university education over seminary when it comes to ministerial training here. Did you get my point why I prefer university education?

You see in a university education - when it comes to theology at least there you recognize right away your "enemy". In the university, the liberals let you know right away that they do not believe the Bible is revelation, they tell you it is a work of myth etc. etc. In that respect the liberals are more ethical compared to Christian professors in seminaries. Liberals show their colors right away. In seminaries you do not know the "moles" or the "in-plants", it is so easy to hide behind the smoke and jargon.
Posted by L P Cruz at 9:01 PM Labels: education
9 Dialogs:

William Weedon said...
I'd be curious if you could substantiate that it produces "more defectors than defenders." I suspect that's a gross overstatement. If two or three left from every class over the last 10 years, how would that amount to more than the numerous pastors who remain in the Lutheran Church's ministerium?

1:39 AM


GJ - Go to Extra Nos for all the comments. The claim is easy to substantiate. In the LCMS, no one is defending Lutheran Orthodoxy and refuting Rome/Constantinople or Church Growth. If one pastor is, then the outflow is already larger than the defenders. Someone refuted the Roman Catholic/Eastern Orthodox position. Concordia Publishing House refused to print the book. NPH (WELS) refused to print it. Otten barely mentioned it during the pope's visit, but Otten is very good at promoting Baptist books.

Prancing around the doctrinal issues has become the Merry Widows Walz of the 21st Centry. "Those who marry the spirit of this age will find themselves widows in the Age to Come."

Larry Olson (DMin, Fuller Seminary) bragged that more LCMS men went to Fuller Seminary for graduate education than went to the two seminaries for advanced work. Missouri is doing a great job recruiting for Fuller, but WELS is too. Larry teaches Enthusiasm at Martin Luther College in New Ulm. Like his mentor, David Valleskey, he has made a career out of shrinking the synod through Church Growth methods.

Pietism - The Rosetta Stone of the Lutheran Church

Pietistic Lutherans Are Symbolized by a Two-Headed Calf:
One Head Points Toward Rome and Constantinople;
The Other Head Cranes Toward Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek.

The adult study last Sunday was about Pietism, a movement started by Jakob Spener and continued by Franke at Halle University. The Muhlenberg Lutherans (LCA branch of ELCA) came from Pietism. Walther was converted by Pietism. The Swedish Augustana Synod was honestly Pietistic. The Norwegians (ALC and ELS) were Pietistic. Spener could not be criticized by Lutherans, even when they critiqued Pietism, as Walther did.

Some attributes of Pietism are:

1. An urge to work with the Reformed.
2. A willingness to jettison the Means of Grace.
3. An emphasis on works and love - sanctification being the cause of justification rather than the result of justification, as Hoenecke observed.
4. An anti-Confessional spirit.
5. Anti-intellectualism, smugly claiming their heart religion is better than the orthodox head religion (a false and ridiculous claim).
6. Missions should take away school funding because missions are for them, while schools are for us. Anti-intellectualism is the fuel for this folly.
7. Contempt toward all traditional worship as worship when the time could be used for evangelizing the unchurched.
8. Conventicles: cell, share, care, koinonia, Bible study, soul, groups (lay led, often by women) are the real church. When cell groups worship on Sunday, they give the service integrity because the conventicles are colleges of piety within the visible organization.

Pietism is the Rosetta Stone of Lutherans today because the movement explains why one head is aimed at Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy, the other at Fuller and Willow Creek.

Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy teach works as a pre-requisite for justification, in harmony with the Pietists. Officially, Rome has a library full of confessions and canonical law, but Rome is essentially anti-confessional because the one unifying issue is membership in Holy Mother Church.

Eastern Orthodoxy has most of the trappings and errors of Rome plus several advantages. Clergy can be married before ordination (not after). Eastern Orthodoxy is officially non-confessional.

All the synods train their workers in Pietism, so their turn to Rome, Eastern Orthodoxy, Willow Creek, and Fuller Seminary is logical and fore-ordained.

The attributes of Pietism fit Fuller and Willow Creek perfectly. Both places are also inordinately proud of their proofs of sanctification.

The two heads of the calf (a real photo, by the way) are the two versions of Pietism. One is high church, smells and bells, lavender shirts with red buttons, loud resounding titles for their mini-bishops and mini-deans. The other is low church, just as haughty about their Hawaiian shirts, pit bands, prayer and praise services, and Pastors Bob and Ruth titles.