Friday, July 3, 2009

What Is Wrong With Cell Groups?

Cell groups are to CG Pietism what yoga is to Hinduism.

DK has left a new comment on your post "Noah Needed Church Growth Consultants":

Dear Professor Jackson:

I've read a few things on Ichabod about 'cell groups'. You've state that they are a breeding ground for Enthusiasm. I've looked into it a little, via internet and by asking questions of a friend of mine, who belongs to a WELS cell group.

My friend states that cell groups are a way for a church to foster a community that knows and is accountable to each other. He points out that church members tend to see each other only on Sundays--which isn't in itself bad, but if you can build friendships with those you worship with (meeting for Bible study during the week, etc) the fellowship of believers is strengthened. Beyond that he would divulge little info about what a cell group actually does or is. His only attempt to clear up that vagueness was to invite me to attend a cell group session.

Having recently moved back to Milwaukee (an unfortunate vocational necessity) I'm coming in contact with all these new fads in the church and so I'm asking legitimate questions: If what my friend says is true, why are cell groups necessarily breeding grounds for Enthusiasm? Couldn't a Lutheran potluck be equal in that potential? Am I missing something of the root or essence of a cell group?

As for myself, I would never attend anything called a cell group, simply because I think it carries strange and/or Agnostic connotations... Communist agitators, Anarchistic bomb-throwers, Manichaeans, and Star Trek convention-goers make up cell groups--not Christians.


I'd like to hear your two-guns-drawn approach to cell groups.




GJ - I will answer briefly, in my normal irenic style. At the Bethany services I will be teaching about Pietism for the next few weeks. I will have saved videos and also written materials on this blog, starting with a review of The History of Pietism, published by NPH.

Pietism is built upon Reformed doctrine and the lay-led cell group, which may be called Koinonia, Care, Share, Bible study or Affinity group. I went to a Koinonia conference in the LCA in the 1980s. The ALC promoted lay-led Bible study groups.

The Pietistic cell group is anti-church. They may attend the Sunday service, but the real worship is the cell meeting. They often foster a holier-than-thou attitude which leads to withdrawal from the congregation. Many Babtist churches have people who have never gone to church but never miss their Bible study, and the Bible study leaders are the worst of the lot.

The Pietistic cell group is anti-Means of Grace. Because their start was unionistic and Reformed, they place all their trust in prayer as THE Means of Grace. This emphasis makes it easy for Pentecostals to show them what real prayer is - praying in tongues. Lalalala. Church is for recruiting people for cell groups.

I told some adults about this at a Missouri congregation. One woman was angry with me because she attended a Lutheran cell group. When she asked about infant baptism and having me speak about it, the female leader said, "I am the leader and we will NOT discuss it." The angry woman realized I was correct, without even knowing the group.

The Pietistic cell group promotes false doctrine because the opinions of an attractive leader become normative for the group. Feelings trump Biblical doctrine.

The Pietistic cell group abuses people by binding them to the power structure. Like the Indian guru, the cell group leader can and does order the disciples around. Disciples are love-bombed into the group and horribly shunned if they depart from the cell. This combination is dangerous to the emotionally fragile, who are attracted to the false intimacy and fake love of the group. I described one such group to a former Lutheran who was a member. He said, "It's like you were there." I said, "They are pretty much all alike."

The Pietistic cell group promotes women teaching men and usurping authority, leading to women's ordination. Not the liberal apostates, but the Pentecostal apostates were first to ordain women. Cell groups assume women will lead men and teach men. St. Paul in German Village started one on Sunday with a married couple leading it, about 20 years ago. The husband stopped coming and his wife led a group of men and women. When one man questioned what was happening, the woman declared, "I AM the leader of this group!" I asked about this at a WELS conference and was roundly condemned for bringing it up. Nitz asked, disingenuously, "Is this still going on?" I said, "It's your church. You should know."

The "making disciples" fever comes from Pietism. That is why the Church Growth gurus must turn the efficacy-of-the-Word Great Commission into a command to form cell groups. Why? Because cell groups make disciples who make disciples who make disciples - according to ex-seminary professor Joel Gerlach, who studied at Fuller Seminary. Kent Hunter explains, in dumbest fashion, that sheep not shepherds have sheep. Ovine intimacy aside, Luke 15 has the shepherd (not the flock) looking everywhere for the lost sheep. From John 10 and Psalm 23 we know Jesus is the Ultimate Shepherd who finds us, carries us home on His shoulders, and rejoices with the angels.

Pietism has always been unionistic. If a Lutheran pastor wants to start cell groups, he will turn to the false teachers and their materials to promote them. He will be trained at Fuller, Willow Creek, and Trinity Deerfield. Do I hear an Amen! Larry?

Pietism leads to Unitarianism. That happened first at Halle University, organized for Pietism. It happened again in the LCA-ALC-ELCA. As Krauth explained, the more Reformed a denomination is, the faster it becomes Unitarian. There are two routes. One is an emphasis on rationalism, typical of pure Calvinism. The other is an emphasis on emotions, which we find in Pietism, Pentecostalism, and revivalism.

High Anxiety?
Do Not Click the Link

The Ledge on the Chicago Sears Tower.

Noah Needed Church Growth Consultants

Consultant: "You need a contemporary service and
some how-to sermons that speak to the felt needs of the prospects.
And you owe me $6,000. Make that $9,000."

Click here for Pastor Brian Wolfmueller on church consultants.


GJ - The Chicaneries are strangely silent since the take-down of their guru, Jim Aderman. Lie down with frogs, get up with warts.

"When was the last time you kissed a frog?...'Lifestyle Evangelism and Follow-up,' a Navigator video seminar for the church, makes a solid case for Christian frog kissing as a way of life."
James A. Aderman, The Evangelism Life Line (WELS), Summer, 1986 p. 2.

"A Look at Several WELS Small Group Ministries. 1. Fairview in Milwaukee (Pastor Jim Aderman) 2. Wisconsin Lutheran Chapel in Madison (Mr. Rolf Wegenke) 3. Emanuel in New London (Pastor Steve Witte)"
WELS Campus Pastors, Small Group Training Conference, Jan. 7-9, 1991, Madison. p. 19.


GJ - Notice the dates. Church and Chicaneries were introducing Pietistic gimmicks 32 years ago, and the synod leadership supported it. TELL began in 1977, with Ron Roth as the editor, with the stated intention of promoting the Church Growth Movement. Paul Calvin Kelm was the next editor and Robert Hartmann followed.

If you have nothing else to do, count how many times Aderman published in FIC (nee The Northwestern Lutheran). Click here for the search link.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Noah Needed Church Growth Consultants":

When my former congregation hired a consultant, they solidified my decision to leave. I did not even try to fight it. By then, I had realized that anything that I said would have little bearing on the direction that they were headed. This meant that the law based stewardship beatings would continue for a minimum of three years, which is the term of the contract. When you figure out what has happened, you realize that the leadership no longer believes in the efficacy of the Word.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Noah Needed Church Growth Consultants":

The church consultant program is by far the biggest farce in WELS. I, too, left a church which wanted to hire Calvin Kelm. A month after I took a call, they signed the $30,000 contract thus dividing the church, addressed the "perceived needs" of the people while avoiding any real issues, and now the church and school are both half their former size. Oh yes, they got the new sign and cleared some shrubs.

The same thing happened in the church where my wife's family attends. The $30,000 contract, a divided congregation, an oversized staff, shrinking attendance and school enrollment, and worship innovations which the majority of the people do not want. But they do have an upgraded sign and some new shrubs.

I have a hunch the real growth acommplished (sic - yup, Mequon grad) through the church consultant program is the bottom line at the local sign companies and nurseries across America. They must be making good money off WELS churches.

In fact, is it possibly "church growth" in WELS refers to growing the landscaping of the church? We may have misunderstood all along!


GJ - How ironic that Kelm (DMin, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis) is reprising his role as a consultant. SP Schroeder asked that no one new be hired. Bruce Becker and the Perish Services people would not listen. SP Schroeder also asked them not to hire someone who was polarizing, if they insisted on hiring someone. Lastly, the Synod President did not know about the call to Kelm until it was issued for public knowledge. These three facts were heatedly denied by the Shrinkers, so they were once again calling me a liar for telling the truth. My multiple sources stood by the story I posted - and I do make corrections.

Kelm is 65 in December. He has a well known reputation for publishing false doctrine of the most blatant kind. His required-for-graduation course at Wisconsin Lutheran College was a dedicated effort to promote Reformed doctrine and the Church Shrinkers one and all.

Why did Kelm get propped up and promoted so many times? Why is he still the keynote speaker at Mary Lou College (WELS) in New Ulm? He was also the Mission Festival speaker at the Sausage Factory each year (how often - I do not know). And he published his toxic waste in FIC/NWL. Obviously a group has been managing his career as a crypto-Calvinist.