Monday, September 7, 2009

Mequon Connection in Jeske Exit

LCMS DP John Wille graduated from The Sausage Factory, one year before Mark Jeske.

"Rev. John C. Wille serves as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, South Wisconsin District. He assists congregations with pastoral Call lists, congregational policies and church worker relations. The District president (DP) also provides leadership, direction, and oversight to all the work and resources that our District office provides in support of the 214 congregations, high schools, Christian day schools and preschools that make up our South Wisconsin District. As called upon, he offers personal, committee, and congregational counsel. The DP represents us and speaks on our behalf at the national council of presidents gatherings and various other venues."

Exclusive from Debrox:

The initial go-between for Jeske and Kieschnick may well have been Mequon classmate John Wille, who jumped ship and prospered in Missouri.

The classes move together through prep school (sometimes), NWC (in the good old days) and The Sausage Factory.

Jeske's work is more than pan-Lutheran. It is pan-denominational (excluding the Lutheran Confessions, of course). This fits into the Mission Vision of Kieschnick's LCMS.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mequon Connection in Jeske Exit":

If not proof, I would have to say all the facts that have been presented here certainly point to it. Moreover, what has been presented here is easily verifiable. Jeske graduated from WLS in 1978. Wille graduated in 1979 (according to the WLS website). They were indeed classmates who were just a year apart.
Here is the link to the graduation photos:



Mark Jeske, if you are out there, why don't you just straighten us all out on this issue? You have a radio broadcast and websites after all? Seems like it would be pretty easy to do if he wanted to. All he would have to say is that "I am 100% committed to the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and its full confession of faith."

I have heard both Mark and John Jeske preach. Mark, like his father, is a very gifted preacher. It is a terrible shame and waste that he has chosen to use his gifts in this way. It is he, his like, and their doctrine who are causing division in WELS, not people who, like the Synod Pres., call them on it.


Chief Little Hat has left a new comment on your post "Mequon Connection in Jeske Exit":

You must like doing ecclesiastical jig saw puzzles, Rev. Ichabod. You're fitting the Mark Jeske piece with the DP Wille piece.

May I try fitting some adjacent pieces.

Ah, the Rev. Dean Zemple piece: It fits with the Wille piece. Wille welcomed this former WELS pastor and Church Growth advocate into the LCMS fold, placing him at the LCMS congregation in Sullivan, WI. following his resignation from his WELS congregation in Lannon, WI. about 5 years ago. Zemple is already elevated to the role of circuit counselor. Additionally, Zemple is a rabid Ablaze promoter.

Next, the Mark Freier piece; the Freier piece fits the Zemple quite nicely. Zemple vicared under Freier in Wauwatosa 20+ years ago.

Not last, nor least (there are still lots of pieces) the Wendy Sue Fluegge piece. Ms. Fluegge was a rising WELS contemporary music entertainer until she recently left fellowship with the above mentioned WELS Lannon congregation. The Wendy Sue piece fits with her former Pastor Zemple's piece.

As the Church Growths keep changing, fitting the pieces remains a dynamic task. Keep on puzzling.


GJ - Mark Freier is still being thanked for helping to start an Evangelical Covenant Church, CrossRoads in S. Lyons, Michigan. I believe he was also part of the Coral Something blowup in Florida. I see Elton Stroh (Love Shack) graduated with Jeske. Rick Curia and Charles Papenfuss, the bookends for Kokomo Justification, are in that class. Add James Witt III, a Shrinker with a DMin in Shrinkage from Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis. (Kelm got his drive-by DMin there too, but he's much older.) Bob Schumann, fanatical Shrinker, is also in that class. Bob graduated from St. Paul in German Village to Thrivent.

Honorable Men Do Not Hide Their Confession of Faith

Kent Hunter (DMin, Fuller) - "Shepherds don't have sheep. Sheep have sheep." But wolves have pups.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Quiche-Nicked Jeske RSO Swears To Promote the LCMS...":

President Schroeder and the WELS must make informed, Christian decisions.

The membership of the WELS must be well informed.

Any action to remove Jeske could be made to appear legalistic.

An honorable man, truly concerned about the sheep and lambs in both synods would leave on his own. He would not act so as to leave the impression that the decision was made by anyone other than himself.

Rev. Mark Jeske, are you an honorable man?

Kudu Don Patterson's Network - Revealed by Kudu Don Patterson

Diablo informed me that I was moving into Kudu Don Patterson's district, which includes Arkansas.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "Where do you get Kudu Don as a name?"

I answered, "He wrote to me using that email address. I looked up kudu and saw it was a deer found in Africa. He probably killed those too."

I probably won't win a free safari trip for revealing this information, but who has promoted Don's contacts better than I?

His links page is a good indication of his contacts, although he omitted Church and Change for some reason.

I tried to kelm his code, but he has a web designer doing that, and it does not translate well on Blogger.

Listed below are the people his diciples (Stetzer spelling) should emulate:

Time of Generic Grace with Mark Jeske
Time of Grace is a growing multi-media ministry which produces truly excellent bible-based, Christ-centered lessons that are available in video, audio and written formats. Their weekly TV program (which can be viewed on-line) is a great venue for learning God's Word.
[GJ - Jeske has three staff members as Chicanery board members, so figure that one out.]

Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Services
The purpose of WLCFS is to apply the healing and helping ministry of Jesus Christ to people in a sinful and troubled world. Services that are available include: Christian-based counseling, help with retirement and assisted living, help with substance abuse and more.
[GJ - This is a key node in the Chicanery network, linked with Parlow, Kelm, and Witte.]

Holy Word Lutheran - Austin, Texas
Holy Word Lutheran church has been a part of the north Austin community in central Texas for nearly 40 years. Since 1992, Kudu Don Patterson has served as their pastor and the church has a very active ministry, including a K-8th grade school and numerous weekly bible studies.
10601 Bluff Bend Drive, Austin TX 78753
Church: 512-836-4264, School: 512-836-0660
[GJ - So why do you need a free vicar every year?]

New Life Lutheran - Shoreview, Minnesota
New Life Lutheran has been part of the Shoreview (north Twin City metro) community for over 20 years and is one of the founding sponsors of the Reason For Hope broad- cast in the Twin Cities. They welcome all visitors for Christian worship, prayer, Bible study and fellowship.
180 County Road F West, Shoreview MN 55126
Church: 651-484-1169
"Our Mission
We exist to carry out the will of God who has commanded us to proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ to the entire world. To accomplish this we unite in worship and join together in Christian fellowship. We grow in God's grace through Bible Study. We witness to the world that Jesus Christ is everyone's Savior through his perfect life, sacrificial death, and triumphant resurrection. We desire to share the comforting confidence that everyone can be certain of eternal salvation through God's promise of forgiveness and peace in Jesus Christ." [GJ - Nothing about being Lutheran in confession or the Means of Grace. This could be Babtist Stetzer's mission statement. They do have "make disciples" below, so they get 5 points for spelling disciples right. Stetzer can't do that with "two doctorates and two masters."]

Here are some laughs - True North is their campus ministry, so they have quasi-Lutheran articles linked to read. One of them is "Parasytic (sic) Human Life," from, a link that does not work right now. Maybe because I spelled it right.

Christ Lutheran - North St. Paul, Minnesota
Christ Lutheran has numerous weekly Bible studies in addition to its Sunday worship services and K-8 grade school. They are also one of the founding sponsors of the Reason For Hope broadcast in the Twin Cities.
2475 17th Ave. East, North St. Paul, MN 55109
Church: 651-777-5771, School: 651-777-1450
[GJ - Don't miss Praise in the Park]
  • Devotion and Music

  • Bonfire

  • S’mores & Snacks


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kudu Don Patterson's Network - Revealed by Kudu Do...":

Greg - would you please stop posting about my network. I am next in line for district pope and your exposure is not helping my cause.

President in Exile Gurgel and I need time to plan our next safari to Stetzer's latest conference. We don't need all these questions about our rock and roll church, free vicar and staph minister grants, soccer for Jesus projects, and the like. Thank you - Gunga Don.


GJ - He is a far, far better man than you or I, Gunga Don.

Shocking Vote, Twenty-two Years After I Published a Lengthy Expose on This; Don't Go Making Hasty Decisions, ELCA Congregations

Cover story
The Staff of The Lutheran

What next?
Conflict, conversations, commitment

It’s old news already — the historic votes by the Churchwide Assembly changing policy to open possibilities for gays and lesbians for recognition of their partnerships and for rostered ministry. Gone from the TV screens. Recycled with the papers.

Richard G. Mahan, West Virginia-Western
Richard G. Mahan, West Virginia-Western Maryland Synod: “I cannot see how the church that I have known for 40 years can condone what God has condemned.”
But not for the church. Members will be reading the story of all that these decisions mean for months to come. And they’ll be “writing” it, too, as they work through the conflict of their beliefs about biblical authority and human sexuality, their understandings of bound consciences and love of neighbor.

Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson wants everyone to join in the project. “It’s going to take time to sort out how we’re going to live together in the light of these decisions,” he said. “We need you in the conversation about what is the shape and character of our life together. It would be tragic if we walked away from one another.”

Supporters of the new policies signed on immediately. “We pledge to work with the church, including with those who would oppose us, for reconciliation to fulfill our collective mission to spread the love of Christ for the sake of the world,” was the word from Goodsoil, an advocacy group.

Lutheran CORE (Coalition for Reform)
stated that the “ELCA is the one that has departed from the teaching of the Bible as understood for 2,000 years.” But it also cautioned disappointed congregations and individuals from making “hasty decisions” and announced a gathering in Indianapolis, Sept. 25-26, to discuss what the future for “faithful Lutherans in the ELCA might look like.”

Bishop Stephen G. Marsh, Southeast Michigan Synod, said his e-mail box was filling up fast. He knew reactions in the synod (Detroit and suburbs) would be varied. “I’m going to go home and listen, listen especially to those who opposed the changes,” he said. “This is our time for conversation and for healing.”

That’s what James R. Hale, a mission developer in the Pacifica Synod, planned to do too. Prior to the voting he stood before the assembly to oppose the changes, telling how his congregation of new Lutherans had grown to hundreds and would dwindle just as quickly­—95 percent would “bail,” but he said he’d work with the 5 percent as “leaven for the ELCA.”