Monday, November 16, 2009

Darth Wieder

darthjedi ( has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous ELCA Pastor Whistles Past the Graveyard,...":

Thank you for removing my entire blog post from your site. I really appreciate (sic - transitive verbs without objects?). Thank you also for bringing more traffic to my site.

I make typos as well. Thank you for pointing out some of the typos that I made. Why you had to be snide about it with your comment about my "grasp of English," I am not sure, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

I asked you to remove my full name and church from the comments (not commanded as you suggested) for privacy purposes. I asked you as a fellow Christian to respect my privacy not to make an issue out of it.

I think the pictures are cute and made me laugh. I especially liked the the last one.

I will make one final comment on your blog post, actually it is on the title. If I am whistling "past the graveyard, literally," it would mean that 1. I am whistling 2. I just moved past a graveyard. Since I am doing neither, I am not doing it "literally." I guess I am not the only one with a problem with using the English language. :-)


GJ - I need to explain to Mequon graduates that Darth Wieder is a pun, because ELCA's Darth is posting again (Wieder - German for again, pronounced Veeder - see, it gets funnier).

Privacy and blogs create an odd juxtaposition, especially when the blog author gives away his own name on the first page. That reminds me of the congregations that post information for the world to see and complain if it is reposted...for the world to see.

Whistling past the graveyard is the expression modified by literally. The adverb means that ELCA is a literal graveyard, full of dead bodies. Without the adverb I would have suggested that the author was trying to keep himself from being afraid. Instead, I wanted to say that ELCA is a cemetery.

KJV Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 28 Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity. 29 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous.

If someone is going to call a witty post "snide," then he should resist the temptation of sending an ill-conceived snide comment that misfires.

"Party in the MLC" Mourned by Fans and MLC Students

"response to Party in the MLC/ Miley Cyrus Party In The U.S.A/ MUSIC VIDEO
i thought that video was hilariuos (sic)....even though i dislike hannah montana"

cliomusic (1 week ago)

NO! that video was awesome. man i should have embedded it. damn!
sayschoice (2 weeks ago)

Aww man that sucks that they couldn't see the funny side of it! That movie made me and my friends laugh sooo much, wish that it would be put back on anyway :)
wonderhorsedah (2 weeks ago)

It was removed because of the not so good view of our college that it presented. Many felt that it was not something that our future pastors and teachers should be displaying themselves as.
JustAJinxx (1 week ago)

thats so stupid! I'm a Christian and that video was so funny! i luvd it! and i hope you guys won the competition err watever that was going on!
wiebusch01 (2 weeks ago)

I liked the video.  Popular according to the 86,000+ who viewed it. Curious why it was removed.
wesisnegro1 (2 weeks ago)

beilke22 (3 weeks ago)

thanks for the props man
jackdonkey1416 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide

i agree



To what cultural aspersions do we owe the phenomenon of remaking the remakes of music videos? The Fire Island Pines boys, who created the Miley Cyrus send-up "Party In The F.I.P," receive their own homage with "Party In The MLC" from a bunch of dormmates at a "homecoming summit." At, uh, Midland Lutheran College?

Keep watching, 'cause there's a blooper reel.

(Thanks, Blake!)

Quia - Just Because

Ski worshiped with Babtist Andy Stanley at Drive '08,
attended Driv '09 with Glende, Katie and other WELS workers,
and will probably attend Drive '10.
The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal.  We began with awesome worship.  Today though, they began with a Christian rapper, Toby Mac.  Our school kids would have loved it.  I’m not sure that they would have believed that it was church though.

"Ski maintains a quia subscription to the confessions and has a clearer explanation of close communion than almost any confessional Lutheran congregation that I have seen."

That is a complete joke! What Confessional Lutheran would feel the need to frequent Babtist Enthusiast conferences as much as Ski and Katie? Not to mention copying Craig Groeschel sermons. I'm sure those sermons are just dripping with references to the efficacy of the Word and Sacraments! 

The Ski Blog about Drive '08 is another example of awesome doctrinal discipline in WELS.

The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal. We began with awesome worship. Today though, they began with a Christian rapper, Toby Mac. Our school kids would have loved it. I’m not sure that they would have believed that it was church though.

When Andy began his session. He started by saying that he was not going to follow his notes in the Drive ’08 Journal Book. Instead he was going to do something that he called, “Recent Random Thoughts On Church Leadership.” He shared 5 points and 5 takeaways. I think that he was at his absolute best this afternoon. Here are the 5 point & takeaways:


1.To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing.

Takeaway - Become preoccupied with those you haven’t reached as opposed to those you keep. This is easier said than done.

Wow, it seems so simple. And yet so hard.


2.The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation.

Takeaway - Be a student not a critic.

What more can be said? How do we approach things? When things are different & involve change are we scared? Do we criticize or do we look to learn and implement?


3.What do I believe is impossible to do in my field? But if it could be done it would fundamentally change my business.

Takeaway - Pay attention to the people who are breaking the rules.

Crazy sounding isn’t it? We can fight technology and change, but in the end it will pass us and we will become archaic and irrelevant. Not our Message, but the manner in which we present it. Who would have ever thought texting would be as big as it is? How about multi-site church? Video church? These are all things that have changed how we worship.


4.If we got kicked out & the board brought in a new CEO what would they do? Why shouldn’t we walk out the door & then come back in & do it ourselves?

Takeaway - Acknowledge what is NOT working & own up to why you are unwilling to change it.

Some thoughts on this - rarely does the church (in general) get concerned about change until they run out of money. What if we asked some questions before it was too late?


a.What’s in decline?

b.Where are we manufacturing energy? In other words pretending something is important. An example would be if I continued to say that Bible Study was important, but never attended. I’m blowing hot air, “manufacturing energy.” I don’t believe that anyone wants to stand behind that or get involved in something like that.

c.Finally, when are we going to unearth all underlying assumptions? Sometimes, what we assume, is not the reality. Are we willing to dig to find out the truth or are we happy with assuming?

5.When your memories exceed your dreams the end is near.

Takeaway - Don’t let success or momentum overshadow your vision. Keep the out front.

How quickly can we be satisfied? How often do we look at things and say, “Well, it’s not great but it is better than such and such church.” Scary, but we sometimes fool ourselves into thinking like this. Some questions to ponder:


a.What the burden on your heart?

b.What breaks your heart?

That was it. After that Andy just ended and prayed for all the people there & for there ministries. As you can see from the pictures above, Buske & I got to get a picture with Andy, pretty cool. He is way down to earth. His wife Sandra was there also and she is just great. We actually got to talk to her a little more than Andy. You also notice John with the North Point member who played Bender in one of their sermon series called “Twisted”. The series was all about how Satan twists God’s Word. Finally, there is a photo of Buske & Todd Fields. I’m a little bitter about that one, but you’ll need to ask me why.

Thanks to everyone who read this while I was gone. Be looking for some cool stuff that we will be implementing at St. Marcus, especially in Sunday Night. Thanks also for all the patience. Writing this thing mostly between 1 AM & 2 AM means that there are probably a ton spelling and grammar mistakes. I can’t wait to see you guys on Sunday. Check out the Picture Page for some added photos from Drive ’08.

Together in WELS

Can the two-headed calf keep it together?
How does one harmonize Church and Change with the Book of Concord?

The Synodical Council determined that the long-range plan will focus on the latter aspect and adopted the following as a statement of purpose that will guide the planning work:

"The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod exists to give all glory to God by upholding, defending, and proclaiming the truth of the Holy Scriptures as articulated in the Lutheran Confessions, and by providing a means for congregations and their members to extend the reach of their God-given mission of proclaiming the gospel in Word and sacrament through joint mission efforts at home and abroad through the training of pastors, teachers, and staff ministers."

The SC discussed the many strengths of our synod, areas that need improvement and attention, and the many opportunities that God is placing before us. A committee chaired by the synod's first vice president, and composed of the synod president and the three area of ministry administrators will begin to outline a comprehensive long-term plan which, according to a SC resolution,
a) describes a "future state" for the synod;
b) works with all parties;
c) makes use of existing resources;
d) satisfies the 2009 convention resolution; and
e) flows out of our synodical philosophy of ministry.
The plan is to have a working document ready for the joint Synodical Council and Conference of Presidents meeting in April, which can then be presented to the districts in convention in summer of 2010.
Other SC decisions included:
  • Took action to reduce the overall travel and meeting budget of the synod by $400,000, in keeping with the convention's resolution.
  • Adopted new guidelines for the budgeting and use of special funds.
  • Considered up-to-date financial information and made no change to the Support Forecast.
  • Encouraged the Board for Home Missions to continue planning for new mission efforts and to bring proposals for such new efforts to the February meeting of the SC.
  • Established a new Human Resources Oversight Committee to assist the Human Resources director in making continuing improvements in the area of Human Resources.
  • Accepted an invitation from the Conference of Presidents to meet jointly for one day in April 2010.
Serving in Christ,
Mark Schroeder

Cutbacks at NPH

Declining retail sales and a difficult financial environment for denominational publishers are forcing Northwestern Publishing House (NPH) to eliminate nine full- and part-time staff positions effective Dec. 30. One of the positions is a called full-time editor, reducing the number of called workers at NPH to five.

In a memo to all employees, NPH President Jerry Loeffel said: "Decisions like this are never easy. We value the contributions these staff members have made to our organization over the years. All have been great employees with solid skills and a willingness to go the extra mile. While these layoffs are difficult, they are absolutely necessary for the well-being of Northwestern Publishing House."

For the first three months of the current fiscal year, sales at NPH—the official publisher for WELS—are down seven percent at its retail store in Milwaukee compared with the same time as last year and six percent behind budget projections. The drop in sales over the past several years is consistent with losses faced by other Christian retailers throughout the country.

First quarter budget results

Filed Under: Budget, Finance

Results for the first quarter of the synod's fiscal year 2010 ending Sept. 31 show support and revenue of $19.1 million exceeded expenses of $17.4 million by $1.7 million. The resulting increase in net assets is partially due to revenues being received before corresponding expenses are incurred—a timing difference that is expected to reverse by the end of the fiscal year. But also contributing to the increase is improvement in investment performance as financial markets continue to recover from their March and April lows.

"The results for the quarter are about what we expected," says Mr. Todd Poppe, chief financial officer. Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO), the offerings submitted by congregations for the collective ministry of the synod, for calendar year 2009 are about 2.1 percent or $300,000 less than the prior year and are in line with the budget and congregation commitments. The Conference of Presidents remains confident those commitments will be realized by the end of the year. "The CMO performance is encouraging given the challenging economic times," Poppe says.

Schwan Dive
Of continuing concern is the decrease in support from one of the major foundation donors to WELS. It has announced reductions in support of about $6 million in its annual grant over the last two years. There are hopes that gifts from congregations in response to November's VEBA premium holiday and the establishment of a new foundation in support of WELS may offset some of the loss.
In any event, the full impact of any loss in foundation support won't be felt in the current fiscal year due in large part to the creation of the Financial Stabilization Fund adopted by the 2009 synod convention.

Under this change, funds from foundations, individuals, and bequests are held in this fund and distributed the year after they are received. Thus, the impact of the foundation reduction will not be felt until the next fiscal year. If support from CMO and other sources does not make up for the foundation reduction, the budget for the next fiscal year may need to be cut by a million dollars or more.

The first quarter's report is the first under a new approach to budgeting proposed by the Synodical Council and adopted by the 2009 synod convention. Beginning in fiscal year 2010, the financial reports include not just the synod's operating budget, but also its special funds and its schools. For example, revenue now includes all revenue and support and all the costs of the four ministerial education schools.

Historically, only the operating subsidy was reported. In numerical terms, the reports will now focus on the nearly $60 million in ministry conducted by the synod rather than just the $30 million budget if only synod's operations were reported.

The Ad Calvinem, Or, Pistisphobia

Calvin separated the Holy Spirit from the Means of Grace; hence, he was an Enthusiast. UOJ shares the same error, claiming that the entire world enjoys God's grace, absolution, without the Means of Grace.

L P has left a new comment on your post "The ELS Webber Link to Marquart's UOJ Defense":


Scripture does declare and Confessions repeat that Christ's payment for the sins of the world is forgiveness for the world. Christ's payment for the sins of the world is not forgiveness of the world.

I like this, I will keep it in my pocket.

I just noticed in my insistence to JBFA, they suggested I am being a Calvinist.

I burst into laughter when I read this.

They invented a new fallacy - I call the bogey man fallacy, a specie of guilt by association.

Like them it is the Calvinist who equates the Atonement with Justification.

They have a sickness called - pistisphobia.

They get rashes, when you suggest to them that faith in Christ is the condition for justification.

God bless you and Dr Greg.



GJ - I was called a Calvinist many times on LutherQuest (sic).

New Pastor Left St. Peter Freedom Because of Church Growth Turmoil There

From Anonymouse: This has got to be a new low, even for you. You admit that you know nothing about this situation other than what you read in the St. Peter newsletter. As far as you know, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Core. Yet you print this story with your little photoshopped picture designed to make Pastor Glende and Ski look as ridiculous as you possibly can (What, you've never looked silly having a good time at a restaurant?) and hint that it has something to do with St. Peter's relationship with the Core. On the record: I have no Idea why Pastor Christenson asked for a call out of St. Peter AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA EITHER! I really don't know how you can live with yourself or sleep at night.
"Lord, Lord, didn't I maintain a church on the internet and mercilessly mock those who weren't (in my opinion) orthodox enough?"
"I never knew you!"

Above is the original silly photo, posted by Bishop Katie herself on Twitter. Shame on Katie!
The threesome attended a pastoral conference on Mark Driscoll's home turf,
but no one owned up to being in Seattle for Driscoll.

GJ - Reading the tea leaves, I would say that the someone approved the departure of the new pastor after only a few months. The public record of Ron Ash and Tim Glende is clear - they are up to their necks in unionistic Church Growth. There is no possibility that the new pastor left because he was too growthy for that pair! Consider also the leaven of Ski and Katie, whose motto is: "No Enthusiast left behind." Another source confirmed that Glende and Ash are the cause, not the cure.

The Appleton Dumpling Gang is well fed.

This PhotoShop was inspired by Glende's and Ski's lack of candor
about their trip to Seattle.
This cartoon made Wally Oelhaven furious,
but it sure fits The CORE, Ski, Glende, Kati, and Ron Ash.

Ron Ash retired as the pastor of St. Peter, Freedom,
He still chairs the odious Church and Chicanery faction in WELS.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced Church Growth to St. Paul, German Village,when Tim Glende was an impressionable teen member there. Kicked out of the LCMS for cause, Stolzenburg was divorced by his wife, but WELS made him an overpaid CG guru - then Kuske and Schumann endorsed him for pastoral work.The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?
But sometimes we just end up with The CORE!

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter Freedom (The CORE Mother-Church) Loses S...":

Pretty hypocritical that it's OK for Confessional Crusaders to post anonymously. As long as it promotes your skewed agenda, right PJ? What a freaking double standard.

Run on sentences? Well that's typical criticism from someone who is narrow minded (or should I say closed minded) and needs to retake reading and comprehension. So if there's no real substance to criticize, lets (sic) nit pick (sic - nitpick is one word) grammar. Give me a break. Get a life.

Mighty Mouse [Most likely Tim Felt-Needs] But he denies it.
Tim loves to use the term "Confessional Crusaders."
Mequon graduates - click on this link for proof.

St. Peter Freedom (The CORE Mother-Church) Loses Second Pastor After a Few Months

Football buddies Glende and Ski have attended Andy Stanley and Driscoll conferences together, although Glende does not disclose the pertinent details in his own church newsletters. The CORE began at St. Peter Freedom and Ski was listed as a pastor there, the last time I looked.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "DK Has A Better Idea":

Church Growth has shrunk a pastor. From the November St. Peter Freedom newsletter (Hopefully you can comprehend all of "Pastor Tim's" run-on sentences. Apparently punctuation becomes needless at a growing congregation...who has time to stop long enough for periods and commas!!!??? We're too busy growing!!!!!!):

Pastor Christenson
Dear Members of St. Peter,
On October 4th, I received a call to serve as pastor at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in
La Crescent, MN. The fact that I had received a call only after being here seven months is not normal protocol in our synod. Because of struggles that I was having in my ministry, I thought it may be best that my name be eligible for a call, and if that call came I would have the opportunity to evaluate the gifts God had given me and the gifts needed to serve here as second pastor at St. Peter. Even in a time when there were very few vacancies in our synod, the Lord granted that request and First Lutheran, La Crescent called me to serve as their pastor. I have considered where I could use my gifts to their fullest as well as what gifts are needed to serve as second pastor here at St. Peter. After prayerful consideration, I accepted the call to serve in La Crescent.

I cannot stress enough that my decision to accept the call and leave should not in any way reflect negatively on the members of St. Peter. The members here have gone out of their way to show their love for me and my family. I truly feel in just a short period of time that God has created relationships and friendships that will last forever, which doesn’t make this announcement any easier. With that said,

I am thankful for this time God has given us together and we will trust in him, that as this call was extended and accepted, it is his will and we know that God will work all things for the good of his church. May God’s will be done wherever the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed.

Thank you for all that you have done for us. Until we meet again, may the Lord bless and keep you.
In Jesus’ Name,
Pastor Chris J. Christenson

Where Do We Go From Here?
I first want to thank the Lord that he has provided Pastor Christenson with a wonderful opportunity where he believes he can best use his gifts and talents to serve our Lord in La Crescent, MN. We pray that the Lord will bless him, his family, and his new ministry. Any words of encouragement for Pastor C are appreciated.

Where we go from here will be determined by our congregation over the upcoming days and weeks. It hasn’t been a full year since the congregation approved the job description for our 2nd pastor, so there won't be a lot of new insight regarding what we need here at St. Peter to help carry forward our vision and mission. The council and our leadership teams will have discussions over the upcoming days, where we may tweak some of the duties for our pastors and talk about our future plans. We will then present these updates, changes, and suggestions to our congregation and lay out our timetable for calling a 2nd pastor to carry out those duties. We are at a great time in our congregation's history, where we are being blessed by the Lord and growing, and we have members who are excited for ministry and getting involved, and now is not a time to step back and slow down and lose that momentum. While I may be the only pastor here for the next few months, we don't plan on taking several months for discussing our options. Please keep our congregation in your prayers, thank the Lord for all of the blessings he is providing to St. Peter, and pray that he continues to help us move forward with our mission and vision trusting that according to his plan he will provide us with our next pastor.

Pastor Tim


GJ - I cannot parse this momentous decision. The official denials are not all posted.

For newcomers, St. Peter Freedom announced at a congregational meeting this fact - The CORE went through $250,000 in its first few months, with a net gain of 15 members, which I assume includes Bishop Katie and the Ski family of five. Exponential growth will get those numbers up to 20 in another year or so.

Anonymous ELCA Pastor Whistles Past the Graveyard, Literally

ELCA is not descended from my family?

I am not sure if you got my last comment, but I am going to assume you have not. You do not have permission to reprint my entire blog post. This is a form of plagiarism (please see It is also a form of copyright infringement. Please remove my blog from your post. I would also appreciate a removal of the comment from an anonymous user revealing my full name and church location. I put on my site a pseudonym as well as my first and last initial for privacy purposes. Thank you.

[GJ - From the first page of his blog - "This is the blog of Justin J." Doubtless there are millions of ELCA pastors named Justin J!"]

Are We Bleeding?

October 22, 2009 at 10:17 am ·


GJ - I enjoyed the blog posts above so much that I had to share them. Normally, ELCA news makes me nod off, no matter how much coffee I am drinking. Darth went all Jedi Knight on me, so I deleted his words and left the two links. Plagiarism means making money from the original work of others and not giving the original author credit. I make no money from this blog and give credit for all my sources.

Only a few ELCA congregations are leaving apostasy? An entire denomination, larger than the ELS, has emerged from leaving ELCA.

I trace the LCA/ALC/ELCA decline from the moment they gave up on organic merger with Missouri. At that point the Leftists took over and the entire agenda was waved in front of the membership, daily it seemed. For example, The Lutheran magazine was given a quota in covering minority stories. Abortion on demand was assumed as a basic virtue and promoted within various church agencies. The tacit approval of homosexual ordination (which went on for decades, according to The Lutheran's editor) became overt, shrill, and persistent. In politics, America was always wrong and the Marxists had deep insights about world peace and liberation.

Strangely, ELCA's genuflection toward The Episcopal Church USA precipitated the biggest break. I would love to see Lutherans understand what a bishop really does, but the ELCA/Episcopal Anschluss did not accomplish that. ELCA used its power to force Episcopal bishops on Lutherans, a bizarre plan for anyone except a self-destructive atheist. Their vision has worked as well as the Sears-KMart deal.

The Synodical Conference Lutherans probably imagined they would win big from the merger, going ELCA-lite to attract the highest number of escapees. Sasse was right - the decline of one confession adversely affects all of them. ELCA's apostasy has only made WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect seem Lutheran in comparison.

Finally, SP Schroeder stopped the WELS practice of playing kneesies under the table with ELCA, something promoted by Mischke-Gurgle. However, just when Fuller Bivens unloaded on sodomy in FIC, Mary Lou College (WELS) shared its campy gay video with the world. MLC students defended the video obsessively.

"We are not as bad as ELCA" is not a compelling mission statement. In fact, WELS-LCMS-ELS would do well just to emphasize the Scriptures, Confessions, and liturgical worship. Of course, Jerry Kieschnick will not give up his ambition to bring Missouri in ELCA, but Missouri members may derail his loco motive in time.


PS - Justin Johnson, who feigns anonymity, wrote: "Reprinting an entire blog, even if you are using it to comment on, is a form of plagiarism. This is true even if you site (sic - cite?) where it is from or put quotes around it."

GJ - I doubt whether anyone has reproduced his entire blog. His claim about plagiarism is almost as ludicrous as his grasp of English. Copying a post for the sake of commentary, especially among non-profits, is called Fair Use. However, I am happy to edit Justin's actual words, but I will not delete another comment just because he commands it! No one--but no one--has ever asked me to delete the comments of others.