Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on LCMS Home Page

John Parlow, Mark Jeske, Paul Calvin Kelm, Dom Perignon Patterson

Mark is featured with Time of Grace on the home page of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Has anyone heard of one denomination promoting the TV show of another one?

Catch "Time of Grace" on KFUO–AM

Tune in to KFUO–AM 850 or listen online each week as Pastor Jeske delivers a Bible–based message that provides the hope and truth of God's Word in down–to–earth "straight talk."

KFUO-AM airing a new show

KFUO-AM is now airing "Time of Grace," a weekly program featuring Pastor Mark Jeske, senior pastor at St. Marcus Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wis.

Each week, Pastor Jeske delivers a Bible-based message providing the hope and truth of God's Word in down-to-earth "straight talk."

Tune in at 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays to KFUO-AM 850 in St. Louis or listen wherever you are online at


GJ - Does anyone dispute now that Mark Jeske is joining the LCMS and taking his church and others with him?

I recall him discussing the amalgamation issue at Northwestern College. He was clearly on the side of closing the school, because the professors' attitude had been, "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Some people may say the same thing about Mark's exit, which has been covert and dishonest, just like his Church and Change groupies.

Mark is fifth generation WELS. He will never leave, but I see him featured on the LCMS site and not on the WELS site.

Several former WELS pastors are now Shrinkers in the LCMS, and they went to The Sausage Factory when he did. However, the key issue is the growing repudiation of Shrinkage by Enthusiasm in WELS. Kieschnick's Missouri embraces it. Shroeder's Wisconsin shrivels it.


TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on ...":

So, the LC-MS has chosen to put him on their website. Why are we hating on him for that?


TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on ...":

So, the LC-MS has chosen to put him on their website. Why are we hating on him for that? 

TShinnick has left a new comment on your post "Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi - Recessiona...":

I fail to see how this post does anything besides slander the likes of Parlow, Jeske, Schroeder, Ski and the like. Perhaps you ought to write something constructive for anyone. Attempt it next time, please. I hope you quote this comment in such a post."

Tyler Shinnick

About Me

I am 21 years old. I'm currently in my senior year at Martin Luther College. I am studying for the pastoral ministry.
Tyler Shinnick

* Age: 21
* Gender: Male
* Astrological Sign: Pisces
* Zodiac Year: Dragon
* Industry: Student
* Location: Appleton : Wisconsin : United States


Tyler Shinnick (Martin Luther) wrote on September 24, 2009 at 11:38pm
I have struggled for quite some time as to why we subscribe to the Athanasian Creed as part of our confessions. This concern is because of the damnatory clause at the end of the creed: "This is the true Christian faith. Whoever does not faithfully and firmly believe this cannot be saved." Certainly, one must believe in the triune God to be saved, but the Athanasian creed doesn't stop there. Included in the creed is, "filioque", saying that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the father "and the son".

Are you really comfortable saying that whoever doesn't believe that will spend eternity in hell? I'm not. Did Jesus explain that to the thief on the cross? That's a quite small point of scripture that has been debated and has led to the biggest divide in the history of the Christian church. Are we seriously confessing that the entire Eastern church is a non-Christian group destined for hell? Would a single pastor in our church body assert that?

Yet they've all confessed it. Why?


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on ...":

Tyler Shinnick's statements clearly show what's in the Synodical pipeline. The Confessional congregations deceive themselves if they think anything substantial was accomplished at the 2009 Convention. Shrinkers run the WELS education system. The MLC and WLC statements defending MLC homoerotic homecoming video are just another testament to the current condition of the WELS and a view to its future.


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on ...":

Yeah heaven forbid a orhodox Lutheran get on TV and actually spread the Gospel.

I don't really understand why we're hating on the LCMS for featuring him on their website either...It's gotta have something to do with that spreading the Gospel thing right? Or maybe it's because he reaches certain people who can't get to church. That could be it. Yeah, you're totally right he should get off the air.

[GJ - See Mr. Leyrer's blog for a goldmine of misspelled words and grammatical errors, overshadowed by incoherence on a grand scale. MLC/WLC grad or student?]


mjleyrer has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Church and Change Leader, Featured on ...":

Oh come on. You guys are making Jeske sound like he's a freaking prophet of Baal or something. Calm Down.

I suppose we would rather have those people he's reaching with his TV show go over to the ELCA or maybe a baptist church.

Oh, and Jacko I left a special post on my blog just for you. Wink wink.


GJ - They need not attend a Babtist church when they have WELS pastors trained by Babtists. Jeske, Parlow, Kelm, First VP Huebner, Olson, Aderman, Witte, and Bruce Becker are the core of Shrinkage and false doctrine.

How the Little Sect on the Prairie Contributes To Apostasy

Norman Teigen (left) and Rolf Preus. Norman's father exposed the Synodical Conference error about the efficacy of the Word in the Lord's Supper. The ELS ministers chickened out on the topic,
just as they did with Pope John the Malefactor's destruction of the divine call.


Rolf Preus: "When the synod is a church and a synod president with no altar or pulpit is nevertheless a pastor of the church then divine gospel authority is replaced by carnal legal authority not just potentially but necessarily.

The reason men cannot understand this is because they think they can understand the ministry of the Word apart from the actual divine justification of the sinner through faith. It cannot be done."

GJ - This comment is from a pastor I know:
Doesn't this sentence contradict UOJ? Rolf Preus arguing about the nature of the office of pastor!


Another person wrote:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Kurtzahn, The Pancake Pope of the CLC (sic), Unloa...":

Rolf cannot comprehend the contents of the book he "edited", with his brother, maybe because they so mucked up the text and references of their late father's book; JUSTIFICATION AND ROME by Robert Preus.

They gave the book a very poor layout. But more importantly, it is obviously tampered with in the actual text proper, as well as in the reference sections, in not a few, but many places.

Many quotes from the BoC that their father would, I believe, have intended being in the text proper (to give greater clarity to non-Lutherans reading it), appear to have been dropped by his boys, probably because too detrimental to the UOJ barrow the Preus boys so vehemently continue to push.

The true Apostolic/Lutheran Justification by Faith Alone teaching; nevertheless shines clearly through, on the whole,in spite of the afore-mentioned impoverishments.


GJ -  Some synodical trivia: I noticed that Rolf took on David Buegler here. Buegler was Jack Cascione's candidate for DP in Ohio. Cascione was delighted that his guy won - then his guy turned ecumenical overnight. What a shock! Rolf is Cascione's chapel dean at LutherQuest (sic). Rolf once went to the Ukraine to spend some Schwan or Stolzenburg money, thanks to Jay Webber. Birds of a feather do flock together - do not stand under their roosting places too long.

Rolf's position on the ministry, quoted above, contradicts UOJ. I hope he donates the manuscript of Justification and Rome to a library, so scholars can see what his father actually wrote. Having Rolf and Daniel edit it was a stroke of genius - like having two house painters touch up a Rembrandt.

The Little Sect on the Prairie had a chance to deal with doctrine when B. Teigen wrote his famous book on the Lord's Supper. Instead, they accepted synodical orders to silence themselves about Receptionism - the Synodical Conference error that the elements become the Body and Blood of Christ when received by the individual. The political reason behind the silencing was clear enough - no one could admit that Holy Mother Synod was ever wrong about anything. The doctrinal error behind Receptionism is Enthusiasm, thoroughly denounced by the Book of Concord - separating the Holy Spirit from the Word.

In muting themselves about Enthusiasm in the Lord's Supper, the ELS clergy and laity also silenced themselves about Enthusiasm in the Church Growth Movement. Orvick welcomed an essay endorsing Valleskey's Figs from Thistles essay (WLQ) and this endorsement was duly published in the ELS knock-off journal. CG is not just good - using it is analogous to plundering gold, silver, and jewels. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Amen. Here endeth the lesson.

Ditto the Mueller/Gurgle theses on the ministry. Once again the ELS clergy and laity rolled over and played dead. Are they the same group that stood up to the LMCS long ago? Obviously not. Emboldened, Pope John the Malefactor extended the Left Foot of Fellowship to anyone who dared to question Him (the divine pronoun used on purpose). I do not agree with Rolf's curious doctrine, but what Pope John did to Rolf's congregation was despicable: fire the pastor or get kicked out of the Little Sect.  Moldstad, who was voted into the VP slot by the WELSian faction, has no aptitude for theology. As John Shep predicted long before it happened, Moldstad's attitude was and is - "Walk the plank."

Enthusiasm and compromise have contributed to the the neutering of the ELS. Perhaps the clergy have taken this verse to heart - and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. (Matthew 19:12)

I am pessimistic that Rolf Preus, Jay Webber, and others can ever admit to the error of UOJ, even as they contradict themselves in public and in private. If the Word does consecrate and Church Growth is evil, as Jay Webber seems to say, then UOJ is simply a third cancerous growth of Enthusiasm.

If one cannot divorce the ministry of the Word from the office, as Rolf did say on LQ (sic), quoted above, then UOJ is impossible.

One layman was struck by Kurtzahn and Preus looking down their noses at Lenski. This layman wrote:
"Just reading posts on the big I. I wonder what these guys do not like about Lenski`s comments about justification. What good does all Christ did for us without faith? Seems these guys do not want anything to do with faith and keep going on about the predestination controversy of the 1880`s. Also seems these are the same guys that promote the church growth stuff. I guess these guys make disciples."

In the past, the WELS pastors from the Bethany program seemed to have a much better grasp of Lutheran doctrine than did the pure-bred Wisconsin parochial school to NW prep to NWC to GA to Mequon students. Bethany program vet Dom Perignon Patterson is an exception, but I am told he started out well.

The only solution I can see for the ELS/WELS is having a multi-year, in-depth study of the Book of Concord. The Confessions are best studied in small sections, so they do not overwhelm people. I would start with the Formula of Concord (1580), since it constantly appeals to and uses the Augsburg Confession (1530) as its authority. I also like the Formula because of the issues addressed. Augsburg was more concerned with Rome. Fifty years later, Reformed influence also emerged as significant. Reformed doctrine is the biggest problem in the ELS and WELS today, especially since the leaders, past and present, are so smitten by it.

The major weakness of the Formula is quoting Luther. The conservative synods do not like Luther being quoted. That may kill any project involving the Formula of Concord.

The Wolf Demonstrates Schwaermer Homiletics

And I'll huff and and I'll puff and I'll...



Do you also find it difficult to believe that anyone wants to clone Craig Groeschel?

The Dirt Conference was organized so people could learn the tricks of kelming Groeschel and other Reformed/Babtist fanatics. Groeschel appears to be Methodist/Disciples, according to his original ordination and his seminary training. In other words, he comes from the extreme Left of all denominations. His Life Church doctrine is posted here.

I use Google to track plagiarism in college classes, so I use it for doctrinal statements as well. I have made some comparisons before and posted them. I am struck by how closely the WELS Church and Change congregations match doctrinal statements with Groeschel and Evangelical Covenant churches.

Long ago various Lutheran writers warned pastors not to imitate the pulpit gimmicks of the Reformed. That is still a good idea.