Saturday, March 27, 2010

Justification Book Plan

Cover by Norma Boeckler

The two universities have given me a bounty of classes to teach lately. I enjoy lulls in teaching, which enable me to finish a planned book. However, those pleasant times are rather light on income.

Stage one is going to be an essay, which will be done this week and available for editing. The essay will follow the plan for the book and show the main concepts:

  1. The efficacy of the Word.
  2. Enthusiasm.
  3. Zwingli and Calvin.
  4. Pietism.
  5. Walther's Pietistic Easter absolution of the world.
  6. Justification by faith.

I want the material available for the Texas WELS UOJ conference, even though no one will admit reading it. That is the highest possible commendation, so I am not worried. I borrowed this idea from somewhere, and I still think it is true:
1. If everyone agrees, it was not worth saying.
2. If people are furious, it was right on target and drawing flak.
3. If people act as it it was never written, it has them so frightened that they cannot deal with the issue.

When Thy Strong Word came out, no one would write a serious review. One professor would not even admit that he got a free copy. Rolf Preus claimed he read it before anyone had a copy! (UOJ fanatics lie? Tell me it isn't so.) Rolf wanted a free copy after he denounced it before reading it.

Logia got a review copy and deathly silence ensued. But lately people have asked again for copies, which are out there in the used market. I am going to Lulu-fy the original book, so people can print it or use the free PDF files. But that will be later this year.