Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mark and Avoid Jeske Crosses the Wide Missouri

CPH catalogue: Jeske has no WELS affiliation at all.

Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away you rolling river,
Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

Oh Shenandoah,
I love your daughter,
Away you rolling river,
I'll take her 'cross
Your rollin' water,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

'Tis seven years,
I've been a rover,
Away you rolling river,
When I return,
I'll be your lover,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

Oh Shenandoah,
I'm bound to leave you.
Away you rolling river,
Oh Shenandoah,
I'll not deceive you.
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.


GJ - While WELS members were being pumped to give money to Jeske, he was avoiding any mention of his affiliation. Is he Lutheran? No one would know from his disjointed show for people with short attention spans.

Church and Change - Their Five Lies about the Book of Concord and Lutheran Doctrine

WELS Pastors Bill Limmer and John Parlow
plagiarized Hybel's email.
Now Limmer copies Babtist sermons
and asks for financial support.

WELS pastors supposedly have a quia subscription to the Book of Concord. Therefore, every single thing done by WELS' secret lodge, Church and Change, is a lie. All their work is founded upon anti-Lutheran doctrine, from the Babtists, Reformed, Pietists, and New Age occultists. They learned this apostasy at the Sausage Factory in Mequon. No one seems to notice.

Babtist graphic.

WELS Pastor Bill Limmer is asking money for his generic Time of Grace campus ministry. He just sent out a letter with an offering envelope. he also advertised his sermons: Five Lies of the Devil. They are also posted on his websty.

Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, I have been avoiding a message on the topic that we are going to be talking about today for about three years now. And before this is over some might be angry, mad, bothered to name a few. I came here thinking that so many co ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, Think of a couple of significant events that have happened in your life. Share one or two of those with someone sitting next to you. One of the most significant events in our life is the day we spoke our first word. We probab ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, About the time you were born a Swedish pop duo (D.H.T.) released a song “Listen to your heart.“ For those of who were hip and fly in the late 80’s and early 90’s the song gave us direction and guidance ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, He is sly, crafty, articulate and whispering in your ear. He is whispering lies in your ears - he is Satan. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks ...
Journal Entry by Bill on December 13, 2009
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, I don’t know about you but I’m just sick. I’m sick of H1N1 or some other type of flu or even the obnoxious stuffing head cold: the struggles and trials of those who have broken bones to those who are blind ...

Funny thing is - his latest series is copied from a Babtist church. Five Limmer sermons follow the same themes and texts as the five Babtist sermons.

NewSpring Babtist - Five Lies of the Devil.

The plagiarism of false teachers grew like kudzu vine
under the doctrinal leadership of Gurgle (left).
Ski (right) makes no bones about copying directly from Craig Groeschel.
The CORE is virtually a repeating mechanism for Groeschel.

The Five Lies of Church and Change:

1. Church and Change is Lutheran.

2. Church and Change is engaged in evangelism rather than sheep-stealing.

3. Church and Change pastors labor in the vineyard instead of lolling around at the conferences of false teachers.

4. Church and Change pastors write their sermons, studying the Scriptures and the Confessions, instead of copying and pasting them from false teachers.

5. Church and Change benefits the Wisconsin Synod and deserves financial support.

Murder Mystery Night 2010

Murder Mystery Night 2010

Our third annual Murder Mystery Night was held at TPOG where Mike Westendorf was the victim! Who dunnit?!?


From NewSpring Babtist:

Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. The red scaly guy with a bifurcated tail, pitchfork in hand. Whatever image your mind conjures up when you think about the devil, the Bible is very clear about who he is and what he does.

He tempts (Mark 1:13). He accuses (Zechariah 3:1). He condems (John 13:2). Sometimes he puts evil thoughts into your head (John 13:2). He steals. And kills. And destroys (John 10:10). And he lies (John 8:44). He hates the truth. He schemes and whispers and manipulates, anything to convince you to believe what he says.

But you don't have to believe him. You can fight back. Beginning in August at NewSpring, join us for Five Lies of the Devil as we learn some common untruths the devil uses, and how to find the truth in every situation.

Week 1
God Will Never Put More on Us Than We Can Handle

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 2
NewSpring Just Wants Your Money

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 3
Just Follow Your Heart

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 4
My Faith is a Private Issue

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 5
It's Just Sex

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf) | Relationship Questions (pdf).

Valere - Oh! Oh!

UOJ Stormtroopers stick to Christian News,
their favorite theological journal.

Valere has left a new comment on your post "Note the List of Foreign Countries":

No one reads this blog? Heck I read it everyday. It's part of my Daily Devotions.

GJ - Breaking news. Ripped from the pages of Extra Nos - Joe Krohn said: "As much as I hate to admit it, Jackson is right on some things...."


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Note the List of Foreign Countries":

Only once a day? I'm here several times a day. I hope I'm not inflating the numbers!

WELS Women Pastors Conference - Just Like ELCA

Religious beaches: there are 10 things wrong with this photo.
Can you find them?

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Don't Bring a Box of Chocolates to a Knife Fight":

National WELS Women's Leadership conference-July 16-17: This is being advertised in everything.(including Parish School News Letters) Please listen!! This is NOT LWMS. This is Part of Church And Change. Look it up. Mark and avoid Church And Change groups.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - WELS Church and Change entities include:

1. The Sausage Factory in Mequon.

2. Mary Lou College in New Ulm.

3. Willowcreek's Little College, Milwaukee.

4. Forward in Christ.

5. Kingdom Workers.

6. Both synodical mission boards.

7. Jeske's Missouri media ministry.

8. The Conference of Pussycats, notably the Wisconsin Circuit.

9. Church and Change - The Mother Ship.

Denominations advance apostasy by having training and inspirational events where the new fad is promoted slowly and persistently. The in-crowd makes sure they are represented while flying into a rage if the wrong person is even considered as a speaker.

WELS already has women pastors, so quit murmuring. They have consecrating and distributed Holy Communion. They not only preside over worship but get invited to speak at Mary Lou about how they are getting away with it. I realize the Latte Lady Pastor got her speaking invite quashed, but she is still there and the congregation has a vicar - a definite sign of DP approval.

Wake up and smell the latte. This is exactly how the LCA/ALC instituted women's ordination the same way. WELS skipped ordination and just started having women pastors. Next they will study the issue and find it is a very good thing, but also an adiaphoron. Everything is an adiaphoron in WELS. Except UOJ and CG.


Grey Goose wrote:

The Church Lady's admonition to look up the conference worked.
Scrolling down, I came upon the name Sally Vallesky. Wife (or daughter) of one of your favorites?
Of course, Kathy Wendland is involved.


GJ - Be sure to see the countdown, which includes milliseconds! Gasp.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Fox Valley WELS - A Monument of Doctrinal Apostasy and Disaster

How much longer will WELS continue to self-destruct?

wildcard (http://wildcard.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "St. Matthew in Appleton, WELS - The Price of Churc...":

Incompetent leaders ran St. Matthew into the ground. WELS has very few competent leaders.


GJ - Meanwhile, The CORE and St. Peter Freedom disguise sheep-stealing from brother pastors as "reaching out to the lost." That is what Tim Glende learned from Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, Church Growth expert for the Columbus circuit, WELS.

St. Matthew's Church and Change:
1. The school was closed to hire a second Shrinker pastor, in addition to the Shrinker pastor and Shrinker staff minister (Larry Oh's program at Mary Lou College).
2. The congregation has been losing ground every since it adopted the WELS CGM program.
3. Many have escaped to Riverview.


viewpoint (http://viewpoint.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Fox Valley WELS - A Monument of Doctrinal Apostasy...":

How much longer will WELS continue to self-destruct?

WELS will continue to self-destruct until their leaders with a contrite heart seek forgiveness from God for all their wicked ways. Assuming they will study their bibles, they will learn that the work of the Lord is much more than a poorly run business placed on the backs of believers.



Not that it matters all that much, but Monkey Joe's is very much alive and well. My wife and I think that the property in question might be the former Springz building. It was an indoor family amusement center that featured go carts, mini bowling, rock climbing, arcade games, and a restaurant. It did, indeed, go belly up after it had been open for only about four months a few years ago. Someone I know actually worked there.

I recently discovered your blog and would love to post, but cannot figure out open I.D.


GJ - Can someone offer EZ directions for Open ID? I know one way is to have a blog and use that ID.

Don't Bring a Box of Chocolates to a Knife Fight

The porkers of Church and Change will not give their lives for the Gospel, but they will kill for those synod subsidies, foundation grants, and Thrivent projects.

The WELSian false teachers demand that anyone who questions them must come, hat in hand, groveling, with a box of chocolates, to their knife fight. The errorists need to have a 10-to-1 advantage or they run away from a meeting.

They script their performances, meeting in advance.

When people come to these meetings with good hearts, gentle intentions, and humility, they are bulldozed by the combination of deceit, denial, and denunciation. If one false teacher reveals how demonic he really is, the others step in and change the subject.

For example, DP Robert Mueller revealed that he never told congregations that they were about to call a known adulterer, because "They won't call him." A layman went into shock over that admission of deviousness, so the subject was changed immediately.

The only weapon that can be used in a knife fight is the Sword of the Spirit.

KJV Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

A thorough knowledge of the Book of Concord is also invaluable. The Confessions will come alive when studied in the light of doctrinal conflict. They cannot be understood as a history book. That is like using the Triglotta as a chin-prop for naps in class at the Sausage Factory.


bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Don't Bring a Box of Chocolates to a Knife Fight":

PDFs of Triglotta can be found here:


They Are Bad Bloggers Too

Caught squeezing the Charmin.

wildcard (http://wildcard.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Note the List of Foreign Countries":

We know the Shrinkers cannot even operate a blog. They are too lazy. Just look at the counterfeit Ichabod with all its slander and rubbish remarks.

Frankly, they stand for failure in most things that they attempt to do.


GJ - The fake blogger has no doctrinal discernment at all, so his denunciations are especially comical.

I recall that he raved about my kelming of graphics, but he has kelmed mine many times, without asking permission. The Shrinkers have called for lawsuits against me, but I have only two objections so far. One was from a paid site, so I reduced the kelmed portion to a link. Another asked me to link and quote more precisely, which I did. That is a fair record for 4,100+ posts.

The general rule about graphics is that they can be altered as satire. I look for material in the public domain.

In the past, the Shrinkers complained that I quoted them "out of context." I began using much longer quotations, always giving the exact source, but the howling remained.

One Lutheran said, "It is amusing that they have tried so hard to silence you, and they still have to deal with you anyway."

I have not found an adequate WELS Shrinker blog. Ski hardly writes. He finally realized I was quoting his Tweets, so that stopped (along with Glende's and a few others). I tracked Tweets from Katie for a time, but it was same old buzzing all the time. It is no longer news that Ski, Katie, and Glende go to Schwaermer conferences with the approval of Deputy Doug Englebrecht, possibly the worst WELS DP, except for Mark Jeske's bodyguard man-servant DP.

The Church and Change website is sloppy, badly edited, and revealing. They are endlessly caught between their fever to promote themselves and their obsessive need for secrecy. At what point do they think they have fooled us about the leadership coming from the Gurgle bros, Mark Jeske, Patterson, Jim Huebner, and other Calvinists?

Their problem is not that I have lied but that I have told the truth and documented it.

Slander is a basic management tool of WELS, so when they howl "Slander!" they really mean, "Stop revealing how corrupt and dishonest we really are."

To stop these marauding, adulterous thieves, who rob widows and orphans while mocking the Word and Sacraments, a force must be applied against them, equal to or greater than the force of their false doctrine.

rhs (http://rhs.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "They Are Bad Bloggers Too":

To stop these marauding, adulterous thieves, who rob widows and orphans while mocking the Word and Sacraments, a force must be applied against them, equal to or greater than the force of their false doctrine.

Just who is their god? They smugly insist that they do it for god. Their infirm god needs them to “rob widows and orphans?” Their lame god cannot create all the money that they want? They really are false teachers and preachers.


GJ - A man left his estate to WELS with the provision that his widow be supported. This case is called MilCraft or the Golf estate. I may have Golf misspelled. WELS wrecked the prosperous business. The widow had to go to court to get the money wasted by WELS. The synod did not want to pay. The court listened to the facts and found for the widow, forcing WELS to ante up $1 million. That just about pushed WELS over the edge financially. Gurgle was the genius DP in charge of this fiasco. Therefore, the conservative made him their dream candidate for SP, where he did the same with the Schwan millions. That is the plot behind my hilarious parody - "Where Have All the Schwan Bucks Gone?" Now Gurgle is working with Kudu Don Patterson.

If the widow's case moved along as most lawsuits do, her lawyer asked the synod to settle out of court, to save everyone time and money. It is clear that the synod refused to accept responsibility, so robbing a widow was OK with them. It took a secular court to reverse the robbery, doubtless an unpleasant experience for the widow. Imagine what her late husband would have thought - his business ruined and his widow robbed at the same time.

When all this was done and the matter was public, WELS said, "We have to be careful about the gifts we accept from now on." It is difficult to attribute actions and claims like these to believers.

Baby Cries When the Michigan Song Plays

Them Buckeye fans are dedicated.

Note the List of Foreign Countries

The three-fold work of Enthusiasm never ceases its efforts to corrupt the true Church.

I kelmed the flags gadget from another blog. The software is down on the left, above the followers list.

The list of foreign countries, after less than 24 hours, is startling.

When the Shrinkers claimed no one was reading this blog, they must have been expressing their hopes rather than the facts.

Page reads per month are around 30,000 - 360,000 for 12 months. Unique followers are 8,000.

Church and Changer Leads Worship Section for WELS Workshop - Not Exactly News

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Troy Yerks
Date: Mon, May 10, 2010 at 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] ideas and resources for NAD conference presentation on music and worship
To: church_and_change@yahoogroups.com

Sarah,If you discuss projection styles, etc., let me give you my 2 cents. I have become (sic) to dislike projecting the words to the hymns on the screen. The hymnals are no longer used, many more people say, "I can't read music, so I won't use the hymnal." We taught our kids that when the notes go up, your voice should go up, etc., and I feel that is the info that is greatly missing when projecting words. Even long-time WELS members forget how certain hymn and liturgy parts go. I've heard the choir singing right next to me, and some were singing the wrong notes and or rhythm.I have seen one church do an effective job of projecting words and notes; Cross fo (sic) Glory in Peoria, AZ. It could be that they were using the white wall as the "screen" and in a mission setting, the Nave of the church is not as long as our more established churches in the midwest. I bring this up because I feel we will no longer be the singing church if we just put up words. It becomes too easy for us to become non-active worshipers (is that possible?). Hope this helps and that you receive many ideas.Blessings on your presentation!Troy Yerks ---

On Sat, 5/8/10, Philip Boileau wrote:From: Philip Boileau Subject: Re: [church_and_change] ideas and resources for NAD conference presentation on music and worship To: church_and_change@yahoogroups.comDate: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 9:05 PM Sarah, With a topic like "Worship and Music in Mission Settings", I would think that an emphasis of such a topic might include a focus on good contemporary and blended worship music. There was a time when music with strong lyrical content and singable music were not easy to find. That is not the case anymore. There are a lot of great songs out there. A few great sites for a variety of worship music are www.lifewayworship. com, www.praisecharts. com, and www.sovereigngrace. com. A couple of great resources for contemporary arrangements of hymns (beside sources at www.lifewayworship. com) are "Hymns for Praise and Worship" by Word and "Wholehearted Hymns" at www.wholeheartedwor ship.com. A few songs that aren't that threatening that I would recommend are: "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" & "The Power of the Cross" by Stuard Towend "If Not for Christ" by Jeromy Deibler - FFH "Oh Crimson Flow" by Josh Hickman, Matt Birkenfeld - Christ for the Nations "Prepared a Place for Me" by Doug Plank - Sovereign Grace "You Alone Can Rescue" by Matt Redman "Come People of the Risen King" by Keith & Kristyn Getty Just my 2 cents - I hope this helps a little.In His Arms,Phil Boileau---

On Sat, 5/8/10, Sarah Lambrecht wrote:From: Sarah Lambrecht Subject: [church_and_ change] ideas and resources for NAD conference presentation on music and worshipTo: church_and_change@ yahoogroups. comDate: Saturday, May 8, 2010, 6:42 PM I've been on this Yahoo group for many years, and haven't posted for many years. There have been some great resources and ideas posted and discussed here, when motherhood gives me the opportunity to read. I've got a few questions related to music and worship for those who'd like to chime in.My husband, Adam, and I will be presenting at the North Atlantic District Missionaries conference in Chesapeake, VA in June. "Music and Worship in the Mission Setting", which likely could better be called "Music and Worship outside of the Midwest". We're sharing music resources (liturgies, psalms, new/original hymn tunes, instrumental music resources), encourag ing your church to be a "singing church", introducing basic music notation info (Finale, PrintMusic, etc.) and also discussing Copyright and Licensing info. I've been gathering my resources and wanted to ask some questions of you. Pick and chose, answer anything you'd like.If you were going to such a conference, what kinds of things would you want to hear about? For the most part, I'm set with my topics, but have this fear I'm forgetting something obvious. What are your top resources for "non-CW" music? As an example, I regularly use music from the songbooks "Sing a New Creation" and "Renew". Any other favorites?Being the music minister at the churches I've served, I've never had to deal with MIDI files. I'm looking for any sites or info. that I can pass along those that need to use MIDI files for worship. Specifically, sites to find MIDI files that don't use all organ, and don't sound like a computer is playing them (I know, I know, a computer IS playing them! :).Any resources on webcasting services?And, what are your favorite "solid CCM" songs? I'm always looking to expand my list of those mainstream CCM or praise songs that have solid words (my take is that I have to look through about 500 to get 1 good one.) What are the good ones you have found?Thanks in advance for any websites, resources, ideas, etc. that you pass along. I've shared this info. with individual churches in the past, but never to such a diverse group. I'm hoping that everyone at the conference can walk away with something useful for their (sic) situation. Thanks for your input!

Sarah Lambrecht, Music MinisterShepherd of the Mesa Lutheran Church (new WELS start-up on the western slope) Parachute, CO

Not Exactly News -
The Bible Is Corrrect about Infant Faith!

Babies know the difference between good and evil at six months, study reveals

By David Derbyshire
Last updated at 9:25 AM on 10th May 2010

At the age of six months babies can barely sit up - let along take their first tottering steps, crawl or talk.

But, according to psychologists, they have already developed a sense of moral code - and can tell the difference between good and evil.

An astonishing series of experiments is challenging the views of many psychologists and social scientists that human beings are born as 'blank slates' - and that our morality is shaped by our parents and experiences.


Good rabbit, bad rabbit: Simple experiments involving babies have shown that we have a strong morality instinct from an early age

Instead, they suggest that the difference between good and bad may be hardwired into the brain at birth.

In one experiment involving puppets, babies aged six months old showed a strong preference to 'good' helpful characters - and rejected unhelpful, 'naughty' ones.

In another, they even acted as judge and jury. When asked to take away treats from a 'naughty' puppet, some babies went further - and dished out their own punishment with a smack on its head.

Professor Paul Bloom

Leading research: Professor Paul Bloom, of Yale University, said a series of morality tales featuring puppets were shown to babies of varying ages

Professor Paul Bloom, a psychologist at Yale University in Connecticut, whose department has studied morality in babies for years, said: 'A growing body of evidence suggests that humans do have a rudimentary moral sense from the very start of life.

'With the help of well designed experiments, you can see glimmers of moral thought, moral judgment and moral feeling even in the first year of life.

'Some sense of good and evil seems to be bred in the bones.'

For one study, the Yale researchers got babies aged between six months and a year to watch a puppet show in which a simple, colourful wooden shape with eyes tries to climb a hill.

Sometimes the shape is helped up the hill by a second toy, while other times a third character pushes it down.

After watching the show several times, the babies were shown the helpful and unhelpful toys. They showed a clear preference for the helpful toys - spending far longer looking at the 'good' shapes than the 'bad' ones.

'In the end, we found that six- and ten-month-old infants overwhelmingly preferred the helpful individual to the hindering individual,' Prof Bloom told the New York Times.

'This wasn't a subtle statistical trend; just about all the babies reached for the good guy.'

Two more tests found the same moral sense.

In one, the researchers devised a 'one-act morality play', in which a toy dog tries to open a box. The dog is joined by a teddy bear who helps him lift the lid, and a teddy who stubbornly sits on the box.

They also made the babies watch a puppet cat play ball with two toy rabbits. When the cat rolled the ball to one rabbit, it rolled the ball straight back. But when the cat rolled it to the second rabbit, it picked up the ball and ran off.

'In both studies, five-month-old babies preferred the good guy - the one who helped to open the box; the one who rolled the ball back - to the bad guy,' said Professor Bloom.

When the same tests were repeated with 21-month-old babies, they were given a chance to dish out treats to the toys - or take treats away.

Most toddlers punished the 'naughty rabbit' by taking away treats. One even gave the miscreant a smack on the head as a punishment.

Although the studies appear to show that morality is hard-wired into babies brains, some psychologists urged caution.

Dr Nadja Reissland, of Durham University, said babies started to learn the difference between good and bad from birth.

'Everything hinges on who decides what is normal,' she said. 'By saying pushing the ball up the hill is helpful, the researchers are making a moral judgement. The babies might just prefer to see things go up rather than down.

'In the other test, perhaps the bear closes the box to prevent the dog from getting in there because there is something dangerous inside. It is like a mother keeping children out of an area where there is something harmful.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1275574/Babies-know-difference-good-evil-months-study-reveals.html#ixzz0nY2H951A


GJ - Babies have their parents figured out on Day One. Grandparents are even easier for them to work on.

I spanked our grandson's hand at lunch on Mother's Day. I tapped his hand with two of my fingers. He told me that was not the right way. He demonstrated by spanking his own hand.

I said, "You have had a lot of experience?"

"Yes," he said solemnly.

I explained - "A grandfather hand-slap is two fingers, just like this. Tap. And followed by a big piece of candy. Maybe some money too."

St. Matthew in Appleton, WELS - The Price of Church Growth

Maybe we should experiment with the Means of Grace for a bit? If that doesn't work, we can go back to Church and Change methods.

News from St. Matthew WELS, Appleton, WI

Interest in our campus

posted Feb 2, 2010 12:02 PM by Ruddat, Jon
As you know, the UW-Oshkosh Head Start program has been renting some of our former classroom space for their program. Recently their leaders contacted us to determine if we might have more space for them on our campus. According to their leaders they really like our location and would like to stay here for the foreseeable future.

While there are several options being discussed, Head Start has told us that their ideal scenario may be to purchase our property. Since this was unexpected, it is important that we consider what our long term plans are for this property before we can give Head Start an answer to their questions. Therefore we are forming a planning committee to look into all options available to us.

Please be assured that Head Start’s interest in purchasing our property came unexpectedly and unsolicited. Please also be assured that no decision on this or any other major facility issue would take place without substantial member input and congregational approval.

However, the timing of this couldn’t be better since we are at the point where we need to make some long term decisions on what to do with our site and buildings. We know that over the next 2-3 years we will need to perform several large and expensive maintenance projects. These include new flooring for the church and replacing the school roof, which could total about $200,000. In addition, there has been a lot of interest expressed in building a fellowship hall.

We will be meeting with Head Start to continue this discussion. We will keep you posted. Please feel free to contact myself, one of the pastors or anyone on the leadership team with any questions or comments.

It would seem that the Lord is taking us in a certain direction and we ask you to pray for his guidance in this matter.
- Pat Jacklin, President


GJ - Fox Valley residents tell me that the city wants to buy the church for $2 million. St. Matthew's closed its school, so it has lots of classrooms and a big gym. The 100 year old building was remodeled about 15 years ago.

The Shrinkers want to sell the building and move to Monkey Joe's, a failed party center - how appropriate.

They want to sell by September!

Attendance and membership are both down, a shock to those who believe in Church and Change. The whole district is Church and Change but they are going down faster than the Greek economy.

Paul Calvin Kelm - why did you abandon Fox Valley when they needed your services so badly?

In Obedience to His Father Below, The Very Reverend Bishop Raises His Fist in Thinly Veiled Wrath

We must obey man-made law and kiss the bishop's ring.

From Faith LCMC in Moline, Illinois:

May 6, 2010
Ms. Kim Meyer, Church Council Secretary
Faith Lutheran Church
1611 41’st Street
Moline, IL 61265-3499

Dear Ms. Meyer and Members of Faith Lutheran Church Council:

Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am in receipt of your correspondence dated April 23, 2010 indicating your vote to leave the ELCA.

The constitution of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America states that congregations of which the predecessor body was the Lutheran Church in America (ELCA Constitution 9.62g) must receive permission from the synod to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Because Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation formerly of the Lutheran Church in America, the Northern Illinois Synod must take action on Faith’s desire to leave the ELCA.

Therefore, we invite you, and any others whom you wish to accompany you, to attend the Northern Illinois Synod Council meeting on Saturday, May 15, 2010, 10:30-11:00 a.m. at the synod office in Rockford. The purpose of your visit would be to present your request and rationale for Faith’s desire to separate itself from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A presentation up to 15 minutes and then time for vicious personal attacks questions would be helpful for the synod council as they act upon your desire to disassociate with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Please contact my secretary, Ms Julie Lewis, by way of letter or email (jlewis@nisynod.org) of your willingness to attend this meeting and sharing (sic! - should be "to share") your rationale of Faith’s desire to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

In Christ,

Bishop Gary M. Wollersheim


GJ - Bishop Gary has a point. The ELCA merger was arranged so that LCA congregations would have a hard time leaving. The ALC congregations were given a window of four years, but most did not take an opportunity to leave.

ELCA bishops are kicking congregations out for joining the LCMC, which Faith has already done.

They are already disciplining congregations for withholding the loot that belongs in the episcopal palace.

Gary probably wants the congregation to crawl on its knees and beg to leave. Or he may wish to engage in a protracted legal battle. Church executives love to play nasty with other people's money.

What exactly could he do with the congregation giving no money and joining LCMC? Take away their faithelca.org URL? I doubt they want that anyway.

The main point is punishing Faith for publishing the truth about his diabolical methods.

And he wants to lay his consecrated and consecrating hands on anything of material value.

His grammar is a bit rusty, or his hands were trembling with rage as he typed.

The Left Defined - Including the Apostates of the Syn Conference

Walther, blushing.
This post was kelmed from Rogue Lutheran.

May 08, 2010

Defining Dumbness Down

By Daniel H. Fernald

Having no substance of its own, the left is inherently parasitic; like a cancer cell or virus, it survives by posing as a healthy member of the same host it attacks and ultimately destroys. This pattern of "mimic-attack-conquer" has given us liberty-hating "liberals," leftist mainline churches that publicly embrace what their own teachings explicitly prohibit, and educators whose goal is to ensure that all children get left behind.

This last item is exemplified by the distressing transformation of the backbone of the Western Canon, the liberal arts, into something decidedly "illiberal." Under the direction of leftist educators, the very institutions charged with the liberation of young minds from the chains of ignorance and groupthink have become increasingly effective indoctrination centers and breeding grounds for rigid, unreflective political orthodoxy.

This transformation has been long in coming. A look at where the liberal arts began puts in clearer relief the full extent to which our educational system has been hijacked in the service of the left's political agenda.

The seven liberal arts have deep roots in the ancient world and are divided into two groups. The artes triviales, or Trivium, consist of grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic. They correspond roughly to what today are called "the humanities." These early studies focused on the proper use and mastery of language and verbal reasoning. Today's grammar schools are the direct pedagogical descendants -- through numerous intermediaries -- of the private academies in fourth-century-B.C. Athens.

Having mastered the elementary lessons of the Trivium, the pupil was prepared for the study of the more advanced Quadrivium, or artes quadriviales, of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.

Taken together, the Trivium and Quadrivium constitute what came to be called artes liberales, the liberal arts. These were considered the proper pursuit for free minds pursuing knowledge and wisdom and were contrasted with the illiberal arts, artes illiberales, which aimed at mastery of only a particular subject or skill set.

The spirit of the artes liberales is manifest in Pythagoras' (c. 570-c. 490 B.C.) classification of the attendees at the Olympic games: the vendors, athletes, and spectators.

The vendors attended the Games for material gain and were consequently the lowest group. Just above the vendors were the athletes, who exemplified excellence and virtue (arête) in sport but did so for the merely instrumental purpose of achieving victory. Their real goal was honor, not excellence.

The third and highest group was the spectators. The spectators observed and studied the excellence and virtue on display before them, but they had no stake in the results. Their study of virtue for its own sake made them superior to the athletes.

This same elevation of wisdom over honor and utility is at the heart of the liberal arts. The knowledge and skills gained in the course of a genuine liberal education are among the least of its blessings. The liberally educated person's most cherished possession is the love of learning itself, for its own sake. No person who regards learning as merely instrumental is liberally educated, no matter how encyclopedic his knowledge. Wisdom is not a means; it is the ultimate end.

Tragically, for most of even the best, brightest, and most privileged of today's youth, the liberal arts are no longer an option, as they have been redefined virtually out of existence. The professionalized, leftist professoriate places politics above all.

I will never forget the open sneer from a former colleague -- an intelligent and multi-talented feminist history professor -- that greeted my advocacy of "free and unfettered discourse." The very idea struck her as absurd, and she acted as though I was running some kind of intellectual con. She averred that "free and unfettered discourse" was code for permitting the expression of bigoted, racist, and otherwise "illegitimate" points of view. For such closed-minded, anti-intellectual academics, the liberal arts' commitment to free inquiry is itself a serious threat, and it is treated accordingly.

Like a virus, the academic left has "reprogrammed" the host to do its bidding by replacing the content, and even the method, of the liberal arts without changing the name.

In other words, the liberal arts and the Western Canon itself have been zombified.

The corruption of the Quadrivium is clearly to be seen in the Climategate scandal and other examples of pseudo-scientific quackery, but the real damage has been to the Trivium. Like so many other cherished traditions and institutions, the "trivial" arts of grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic (which include logic and critical thinking) have been co-opted and subordinated to an explicitly political agenda.

Grammar, even broadly conceived, has yielded to multiculti gibberish in the freshman English classroom. Rhetoric, if taught at all, consists principally of learning to denounce politically incorrect opinions, not to evaluate, refute, or engage constructively with them. The only "dialectic" a college student is likely to encounter is the dialectical materialism of Marx and his Merrily Murderous Marauders in the guise of the latest academic fad.

How and why has this happened?

The "how" is easy. As with its successful conquest of mainline Protestantism, the left has taken over the educational establishment via the long march through the institutions. Admitted Pentagon-bomber and alleged Obama ghostwriter Bill Ayers is well-regarded by many in academe, as is radical leftist Professor Angela Davis, among many others.

These are not marginalized fringe characters. They represent the academic mainstream. They run the joint. The barbarians are not merely inside the gates; they control them, and like Plato's philosopher-dogs, they are quite good at distinguishing friend from foe. Does one really expect such people to give a hoot and a holler about some racist, sexist, bigoted system of education founded by dead white guys over two thousand years ago?

The "why" is only slightly harder to grasp. As rooted in the classical Greek conception of excellence and virtue (arête), the Trivium and Quadrivium continually incline the diligent student's gaze both inward and upward. Self-reflection and correction lead to the development of a character that loves the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. Such a character is strong enough to repel attacks and sufficiently principled to give assent only to such propositions as can withstand logical and critical scrutiny.

In addition, study of the seven liberal arts tends to persuade the open-minded and inquisitive that there is something beyond the here and the now. A belief in a transcendent order that predates us and has some manner of authority over us is anathema to today's radical, arrogant, solipsistic, illiberal, and anti-intellectual left. They do not inquire because they see no need to do so. After all, why study what you already "know"?

Leftist pseudo-educators care greatly about ensuring that the peasants have the correct opinions, but not a whit about the integrity of the process by which such opinions may be intelligently formulated -- and challenged.

In contrast, the liberal arts create independent-minded, freethinking citizens who follow no light except that of Truth itself. By defining dumbness down, leftist intellectual patricians churn out generation after generation of malleable plebeians who are under-informed, intellectually incurious, and easily led. A critical, intelligent, well-informed citizenry is political kryptonite to the left's ongoing transformational agenda.

Daniel H. Fernald has written numerous academic articles and books, including Atheism Answered. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy and rhetoric from Emory University. professordhf@hotmail.com


GJ - Synods are as closed-minded as the tenured faculty of the Left. Once Holy Mother Synod has spoken on any issue, especially when it is contrary to the Word and Confessions--roma locuta est, causa finita est. "Rome has spoken, case closed."

I could hear the brains snapping shut in Ohio when Valleskey gave his horrid, anti-Biblical, anti-Lutheran, anti-Confessional "Figs from Thistles" paper on the Church Growth Movement. I could have ice-skated on the carpeting at the gathering afterwards, so frosty was the mood toward one who dared compare Valleskey's "spoiling the Egyptians" to stealing their garbage. The WELS pastors (except for one, later kicked out for orthodoxy) did not mind that they were following the Gadarene swine in tumbling off the cliff, following the wrong spirit.

Tim Glende grew up in that conference. His concept of the Lutheran Church came from maturing in the very bowels of Church Growth in the Michigan District, WELS.

Glende and Ski are the last belch of the Pepsi Generation, Ohio Conference.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finkelstein - On the Pop Music Manipulators

Freddy Finkelstein has left a new comment on your post "Forget All the Emerging Church Nonsense - This Is ...":

I just woke up from what i think was an extended flashback. Wow. Most folks think that this is funny -- and it is, kind of... But the reality is that entertainment in these "churches" serves more than to just entertain the audience. The Sunday morning entertainment is a long planned production in many cases, maybe a month in preparation or more in the bigger churches. The pastor-dude has mapped out far in advance what he is going to speak about, and has long decided what emotional state is most conducive to receiving his message. The job of the entertainers is to work over the audience emotionally, carrying them through waves of highs and lows, until, by the time the pastor-dude is ready to speak, the audience is nothing but emotional putty, and very susceptible to suggestion.

An old friend of mine -- a professional guitarist who favored the Jazz scene -- found himself contributing his talents to pop-church congregations in the Twin Cities area (for pay, of course). He eventually quit the whole pop-church circuit in disgust, sick of what he called "mass manipulation." Unfortunately, he also quit music, and quit church, as well -- disgusted with himself and other Christians over the lies and chicanery associated with the name of Christ in CGM driven congregations. What goes on in these congregations, behind the scenes, is pure pragmatic business: the pastor-dudes are thespians, the entertainment is calculated, and together they are putting on a show for money.

Freddy Finkelstein


GJ - Manipulation is the key word. I know from my earlier (LCA) association with a pan-Christian school that salesmen for hire are the rule, not the exception, in Pentecostal-Evangelical circles.

For example, after taking up all the pledges, and counting the total, the outside hireling will say, "I am not satisfied with my pledge. It is too small. I am tearing it up." He tears it up and gets everyone at the head table to do the same. Then they say, "Let's just throw these pledges away and start all over again." They gather all the cards and add them up again. The total is higher. Miracle! Naturally, many people get disgusted with this and hate Christianity as worse than a used-car lot.

I attended my first and only Assembly of God show worship service, at a small, humble church near Wheaton College. Mrs. I went along. The minister made a big show of bawling and praying in front of everyone. I watched as he turned off the waterworks and cued the next musical piece to be played by the pianist. He saw me watching him, so he gave me frostbite on the way out of church.

It was ironic that he quoted Isaiah 55:8-11 during his sermon, and that passage struck me as central to the entire Bible. Either that passage is completely true, and God's Word is always effective, or it is completely false.

Some of the older pastors in WELS remember when Law motivation was frowned upon rather than advocated. Roger Kovaciny quoted a professor from Mequon saying, "If you want more milk, give the cow more hay instead of pulling harder on the teats." Kovo said that to encourage Gospel motivation. To support his case, I said, "Kovo. I have the sorest teats in town.

Shrinkers like Stolzenburg led Paul Kuske around by the nose. I saw a poster in the Grove City church that said, "Five thousand people go to Hell every day. What are you doing about it?"

I said, "I am letting God work through the Means of Grace." When ministers trust man's work and human schemes above the Word and Sacraments, they necessarily turn Reformed and eventually become atheists.

We should put up posters that say, "Your star Growthers have left the Lutheran Church and a number of them have become nasty atheists. What are you going to do about it, Mequon?"

Forget All the Emerging Church Nonsense - This Is the Really Real Deal - A Sense of Urgency You Can Feel!

"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.


Rev. Fr. Spencer has left a new comment on your post "Forget All the Emerging Church Nonsense - This Is ...":

OK, I get it.

The CORE, et al, just got slammed, very hard!

I especially like the "Ski-clone" leading the songs.

Even an idiot - er, heretic, aka "Church & Change" moron - can understand he/she/it has just been made great fun of.

Someone please send it to Glende!


GJ - I saw Northpoint in the title and I thought it was serious. This is a perfect satire. Do the Doctrinal Pussycats realize they have been snookered by the con artists of Drive/Northpoint, Willow Creek, Fuller, Granger, Groeschel, et al? It proves that playing dumb long enough will freeze the brain into permanent doctrinal dumnity.

As Luther said, "They will not give Christ a dollar, so Satan takes $10 from them."


Where have all the Schwan bucks gone?
Long time passing,
Where have all the Schwan bucks gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the Schwan bucks gone?
Church Growth spent them every one.
When will WELS ever learn?
When will WELS ever learn?

Where has all the Church Growth gone?
Long time passing,
Where has all the Church Growth gone?
Long time ago,
Where has all the Church Growth gone?
Gone to lawsuits every one.
When will WELS ever learn?
When will WELS ever learn?

Where have all the lawsuits gone?
Long time passing,
Where have all the lawsuits gone?
Long time ago.
Where have all the lawsuits gone?
Gone like MilCraft every one.
When will WELS ever learn?
When will WELS ever learn?

Where did MilCraft fortunes go?
Long time passing,
Where did MilCraft fortunes go?
Long time ago,
Where did MilCraft fortunes go?
Gone to Gurgels every one.
When will WELS ever learn?
When will WELS ever learn?

Where have all the Gurgels gone?
Long time passing,
Where have all the Gurgels gone?
Long time ago,
Where have all the Gurgels gone?
Gone for Schwan bucks every one.
When will WELS ever learn?
When will WELS ever learn?

Commie Pete Seeger's inferior version.

Rogate Sunday

The Lost Sheep, by Norma Boeckler.

Rogate, The Fifth Sunday after Easter

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson


Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

The Hymn # 202 Welcome Happy Morning 4:28
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #458 Our Father 4:50
Origin of Prayer
The Communion Hymn # 207 Like the Golden Sun 4:76
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #657 Beautiful Savior 4:24

KJV James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: 24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. 25 But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. 26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

KJV John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. 24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. 25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: 27 For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. 28 I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father. 29 His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. 30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God.

Fifth Sunday After Easter
Lord God, heavenly Father, who through Thy Son didst promise us that whatsoever we ask in His name Thou wilt give us: We beseech Thee, keep us in Thy word, and grant us Thy Holy Spirit, that He may govern us according to Thy will; protect us from the power of the devil, from false doctrine and worship; also defend our lives against all danger; grant us Thy blessing and peace, that we may in all things perceive Thy merciful help, and both now and forever praise and glorify Thee as our gracious Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Origin of Prayer
The Biblical concept of prayer should be clear, but it is one of the lines of division in Protestantism.

One of great Ohio Lutherans explained it well. Loy served a parish just north of Columbus, and his hymns or translations are used in The Lutheran Hymnal:

"The Christian's faith trusts in the ordinary means. Prayer is not a means of grace. Means of grace are divine appointments through which God uniformly offers blessings to all who use them. Faith is the means by which the blessings are received and appropriated. God gives us bread, when we ask it, not through the channel of prayer, but through the ordinary channels of His providence. He gives us grace when we ask it, not through prayer, but through the ordinary means appointed for this end, namely the Word and Sacraments. He who despises these will as little have grace as he who refuses to accept bread produced in the ordinary way of nature. Faith asks with confidence, and trusts in the ordinary means of God's appointment for the blessings asked." Matthias Loy, Sermons on the Gospels, p. 387.

Prayer is the result of faith, and faith is created by the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel.

No one can pray to Christ without faith, yet people are commonly told to pray to Jesus to come into their hearts. This command causes the confusion which mixes up so many people.

Throughout the Bible, the passages on prayer are based upon the Gospel Promises, which we see in this passage of John.

John 16:23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.

This is one of many Promises of God.

The verse also shows why we pray in the Name of Christ. Whenever people try to establish a generic religion, they leave out praying in the Name of Christ. One Masonic Lodge member was disciplined for such prayers – he was the chaplain. The lodge wanted to make the point that they considered all religion equal, so they could not single out one religion. They have many established poems and speeches about this concept, too.

Jesus showed Himself as an example of prayer, and in this parting sermon, told His disciples that their prayers would be exactly like the Only-Begotten Son praying for them.

That is Gospel motivation rather than the Law. The second Promise provides more motivation:

24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

Strangely, people ignore what the Word of God says and substitute their own slogans. Man is always eager to substitute something inferior to replace the clear, plain meaning of the Word.

For example, people sometimes think “prayer changes things” is from the Bible, when it is a slogan and lacking the power of God’s Word. What exactly are things and how are they changed? That is terribly vague and yet it appears in gift shops everywhere.

The two Promises of Jesus are specific and clear:

1 Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.
2 Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

The two Promises follow the Old Testament style of making the same statement a second time in different words. One explains the other:

The Lord is My Shepherd, I lack nothing. [literal] Psalm 23:1

The opening of the 23rd Psalm is far more expressive by having the dual statements. In addition, the words are poetic and suited for singing. Thus the Psalms are called the hymnal of the Old Testament. Many hymns are based upon the Psalms.

The sermons of Jesus in John’s Gospel have often been compared to Hebrew poetry. They repeat meanings in the same way, using different words, or adding explanations to those words (drawing water, John 4, bread of life, John 6, the Word in John 1, and the I AM sermons).

Short, simple, repetitive phrases are easy to memorize.

Throughout history there have been people who could memorize vast amounts of material and repeat them. FDR mentioned a poem to Churchill, and Winston began reciting the entire poem from memory.

“"Shoot, if you must, this old gray head,
But spare your country's flag," she said.

Churchill did the same with Shakespeare’s plays, mumbling them from the audience as the actors recited the lines, growling when lines were skipped in the editing of the staged version. (R. Burton told the Shakespeare story.)

Literature has always been spoken aloud first and read in books later. Many books were written in modern times with the expectation that they would be read to people in schoolrooms and in factories.

The books of the Bible are primarily works to be read aloud, so we can appreciate how the Holy Spirit inspired them to be simple, clear, and poetic in so many passages.

One version of the Promise today is three-fold:

KJV Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? 10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? 11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

Prayer can be turned into Law, mistakenly, and it often is. Since the non-Lutheran Protestants teach prayer as the only Means of Grace (inviting Jesus into the heart), they also teach that more prayer (and more ardent prayer) leads to more grace. Rather than directing people to the Word and Sacraments, which the Reformed say are not effective, they tell people to trust in the volume and sometimes the agony of their prayers. Thus prayer becomes a work of man that earns God’s favor. If it is not done properly or often enough, they think God punishes.

Roman Catholic prayer is not much different, because devotion is taught as the way out of Purgatory, for the individual and for friends and relatives. We still have “The Suffrages” in the hymnal, but the name came from devotions given on behalf of those suffering in Purgatory, a mini-Hell for the semi-saved. Like the law demands of the Reformed, Roman Catholic demands are never satisfied. No one is told, “Prayer will earn release from Purgatory,” because no one is sure, and the uncertainty builds cathedrals and endows religious orders.

In contrast, the Bible teaches prayer as energized by the Holy Spirit, moving us to pray with the Gospel Promises, and helping us as we pray. Prayer is a work of God in man, not man’s work to please God.

How God Answers
There are no qualifications in God answering prayers. His timing and fulfillment are not the same as ours, as Is. 55:8-11 reveals. Just as we pray in faith, so also we wait in faith for God to answer.

Some people only want material blessings from their prayers, and God allows that, sometimes in great abundance. But since these are not worthwhile prayers, the abundance often becomes a curse because the cares the world separate the individual from the Word of God (Mark 4, Matthew 13, Parable of the Sower).

Some prayers are simply blasphemous, such as ordering God “to give us 10% growth in each of the next three years.” As Luther said, when God is told exactly what to do, He does the opposite.

For example, I stumbled onto one video sermon where the minister began with the I AM of Exodus, the Burning Bush. “What is your name?”

“Tell them I AM sent you.”

The minister said a few words about the power of God and began describing the Almighty as a personal man-servant, Who will do whatever we want. Of course, this wolf-preacher wore the grin of a man who found the key to Fort Knox next to his winning lottery ticket.

The real answer is far more mysterious than that. God may answer prayers in 10 or 20 years. When we look back, we can see how God worked according to His wisdom, in giving us more than we could hope or imagine.

KJV Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

So, when prayer is taught contrary to the Word, we find people making it into a work of man and one that benefits the individual in superficial, material ways. Many have combined their errors with the spiritual error of Eastern religions, as if one could tap into the powers of the universe for miraculous and surprisingly self-centered answers to problems.

On the Roman Catholic side, prayer is used to emphasize doctrine against the Gospel of salvation. Since God already justifies through faith in His Son, why would someone pray for release from Purgatory, as if the Atonement were incomplete without man’s work?

Jesus’ example is clear. He prayed for others, as He made clear in this passage.

When He prayed for Himself, He said,

KJV Matthew 26:39 And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

Often mothers and fathers teach their children how to pray, naming relatives and people in need.

Paul L. Holmer was considered one of the great philosophers on the Yale Divinity and graduate school faculty. He was a layman rather than a pastor, and he was a conservative Lutheran.

When people asked him why he believed in Christ, they expected a profound philosophical answer, one to satisfy their intellectual rigor. Instead, he said,

“Because my mother taught me.”

If they took a census on how children were nurtured in the Gospel, most would probably say the same thing – Because my mother taught me.