Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mark and Avoid Jeske Crosses the Wide Missouri

CPH catalogue: Jeske has no WELS affiliation at all.

Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away you rolling river,
Oh Shenandoah,
I long to hear you,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

Oh Shenandoah,
I love your daughter,
Away you rolling river,
I'll take her 'cross
Your rollin' water,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

'Tis seven years,
I've been a rover,
Away you rolling river,
When I return,
I'll be your lover,
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.

Oh Shenandoah,
I'm bound to leave you.
Away you rolling river,
Oh Shenandoah,
I'll not deceive you.
Away, I'm bound away
'Cross the wide Missouri.


GJ - While WELS members were being pumped to give money to Jeske, he was avoiding any mention of his affiliation. Is he Lutheran? No one would know from his disjointed show for people with short attention spans.

Church and Change - Their Five Lies about the Book of Concord and Lutheran Doctrine

WELS Pastors Bill Limmer and John Parlow
plagiarized Hybel's email.
Now Limmer copies Babtist sermons
and asks for financial support.

WELS pastors supposedly have a quia subscription to the Book of Concord. Therefore, every single thing done by WELS' secret lodge, Church and Change, is a lie. All their work is founded upon anti-Lutheran doctrine, from the Babtists, Reformed, Pietists, and New Age occultists. They learned this apostasy at the Sausage Factory in Mequon. No one seems to notice.

Babtist graphic.

WELS Pastor Bill Limmer is asking money for his generic Time of Grace campus ministry. He just sent out a letter with an offering envelope. he also advertised his sermons: Five Lies of the Devil. They are also posted on his websty.

Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, I have been avoiding a message on the topic that we are going to be talking about today for about three years now. And before this is over some might be angry, mad, bothered to name a few. I came here thinking that so many co ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, Think of a couple of significant events that have happened in your life. Share one or two of those with someone sitting next to you. One of the most significant events in our life is the day we spoke our first word. We probab ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, About the time you were born a Swedish pop duo (D.H.T.) released a song “Listen to your heart.“ For those of who were hip and fly in the late 80’s and early 90’s the song gave us direction and guidance ...
Journal Entry by Bill on May 10, 2010
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, He is sly, crafty, articulate and whispering in your ear. He is whispering lies in your ears - he is Satan. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks ...
Journal Entry by Bill on December 13, 2009
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, welcome to God’s living room, I don’t know about you but I’m just sick. I’m sick of H1N1 or some other type of flu or even the obnoxious stuffing head cold: the struggles and trials of those who have broken bones to those who are blind ...

Funny thing is - his latest series is copied from a Babtist church. Five Limmer sermons follow the same themes and texts as the five Babtist sermons.

NewSpring Babtist - Five Lies of the Devil.

The plagiarism of false teachers grew like kudzu vine
under the doctrinal leadership of Gurgle (left).
Ski (right) makes no bones about copying directly from Craig Groeschel.
The CORE is virtually a repeating mechanism for Groeschel.

The Five Lies of Church and Change:

1. Church and Change is Lutheran.

2. Church and Change is engaged in evangelism rather than sheep-stealing.

3. Church and Change pastors labor in the vineyard instead of lolling around at the conferences of false teachers.

4. Church and Change pastors write their sermons, studying the Scriptures and the Confessions, instead of copying and pasting them from false teachers.

5. Church and Change benefits the Wisconsin Synod and deserves financial support.

Murder Mystery Night 2010

Murder Mystery Night 2010

Our third annual Murder Mystery Night was held at TPOG where Mike Westendorf was the victim! Who dunnit?!?


From NewSpring Babtist:

Satan. Beelzebub. Lucifer. The red scaly guy with a bifurcated tail, pitchfork in hand. Whatever image your mind conjures up when you think about the devil, the Bible is very clear about who he is and what he does.

He tempts (Mark 1:13). He accuses (Zechariah 3:1). He condems (John 13:2). Sometimes he puts evil thoughts into your head (John 13:2). He steals. And kills. And destroys (John 10:10). And he lies (John 8:44). He hates the truth. He schemes and whispers and manipulates, anything to convince you to believe what he says.

But you don't have to believe him. You can fight back. Beginning in August at NewSpring, join us for Five Lies of the Devil as we learn some common untruths the devil uses, and how to find the truth in every situation.

Week 1
God Will Never Put More on Us Than We Can Handle

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 2
NewSpring Just Wants Your Money

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf)

Week 3
Just Follow Your Heart

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Week 4
My Faith is a Private Issue

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Week 5
It's Just Sex

Preview | Audio | Video | For Further Study (pdf) | Groups Guide (pdf) | Relationship Questions (pdf).

Valere - Oh! Oh!

UOJ Stormtroopers stick to Christian News,
their favorite theological journal.

Valere has left a new comment on your post "Note the List of Foreign Countries":

No one reads this blog? Heck I read it everyday. It's part of my Daily Devotions.

GJ - Breaking news. Ripped from the pages of Extra Nos - Joe Krohn said: "As much as I hate to admit it, Jackson is right on some things...."


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Note the List of Foreign Countries":

Only once a day? I'm here several times a day. I hope I'm not inflating the numbers!

WELS Women Pastors Conference - Just Like ELCA

Religious beaches: there are 10 things wrong with this photo.
Can you find them?

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Don't Bring a Box of Chocolates to a Knife Fight":

National WELS Women's Leadership conference-July 16-17: This is being advertised in everything.(including Parish School News Letters) Please listen!! This is NOT LWMS. This is Part of Church And Change. Look it up. Mark and avoid Church And Change groups.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - WELS Church and Change entities include:

1. The Sausage Factory in Mequon.

2. Mary Lou College in New Ulm.

3. Willowcreek's Little College, Milwaukee.

4. Forward in Christ.

5. Kingdom Workers.

6. Both synodical mission boards.

7. Jeske's Missouri media ministry.

8. The Conference of Pussycats, notably the Wisconsin Circuit.

9. Church and Change - The Mother Ship.

Denominations advance apostasy by having training and inspirational events where the new fad is promoted slowly and persistently. The in-crowd makes sure they are represented while flying into a rage if the wrong person is even considered as a speaker.

WELS already has women pastors, so quit murmuring. They have consecrating and distributed Holy Communion. They not only preside over worship but get invited to speak at Mary Lou about how they are getting away with it. I realize the Latte Lady Pastor got her speaking invite quashed, but she is still there and the congregation has a vicar - a definite sign of DP approval.

Wake up and smell the latte. This is exactly how the LCA/ALC instituted women's ordination the same way. WELS skipped ordination and just started having women pastors. Next they will study the issue and find it is a very good thing, but also an adiaphoron. Everything is an adiaphoron in WELS. Except UOJ and CG.


Grey Goose wrote:

The Church Lady's admonition to look up the conference worked.
Scrolling down, I came upon the name Sally Vallesky. Wife (or daughter) of one of your favorites?
Of course, Kathy Wendland is involved.


GJ - Be sure to see the countdown, which includes milliseconds! Gasp.