Religious beaches: there are 10 things wrong with this photo.
Can you find them?WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "
Don't Bring a Box of Chocolates to a Knife Fight":
National WELS Women's Leadership conference-July 16-17: This is being advertised in everything.(including Parish School News Letters) Please listen!! This is NOT LWMS. This is Part of Church And Change. Look it up. Mark and avoid Church And Change groups.
In Christ,
from WELS church lady
GJ - WELS Church and Change entities include:
1. The Sausage Factory in Mequon.
2. Mary Lou College in New Ulm.
3. Willowcreek's Little College, Milwaukee.
Forward in Christ.
5. Kingdom Workers.
6. Both synodical mission boards.
7. Jeske's Missouri media ministry.
8. The Conference of Pussycats, notably the Wisconsin Circuit.
9. Church and Change - The Mother Ship.
Denominations advance apostasy by having training and inspirational events where the new fad is promoted slowly and persistently. The in-crowd makes sure they are represented while flying into a rage if the wrong person is even considered as a speaker.
WELS already has women pastors, so quit murmuring. They have consecrating and distributed Holy Communion. They not only preside over worship but get invited to speak at Mary Lou about how they are getting away with it. I realize the Latte Lady Pastor got her speaking invite quashed, but she is still there and the congregation has a vicar - a definite sign of DP approval.
Wake up and smell the latte. This is exactly how the LCA/ALC instituted women's ordination the same way. WELS skipped ordination and just started having women pastors. Next they will study the issue and find it is a very good thing, but also an adiaphoron. Everything is an adiaphoron in WELS. Except UOJ and CG.
Grey Goose wrote:
The Church Lady's admonition to look up the conference worked.
Scrolling down, I came upon the name Sally Vallesky. Wife (or daughter) of one of your favorites?
Of course, Kathy Wendland is involved.
GJ - Be sure to see the countdown, which includes milliseconds! Gasp.