Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thank You, Most Avid Reader

Your daughter wrote. Thanks.

Now I know why that one particular light shows up on the map.

I write for the older, faithful members and for the younger ones trying to make sense out of being trapped in a zoo. The trouble is, so many are so used to corruption that they think of it as normal.

As someone wrote, the system has a zillion ways of using up one's energy so that nothing is done and everything is still a secret, a marriage of Stalinism with the Medieval Church.

I wrote a little vision/dream satire once, when I was in the LCA. I put it in the church newsletter, forgetting that copies went to a number of national church officials. It went like this - I dreamt that the officials suddenly began asking themselves, "What are we doing wrong? The whole synod is falling apart." So they did an every member visit without asking for funds (for once) and asked the membership what they were doing wrong.

A Black leader wrote to me and said he laughed his head off because it was so true. He wrote from the old J. P. Morgan mansion in NYC, LCA headquarters.

Needless to say, my humor was not appreciated by his colleagues. But, 32 years later, the bishop who used me for a tackle dummy has led a bunch out of ELCA, after he spent his career propping up the old apostasy.

I shared my opinions freely in the past, just as I do now. I have never been in a position of official influence because I am not prepared to sing soprano in the church choir. But whatever we do or say is influence.

My conference papers were not "accepted with thanks" as the repeat-after-me ones were, but they circulated all over WELS via the copier. Two of them were published in Liberalism.

Luther said, "We have to be willing to be punched in the mouth." The Shrinker bullies are more than happy to be the cross that we must bear. The worse they behave and gloat about it, the more they enter into God's judgment. If someone robs me because I have been too trusting, that is a judgment against him, not me. The same is true of the covetous, greedy, adulterous minister who drives me from a call. I learned one pastor has a thing for guys, if you catch my drift, even though he is married and has children. Two opponents were arrested for drunk driving, so insensible are they about potentially killing others with their autos, with their addictions. One made a big speech denouncing me to a whole conference, but made the mistake of propositioning the wrong member in a pastoral counseling session. Another one threatened to beat up the pastor who leaked a document to me, leading to his eventual downfall.

The cross means that God uses those situations to glorify His Name. I am in an ideal situation to write about the apostasy of WELS, the ELS, and the LCMS. The typical threats mean nothing to me. The continuing nastiness only motivates me to say more. I know that many feel sane because of what I share from others in the same situation.

In "Braveheart," the Scots were asked about how the English could establish peace with their northern neighbor. The response was not appreciated - "Knock on every door and apologize for the money you have stolen and the people you have raped."

That would be a good and essential start for the synod officials too.


Scott E. Jungen has left a new comment on your post "Thank You, Most Avid Reader":

Ahh! Now I know why I feel sane again. Thanks!
Scott E. Jungen


GJ - Just today someone sent an anonymous comment that was so typical of the Shrinkers. I was going to share details but that would have involved someone else in the slime attack, which I chose to avoid. The person sent his moment of hate over the way I make fun of WELS education, etc. It was a way of dismissing me and the other writer at the same time.

I witnessed John Lawrenz (Church and Change) do the same thing when he denounced a pastors' excellent paper because:
1. He named names, without them being there to defend themselves, precisely what Lawrenz was doing at that moment.
2. His parish was "dead," which by itself is an odd commentary on the Means of Grace and God's will. No pit band? No popcorn?
3. The evil Northern Conference of Michigan dared to question officials from The Love Shack. How horrible and unChristian!

The point of these rants is to render the victim stripped of any voice or authority, so that nothing can be accepted from such a tainted source. Thus Doug the Unready blames Ichabod for people being unhappy about plagiarizing Groeschel.
The issue is no longer a crime but:
A. Ichabod.
B. The felons who read Ichabod.

This was done in spite of the fact that the turmoil came from the other direction, from the Northern Wisconsin District. Due to Englebrecht's utter incompetence as a leader (not apt to teach, not adhering to sound doctrine), the uproar had reached my ears and I reported on it. I did not start the chaos. Englebrecht did. I did not do the research on Fox Valley. The pastors and laity did. And they were following the official WELS playbook on defusing issues by blaming people who raised any questions. For that they got a letter left for them to read.

If any official in the WELS madhouse is asked about this, he will excuse it and make the victims feel even crazier - unless the voice of reason intervenes and rescues them.

I am willing to be the punching bag so others can observe the character of these leaders. When they rave about me, remember that they will say the same things about you, your spouse, your children, and your friends. They are the same people who pretend to know nothing about murder, child molestation, clergy and teacher adultery, homosexual pastors, false doctrine, and embezzlement. So how do they know which deodorant I use while being so utterly ignorant of dead bodies in the parsonage?

I just got an urgent message from another person being slimed for appreciating a real worship service instead of a clown's performance. I wrote back, "You are getting to them." That is their way of saying a post really matters, because the backsplash across the synod is making them miss Sponge Bob's latest episode. Stop being so cruel, you confessionals.

Felt Needs Fulfilled

He stole Ski's line - anything short of sin... Or maybe Ski stole his?
Or they stole someone else's line?

Winona Newspaper

ELK RIVER, Minn. - At least two Minnesota churches are hoping to pack the pews by offering the chance for free tickets to Minnesota Vikings or Minnesota Twins games.
Those who show up at Crossing Church in Elk River Saturday or Sunday have a shot at season tickets for the Minnesota Vikings. Pastor Eric Dykstra says he ``would do anything short of sin to get somebody in the door.''
WCCO-TV says Dykstra's church doubled attendance when it gave away three cars last Easter.
The Exchange Church in Uptown is giving away Twins tickets to anyone who attends services this weekend. Church members raised $10,000 in order to offer the free tickets to the Sept. 30 home game against Toronto.


dkrause ( has left a new comment on your post "Felt Needs Fulfilled":

Pastor Eric Dykstra says he ``would do anything short of sin to get somebody in the door.''

But the pastor will not go to a mall and invite people he meets. I guess his words mean very little in practice.


dkrause ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS, LCMS, Or Just Plain New Age?":

who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly

That sure describes the bloggers on the false Ichabod. Christ foresaw those deceivers 2,000 years ago!

WELS, LCMS, Or Just Plain New Age?

Pastor Reeder's Blog

The SWD and Rev. Jeske

For the past several years in the South Wisconsin District (SWD) of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), I’ve noticed a growing number of conferences and retreats where Rev. Mark Jeske of Time of Grace ministries located in Milwaukee (which airs on the net (, on the radio, and on TV) is one of the speakers.  The SWD endorses him, as his ‘ministry’ is also now a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the LCMS
(  The program even airs on the LCMS’ radio station from St. Louis, KFUO.
What’s interesting, as others have noted (i.e., is that Jeske is:
1)      of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
2)      not an LCMS pastor
3)      Promotes the unscriptural ‘principles’ and doctrine of the ‘church growth movement’ (CGM) (For further study on these, see as a starter)
LCMS and WELS are not in fellowship.  Joint ministries here are in the least confusing to members and nonmembers of both church bodies.  Joint ministries here are also conflicting, esp. because the Church Growth Movement so advocated by Jeske is in conflict with our doctrine, and also the official teaching of WELS.
A genuine concern for doctrine asks the question ‘why’?  Since CGM teaches what is contrary to Scripture, why is such teaching given air on the LCMS station KFUO, advocated by at least one district (the SWD), and even now an RSO of the LCMS?
Perhaps the LCMS as a whole has forgotten the concern of God’s people, that of faithfulness to His Word, rather than seeking after acceptance by the world and its ways.  Faithfulness calls for obedience to the Lord’s Word and avoidance of those who teach otherwise:
Note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple (Romans 16:17-18)
May the Lord keep the LCMS and her members watchful, observant, and bold in the face of false doctrine and opposition, even with those within her own body!

Maybe Because Bruce Church Told the Truth about Sky-High Tuition and the 600 Empty Parish Lie

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Lulu Makes It Safe and Permanent":

Concordia St. Louis Seminary must have record low number of resident M Div students--only 62 matriculated! For the 2008-9 year they had 90. I doubt the seminaries have their online M Div courses up and running yet. Both seminaries now cost nearly $22k per year!

On CTS news page, they don't mention the # of students at all, and no news is bad news, I'd guess:

CTS to Begin 165th Academic Year

2009 CUS press release:

excerpts: 426 pre-sem students in 2005, to 245 this fall, a drop of 181 students, or 42 percent.
Those schools are “feeders” for the seminaries, he said, and when their numbers fall, those of the seminaries do, too.

Tuition and fees at each of the seminaries runs about $21,600 per year.


From: concordianews@CSL.EDU
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 8:52 AM



September 9, 2010

ST. LOUIS—On Friday, Sept. 3, at 10:00 a.m., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, began its 172nd academic year with a special worship service in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, president of Concordia Seminary, served as preacher.

The incoming class is comprised of nearly 130 students, including all those newly enrolled in residential and distance programs: 62 residential M.Div. students; seven certificate students; four deaconess students; nine Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology (EIIT) students; 24 Specific Ministry Pastor Program (SMP) students; eight Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) students; and 20 graduate students.

In addition, three staff members were installed: Arthur “Andy” Bacon as provost; Richard Jostes as gift officer; and Michael Redeker as senior vice president for enrollment management.

Bacon previously served as professor of practical theology and director of curriculum assessment at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He retired from the Seminary in 2009. He acted as vice president for academic affairs in 2010. Bacon also served as chaplain for the U.S. Army Reserve from 1975-2007. He and his wife, Susan, have three children.

Jostes previously worked as director of development for Orphan Grain Train in Norfolk, Neb. (1997-2010). He has taught and counseled in Lutheran schools throughout the Midwest. Jostes has worked for both Concordia University Nebraska and Concordia University Chicago. He and his wife, Laura, have three children.

Redeker most recently served as pastor to St. John’s Lutheran Church in Lexington, Ky. He previously served as admissions counselor and director of admissions and ministerial recruitment at Concordia Seminary from 1998-2004. Redeker has served in many capacities for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, serving on several synodical committees in his career. He and his wife, Mary, have seven children.


GJ - Exactly why would a man borrow a fortune when he knows the seminary will deny him a chance to serve while loading him with debt and a useless degree?

Bruce Church investigated and laid out the facts so carefully hidden from the public.

Tuition = salaries.

Look at Mequon. They seem to have more professors than students. The same number of professors could handle twice the number of students if they didn't quit at noon each day.

Lulu Makes It Safe and Permanent

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

Have you even blown up a hard drive, lost all your files, spent time on something and lost it for good, or had to recreate it from the hard copy?

By the time I needed to reprint Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, all the files were lost. They were pretty terrible anyway - in format. They were Professional Write turned into Word Perfect for DOS turned into RageMaker (aka PageMaker).

Rewriting the book was good for me, especially under the lash of my gruff but likeable editor.

However, now that I am gathering material for publication, I see how slapdash my storage methods have been. One advantage of Lulu is that files are stored for free and can be downloaded if all the fail-safes fail. I know that Internet backups and external drives and such are better, but this is one of extra benefits.

The main advantage is publishing for everyone, free, 24/7. I studied web design last century to do that, and I am glad. I still teach web design and education technology. I use HTML gimmicks every day.

Once I finish a work in MS Word, I can get it print ready in about 30 minutes, most of the time spent fiddling with the cover. I am cover-certified now, I hope. I will redo the Angel Joy cover, which is a disaster.

A ready-made cover and the text turned to a PDF will take about 10 minutes. The finishing work will take a few minutes more. Lulu will provide an ISBN number (origin - WELS) for free, which is essential for all book sellers.

I put some of Norma Boeckler's art into the latest works. The colored works came through perfectly in the PDF.

Lulu has many kinds of publishing, including music CDs, but I want to focus on what theologians do.

Let's say the Intrepids have a really good series on some topics, or a group of good articles. They can be gathered, published, and distributed for no cost.

I promise that the best articles will be buried and hard to find on Intrepid or any other blog. Publishing has permanency and a little more gravitas.

Printing can be low-cost (never free) or with a built-in profit.

While You Were Sleeping - Another Book Published on

Cover and interior artwork by Norma Boeckler

The stormfront moved in from the Texas hurricane, so I went to work on the Discussion Guide: Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. Pastors suggested having a guide, so I put together one in the form of a workbook. There is room for answers to all the questions, and the page number for the correct information is listed for each question.

I highly recommend my editor and Norma Boeckler's artwork is superb, but I have her talents tied up in future projects.

The PDF download is free and people can share the files with abandon. I do not mind if the pastor downloads the PDF and prints his own copies. The idea is to share the information in Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, which has been used for adult classes and confirmation as well.

Someone could easily use the free downloads of the book, if cost is a problem. As I told a few others, the difference between getting money from each copy and giving them away is not significant to me. My aim from the beginning was to sort out the doctrinal issues fairly, in the words of each confession. Friends demanded that my initial adult study be turned into a book, and then I realized how much more I needed to study.

I can provide also provide books below the stated price on Lulu. Send me an email if that is appealing. Christian News orders books that way. I guess they want a Lutheran title to balance We Believe, Therefore We Speak.

When I was in Columbus, I heard that people who opposed the false doctrine of Church Growth were "lazy." The Shrinkers were busy destroying more churches than the Chicago Fire. What is their brag today? - They plagiarize their lupine idols, preaching sermons verbatim from various Enthusiasts, but not giving credit to the original authors. That is my definition of lazy. Not to mention stupid.

This lazy anti-Shrinker has also broadcast two series from the book, recording the last set so everyone can see them at their leisure. I have to stay up late and get up early to pursue this laziness. No time for the Crab Shack, Granger, Drive, Driscoll, Sweet, Hybels, and the rest.

Clergy Will Have To Man Up - Including the Sissy DPs and CPs

Tyndale was burned at the stake for giving us the forerunner of the KJV.
The clergy emulate Machiavelli and Cardinal Richelieu.

The Lutheran ministers should spend as much time studying the Confessions as they do on their secret email lists. Or, they could study the Greek New Testament instead of writing blog comments all over the world.

Men, who have spent no time in decades getting an education or publishing something valuable, do in fact take the time to post hundreds of comments and engage in constant time-wasting social networking. That does make them seem and feel important for the moment. I wonder if people will seek reprints of their list-serves the way students look for out of print books by the founders of the various synods.

These time-wasters have a lot to face in the years to come. They have wrecked churches, synods, and schools while accomplishing nothing.

The DPs and CPs of the last 30 years strut around now, but they are like the marketing team of the Edsel, the engineering team of the Pinto. Are they so blind and deaf that they cannot comprehend their self-inflicted disaster?

Ludwig Fuerbringer stayed home to study rather than accept too many rubber chicken dinners where he could speechify and act important. That may be why he was a beloved professor who left behind so much valuable history. His little books on the Synodical Conference are priceless.

Lenski created commentaries on the entire New Testament, plus many other books. My wife's doctor, who is also a missionary, loves Lenski. What enormous grants did Lenski receive to do his work? He was a successful parish pastor, a district president, and an honored professor. He encouraged his daughter Lois, who became a famous children book artist and book author. If Lenski had diddled away his time the way these list-serve drones do, we would only have the first draft of his commentary on Philemon.

Every pastor and layperson has the power and authority of the clear, efficacious Word. The Word of God has not been tried and found wanting. It has hardly been tried at all.