Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Appleton Does It Again - Church and Change Men's Conference, Feb. 26, 2011


Welcome To Men Of His Word.

Make your plans now to attend our 2nd annual conference!
Men of His Word (a ministry of Bethany Lutheran Church, Appleton) is a men’s conference to celebrate God’s Word. Life gives us many different circumstances – some good, some bad. This conference will help you understand how to handle life’s challenges through faith in Jesus Christ.
With more space, more seminars, and more time to spend with Christian brothers, this is sure to be a time to remember for many years to come.
Please be sure to thank all the sponsors who help to make this endeavor possible – most especially our biggest sponsor of all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Session List

Session Title: Band Of Brothers Presenter: Darin Aden

Too often men go it alone. Some would rather fail than admit they don’t have it all together or have all the answers. In truth, we need each other like a band of brothers gathering men around God’s Word? What can we do to foster a band of support and encouragement for men? We’ll hear ideas from other men’s ministries, share our own questions, and share God’s encouragement as we explore how we might start and sustain a men’s ministry “a band of brothers “at our home congregations.

Session Title: Five Things About Marriage I Wish I Had Been Taught by Chuch Swindoll…Instead Of Learned The Hard Way. Presenter: Mark Henke

Typical men open the box containing the new tool, cast aside the instructions for assembly, and proceed with the “I’ll-figure-it-out-as-I-go” approach. If you have used that same approach in your marriage…How’s that worked out for ya’? This session is designed for husbands (all are welcome, but especially those married less than 20 years) who still have open hearts willing to peek at God’s instruction manual. We’ll discuss …men’s brains (waffles) and women’s brains (spaghetti)…. your sex life begins in the kitchen…. arming yourself in the war of words, and other issues valuable to men of His Word.

Session Title: I Can’t Forgive. Now What? Presenter: Phil Merten

Resentment over the past can keep you from living in the present and moving into the future. Holding on to those resentments puts you at odds with God, who is all about forgiveness. But what happens when what you’ve suffered is unforgiveable? Chaplain Phil Merten of Wisconsin Lutheran Institutional Ministries has been working for over 20 years with people whose sobriety and survival depend on letting go of resentments. In this session we’ll discuss what makes forgiveness so difficult and what help God gives to make it work. Why we cannot forgive Ichabod for exposing us and UOJ.

Session Title: LEARN LEADERSHIP FROM JESUS Presenter: Paul Calvin Kelm

Seven leadership themes from the life and words of Jesus will be applied to the roles of Christian leaders and to the challenges of the church in our time. Stay for an extra workshop: Copy and Paste from the Rick Warren - On the Seven Leadership Principles of Jesus.

Session Title: Make Your Day Count Presenter: Steve Stern

Time is precious. As God’s people we need to use it wisely and minister to others effectively. Chaplain Stern has three areas of life where we can make our day count if we see the opportunities that beckon to us. These three areas are: Affirming others, living fully, and walking with people in the valley of suffering.

Session Title: Forceful Men, Lay Hold Of The Kingdom Presenter: Wayne Mueller

In Matthew 11, while describing John the Baptist, Jesus said the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, “and forceful men lay hold of it.” What Jesus meant by the kingdom and forceful men is the subject of this session. Have we in our touchy-feely, politically correct generation lost all the forceful men to advance the kingdom of God? Or, just as bad, do we think of forceful men only as those who through control and force of personality get things done in the church? Tune in, and stay tuned. We could be talking about you. And me. PS - There is no Church Growth in WELS - and this is not a Church and Change conference.

Session Title: It’s Easier To Ask For Forgiveness Than Permission, And More Fun – Creating A Culture Of Permissiveness Presenter: Tim Glende

Twenty percent of the members do 80% of the work? Those percentages may not be exact, but they are close. Why is that? Is it the members? Partly. But many of our members never get involved or use their gifts to serve the Lord because…. there isn’t a culture of permission. The early Christian Church shows us how important having a culture of permission is (Acts 2:42). Those believers knew how vital a culture of permission was when opportunities for ministry arose (Acts 6:1). In this session we will discuss how to create a culture of permissiveness to impact and benefit each Church and Change member here.

Session Title: Technology – Friend Or Foe? Presenter: James “Ski” Skorzewski

We are bombarded by technology. iPads, laptops, and cell phones are everywhere. Our kids text and have their phones wherever they are. We can’t seem to get away from technology. Is all this technology negative? Facebook can be, if you heard about my posing with the floosies. Come to this session and see how we have learned to use technology to build relationships that allow us to share the Groeschel message of Jesus.

Session Title: The Man I Want To Be Presenter: Jason Ewart

Do you think you’re a man, but too often find yourself acting like a kid? Being a man begins with leading yourself and leading your family. If you haven’t mastered these attributes yet, then you’re stuck in boyhood. This basic training, Manhood 101, shows you how to be a responsible man without losing the fun of boyhood. If you’re ready to leave the boy behind, come discover what it means to be the man you want to be. Man up and quit Church and Change.

Session Title: The Peacemakers Presenter: Kenneth Kremer

In the home, on the job, in the news, at school, in the marketplace, and sometimes even at church–there’s plenty of conflict to go around. The question is How do we deal with it? This workshop is a conversation about Christians in conflict. It is based on Kenn’s new book about the peacemaking process and people whom Jesus referred to as the peacemakers. We consider biblical principles for addressing conflict and biblical strategies that really work in taking over the synod.

Session Title: When, Where And How To Prey - Presenter: Reg Draheim

Most of us are not comfortable preying. We are not sure about a lot of things. What are the right words? When should we prey? Where should we prey? If you have any questions about preying, come to this session and let’s seek an answer. This is one more nodule of Jeske's Church and Change Agency, which you unknowingly fund. We are the Second Synod - the real synod.

Session Title: Father To Fathers – God’s Guidance For Dads Presenter: Ben Berger

So, God has blessed you with a child – Congratulations! Now what? While God certainly wants you to take care of your child’s physical needs (late-night feedings and changing diapers), taking care of spiritual needs is even more important. You have the privilege of sharing your Father’s love and passing on his ways. Don’t know how? Come to learn how God’s word will both guide and strengthen you for this important role.

Session Title: Successful Teens Presenter: Jim Buske - Babtist Trained at the Drive Conferences

It is all well and good to tell kids how to live their lives, but teens watch what you do more than they listen to what you say. Be assured your example IS very influential. In this session, you will learn key habits that will help you assist today’s teens develop into successful Christian men and women. Sign up and seize the day!

Session Title: Seizing The Approach To Evolution Presenter: Paul Boehlke

What is a good way to approach someone who believes in evolution? What are some mistakes to avoid? This workshop will help you identify others’ assumptions and discuss ways to get them to consider Scripture.


GJ - I admit to a little bit of editing here and there. This is a great opportunity for Lutherans to meet all the Church and Money Changers at once. The only ones missing from the speakers' list are: Kudu Don Patterson, Mark and Avoid Jeske, and VP Huebner.

The way to defeat these guys is to attend their covens and confront them about their false doctrine. The only way to keep our doctrine sharp is with the whet-stone of discussion. Pietism tells people to ignore doctrinal distinctions in the name of love. Matthew 7 and Romans 16 have a different perspective.

Missionary zeal should encourage all sincere Lutherans to reach out to the lost, because these people (as a whole) are so far into false doctrine that they hate the Confessions and mock the Word of God.

Ask for a session on - Do Real Men Plagiarize Groeschel, Warren, Stanley, and Driscoll?

Yeast and the WELS

Katy Perry: "I kissed a girl and I'm glad," and the classic "Ur So Gay."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name
I'm afraid that my use of the cliche phrase in the title is not as pleasant as originally intended by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Yesterday, yet another anonymous visitor left a comment that I believe is vital when it comes to understanding the entire premise of this blog:

Anonymous said...
I wouldn't even care if the CORE existed on its own. What bothers me is that this apostasy falls under the WELS umbrella -a synod I was born and raised in - and it is seemingly okay with those who have the power to put a stop to it. Their silence is deafening and it's causing WELS to lose more members than it's gaining. I know I can no longer support WELS until they start cleaning house, so to speak So much for church 'growth'.
September 14, 2010 11:23 PM

This anonymous user really strikes the nail on the head, at least with regard to the motivation that I myself have in these matters. The Church Growth/Church and Change (or better still - pietistic) methodology is nothing new; as our Lord himself tells us in Ecclesiastes: "There is nothing new under the sun." The fact is, as I've stated amply, I used to buy into much of the anti-Lutheran ideology myself. And that's what it really boils down to: pietistic, reformed theology is not in any way Lutheran. You can slap the "WELS" seal of approval on it, but as the title implies, a rose will still smell like a rose (or in this case, a dung heap), even if you call it something else.

That is why this whole CORE situation is so frustrating to me and many others. We've grown up in the WELS, we've gone through the WELS education system, we know what Lutheranism (and dare I say, Christianity in general) is supposed to be . . . and then we see what our leaders are blatantly allowing to occur under the auspices of the very same. If the individuals involved in such institutions as the CORE want to leave and start their own church bodies, I'm not going to stand in their way. For that matter, I'd stop blogging about it, because my concern here is erroneous teaching within the (confessional) Lutheran church. Even if, in the very least, the appropriate leaders took a stand and denounced the goings-on in these faux-Lutheran institutions, I would be somewhat satiated. Unfortunately, as has been demonstrated through this blog and others like it, none of the aforementioned has come - or seems to be coming - to fruition.

In light of this, it is clear to me that the founders of CORE-like institutions, and the relevant leaders in charge of them, are purposefully deceiving the church body they are called to nurture and defend. Whether or not they think they are "doing the right thing," they are talking one game and playing another, which is clearly not the Scriptural mandate. If they think that sound Lutheran doctrine is not valid, they need to enumerate their concerns and make them known to the public, rather than dwelling in deceitful darkness. Of course, this will never happen, because confessional Lutheranism is not the party whose false doctrine needs addressing.
Posted by Daniel Baker at 10:39 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Labels: CORE, deceit, Ski, WELS


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What Is a Troll?
The following comments were left on a previous post by an anonymous user from Oshkosh (according to Feedjit, at any rate):

Anonymous said...
Troll. Just like this blog.
September 15, 2010 2:26 PM

Anonymous said...
Funny how this so called "unbiased" blog screens responses. Afraid of a good debate? You've been had Troll. Nice try.
September 15, 2010 2:29 PM

Let us look at the definition of a "troll:"
Internet troll (or simply troll in Internet slang): someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

Read more:

Interesting stuff. According to this definition, the only troll in the room is the individual who made the accusation in the first place. I know, I know. You're not supposed to "feed the troll." I couldn't help myself, though, in that I find it necessary to illuminate the fraudulent hypocrisy of those in favor of destroying orthodox Christianity.

Now, to address the somewhat legitimate concern raised by the anonymous individual regarding the so-called bias of this blog. The only reason I turned on comment filtering (those who have been here since the beginning will note that it was originally open to free commenting) is because detractors were posting grotesque and profane comments quicker than I could delete them (immature sexual references, offensive profanity, and other similar distasteful things were being utilized). Subsequently, I found it necessary to not allow this sort of filth to be posted on my blog, lest it reflect poorly on the content of this site. I do not filter comments just because they disagree with me. Unlike some, I welcome diversity in thought and opinion.
Posted by Daniel Baker at 3:55 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz
Labels: Trolls


GJ - The assistant pastor left St. Peter's Freedom (Glende) because of deceit. That was never addressed, from what I read. DP Huff n Puff is doubtless writing another letter to send - in lieu of a face-to-face meeting. So scary!

Notice, readers, that the people supporting The SORE were eager to send abusive comments to the blogger. Ski and Glende are transforming lives, but not in a positive way.

Kelm Brought WELS/ELS To Hear Sweet at His Church and Change Confab

Almost 66 years old, Kelm was rescued from unemployment by a newly invented chaplain's job
at Willowcreek's Little College.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Sweet and Ichabod Are the Litmus Tests":

The (W)ELS and LCMS, which are the last of the formerly Lutheran Synods, have all bought into the New Age Satanic emergent church doctrines and practices. Their kneeling at Sweet's feet is but a small portion of their apostacy. Their churches and members are practicing Reiki, Contemplative prayer, Taize meditation under the guise of Christian worship and feeding it to others. They financially support and are fed by Thrivent who distributes their money to ELCA to help finance abortions for their clergy. They support Lutheran World Relief (LWR) which gives millions to the United Nations along with Ted Turner to actively depopulate the world, murdering hundreds of thousands of men, women and children - all with WELS, ELS and LCMS offering money.

Leonard Sweet is but a small portion of this problem but certainly no small problem when considering his teachings and background.

The following is copied from Lighthouse blog,

Speaking of spiritual “channels,” Sweet expresses his personal gratitude in Quantum Spirituality to channeler and veteran New Age leader, David Spangler. . . . A pioneering spokesperson for the New Age, Spangler has written numerous books over the years that include Emergence: The Rebirth of the Sacred, Revelation: The Birth of a New Age, and Reimagination of the World: A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture. His book Revelation: The Birth of a New Age is a compilation of channeled transmissions he received from his disembodied spirit-guide “John.” At one point in Revelation, Spangler documents what “John” prophesied about “the energies of the Cosmic Christ” and “Oneness”:

As the energies of the Cosmic Christ become increasingly manifest within the etheric life of Earth, many individuals will begin to respond with the realization that the Christ dwells within them. They will feel his presence moving within and through them and will begin to awaken to their heritage of Christhood and Oneness with God, the Beloved.4

Unbelievably, in a modern-day consultation that bears more than a casual resemblance to King Saul’s consultation with the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28:7), Leonard Sweet acknowledges in Quantum Spiritualitythat he was privately corresponding with channeler David Spangler.5 In Quantum Spirituality, Sweet writes about what he calls his “new cell” understanding of New Light leadership, then closes his book by thanking Spangler for “his help in formulating this ‘new cell’ understanding of New Light Leadership.” Sweet writes:

I am grateful to David Spangler for his help in formulating this “new cell” understanding of New Light leadership.6

David Spangler worked on the United Nations Planetary Initiative and wrote, "Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness, and as we move into a New Age…each of us in some way is brought to that point which I term the Luciferic Initiation, the particular doorway through which the individual must pass if he is to come fully into the presence of his light and wholenesss. Lucifer prepares man in all ways for the experience of Christhood… The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ…comes from Lucifer. He is the light-giver, he is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a great consciousness …He stands…as the Great Initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ." (9)

The (W)ELS and LCMS synod presidents, vice presidents and district presidents will all sleep well tonight having done nothing to halt and destroy these New Age Satanic teachings from being taught to men, women and children within your fellowship. Will you?


GJ - The same DPs who were horrified at someone going to a Missouri Synod seminary are now oblivious to the Leonard Sweet New Agers.