Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some Denominations Have a Sense of Shame

PENNSYLVANIA: Standing Committee Turns Up Heat to Get Rid of Bishop Charles Bennison

By David W. Virtue
December 14, 2010

Despite repeated calls for returning Pennsylvania Bishop Charles E. Bennison to resign, the disgraced bishop has steadfastly refused to heed calls for him to step down.

On December 8, eight members of the Standing Committee drove to New York City to meet with Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, her chancellor David Booth Beers, and Bishop Clayton Matthews, officer for Pastoral Development.

According to a memo VOL received, the meeting was arranged at their request "to offer support and leadership for the diocese." TRANSLATION. We want your help to get rid of Bennison.

They noted that at the recent Diocesan Convention, 73% of delegates called for Bennison to resign saying that his continued presence stands in the way of attending to the important word of proclaiming the love of God in Christ Jesus and carrying forth the mission of the Church."

The eight described their time with Episcopal Church leadership as a time of "good conversation; we felt heard, understood, supported and encouraged."

Charges of conduct unbecoming a priest or bishop still remain against Bennison. He was found guilty of covering up his brother's sexual abuse of a minor. The verdict against the bishop was overturned because of a narrow interpretation of the "Statute of Limitations".

Since his return, there have been repeated calls for him to resign including from the Presiding Bishop, the entire Episcopal House of Bishops, Bonnie Anderson, HOD President, numerous priests (both liberal and conservative) in the Diocese of Pa, entire deaneries, a neighbor Bishop Paul Marshall, (Bethlehem), the Diocesan Standing Committee and a number of outraged laity and VOL, all to no avail.

Although he stated that he would be a listener, six weeks back on the job, the Diocesan Standing Committee wrote Bennison accusing him of throwing up obstructions, creating dissent through distrust and misinformation, and investing heavily in anything that stretched the finances of the diocese beyond anything realistic, causing more and more parishes to withhold funds.

They expressed shock that Bennison said witnesses at his trial intentionally perjured themselves. "These are shocking words, and words which we feel you need to address immediately. Can you possibly have meant what you said? If so, this is one more indication of a serious problem. You have managed to ignore or discount the opinions and conclusions of three courts, two Presiding Bishops, the House of Bishops, and untold numbers of lay and clergy in the diocese of Pennsylvania, and now all the witnesses at your trial. We find it amazing that you are able to think that this is in any way normal behavior.

"Bishop, the letter of the law has allowed you to return. Please consider the spirit of the law as you determine your way forward, for yourself and for the Diocese of Pennsylvania."

Clearly angered by Bennison's high-handed approach to running the diocese, its leaders still are pressuring the National Church to get rid of Bennison.

The revised Title IV Changes to the canons which grants the National Church greater authority to the church's presiding bishop over other bishops, and to diocesan bishops over their clergy, when they are accused of misconduct, could give Jefferts Schori all the authority she needs to remove Bennison permanently from his position.


GJ - Bishop Bennison is still hanging on, since Anglican polity says electing a bishop is a lifetime mistake arrangement.

But let us give them some credit. They are trying to dump him rather than make him the honcho in charge of a multi-site emergent church.

Bishops are no longer in charge of cover-ups, as much as they might want to continue the old ways. The legal authorities can catch up with them even faster with a paper trail.

Bird Invades Ich-Abode

This photo is fair warning for anyone who thinks he can outsmart a squirrel.

Someone wants me to put the squirrels on a web camera. I am sure that has already been done.

Sassy and I came home from the Bark Park to a scene of alarm and confusion. Mrs. Ichabod was opening a package which contained a calming nerve tonic instead of soy butter, which we ordered. She was phoning the company when a bird, inside the house, fluttered around and tried to land on her head. That caused no end of excitement. The customer service agent said, "The nerve tonic is free. It sounds like you could use some."

Chris said, "My husband thinks he is St. Francis of Assisi. Now they are coming inside to eat."

I discovered the tiny nuthatch (upside-down bird) in the living room. I also noticed dry dog food and a water dish near the outside dog door. I hastened to point out how much birds enjoy dog food. Rescue groups use dog food for injured and distressed birds.

The bird flew to the laundry room, and I let it out into the garage, where it escaped into freedom. Sassy and I chucked some seed around the front of the house in a celebratory gesture, happy to be free of the feathered terrorist.

We had bats in the house in New Ulm, because thousands thrive in the swampy lowlands, eating mosquitoes. I learned to enjoy them, even when one surprised me by flying toward me in the basement. Mrs. Ichabod's story of the bat in the bedroom is somewhat embroidered, so I suggest dividing the alleged facts by ten if she happens to start on her blood-curdling narrative.

Starlings got into the New Ulm church through the chimney, no fault of mine. I extracted one from an organ pipe, where he expired while trying to escape, his head peeking out from the top of the pipe. Other starlings responded to my calm advice about not being communing members, leaving through the door I opened for them.

Starlings and nuthatches love suet, just as woodpeckers and blue birds do. Any bird who loves suet is also an insect eating bird. Although people devalue starlings for being so common, they are quite attractive and clever. They are voracious insect-eaters and also devour weed seeds. Nothing is more comical than a starling's gait as he walks through a garden, flipping over mulch or dry leaves to look for an insect. Someone who believes in Creation will let God's purpose-driven agents do the work.

Even close up, the nuthatch is sweet and harmless.

Question du Jour

Radical for Today - Explanation of the Common Service

This information is provided by Bethany Lutheran Chapel, Bella Vista.
This is our WEF.

The book can be found here, and converting to text will make it easy to kelm.

The Donkey

The Donkey

When forests walked and fishes flew
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood,
Then, surely, I was born.

With monstrous head and sickening bray
And ears like errant wings—
The devil's walking parody
Of all four-footed things:

The battered outlaw of the earth
Of ancient crooked will;
Scourge, beat, deride me—I am dumb—
I keep my secret still.

Fools! For I also had my hour—
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout around my head
And palms about my feet.

G. K. Chesterton

Giotto di Bondone, Scenes from the Life of Christ 10.
Entry into Jerusalem, 1304-6,
Cappella Scrovegni, Padova