Friday, February 11, 2011

The Death or Glory Toads - From The Wind in the Willows

They all look and sound the same.

Those who covet fellowship with ELCA really belong there, as the Seminex leaders proved many times over.

Mark and Avoid Jeske, son of The Jester, keeps revealing what he treasures most.

The Wizard of Ooze Conference - Joint Work of ELCA-LCMS-WELS
Change or Die, You Legalists!

"Why, anybody can have a brain. That's a very mediocre commodity. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. Back where I come from, we have universities, seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers. And when they come out, they think deep thoughts and with no more brains than you have. But they have one thing you haven't got: a diploma from an accredited school, not at all like The Sausage Factory."

Change or Die! Conference Leaders

Pastor Ken Smith – ELCA -

Pastor Kenneth Wheeler – ELCA -

Kole Knueppel – WLC -

Mark Jeske – LCMS and WELS -

Brad Hewitt – Thrivent boss -

Hewitt used to be on the board at Lutheran World Relief and this was his church home in 2010  From 1998 - 2003 he was the chief administrative officer for LC-MS.    His wife Susan is Executive Director of LINC - Twin Cities - a Lutheran church-planting group.

Pastor Jeff Dorth - LCMS -
Their belief statement is just like CrossWalk and the other emerging churches, which are apparently derived from Rick Warren’s creed. No one can tell who is copying whom among the emergents.

Pastor Jeffrey Meyer – LCMS -

Rev. James “Ski” Skorezewski,The SORE, Appleton, WI – WELS –


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Wizard of Ooze Conference - Joint Work of ELCA...": [GJ - Known Church and Changers in red]

Siebert Pastoral Advisory Panel
Rev. Charles Brummond – 262-895-2281
Rev. Gary L. Erickson – 414-774-0441
Rev. Larry D. Harpster – 262-658-2433
Rev. William Knapp, Jr. – 414-352-8990
Rev. James A. Mattek – 414-353-5005
Rev. John M. Parlow – 920-336-2485
Rev. Mark A. Schudde – 262-679-1441
Rev. James R. Skorzewski – 414-562-3369
Rev. Thomas H. Trapp – 608-257-1969
Rev. Mark D. Thompson – 414-445-7447

2. Any Lutheran congregation is eligible to apply for a clergy advanced development grant for any of its ordained pastors.
3. A pastor from an applying congregation must be a member in good standing of his or her denomination, and the pastor must have received a master of divinity degree from a theological school accredited by the Association of Theological Schools

Success Stories

Success Story: P.A.V.E. $100K
Partner Schools
- St. Marcus Lutheran
- Messmer Catholic Schools


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Change to Enthusian or Die! Brochure - Final Editi...":

I thought at first the "Change or Die" heading was Icha-hyperbole, but that's what the brochure says. It's another instance of where Icha-blog has to reproduce the evidence or else it's just too hard to believe. Fortunately, there's no shortage of electrons like this is for trees.

Change to Enthusiasm or Die! Brochure - Final Edition

They know everyone will fuss about this for a day or two and forget. So far they have snookered three synods this way.

HerChurch Video - This Congregation Was Once the Mother Church for All Augustana Missions in the West

The (Swedish)Augustana Synod was named for the Augsburg Confession (Confessio Augustana) because the founders realized the error of the 19th century Church Growth Movement.

Revivalism and so-called American Lutheranism meant rejecting the liturgy, having a Mourner's Bench near the altar for grand shows of repentance, and abandoning the efficacy of the Word and Sacraments. The 19th century Church Growth Movement was also unionistic to a fault.

The Muhlenberg tradition discovered the Book of Concord again and moved away from the apostasy of revivalism. The Augustana Synod eventually merged with them to form the LCA of 1962.

However, remnants of Pietism, which were already surging in the 1930s, took over and made ELCA what it is today - bankrupt in every possible way.

Lutheran CORE - News and Discussion: NALC receives $1 million gift for missions, theological education

"That's my last bishop (Sauer) painted on the wall,
I scraped but cannot get him off at all."
(Apologies to Browning and Armour)

Lutheran CORE - News and Discussion: NALC receives $1 million gift for missions, theological education

NALC receives $1 million gift for missions, theological education

The North American Lutheran Church (NALC) has received a $1 million gift that will expand the new church body’s work in carrying out its mission and in training and educating its pastors, the NALC announced Thursday, Feb. 10.

The NALC will use the gift to launch two designated funds that will be significant for the church body’s future. One fund will support theological education — the training and continuing education of NALC pastors. The other fund will be used to provide “Great Commission Grants” to fund special mission projects, including new congregation starts, missionaries, and other initiatives to spread the Gospel and make disciples for Christ.

The $1 million gift was given by Tom and Saundra Smith of Elderton, Pa. The Smiths are members of Mount Union Lutheran Church of Elderton. The Smiths were reluctant to be recognized for their gift, but they agreed to the public announcement because it could inspire others to support these special projects in the NALC.