Thursday, May 19, 2011

LSTC Prez Resigns

LSTC News Release

James Kenneth Echols resigns as LSTC president

Posted May 18, 2011

With deep gratitude for his 14 years of service, the board of directors of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago accepted the resignation of the Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Echols. Dr. Echols was the first African American to serve as president of a North American Lutheran seminary. A celebration of Dr. Echols’ leadership at LSTC is being planned for a later date.

“President Echols has provided visionary leadership for LSTC and among the ELCA seminaries,” said the Rev. Dr. Philip Hougen, chair of the board of directors. “Under his leadership, LSTC successfully completed an ambitious $56 million comprehensive campaign, built the Augustana Chapel and created the Cornelsen Director of Spiritual Formation position. Dr. Echols also helped create A Center of Christian-Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice, making LSTC one of the top 20 seminaries in the U.S. in interfaith studies. Over the last several years he has initiated efforts to get the ELCA seminaries to collaborate more closely to better serve the church.”

After the ELCA entered into a full communion agreement with the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., Dr. Echols led LSTC in a decade-long closer collaboration with McCormick Theological Seminary (PCUSA). He has been a leader in the ELCA and in the wider community, serving on the board of the ELCA Division for Ministry, the executive committee of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, and the steering committee of the USA Section of the Council of International Black Lutherans. He is the editor of I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Future of Multicultural America (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004).

Echols was elected president of LSTC in May 1997. He served as academic dean at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) from 1991-1997. He joined the LTSP faculty in 1982, teaching American Church History. Since 2005 he has team taught, with Dr. Albert “Pete” Pero, The Theology of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. course at LSTC.

A native of Philadelphia, Echols received the bachelor of arts degree from Temple University and the master of divinity degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. He continued his studies at Yale University, where he received the degrees of master of arts, master of philosophy, and doctor of philosophy in the history of Christianity.

The LSTC board of directors has appointed the Rev. Dr. Philip Hougen to serve as acting president while it prepares for a presidential search. Ms. Sarah Stegemoeller was elected as chairperson of the board at its May 15-17 meeting in Chicago.

Y'all Have To Remember That Every Lutheran Is Confessional, No Matter What They Profess

As a confessional church, the Lutheran community affirms the normative authority of Scripture and tradition. Lutherans also insist that Christ and the gospel are the hermeneutical key for interpreting both Scripture and tradition. The gospel, which always points us to Christ, is, therefore, the interpretative lens in light of which the biblical and theological heritage of the church must be understood, evaluated and affirmed.

As a Lutheran community, part of the body of Christ, we also share with you our experience of Christ’s refreshing spirit in our seminary community. Here at LSTC, we have been blessed by lively and faithful conversations with lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender students and pastors in our midst about matters of sexuality, gender identity, and committed relationships to human partners and God. We see firsthand the hope, the pain, and the joy in these conversations. While we do not always agree with each other, we discover Christ’s spirit in this fellowship. Deeply committed to our unity in Christ, we once were emboldened to ordain free and former slaves, whites together with peoples of color, women and men alike, to serve as pastors of the church. We must now broaden that circle to include a yet more full company of God’s children who confess the gospel and the lordship of Christ Jesus.
The undersigned members of the LSTC faculty:

Klaus-Peter Adam
Terrence Baeder
Kathleen D. Billman
Kurt Hendel
Esther Menn
Raymond Pickett
José D. Rodriguez
Craig Satterlee
Lea Schweitz
Michael Shelley
Benjamin Stewart
Rosanne Swanson
Linda E. Thomas
Barbara Rossing
David Rhoads
Peter Vethanayagamony
Christine Wenderoth
Vítor Westhelle
We also refer to the ‘Appropriate Next Steps for the ELCA’ that can be found under

Lutheran School of Theology Faculty Statement, 2009


GJ - I spotted this, trying to find out why the LSTC president resigned. It was not directly because of this, but I do imagine that funding has dropped like a stone since 2009. LSTC was a sucker's bet from the beginning, Conrad Bergendoff's dream of having his denomination sharing space with his alma mater, the U. of Chicago.

I used to go there and use the seminary library for research on my dissertation.

JBS Speakers Bureau Includes a Bishop

John Birch Society Speakers Bureau

Rt. Rev. James Heiser
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Wednesday, 04 June 2008 08:07
Rev. James HeiserThe Rt. Rev. James Heiser earned his B.A. in Political Science from George Washington University in Washington D.C.,  Beginning in 1987, he worked as a Research Associate of the National Center for Public Policy Research in Washington D.C. and as a Media Analyst for the Media Research Center in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 1995, Heiser earned his M. Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary (Fort Wayne, Indiana). He served as a Graduate Assistant for Systematic Theology at Concordia (1995–6), and as an Assistant Professor at Luther Bible College in Rockford, IL (1996–1998), during part of which time he also served as the ordained Deacon of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church (Forsyth, IL).

Since 1998, Heiser has served as Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Malone, Texas, while maintaining his responsibilities as publisher of Repristination Press, which he established in 1993 to publish academic and popular theological books to serve the Lutheran Church.

In addition to his service at Salem Lutheran Church, Heiser has also served since 2005 as the Dean of Missions for The Augustana Ministerium and in 2006 was called to serve as Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA).

An advocate of manned space exploration, Heiser serves on the Steering Committee of the Mars Society. His publications include two books; The Office of the Ministry in N. Hunnius' Epitome Credendorum (1996) and A Shining City on a Higher Hill: Christianity and the Next New World (2006), as well as dozens of journal articles and book reviews.

He resides in Hillsboro, Texas with his wife and children.

Testimony from Taiwan:
Recommends Liberalism To His 4,000 FB Friends

Kevin Shen is first-generation American. His father is a doctor who returned to Taiwan with his wife, to head a clinic there. We met Kevin in St. Louis, about 20 years ago. We took him to church each week.

Since I had mentioned about this book in my last posting's comments thread about Liberalism creeping into and poisoning once Bible-Believing Churches, I would like to share this book that is about this Liberalism seeping into Churches, written by Pastor Gregory L. Jackson. Pastor Jackson had first led me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and is a good friend of mine whom I have known for many years.
Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure : The Poisoning of American Christianity and the Antidote


GJ - Kevin thought it was quite funny that I had to buy a copy of my own book to produce a new edition. Most of my books still float around the used market.

Everything is available as a free PDF download here. The print copies can be ordered there too.

A friend from my family's Disciples of Christ church asked for doctrinal books, so I am sending two copies of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.

Brett Meyer gave away 50 copies of Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith at the Emmaus conference.

Kevin wondered if the free PDF could be shared with others. I said, "If I tried to get money for the PDF download, some people would not pay, for many reasons, from lack of money to not have a plastic card to pay for it. This way, someone in India or Ghana can have all the books they want to download. The difference between getting all I can and giving a lot away is not that much anyway."

Kevin was impressed that a 20 year-old book, which he dug out recently, was so accurate in predicting what would happen today in the mainline churches. I have found that being 20-25 years ahead of church leaders is no guarantee for popularity in the visible church.

Mrs. Ichabod talked to him too. They discussed laying up treasures in heaven. He was given no hope for living after a horrific traffic accident four years ago. Now he realizes how fleeting are the treasures on earth. Kevin knows cars. He said I would need to spend $100,000 to get as roomy a car as my ancient Lincoln, if I bought a new Mercedes limo. Needless to say, we are both Going Galt.

Most of the time, publishing means getting plenty of negative feedback. In fact, the day I got my first copies of Liberalism, the Shrinker faction pounced at the council meeting. That book really made the leadership of WELS angry. The final chapter threw Kovaciny, Oelhafen, and Adrian into loud tantrums, when it was delivered as conference paper. The Cure chapter is about the Holy Spirit working through the Word and contains actual criticism of Fuller Seminary and Church Growth. The conference refused to "approve" the paper, which says a lot about WELS and the Means of Grace. If I had questioned clergy adultery, they would have executed me on the spot.

Worst of all, the book became an immediate best-seller for NPH when they expected little interest in doctrinal books.

Liberalism was also the only book not reprinted in the latest version. But they gave me the rights to it, and they have been generous in sending me books to review. NPH was great about promoting Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.

Portrait of the Parson as a Young Heretic

Here is a place where J. P. Meyer is right. Why not pay attention to the Word of God?

Barth and Fuller Seminary
I have to start with Karl Barth of Switzerland. As readers know, he was a Communist, an adulterer, an intellectual fraud, and an apostate. His mistress wrote most of his Dogmatics and hardly anything was written after Charlotte Kirschbaum died. His students must have known, because she lived in his home with Karl, wife Nellie, and his children.

Barth's carnal adultery damaged his own soul and harmed his entire family. His spiritual adultery cast a long shadow over all of modern theology, because he is the most influential of all Protestant theologians of the 20th century.

My Notre Dame advisor, John Howard Yoder, was his student, and doubtless got some his peculiar ideas from Barth. Yoder, as detailed in Hannah's Child, was disciplined by his Mennonite congregation and conference for having a number of Mennonite women become intimate with him.

Two leaders of Fuller Seminary were students of Barth, taking his neo-apostasy back with them and changing the entire mission of the school. Instead of being a conservative Evangelical school, Fuller became a feminist anything-goes ecumenical mainline school, openly opposed to inerrancy and scornful of those who labored under such delusions. The conservative staff quit and Donald McGavran, sociologist, entered with his Church Growth concepts, with a Barthian foundation. One WELS graduate of Fuller confirmed in a letter that Barth was Fuller's official theologian.

The Barth effect could also be seen in the School of Psychology being named after a sex offender so notorious that they had to remove his name from it once the facts came out.

St. Paul, German Village, Columbus
The LCMS kicked Floyd Luther Stolzenburg out of the ministry "for cause." The better term might be "for many, many causes." His wife divorced him and she gained custody of their children. The husband of his mistress sued Floyd, the staff of Salem in Blackjack (St. Louis) and other LCMS entities.

Floyd came back to Columbus, following his ex-wife and shopped for a job. The public school system would not hire him. Various denominations would not hire him when they checked up on his exit from Salem, Black Jack. Floyd visited St. Paul, German Village, which was loosely affiliated with WELS, on its own terms.

The story is that Floyd got funded because his father was a business pal of The Donor. He started Luther Parish Resources as a Church Growth agency, but the new board refused to hire him. The Donor doubled the ante, so LPR hired Roger Zehms (divorced WELS pastor, St. Louis) and then Floyd. Both men worked out of The Donor's real estate office.

LPR consisted of two divorced ex-pastors acting like the supervisors of the Columbus WELS congregations. The whole concept, as Wally Oelhafen admitted, was to get Floyd a WELS parish after a decent interval, and DP Robert Mueller and VP Paul Kuske recommended him for colloquy.

Mueller and Kuske gave the ex-pastors years to promote Church Growth and cause trouble in the local congregations. I thought the LCA was bad, but I have never seen such evil in one group of congregations. Good was bad, and bad was good, according to WELS.

Stolzenburg was never a member of WELS and said he would never join. St. Paul, German Village, was handy for playing the chameleon. Nevertheless, Kuske and Bob Schumann both wrote letters of recommendation for Floyd, and Floyd got hired at the sister church of St. Paul, Emmanuel (also independent and Masonic). The Masons wanted Floyd, who pledged in a letter to commune them.

Poor Little Tim Glende
Glende had the misfortune of growing up in a circuit of delusions. The circuit pastor did not hold circuit meetings until I raised the issue. Floyd had no business even being a lay leader, let alone a fake pastor, but that was supported 100% by his own pastor, VP Kuske, and DP Mueller. In fact, no one in the entire Michigan District objected - except for me.

Floyd taught Church Growth at St. Paul, German Village. He promoted CG in Columbus and wherever WELS could trick people into listening to him. He became a leader of the Ohio WELS women's group, too, with his second wife. Floyd was famous for his work with the LCMS women's groups. I will leave the details out, but SP Jack Preus told me that Floyd was famous all over North St. Louis.

Bullying and Fears
People objected to Floyd's obnoxious behavior, but his guard dogs were always there to snarl at anyone who dared to object. When some pastors objected to Floyd giving a paper at the Ohio Conference, the objection was made to look like a crime.

Kuske is still remembered for being the dean of boys at Michigan Lutheran Seminary. The students called it The Reign of Terror. I suspect he was called to Grove City to spare future generations his methods. Sparky Brenner followed, and Kuske was visibly jealous of his replacement.

When Floyd got his job at Emmanuel, one member was terrified of being known for objecting to him. That person did the research that WELS lied about. Copies of the lawsuit floated about, but nothing came of it.

ELS, Thoughts of Faith, More Lies
Thanks to Roger Kovaciny, WELS, and Jay Webber, ELS - Floyd's Masonic congregation became a donor to Thoughts of Faith in the Ukraine. St. Marvin of Schwan gave most of the loot, which disappeared faster than a cheese factory on its way over.

Floyd's Emmanuel newsletters, which I received from a friend, bragged about their association with Thoughts of Faith. His website also boasted about it and published photos.

Somehow Emmanuel got a matching grant from Schwan to send money to TOF for a chapel. That means WELS/ELS got behind this project, because they had Marvin in their pocket. He was making regular down-payments on his indulgence, where the two sects and Missouri erased the Sixth Commandment. Or maybe they omitted the not, as the printers did in the Sinner's Bible.

Once Floyd and Schumann (another Shrinker) had Columbus to themselves, the whole situation at St. Paul, German Village blew up. Schumann was forced to resign for false doctrine, which had been quite blatant. He is now a loud atheist, like another WELS Shrinker, Curtis Peterson. Nitz left for Arizona. St. Paul is a fraction of what it once was, after decades of Church GROWTH.

The Evil Continues
I was the only WELS pastor who objected to Church Growth and kept at it. Some voiced some objections and were shut down in various ways. I remember two of them who told a mutual friend, "We are going silent so we can get the calls we want." They got their calls as a reward.

Jay Webber told me that I should publish this and that. He never did, of course. He wanted to go to the Ukraine and did. I thought Webber and Kovaciny in the Ukraine together was the ultimate punishment for both of them.

WELS/ELS bullying methods do not stop with the person who dissents. They bully the entire family. Nothing is too low for them. Thus WELS and the Little Sect reproduce bullying and enforced brain-dead conformity.

The Church Growth Movement should really be called the Copy and Paste Movement, because the only thing LPR, Stolzenburg, Zehms, Kelm, WELS, and the ELS did was copy what the Enthusiasts promoted in the worst of their parishes.

Thus Glende is only doing what he was taught at his home congregation in German Village, his WELS schools, and in the officially supported WELS Church and Change sorority. The drama queens of Church and Change scream and sob like someone's baby sister whenever they are caught in their skullduggery. But they have no remorse about what they do to the laity and to those they choose to exclude.

Unfortunately, many in WELS think that is the only reality. A good number have grown up in towns where they never spoke to a non-WELS member. Like old-fashioned Mennonites, they are quick to shun and have deep emotional problems from being shunned.

The secrecy and lying are quite impressive in WELS. The Columbus pastors never told the truth about Stolzenburg and Zehms...or anything else. They even denied LPR was started to promote Church Growth. They said that the idiot vicar who wrote the paper about LPR did not know what he was talking about. That idiot vicar, David Peters, was later a doctoral student at Marquette, and his vicar's office was packed full of CG books when he left. He must have seen the light, because he became part of Issues in WELS, aka That Union Grove Bunch.

Deceit is the primary management method of WELS. Wayne Mueller denied CG in WELS while running all the CG programs. One of The Love Shack honchos came down to Columbus and suggested that Floyd was the best person to run the "Precious Is the Child" evangelism flop. Floyd smiled broadly. It was CG speaking to CG and showing that the leadership of WELS was behind him 100%, just as they were behind Al Just and William Tabor.

The laity and pastors are ordered to address the most grievous problems in one particular way, which is always wrong. Therefore, all questions end up being the reasons for getting rid of someone. Write a letter! - but the reply TOP SECRET EYES ONLY. So the leaders have rope for the hanging but their response, if revealed, is even more rope for the hanging. Neat system. Their Father Below doubtless looks up in awe at them.

They have no problem with brutalizing people, so their astonishing level of adultery and alcoholism are just symptoms of the deeper problem.

WELS is loveless because they have no Gospel. They teach 10,000 man-made laws replacing the 10 Commandments. They have no Gospel because everyone is born forgiven. The only things they really care about are utterly false - UOJ and Church Growth plagiarism.

Tim Glende is so clueless that he blogs to show how little he comprehends about being a pastor:
  1. He does not give his name, but he did slow down and tone down once I identified him as the author.
  2. He condemns Lutheran authors although he routinely plagiarizes Methodist-Babtists.
  3. He has nothing to offer but condemnation. There is no Gospel on his blog, no edifying quotations, no inspirational pictures. His idea of humor is to show people I know (named, no less) eating fecal matter from a toilet.
  4. Although DP Englebrecht seems as spineless and inept as the rest of the WE:S DPs, he is just as thuggish as Glende, because he endorses and encourages this behavior.
So I have to say, "Poor Tim Glende. He grew up in a deceitful, non-Lutheran congregation. He attended a congregation where a known adulterer was blessed back into the ministry. He went to schools where false doctrine and bullying were the name of the game."

Millions for the Colleges, Hardly a Dime for the LCMS Seminaries

Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Lutheran Seminary Fraud: Students Are Bankrupting ...":

When former President Kieschnick said that the ten Concordia U's were the "crown jewels" of the Missouri Synod's higher educational system, he put the synod's money where his mouth was. While Missouri HQ only gives $150,000 to each seminary each year, it turns out that the synod has assumed debt for the Concordia U system, and subsidizes them to the tune of $20 million each year! That means of undesignated funds coming from offerings to the synod, $2 million goes toward each CU campus yearly on average! So Kieschnick wasn't kidding about the Concordia U's being the crown jewels, while the seminaries must be the footstools.

Then after President Kieschnick has a hand in signing over all that synod money to the Concordia U's, he gets a job raising money for CTX (Concordia U-Texas). That reminds me the revolving employment door between corporate lobbyists, industry regulators, and the industry they regulate, whether that be coil, oil, natural gas, etc. It also reminds me of how Germany Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder had Germany do big business with the Russian state business Gazprom, and as soon as he was out of office, he got a job with Gazprom.

I think the synods need a full disclosure statement when their leaders recommend their schools, similar to statements news programs have, for example, if PBS Newshour does a story on Shell Oil, they come out and say BTW Shell is an underwriter for the Newshour. I mean, how much stock would one put in the praise of a synodical official for an education institution if after he said it he disclosed that there's a revolving door of employment between synod leaders and the Concordia U's? Or that the synod took on so much CU debt that it takes nearly $20 million per year just to service it? Or that if students didn't attend CU's in sufficient numbers, the synod would have to subsidize the CU's even more and lay off synodical staff to do it?--just as President Harrison had to do lately when funds ran short. He paid the CU bill first while laying off 50 synodical workers.
A Pastoral Letter to Pastors of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod
From President Jerry Kieschnick, Apr 2010:

Our system of higher education is a crown jewel of our Synod,
and I thank God for all 12 of these institutions and the service they render to God and our Synod.
President Harrison May 2011 Lutheran Witness:

Some 26 percent of the unrestricted dollars received go to service the $20 million in historic debt of the Concordia University System, including interest and to subsidize educational operations.

Kieschnick's new job:
In his new role, Kieschnick will nurture and expand existing relationships with congregations, organizations, foundations and individuals to support Concordia in its mission of developing Christian leaders...

Gerhard Schröder's Gazprom scandal:öder#Gazprom