Thursday, August 18, 2011

Two Foundational Truths of Biblical, Lutheran Doctrine:
All Errors Can Be Judged from These.
Efficacy and the Means of Grace

Lutheran writing today is completely frustrating for faithful pastors and laity. Many can detect the political game-playing and legalistic nonsense paraded about as discussion. The solution for this is simple, basic, and undeniable.

There are two foundational truths upon which all of Christian doctrine rests. If one or the other is denied, everything else will be in error. Those truths are:
  1. The efficacy of the Word alone.
  2. The Means of Grace.

The Lutheran Reformers did not like to use the plural word - doctrines. That suggests a group teachings where an individual can select this or that from the cafeteria display. There is a single revealed, clear, harmonious and unified truth - one Christian doctrine. Variations are errors, and they stem from denying the efficacy of the Word alone and the Means of Grace. The Scriptures clearly teach these truths and the Book of Concord confesses them.

The Holy Spirit works only through the Word of God and never apart from the Word of God. As Isaiah 55:8-11 clearly teaches, the effect of the Word is inevitable, never without result, never failing, never lacking in God's will. This truth shows us why God was able to fashion the universe out of nothing in six 24-hour days. The Son of God is that creating Word, John 1:1ff. That Word declares us forgiven through faith.

Enthusiasts of all stripes deny the exclusive work of the Holy Spirit through the Word - openly, blatantly, shamelessly. And Lutherans run to these religious whores to be taught by them - Leonard Sweet, Mark Driscoll, Craig Groeschel, Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, and many more. When Lutherans study under these false teachers and ask them to be featured speakers at Lutheran conferences, they are saying, "We join you in denying the efficacy of the Word alone."

When we think that faithful preaching and administering the Means of Grace result in failure because our membership does not climb, our parking lots do not shine black in the sun, and our coffers do not fill up, we are still denying the efficacy of the Word, even if we have a token allegiance to that truth.

God prepared us for the Means of Grace throughout the Old Testament, giving mankind physical signs of His power and grace, from the rainbow in the sky to the Burning Bush. The Gospel comes to us in the invisible Word of teaching and preaching, the visible Word of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. Absolution is also a sacrament of forgiveness, often categorized under Holy Baptism. These instruments are the only way in which God grants us forgiveness of our sin, but they are generously bestowed.

Running to Baptists for training in evangelism is a clear, bold denial of the Means of Grace. Peter only denied Jesus three times, and he repented. The Lutherans trained by Andy Stanley, Ed Stetzer, and Rick Warren deny Jesus many times - without repenting. Those Lutherans mock infant faith, mock the efficacy of the Word in creating faith in a baby's heart, and mock the forgiveness freely given believers by the visible Gospel.

Studying under non-Lutherans is subtle way to undermine, deny, and repudiate the Real Presence in Holy Communion. How can someone consecrate the elements with the efficacious Word and offer them to communicants while sitting down with scofffers (Psalm 1)?

No one has to doubt where this has led. So-called Lutheran congregations hide their confession of faith, their baptismal font, and their communion service. They replace the Scriptural liturgy with bad rock music and ditch the sermon for a mix of law salesmanship and amateur entertainment.

As long as their bellies are full and their pensions are funded, these conservative Lutheran leaders continue to lead everyone to and fro in a religious farce. The last act of this bawdy comedy climaxes forcing bad Biblical translations on a trusting public. "We know Greek and you do not! We know Hebrew and you do not! So you must go along with us as we take away the Means of Grace and the efficacy of the Word."

Seminary Cost Analysis Getting Attention at Steadfast Lutherans

I personally don’t care for Ichabod’s theology. By providing the link that you want zapped, I wanted to highlight how silly it is for pastors to engage in personal attacks. It alienates the laymen, and it does nothing to solve the ongoing problems within the LCMS.

The LCMS should carefully consider Jackson’s analysis of seminary education:

Lutheran Seminary Fraud 


GJ - First of all, the seminary tuition analysis has been provided by someone else, who has carefully compiled the information. Anyone wanting to attend a Missouri seminary should inform himself first about costs and his graduation present - "No call for you. Pay your $50,000 student loan."

Secondly, the response about getting rid of the link is interesting. If they read something they do not like, they want to keep everyone else from finding out.

McCain promised to give everyone a vacation from his vapid, bitter comments, but he is all over ALPB, Steadfast Lutherans, and who knows what other websites.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Seminary Cost Analysis Getting Attention at Steadf...":

Rev. Paul McCain:
August 17th, 2011 at 19:02 | #4 Reply | Quote I wonder if Pastor Rossow is at all concerned about how stupid the comments posted here by “Mames” and “Carl Vehse” make Brothers of John the Steadfast look?

Guess not.

August 17th, 2011 at 21:23 | #8 Reply | Quote @Rev. Paul T. McCain #4 who are you and why do you ridicule valid concerns. We have our confessions and many with collars ignore it and NOTHING is done about it. We have seen how futile it is to wait for clergy to fix things. It will take “stupid” lay confessionals to do the job.

Ghastly representation for Concordia Publishing House from McCain!

Mainline UOJ Means Being in Fellowship with Everybody,
Just as WELS and Missouri Are in Fellowship with ELCA.
Very Cool But Easy To Deny

Gradye Parsons

"I didn't borrow the stole over the suitcoat look from Gradye. He borrowed it from me, Brett."


“Since 1997, this church has establishes full-communion relationships with six partner churches,” said the ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson, adding that these relationship are bearing fruit within synods and among congregations.

The ELCA is in full communion agreements with the Moravian Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, Reformed Church in America, the United Church of Christ, The Episcopal Church, and the United Methodist Church.

Hanson introduced the Rev. Gradye Parsons, the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church USA, who addressed the assembly.


GJ - ELCA is in fellowship with every group except the NALC and LCMC, comprised of those congregations driven out of ELCA by the Lavender Mafia.

Hanson is the Godfather of Lavender Mafia.


Historic greeting from the Islamic Society of North America

Posted on August 18th, 2011 by assemblynews 
ELCA Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson welcomed Dr. Sayyid M. Sayeed, national director for the Office for Interfaith and Community Alliances of the Islamic Society of North America.

Hanson said this is the first time an ELCA Churchwide Assembly has welcomed and heard from an Islamic leader, representing the largest Islamic organization in the United States.

“Peace be with you,” said Dr. Sayeed. The assembly responded with, “and also with you.”

“It is certainly an historic honor to be with you today,” Sayeed told the assembly. “Today the ELCA has broken [stereotypes] when it established a committee on Lutheran-Muslim relationships, and that committee has [shared] that we love you.” The assembly applauded in response.

Free Conference -
A Chance To Learn and Confess the Truth

November 9-10 at Martin Luther College's Auditorium in New Ulm, MN; first presentation at 10:30 a.m. 11/9

Presentation #1

(10:30 a.m., November 9; reactions follow)
"Is there any genuine Lutheranism left in American Lutheranism?" And "Can it be brought to bear?" Mark Braun (Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee) will read an essay by Mark Noll originally entitled, "American Lutherans Yesterday and Today," from Lutherans Today: American Lutheran Identity in the 21st Century, Eerdmans, 2003.
Reactions by John Pless (Concordia, Ft. Wayne), Gaylin Schmeling (Bethany, Mankato)

Presentation #2

(1:30 p.m., November 9; reactions follow)
"Lutheranism is catholic and evangelical," by David Scaer (Concordia, Ft. Wayne)
Reactions by Mark Mattes (Grand View College, Des Moines), Mark Schroeder (WELS President)

Presentation #3

(3:30 p.m., November 9; reactions follow)
"Lutheranism's Chief Article--Justification by Faith and Its Flipside--Bondage of the Will," by James Nestingen (North American Lutheran Church)
Reactions by Joel Fredrich (Martin Luther College, New Ulm), Scott Murray (LC-MS Vice President)

Presentation #4

(9:00 a.m., November 10--Martin Luther's Birthday!; reactions follow)
"Luther's Doctrine of the Word: The Incarnate Word in the Written Word," by John Brug (Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon)
Reactions by Steven Paulson (Luther, St. Paul), Dan Metzger (Old Zion Lutheran Church, Philadelphia)

 How did that peacock get in the Photoshop of that beautiful bird?

GJ - I lived in New Ulm for three years. MLC was always kind and gracious to me. They bought some of my books and told me when a library sale was on. I found it amusing that James Tiefel's first cousin, the CLC's Paul Tiefel, was always spewing out stories about how I was slandering WELS. The CLC will be gone sooner than the ELS, happy to be a footnote in history, because most people will say, "The what?"

O When the Saints, Go Marching Out,
All the Profs Begin To Shout!

"We built this city with fools like you."

The New NIV is far worse than the old NIV. The old NIV got rid of the sacraments, but WELS and Missouri did not mind. The Missourians wonder why their own clergy are fleeing to Rome. The latest unloading of Marian piety by Weedon and McCain suggest that the next exodus is being prepared at this moment. A segment of the LCMS is now celebrating the Assumption of Mary. Perhaps they are downplaying the actual event, but oh how delicious it was to have the Assumption fall on a Sunday, to mark the Virgin Mary as one of the saints.

Magic comes down to this - misdirection of the eye. Nothing magical ever happens on stage, but we enjoy someone getting us to look in one direction while he opens latches or switches objects. A good magician makes us see something other than the truth.

For instance, for a small fee, I bought coins that snapped together perfectly. They were solid and one was real. With practice, I could push them together so that the double-faced coin (the deceiving one) locked into the real coin. The concept was simple. Show the audience the big, heavy coin. Show the face of the deceiving coin but not the obverse. When they snapped together, the deceiving coin disappeared. They called this trick "Scotch and soda" because people would say, "I can make a coin disappear if you buy me a scotch and soda."

The magic at Mequon and P. U. (Pewaukee Universalists) Towers is similar. First they say, "All literal translations are bad." But no translation is absolutely literal. Just watch the video above, linked in the caption. When the action of the video is sung in the lyrics, everything is nonsense. That is called a literal video, and I find them fun to watch. The KJV is not absolutely literal but it is precise, word for word.

In contrast, a paraphrase like the NNIV can go anywhere with the meaning of each verse. The NNIV is Gnostic, because the hawkers are grabbing the Holy Spirit by the shoulders and shouting, "This is what you really meant! Right? Right!"

Once they get people to recite, "All literal translations are bad," the congregations have no choice but the awful new paraphrases being marketed by greedy publishers.

Readers are disgusted that Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is hotter than Georgia asphalt for the New NIV. Once Ninevah is installed at Northwestern Publishing House, doctrinal clarity is doomed. That will be no different than proving Stalin was right because Pravda said he was correct.
