Monday, September 26, 2011

Booted from The Sausage Factory Mug Files

Jeske, Becker, and Gerlach were there to prepare their students for a life of Enthusiasm and UOJ. Keen to learn were Bivens, Stadler, and Brug - all footsoldiers for UOJ and Church Growth.

Since Bivens delivered another rubber-stamp for UOJ in FICL, I decided to post his class photo. The server would not let me in. I got this message, in large friendly letters - YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THESE PICTURES.

I imagined all kinds of drama in the faculty lunchroom.

"How many times do I have to see my pals' faces posted next to our ex-convict DP?"

"Did they really call him Thundershorts at NWC?"

"We have to require a login before anyone can access our mug files."

But I tried again, and I had access to the photos.


Doritos to be Sprinkled Over Creator's Grave |
NBC Dallas-Fort Worth

Doritos to be Sprinkled Over Creator's Grave

Doritos to be Sprinkled Over Creator's Grave | NBC Dallas-Fort Worth:

'via Blog this'

Doritos are to be sprinkled over the grave of their creator during a graveside service later this week.
Arch West, of Dallas, is credited with creating the iconic snack chip after a family trip to San Diego in 1961.
According to West's daughter, Jana Hacker of Allen, her father was a Frito-Lay marketing executive when he pitched the idea for Doritos after seeing fried tortilla chips in San Diego. 

Intrepid Lutherans: Fraternal Dialogue on the Topic of "Objective Justification"

Intrepid Lutherans: Fraternal Dialogue on the Topic of "Objective Justification":

'via Blog this'

Over the weekend, I was monitoring the discussion taking place in our recent blog post, The WEB: A viable English Translation?, which had turned almost immediately from the issue of translations to that of “Universal Objective Justification.” This is due to the fact that the NNIV translates certain sections of the Bible in a way that is heralded by those who support and make propaganda for this teaching, much to the concern of those who question it.

More at the link - expect plenty of discussion.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: Fraternal Dialogue on the Topi...":

I was over there a bit ago and gave it a skim. It is a Lindee post. Granted, Douglas is an intelligent guy and I will give the blog an honest read...and maybe even comment...but even my patience, who some have likened to Job is wearing thin. It is a familiar pattern at IL...when the questions drill down to where the rubber meets the road...Webber and Lindee swoop in and lay down the fog...maybe I'm wrong this time; Rydecki was at least allowed to be, well, intrepid.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: Fraternal Dialogue on the Topi...":

Having read the post I found it to be a faithful confession concerning the true Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and rebuke of some of the recent false teachings being promoted by UOJists in the Lutheran Synods. It will be good to see the Intrepids continue such unashamed, open and public faithful confessions concerning the central doctrine upon which they, having by God's grace defended and taught purely, will stand and endure until the end.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer

Four Years of Ichabod -
7,000 Posts -
700,000 Page-Reads Since June, 2010

I found it interesting that Ichabod reached 7,000 posts  (4+ years) at the same time that the page-reads totaled 700,000 since June, 2010. Google created a statistics gathering device for June, 2010, so that is my starting point for current page-reads.

At first there were about 100 page-reads a day in 2007, with 50 people returning each day. That slowly grew. I only wrote for a few friends, so I never expected a wider audience.

The daily average of page-reads has been 1500 since June of 2010. The monthly total averages 46,000 page-reads. The Ichabod effect is obvious. Apostate heads explode. Information disappears. Denials abound.

Retail likes to use the term comps. In other words, how does last month compare to the same period one year before? One recent month's comps were 25% higher than the total for that month one year earlier.

I appreciate all the efforts to ban Ichabod, to keep people from reading it and posting to it. The last thing WELS wants is an open discussion of its myriad doctrinal errors. That is quite a gig, to suppress the truth, contradict the facts, pull down a princely salary, and enjoy world travel. I would like to be Synod President some day - any synod. They are all the same now.

But here is the rub. As soon as an authority figure makes something dangerous, it becomes that much more attractive. Nothing is more repellent than required reading. Ask any college student. If they made Ichabod required reading at the Olde Synodical Conference schools, the page-reads would drop back to 100.

Alas, they have made it exciting to open the laptop quietly, lest the roommate notice and report it to the commissar, read a post, and--even more deliciously--send a comment with an appropriately obscure screen name.

The sources continue to develop. They have given up on:
1. Write a letter.
2. Meet with the person.
Those are the first two steps in excommunication in WELS.

The true nature of the false teachers is revealed in their nasty, dishonest, brutal, unethical treatment of their own members. A corrupt tree bears evil fruit.

KJV Matthew 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Four Years of Ichabod - 7,000 Posts - 700,000 Page...":

Pastor Jackson,

I cannot say that I have been here from the very beginning. I found Ichabod via Google search because I read some of your books, articles on CN, and other material and was wondering if you had a web site. I had been reading a lot articles opposing the Church Growth for many years. Many of these were from a Reformed perspective.

There have been many recent developments in the WELS that I found disturbing. In the three years or more that I have been following Ichabod, I have learned that it was not just me who has many misgivings. I have observed some of the bad behavior from WELS leaders that is often reported on Ichabod. Last Sunday, I was treated to the latest installment of the WELS Connection video. President Schroeder talked, but did not say much. The daily reading of Ichabod has more substance.

Thank you for your effort in keeping us current. 

Fuller Alumnus Frosty Bivens on UOJ

bored has left a new comment on your post "Fuller Alumnus Frosty Bivens on UOJ":

At the bottom it should read: "dedicated to the Krohn family, who so gracefully accepted the jackboot of love from Holy Mother WELS"

Halle University Orthodox,
The Real Synodical Conference

Walther left one Pietistic circle to join Bishop Stephan's Pietistic group, a congregation that rejoiced in its cell groups. Walther and Pieper cloned the Halle double-justification scheme of Professor Knapp and gradually got that accepted. Now anti-Luther Pietism is defended as the One True Dogma - by MDivs of the Syn Conference.

LPC has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer on the Webber Fallacies":

Dear Bro. Brett,

Each time Rev. Webber comments the more UOJ becomes evident that it is a false gospel.

They seem to be digging their own grave each time they speak.

It is also evident that they misunderstand the faith produced by the HS in the Means of Grace.

God bless bro.



 GJ -

The Olde Synodical Conference calls itself confessional Lutheran but it is really Halle University Orthodox, a blend of Pietism and rationalism with a veneer of Lutheran doctrine and practice.

An analytical chemist from Dow explained to me that the way to discern actual composition was to get the substance excited (with radiation, x-rays, Oprah reruns) and see how it responded. They have charts to show how tin, lead, and dead cockroaches respond to the various stimuli. A dead cockroach squiggle on the chart means that their product was corrupted by vermin in the client's storage room, a fact that saved the company a lot of money, as in "Not our fault!"

When the Syn Conference leaders get excited, from confrontations with the Word or the Confessions, they emit Halle University Orthodoxy. They cite their HUO forefathers, like Walther and Pieper, while ignoring Luther, as if he never existed.

Rev. Brunhilda Sings, "It is over, Walther."

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Catholics and Greek Orthodox Give Better Education...":

Thanks for the comment Narrow-minded.

I propose that the pastoral ministry and financial situation of the LCMS seminaries, and synod, is so bad, and the funding priorities are so far off course in the LCMS, that the fat lady has sung for Walther's non-hierarchical church and ministry model. It's over. Finished. Kaput. It seems without a decently robust hierarchy, it's every congregation for itself, and the non-hierarchical synod has proven to be a sad joke on many levels, including discipline.

Brett Meyer on the Webber Fallacies

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Desperately Twisting Romans 4:25: The Brief Confes...":

Pastor Webber touched on a critical point a recent comment. Those who confess the false gospel of Universal Justification believe that if a man is declared justified, forgiven of all sin and righteous by faith alone then it is synergism which is condemned as a grace-alone rejecting work of man. To confess UOJ is to condemn the Holy Spirit's faith worked through the means of grace. UOJ is as anti-Christian as any false doctrine can be. Scripture teaches that faith is solely the work of God in those He has called, by grace, through the means of grace (Hebrew. 12:2). To condemn this eternal truth is to reject Christ and the Holy Spirit. I can imagine Rydecki choked on his Juicy Fruit when reading that comment. The Intrepids have their work cut out for themselves, trying to convert the majority of ELS and WELS clergy (new and old) to the Christian faith while this false gospel is being fed to the laity. The Intrepids have yet to realize just how knotted and frayed their (W)ELS rope is. The Lord's will be done.

Christ's blessings to my brother down under.