Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pope Paul the Unlearned Edited and Promoted Evolution Books for Concordia Publishing House

Rev. Paul McCain and CPH have been publishing blatantly evolutionist books--for children no less--at least since 2007. Dr. Rev. Paul L. Maier had a children's bible story trilogy published by CPH, and two of those books at least teach theistic evolution. Maier's creation and flood books  agree with the idea that all the fossil layers were laid down before creation, and so the only proof of the flood, which came later, is the rainbow--not all the sedimentary layers. Maier also says that the Bible teaches the Big Bang. The epilogues to Maier's two books in question are typed below. Ken Ham has blogged about Maier's Flood book, but he doesn't know yet about the evolutionism in Maier's creation book (he will shortly, though):

Beware of What Is Not Said, Jan 16, 2012, by Ken Ham: 

Church Mouse also blogged on how Paul McCain was asked in 2009 whether one can believe in evolution and be a LCMS member or not, and McCain referred the questioner to his local LCMS pastor. The implication is that if you pastor-shop enough, like some people doctor-shop, you can believe in evolution and be a member of the LCMS, and in good standing, too:

Can a belief in evolution exclude you from church? by Church Mouse, September 21, 2009 

Snippet: I hope that I have not offended any members of the LCMS, Pastor McCain in particular, with this post. That was not the intention. I simply wonder if an LCMS member has the option to believe in evolution.

The Real Story of the Creation (CPH, 2007)


Science often tells the story of our beginnings a bit differently. In its "Big Bang" theory, a tiny cosmic egg the size of a marble exploded into the universe in one trillionth of a second. That's harder to believe than the Bible, yet it amounts to the same thing: God's instant creation. Science tells us that matter and energy are the two great building blocks of nature. So does the Bible. Science requires light before vegetation. So does the Bible. The various stages of a developing nature involving creatures in the sea and sky before mammals on land runs parallel in both the Bible and science.

In fact, science gives us even more amazing detail about the immensity of the universe and our planet Earth, which can suport life only because of a bewildering number of factors that had to be just right or life could never have happened--showing a divine design and intelligence behind it all. [GJ - The Bible needs science to prop it up and fill in the blanks.]

This, then, in the magnificent story of how we all came to be. None of it was accidental. All of it is the Creator's great plan. Only God could have accomplished all this!


The Real Story of the Flood (CPH, 2008)


“Wait a minute,” you might be thinking. “This is certainly an interesting story, but is it history? Did it really happen? Did all of those animals really crowd onto one ship? Wouldn’t dinosaurs crush Noah’s ark if they tried to board it?”

The answer to these questions is… Yes. But Mr. and Mrs. Tyrannosaurus Rex missed the boat. They were not around at the time. Nor were their brontosaurus, triceratops, or stegosaurus relatives. All the gigantic citizens of Jurassic Park lived and died long before the flood. Indeed, they roamed the earth during that early era described in the first half of Genesis, chapter one.

It is history. In fact, many ancient civilizations have flood epics that parallel the biblical version. Among the Babylonians, the flood story was called the Gilgamesh Epic. In ancient Egypt, the annual flooding of the Nile River reminded people of a much greater deluge. In ancient Greece, it was not an ark but Mount Parnassus that enabled a couple at its summit to survive the Greek version of the flood. And in the Americas, the Mayans told their children of a great flood.

Will anyone ever find ruins of the ark? That remains to be seen, but whether the ark is ever found, you can be sure that the flood did happen! You have proof of it every time you see a rainbow.


Book Review: The Real Story of the Exodus by Paul L. Maier


Rev. Paul T. McCain Publisher & Executive Director of Editorial, CPH

Scroll down a little:


Pope Paul the Unlearned favors rationalism over the Word of God,
Knapp/Walther rather than Luther.

GJ - The neos in Missouri, who want to call themselves "Confessional," are really compromisers. If they did a little studying they would find that the same fad took over the Evangelicals in the 19th century. Fearing they would be seen as backwards, the Evangelicals created an amalgamation of Creation and Evolution, a little of each. Evolution always won in time. Rationalism is ashamed of  the divine efficacy of the Word.

My favorite example is the LCA pastor who decided to join the conservatives, but he had trouble with the Word creating in six 24-hour days. I asked him, "You believe in the Incarnation but have trouble with that?" Later he got in touch with his inner rationalist and became a United Church of Christ pastor.

The Big Bang theory, the fad of this era, has serious problems, as non-believers acknowledge. But that is not my point. As soon as one tries to merge Creation with that theory, the Word takes second place and becomes displaced.

I heard it growing up. "The days of Creation are billions of years."

"What about fossils?" Answer - "God put them there to test our faith."

McCain is especially obnoxious when defending the Pietist UOJ theory, which also depends on the non-efficacy of the Word, the non-operation of the Holy Spirit (exclusively) through the Means of Grace. His dithering with Creation is consistent with his denial of justification by faith.

KJV 2 Peter 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.

Denial of the Creation and the Flood is a rejection of the efficacy of the Word. No wonder the rationalistic Pietists cannot grasp how the efficacious Word of the Gospel declares us righteous, which is received in faith.

We had Creation speakers at Shepherd of Peace in Columbus, inviting high school students from all over the area to hear them. Many "proofs" of evolution are evidence of Creation and the Flood. One is the example of the fossils. When a pet dies and is buried in the yard, it does not become a fossil. It is completely recycled by God's natural recyclers (as detailed in The Wormhaven Gardening Book). The fossil record shows that vast numbers of plants and animals were pressed together and changed through vast changes, enormous pressure, volcanic action, and other cataclysmic factors. See Rehwinkel's The Flood.

The Word of God teaches me about Creation and the Flood, so the evidence does not come as a surprise. It is a mistake to say, "Aha, this finding proves the Bible really is true." We know that already. All the learning in the world is not as powerful as the Word of God. The Scriptures judge all books. No book judges Holy Writ. Luther said that and it remains true.

Luther saw the beauty of the little pink hands of the mouse.

Luther had a statement in his Genesis Commentary that I liked. He speculated about mice coming from the rotting process in ships, as some thought at the time. But he added, "But it does not matter." He added that they were really cute, delicate creatures, with tiny their pink hands. Luther was not stuck with the science of his day. He said that, nevertheless, God created them.

I have always been a student of science and technology, although my chemistry and physics teachers thought their fields would make far more progress if I abandoned the physical sciences. Real science is in perfect harmony with the Bible, but an alien philosophy can easily distort the data. Evolution is really a philosophy, a complete and self-proving way of organizing all the data, giving it meaning for unbelievers. Therefore, an amalgamation can never work, except to make Evolution acceptable to gullible, half-educated bloggers.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Pope Paul the Unlearned Edited and Promoted Evolut...":

ChurchMouse comments on this McCain-Maier-evolution post:

2 commentsComments feed for this article
January 27, 2012 at 6:58 am
Bruce Church

Church Mouse blog entry mentioned in this post:

January 27, 2012 at 7:29 am

Thanks for this, Bruce — much appreciated!

Search Engine Optimization -
Mrs. Ichabod Would Like the Benefits

Mrs. Ichabod has started a blog for her jewelry classes and retail business:

Creations by Chris Jackson.

It is also linked in the left column. The more people click on the link, the higher it will be in Google searches. Doing this is called Search Engine Optimization.

Chris also has a Facebook page, called Creations by Chris Jackson. If you use Facebook, "liking" it will help promote the page, which will post all the blog links.

Facebook Page - Creations by Chris Jackson.

The Bella Vista Antiques Mall and Flea Market is where she displays her jewelry. We stopped there with Norma Boeckler to fix up the chapel for Bethany Lutheran Church.

I am the backroom techie helping out with this.

Now for the news.

Chris got a class going at Northwest Arkansas Community College. The quota for starting the class was four students. She lined up nine students for the first offering, including one woman who stopped by to look and stayed.

She had the ladies making earrings on their own in two hours. They loved it.


I just saw the Creations by Chris Jackson link on Ichabod.  That’s going to be a lot of fun.  How often are you hosting classes at the college?  My grandfather on my Mom’s side of the family was Spanish and I remember as a little boy that he always wore lots of silver and turquoise jewelry.  It was a nice memory.  The jewelry was always warn smooth where his skin would rub against it.  I hope you enjoy the classes.

In Christ,



churchmousec ( has left a new comment on your post "Churchmouse Campanologist":

Many thanks, Dr Jackson!

Part two on Count von Zinzendorf follows shortly -- later this evening. More to follow on pietism in other Christian denominations next week, God willing.

Admittedly, there is much more to cover in the Thirty Years' War, but my posts were intended just to give a brief view of pietism.

I shall bookmark Mrs Jackson's blog and feature it on my blogroll. It is well-timed in our age of austerity. Please pass on my very best wishes and I pray for all God's blessings towards her success in helping others.


Churchmouse Campanologist

Churchmouse Campanologist:

However, to understand where Jan (‘John’) Hus and the Moravians derived their influence, it helps to find out more about the history of Moravia and its influences from geography as well as kingdoms and other strands of Christianity. As most Protestants know, Hus was part of the run-up to Luther’s Reformation.


Moravia comprises more or less the eastern part of today’s Czech Republic. It derives its name from the Morava River, the principal waterway of the region.  One of the Morava’s lowland regions is known as the Marchland, march meaning ‘border’ in German and not ‘marsh’, as we might think. Wikipedia explains a fact pertinent to parts of this post (highlights mine):

'via Blog this'


GJ - This post is especially worth reading because of the connection with Lutherans. Bishop Martin Stephan was loyal to Bohemian Pietism, which is what the Saxon Migration brought to Perry County and St. Louis, Missouri - not Lutheran orthodoxy, but cell group Pietism.

Martin Luther College Evangelism Day "Sermon" 2011

"That's a sermon?"

This transcript was delivered stealthily by Witness:

"I've just discovered this lovely transcript. It's the sermon that accompanied KOINE's Evangelism Day 2011 evening rock concert in the Chapel of the Golden Calf. It's a word-for-word transcript -- fragments and all -- with a few explanatory notes I put *inside asterisks*".

This is the worst sermon I have ever weathered. This Blödsinn does not belong near Lutherans.

*The devotion begins with a short and amusing video. In summary: A trail hiker is trapped and needs help desperately. A passing fellow hiker manufactures lame excuses concerning why he will not help.*

Brothers and Sisters, I hate to put you in a really difficult spot right now, but is that you and I? Is that us, when we make an excuse like that sometimes? And maybe not as dramatic as that was. And that's a hard accusation for me to make. Especially here in this chapel. At this college where you're being trained as pastors, teachers, and staff ministers. And yet, do you realize that the devil is working double-time on this place? He's everywhere, but he's working harder on you. Because the last thing he wants is you to be out there, sharing Jesus.

Evangelism day. You know, what an amazing day we had today. You had the opportunity to come in here, listen to presenters talk about missions in far-away countries, hear about mission opportunities right here at home. Maybe it was little kids. Maybe it was inner-city. Maybe it was people with special needs. Maybe you're thinking about a job, found a job opportunity for the summer, or mission trip.

And yet, despite all the good things we had today, I know that some of you were encouraged and looked forward to this, but I also know that some of you maybe didn't take it that seriously last night. Maybe you thought, “it's a good day to get out of class,” and you stayed up later, didn't think you had to pay much attention today. Wherever you were at this morning, wherever you were at in your life, you had an opportunity to be encouraged today and to learn about new opportunities. And yet the devil was working harder in you today than ever. It's very easy for us to imagine that situation that we're in and have confidence and say, “I would never do something like that guy, I'd have the answers.” And when it happens, we panic. We panic, and we come up with excuses.

We come up with all the things that we can do, and many of them...  are just plain sin.

*A whiteboard on a tripod stands in the chancel. He begins illustrating the yellow highlighted words on the whiteboard*

You know, what else gets in the way of us sharing Jesus? I'm going to wait to share Jesus, because I need to study more first. I'm going to study more first, and then I'm going to share Jesus, because then I'll know more.

I'll wait. I'll wait until my vicar year. Then I'll go out and share Jesus. I'll wait until I actually have my call.

Maybe it's not the right place? You have an opportunity to share Jesus and it just doesn't look like the right place to do it.

How about courage? Maybe you haven't been in the word lately and now you're lacking courage?

I think one that we all like to do sometimes is say “someone else will do it. That's not my job. I'll let somebody else do that. They'll have plenty of time to hear it.”

And maybe, I don't have to tell them, because they already know? I'll just assume they know who Jesus is. We make that judgment by looking at them.

Sometimes, our excuse is that they probably wouldn't understand. It'd take to long, and they probably wouldn't understand.

How about bothering? I might be bothering them. A few weeks ago, in a grocery store with my two daughters, one's four and one's two years old, in the grocery cart and they're singing at the top of their lungs “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know.” And shame on me, the first thing I thought was, “how can I get them to be quiet? Somebody might be offended in the grocery store.” And what I should have been thinking was, “who cares? What an awesome faith!” What an awesome, childlike faith! And an opportunity to witness and share Jesus.

We have a lot of bad things up here that get in our way, and where do we go? Our reading tonight from Isaiah, written so long ago, and yet applies so well for you right now.

And now the LORD says ---
he who formed me in the womb to be his servant
to bring Jacob back to him
and gather Israel to himself,
for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD
and my God has been my strength ---
he says:
“It is too small a thing for you to be my servant
to restore the tribes of Jacob
and bring back those of Israel I have kept.
I will also make you a light for the Gentiles,
that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”
                        (Isaiah 49:5-6)

Friends, this is where it's at. We have a God that is standing next to us and tells us that he's giving us strength, and he's giving us that opportunity and that command. To be that light to all people. And we don't have to do it ourself. And all these things that are in our way...

*Shatters the whiteboard using a cane, revealing a vibrant illustration of a cross*

They're gone. They're gone because of what happened right there (pointing to cross). Evangelism day might be over, but this is your time. Today is your day to share Jesus' love. Right now, not when you feel you're ready. Not when you have someone backing you up. Your time is right now.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Evangelism Day "Sermon" 2011...":

I highly recommend going to your local (W)ELS church website and read through the posted sermons. The Law driven sermon above is actually quite common.

"The gifts we give are seldom as well thought-out as these gifts were. The gifts we give are seldom as precious or treasured as much as these gifts were. We can’t help but imagine the wise men bow down in this little house in Bethlehem, a chair and a bench scrape on the floor as the family makes room for the wise men crowding in the little kitchen—Mary and the baby probably by a little hearth, the firelight glinting on the latches of the treasures as they open them up to show Joseph and Mary what they want the baby to have—and what is it we bow down before the Lord with? Do we hesitantly open a wallet? Do we scramble on Sunday morning to find the envelopes for church? Do we grudgingly look at our calendars before we offer our time? Do we hesitate before we commit to or even consider a task for the church? Or do we sometimes hold back our service because we think, “Someone else has more time,” or “I’m not going to waste my time doing that because no one else will come.”
"But what the Lord asks of us is that we serve, and that we give—"

"(F) To the Magi and even through the Magi, Jesus was revealed as the Savior of the World. He came as a gift to us; the wise men brought their gifts to him, and how can we do less than offer up our whole lives as gifts to him, who came into the world to take away our sins? He gave us the peace of God…"


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Evangelism Day "Sermon" 2011...":

"After recognizing that, what other “missions” do you now have that God has placed before you? You have probably not been called to mentor kings, but God has a purpose and mission for your personal life.
What is it?
• To be a godly mother?
• To work hard as a productive employee in the company?
• To be a teacher?
• To be a student?
• To be a father, the spiritual leader in your home?
• To be a counselor for a troubled friend?
• To be a leader in your church, by specific office or as a supportive member?
• To plan to witness to that person that you know will probably not be hearing about Christ from others around them?
• Or, for some of you young people here today, could God be calling you to consider serving him as a pastor or teacher with your life?

As you think about all that, what is your attitude toward your mission?
• Are you tired of your station in life?
• Are you unhappy with it?
• Do you feel like complaining about it?
• Do you neglect the duties before you that God has placed there?
• Are you stubborn?
• Or young people who might be able to consider whether God could use you publicly for his kingdom, would you say “No” for no good reason?
Is there a temptation for us to say to God, “Listen, Lord, for your servant is speaking”?

If so, it is a day to repent of selfish thoughts and marvel that in Christ our Savior we have forgiveness. It is a day to recommit ourselves to whatever mission God personally has put before us in our lives and strive to fulfill it with the strength that he provides in an attitude that is humble, trusting, and ready. It is a day to say along with Samuel, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Speaking is a miracle, isn’t it? And the fact that God would speak to us is a greater miracle, isn’t it? Yet today we close with a prayer that God would work a miracle in us to… Listen. God is still calling today. He is calling:
1. By a miracle
2. For a mission
May he move us to hear and heed his call. And believing in his forgiveness and grace, may we be led to say, “Here I am, Lord.” Amen.” 


Gorath has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Evangelism Day "Sermon" 2011...":

Not an ounce of gospel in that sermon, is there? There's no mention of savior, salvation (not in his interpretation of Isaiah 49), mercy, grace, peace, forgiveness, atonement, or sacrifice.

This guy demands sharing Jesus' love, while he has not shared it anywhere in his own sermon! Classic pietist "you're not good enough" rubbish.


GJ - If they do not believe that the Gospel comes to us solely through the Means of Grace, they are going to pound us with the Law. As the allegory Pilgrim's Progress states, "I am the Law. I have no mercy."

It is worth noting that the author of Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan, read Luther's Galatians Commentary more than any other book except the Bible.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Martin Luther College Evangelism Day "Sermon" 2011...":

And this from yesterday's Meditations (1.19.12). Text: 2 Thess. 2:16,17; Theme: "We are encouraged"; Author: Andreas Karlstadt?

When hardships and heartaches put you back on your heels and cause you to wonder if God really loves you because you can't feel it at the time, God points to the cross so you see the full extent of his love....

When a guilty conscience nags at you and tells you that you aren't good enough to get into heaven, God points to the cross so you see the completed payment for all your sins. Your sins are forgiven. Your guilt is gone. Heaven is waiting....

When your life seems to be on a treadmill and you don't seem to be making any progress or making any difference in the world, God reminds you that your life still has meaning and purpose and that your labor in the Lord is not in vain...

And on it goes. Not a word about the means of grace, just talk about "God reminds you." "Karlstadt" keeps pointing back to the cross for forgiveness and encouragement.

Here's what Luther said, "If I now seek the forgiveness of sins, I do not run to the cross, for I will not find it given there. Nor must I hold to the suffering of Christ as Dr. Karlstadt trifles, in knowledge or remembrance, for I will not find it there either. But I will find in the sacrament or the gospel the word which distributes, presents, offers, and gives to me that forgiveness which was won on the cross" ("Against the Heavenly Prophets" AE 40:214). 

The Underground Railroad: LCMS Student Loan
Debt Slaves Escape to Canada

Follow The Drinking Gourd
When the sun comes back,
and the first Quail calls,
Follow the drinking gourd,
For the old man is waiting
for to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinking gourd.

Follow the drinking gourd,
Follow the drinking gourd,
For the old man is waiting
for to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinking gourd.

The riverbank will make a very good road,
The dead trees show you the way.
Left foot, peg foot traveling on,
Following the drinking gourd.

The river ends between two hills,
Follow the drinking gourd,
There's another river on the other side,
Follow the drinking gourd.

When the great big river meets the little river,
Follow the drinking gourd.
For the old man is waiting
for to carry you to freedom
If you follow the drinking gourd.

Gurgle's Call Being Over December 11th -
Explained Here for the First Time

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Church projects more challenging after the boom ti...":

Gurgel was done at HW effective December 11, 2011. They called a Valleskey, who has returned the call, and now have extended a new call.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Gurgle's Call Being Over December 11th - Explained...":

It's 'Holy Word Christian Academy' now...LOL.

Attendance was up around 90 again last week (22nd) at north while south is down. There must be some arm twisting going on. I also see by their website that they are looking at a $425,000 piece of property for north's permanent location. Seven digit debt is just around the corner. Cornerstone offered to come back and do another drive in a couple does that go...fool me once?