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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
More Ugliness from the UOJ Squadron
LutherQuest (sic)
I don’t know Pastor Rydecki personally, but some of what I’ve read by him makes me sad. For instance, recently on Steadfast Lutherans he made the following comments in regard to OJ.
He wrote:
“The remission of sins is not proclaimed to the sinner as a past reality for all which must be appropriated individually. Instead, remission of sins is promised to the sinner on the basis of the satisfaction Christ made for sin. Christ with his perfect righteousness and satisfaction is the object of faith.”
“I haven’t seen a clear Scripture passage that states that God ever absolved the world of sin, or that the sins of the world have been remitted – although they have certainly all been paid for!”
They might as well have given the award to Dr. Jackson. This is no different than what Jackson teaches.
In the first quote he denies that the sins of the entire world have been remitted [forgiven] objectively, and he says that it is the Atonement that is the object of faith.
In the second quote he says he knows of no Scripture passage stating that God has absolved the sins of the entire world.
First, the object of our faith is not something like; “Jesus died for me and if I believe that, God will credit it to me as righteousness”. It sounds very pious to say that; "Christ with his perfect righteousness and satisfaction is the object of faith”, but our faith is not merely in the Atonement. The object of our faith is God’s promise that He laid all of our sin upon Christ, damned Christ for them, and absolved Christ of them. The payment has not only been made, but has been accepted. The unmerciful servant was forgiven. This was not contingent upon his believing it. And, although he did not believe it, and was put in prison, the forgiveness was real.
Second, I know of no clearer passage of Scripture which states this than that which says; “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world”.
GJ - The post used an award given to another pastor as an excuse to make some nasty guilt-by-association remarks. Rev. Rydecki's statements, as quoted, agree with the Book of Concord and the Scriptures. Those are the two norms.
I always put (sic) after LutherQuest because they have no comprehension of Luther's doctrine, his Biblical exegesis, or the the Confessions.
The LQ errors were addressed by Luther and in the next generation by P. Leyser and the Wittenberg faculty ( against Samuel Huber).
"Behold the Lamb of God" is not the absolution of the entire world.
LQ is full of nastiness. It is a skunk patch, as one pastor described it. Paul McCain could not get away with his tactics on a serious website, so he posts on LQ now. The UOJ Stormtroopers attack one another too.
The award mentioned in the post has nothing to do with me. I never read their Gottesdienst periodical or blog or whatever else they have. I have never met Rydecki. As far as I can tell,. the award was for setting up a discussion blog, something LQ has failed to accomplish.
One prominent ELS member said, "I read LQ for laughs."
A Lutheran observer said, "Are they all crazy or just stupid. I cannot believe what they post."
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "More Ugliness from the UOJ Squadron":
Dave Schumacher wrote on Lutherquest: "First, the object of our faith is not something like; “Jesus died for me and if I believe that, God will credit it to me as righteousness”."
Christ declared in Romans 3:22, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:"
Jim Pierce and Jack Kilcrease made the same confessions attacking Christ in the BJS thread.
GJ - The value of those discussions is bringing out what they really believe and also what they reject with a passion. Buchholz claimed that no one taught Universalism in WELS, even though he sent me the link to his Universalistic convention essay, which ELS Stormtrooper Jay Webber commended.