Friday, February 3, 2012

Sad News: The Death of Frederick Danker « Zwinglius Redivivus

Sad News: The Death of Frederick Danker « Zwinglius Redivivus:

Frederick W. Danker [was] the Christ Seminary-Seminex Professor Emeritus of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago, Illinois. One of the worlds premier classicists and Greek lexicograhers, Danker is best known for his thorough revision of the english version of Bauer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, which was released as the 3rd edition in 2000, also known as BDAG. Besides this major achievement, professor Danker was also a part of the previous edition of the lexicon (BAGD), teaming up with professor Gingrich.

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GJ - Danker wrote the heavy-breathing No Room in the Brotherhood, The Preus-Otten Purge of Missouri.

They called their book publishing operation Clayton Publishing House, so it was another CPH. Apostates enjoy being copycats.

Seminex was "the real Concordia" and they called it "Concordia Seminary in Exile" with an elaborate publicity campaign backed by the public media.

The Wisconsin Synod's Richard Jungkuntz was one of their martyrs. When he was found out at Northwestern College (by accident), he became a professor at the Springfield LCMS Seminary (now at Ft. Wayne). He was an obvious apostate, so they created a paying job for him as the head of the Board of Doctrine.

Jungkuntz chaired the Seminex board of directors, and Seminex became the official seminary of the Metropolitan Community Church, the first all-homosexual denomination.

Another apostate, Carl Braaten, complained that the Seminex professors took over LSTC, wrecked the finances, and spoiled the school. Lie down with dawgs, git up with fleas.

Richard Jungkuntz, UOJ fanatic.
His UOJ essay is preserved in the Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay Files.

Intrepid Lutherans: The whole flock won't survive 'jumping the shark'

Intrepid Lutherans: The whole flock won't survive 'jumping the shark':

Dear reader, your first reaction to the above image may be the result of a generational divide in Lutherdom. Some may first notice a Lutheran church promoting itself with the image of a 'Sacred Heart' of Jesus. Others may notice it's merely a figurine caricature. Others still may recognize the image as "Buddy Jesus" most often used as an internet meme to mock Jesus Christ and His Church.

The card itself (the obverse and reverse shown above) was conspicuously left in a business waiting area. When I first glanced at it from a distance, I recognized the posture of "Buddy" Jesus and assumed it was an atheist/anti-Christian screed. I picked it up intending only to throw it in the trash — just like I'd have done with Watchtower or LDS tracts —, to protect tender Christians who may be stumbled by whatever text would accompany the current favored meme to ridicule Jesus on the fallen world's internet.

The caricature originates in the movie "Dogma" starring George Carlin. Suffice to say, the movie is not an apologetic for sound Christian doctrine. In the movie, a church decides the usual picture of Christ — slain for our sins, dead on the Cross — is too off-putting to get people to come to church. So the priest decides to make up his own Jesus based on what he wants Jesus to be. The script-writers (thinking themselves clever) aren't mocking the Christian Church, but unwittingly, just the Church Growth Movement.

The Northern Wisconsin District convenes in June leaving four months for laity (half of the Voters assembling) to contemplate a few questions. Whether Mittelding (aka "Adiaphora") really means 1) purposefully grinding the Lutheran school bus along the guardrail overlooking the rocky precipice while enthusiastically shouting, "As long as we don't actually drive off the cliff, we're just fine!"; or 2) safely keeping the flock on the well-worn path toward the verdant pastures. Similarly, is it scripturally defensible to seek numerical and spiritual growth by fertilizing our doctrine with practices from Zondervan Publishing's Augean stable of heretics like Rick Warren or Craig Groeschel?

Despite a half-millennium of sound, encyclopedic Lutheran exposition, who in our Synod teaches that mocking Jesus, "as long as it draws a crowd", is an adiaphoron? I'd like a name.

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Anonymous said...
My opinion: Nothing will happen.

If the CoP doesn't care about excommunications then they won't care about this.

Mitch Forte

The CORE News:
February 5th
Parables You Wish I Had Told - The Safe Sheep
Too often the world takes God's Word and twists it so that God's Word can fit into situations that make us feel comfortable.  BUT, rather than telling us the things we WANT to hear, God's Word tells us the things we NEED to hear.   Join us at 5:30pm at the OuterEdge Stage for our final week of this sermon series.


GJ - Readers can look up the comments. Joel Lillo, a CORE Enthusiast, defends it. Several are posting that criticizing the card is an example of breaking the Eighth Commandment. I have not found a source for the sermons, but they do sound canned. The Sex Ed stuff was right from Groeschel, including the graphics.

Febreeze has left a new comment on your post "Intrepid Lutherans: The whole flock won't survive ...":

Just create an account and you can listen to the Law based sermons (

Also, if I know my voices...the talk from 1-29-12 is from the Dean of Luther Prep: Tim Dolan. So I guess it's safe to say that our young ones at LPS are being taught doctrine and being influenced by the Dean of LPS; the Dean who approves of The CORE's methods and the undermining of the doctrine of election and FC SD and Ep on adiaphora. (And maybe even justification with their harping on good works so much).


GJ - My impression is that someone or a few people with big bucks said, "This is what we are going to do. If you don't like it, we can leave WELS, just like Stadler did."

Jury Trial Set for WELS Ex-Church Official Joel Hochmuth, Charged with Child Pornography - Waukesha, WI Patch.
He Admitted Guilt. WELS Pronounced Him Forgiven.
His Plea - Not Guilty

Jury Trial Set for Ex-Church Official Charged with Child Pornography - Waukesha, WI Patch:

A jury trial has been set for former communications director for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod who faces up to 75 years in prison if convicted on three counts of possessing child pornography.

Joel W. Hochmuth will go before the jury March 13 and 14. A jury status hearing is scheduled for March 8.

Hochmuth was charged in November after detectives from the Waukesha Police Department met with a special agent from the FBI, who told detectives that Hochmuth was using the Internet handle “Skiguy10101” had child pornography on his computer depicting “pre-pubescent and adolescent boys engaged in various sexual acts,” according to a criminal complaint.

Hochmuth told authorities that the number of images found on his computer in Waukesha “was nothing compared to what they would find in his office,” the complaint states. Hochmuth denied downloading pornographic images on his work computer but police located three thumb drives at the WELS office in Wauwatosa, 2929 N Mayfair Rd., that had nine images and videos of young boys engaged in sexual acts, the complaint states. Authorities believe boys shown in the graphic pictures ranged from 10 to 14 years old.

Hochmuth was terminated from his position when the allegations came to light.

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GJ - My detective friend sent this to me. So far this is the only story posted. Will Christian News cover it or spike?


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Jury Trial Set for WELS Ex-Church Official Joel Ho...":

"Telling anyone 'You are saved' without discerning faith in Christ alone for salvation, is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit at work in the Word."

It's important to notice that UOJ teaches that faith saves. Faith doesn't obtain Christ as Mediator, it doesn't regenerate, it is not that through which God's wrath is appeased and definitly not that through which we are forgiven of all sin. Faith simply saves which is the benefit of all the things listed above which God has given the whole unbelieving world while they abhore Him, curse Him in their Mortal sin being under the Law.

It is a different faith that they teach than that which the Holy Ghost creates solely through the Menas of Grace. Lito and I pointed that out in the BJS Justification thread. Some go so far as to confess faith is a work of man (CELC essay provides proof) and all reject faith as that righteousness of Christ which gives assurance of being in Christ through faith.

Sophistry is the name of the game and the way in which this heinous doctrine of UOJ has been taught to millions who do not practice Scriptural discernment. They say Faith saves but fail to explain the breadth of their confession and expose their insubordination to God's Word.

Sign Up To Be the Village Idiot

This is the portrait of dissent in Holy Mother Synod

Apostates always portray their opponents as the village idiot, the pathetic person--all alone--blabbering to himself, pitied and patronized.

Those who oppose the New NIV will get that treatment. "But you do not know Greek! I took years of Greek in school and I know this is the best translation." Only a village idiot would stand up alone at a meeting and oppose a work blessed by WELS leaders and Dr. Moo.

Those who question the Emergent Church down the block have already heard it. The leaders' response may be feel, felt, found (an old sales method), but the real message is, "You are an idiot, all alone, the goofball who opposes God's will." Here is how feel, felt, found is worded:

"I understand how you feel.
Many have felt the same way.
But truly open-minded Christians have found that this new approach will offer the Gospel to people who never would have come otherwise. It's just an experiment."

Treating someone as the village idiot is designed to shun and punish at the same time. They would like the dissenter to blow up, so they can say to each other, "See, we knew that would happen." No one wants to be the idiot, so this method encourages the shy people to hold their tongues.

When Pastor Lange was leading his congregation out of the ALC, the synodical leaders asked about Lange's health. That is a common gambit. "I hope he is feeling better." I read the letter they sent to one member, which was kept in the St. Paul, German Village archives.

Any topic can be presented that way. Abortion is a women's health issue, a religious right, a matter of privacy. As one little girl said, "What if someone raped me?" She was already being brain-washed by her feminist mom. I read yesterday about "all the good Planned Parenthood has done."

However, there is one advantage to the Village Idiot gambit. When it is being used, the object of the attack can be certain that the opponents are wounded and afraid.

Another sign is the loudness of their howling.

Another one is deathly silence. I posted about the dreadful seminary costs in the ALPB forum. Benke, the LCMS DP who writes all day on the forum, responded, "Are these figures real?" Of course they were. No one wanted to address the absurd cost of attending a Missouri Synod seminary and the doom that means for all seminary students...and the synod. They just moved around the topic.

Did I think, "They ignored my response and the hours of research that someone did?" No, I concluded, "They are scared to death and worried sick about it."

The World War II generation fought for ideas and did not worry so much about conformity. The Boomers are eager to fit in, to have an easy life, to let others pay the price for their narcissism.

You can smile, because God does not care about  orthodontics.