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Lito Cruz has won the Beaten Like a Rented Mule Award. B. Teigen was a previous winner. |
Lito Cruz, PhD:
Here is what Rossow said about me apparently because I questioned Prof. Gard and I checked his claims for falisfiability.
If your posts do not show up here anymore it is because I have finally grown tired of your sophomoric approach to these discussions.
I have let these discussions on SJ and OJ go only because the likes of Gilcrease (sic), A. Preus and Pierce have been giving us all a show of patience, love and most of all Scriptural and Confessional integrity.
I have learned something important from you and your other OJ deniers. As Kilcrease pointed out on the other string, the use of the terminiology (sic) of OJ and SJ are not necessary for salvation but the content and substance of the teaching are Scriptural and Orthodox. I never invested much time in the controversey (sic) years ago. What I have learned from you is that there is a subtle and important distinction between terms like “atonement” and “justification” but this distinction does not undo the basic truth that the sin of the world is accounted for in Jesus’ death on the cross. I thank you for pointing out that subtle distinction but your silly interrogation of Dr. Gard has crossed even the very liberal boundary that I keep for this site.
GJ - What a sour puss! Apart from the bad spelling and name-calling, Rossow shows an absurd grasp of reality, one that parallels the bizarro world of LaughQuest.
I doubt whether anyone could name a person more polite than Lito Cruz. I have been amazed that anyone would bother dealing so long with an UOJ shop like Steadfast (sic), where they keep a junkyard dog who moonlights at LaughQuest, carrying out the same duties. The UOJ Stormtroopers never mind that. But question one of their own, someone who might explode the Bob Preus OJ mythology? Where are my smelling salts!
I doubt whether Gard is being a cry-baby. At Notre Dame everyone was allowed to debate anyone else in the class about any particular topic. In my classes we had papal infallibility priests asking the others why they did not leave the Church of Rome, one charismatic Roman Catholic professor, and so forth. Since Gard went to Notre Dame, I doubt whether he is whining.
McCain shows his hand wherever he goes. Although he said in writing that he enjoyed my Photoshops, I doubt the claim. More importantly, he bristles at anyone stepping on their favorite dogma, which really allows anyone to do or say anything.
Sadly, the LCMS cannot deal with its own sordid past as the foundation for their problems today, doctrinal problems that spread into WELS, via the St. Louis trained men, like VD. The Missouri bullies lose by winning. More than one pastor and layman has read the posts and said, "So that's the way it is."
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Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Andreae, Chytraeus, Gerhard, Leyser, and Robert Preus are now... Objective Justification deniers! |
LPC has left a new comment on your post "Steadfast Enthusiasts Go Medieval on Lito Cruz, Ph...":
Correct Pr. Greg,
I doubt if Gard is complaining for he should be accustomed to this. He is a doctor, he should be at home with my stuff so I doubt if it Gard had something to do with this. To be questioned is just part of the day's work for a doctor.
Rossow stepping in shows he is afraid of something. He seems to be embarrassed by my question.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Steadfast Enthusiasts Go Medieval on Lito Cruz, Ph...":
"(UOJ) is Scriptural and Orthodox" - and yet the Lutheran Confessions are completely void of its teachings.
Luther must feel like a complete idiot right now, having forgot to make a full confession of the central article of Scripture.
GJ - Brett, Luther would have, if he had known how mixed up we were going to be.
That is the Lutheran Deposit of Faith. It is handed down by an elite group, generation after generation, revealed to the masses only when necessary. That is why God sank one ship of the Saxon Society instead of Walther's, to reveal UOJ to the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of that teeming shore.
Paul McCain cannot handle the truth:
Pr. Rossow thanks for stepping in and calling a halt to the commentary being offered here by Lito Cruz, I urge similar action be taken against any and all coming on here advocating for Greg Jackson’s errors. I believe that these errors are very much a public skandalon/offense to the Body of Christ and of particular danger to the laity who will only ultimately, potentially, end up being confused and left to doubt the orthodox doctrine their pastors and others have taught them.
I also do not believe it is fair for a seminarian to have to shoulder the burden of this public false teaching and responding to it.
I would therefore respectfully urge BJS to consider banning those who are here, very intentionally, to try to spread the false doctrine of Jackson, errors that are attacks on the very heart of the Gospel.
And as for Cruz’ gracious response to you, this is by no means the case. Somebody sent me the link to Jackson’s blog site where Jackson and Cruz excoriated you and the BJS site.
Cruz said this about you: “Rossow stepping in shows he is afraid of something. He seems to be embarrassed by my question.”
So, such is the deception of this group of errorists, and they crave attention.
GJ - Paul, just keep selling Justification and Rome - and let the readers understand. They do not need Holy Mama Synod telling them what to think. If you would just accept a call to a congregation you might find out what people outside the Thrivent-ELCA-executive office suites are thinking.