Friday, April 27, 2012

The Father of WELS Scandals Revealed -
UOJ Stormtrooper Leader.
Darth Vader Hisself

"Darth, you are the father of Antinomianism in the Synodical Conference."

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "UOJ and Antinomianism":

The WELS scandals that go public provide an interesting diversion. It reminds me of the horrible skin condition called eczema. While the blistering skin is the symptom, the real cause of it is toxicity inside the body. Yet, the Church Growth leaders are all around within the WELS, and they get a free pass.

We can expect the usual damage control from the WELS leadership concerning the overt, public sins. What is happening is because of internal toxicity to the body of WELS. No amount of salve from the leaders will take care of that.


GJ - That is a cogent analysis of the WELS situation - Missouri too. Each scandal is viewed as a public relations opportunity. Dissenters are silenced and shunned. Pious announcements are issued. Journalists print the lies, and everyone forgets until the next time.

Notice that nothing was ever revealed about where the MLC Schwan Cathedral money went. All kinds of controls were established (after 150+ years?) and whoops, another $300,000 vanished.

What really grinds the ordinary parish pastor in the boonies is this - he can barely take care of his family and pay for needed medicine. Meanwhile, the synod leaders waste money fast enough to make President Obama and the First Wookie jealous. And nothing is done by SP Helpless or SP Hapless. They are good at
shutting down discussion and mocking those who want solutions, but their mysterious powers ebb away at that point.

Heretics make merry with synodical money, the sheep are flogged and fleeced, and the seminaries charge Yale fees for a community college degree. As I often told my community college students, "Your associates degree will earn you the second window at McDonald's - at best."


St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod -

St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod -

St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod
By Maricella Miranda
Posted:   04/27/2012 12:01:00 AM CDT
Updated:   04/27/2012 05:41:47 PM CDT

A church official who worked in Inver Grove Heights believed he was in "confession" when he admitted to stealing at least $62,500 from the nation's third-largest Lutheran synod.

But Dakota County District Court didn't consider the conversation Leon E. Piepenbrink, 52, had with at least four church officials to be a "privileged conversation," said Kenneth Udoibok, Piepenbrink's attorney. Instead, the confession was used as evidence.

Authorities now say Piepenbrink stole $300,000 from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which employed him for five years as an Asian ministry coordinator.

"He believed he was in confession," Udoibok said. "When you go to church and confess your sins, and your minister takes the information and gives it to police - it's appalling."

Piepenbrink, of St. Paul, pleaded guilty Friday, April 27, to seven felony charges of theft by swindle. He is scheduled for sentencing July 17.

According to Minnesota sentencing guidelines, Piepenbrink could spend up to two years and three months in prison, said Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom.'

The charges allege Piepenbrink stole in excess of $62,500, and Backstrom said he plans to ask the court to order that Piepenbrink pay $301,581 in restitution.

"This is a major economic theft," Backstrom said.

Piepenbrink, who worked with the Hmong community from an office at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Inver Grove Heights, was fired in August 2010 when allegations arose. The thefts took place from 2007 to 2010.

Police began investigating him after the president of the Milwaukee-based synod noticed suspicious activity, according to a criminal complaint filed in May 2011.

Piepenbrink told church leaders his safety was threatened by people in the community he was working with, the charges said. Piepenbrink said he was shot at from a vehicle in June 2010 when he was driving on Minnesota 55 near Hastings. He asked the church to reimburse him for security upgrades, such as bulletproof glass and a gun.

The church soon learned that his claims were fabricated. When questioned by church leaders, Piepenbrink admitted to stealing money from the synod, the complaint said.

Piepenbrink managed funds primarily through the synod's operating budget.

While reviewing bank statements with a financial officer for the synod, Piepenbrink identified transactions for personal use, which were not approved by the synod.

Piepenbrink also said he made up stories about his safety concerns.

Udoibok said Piepenbrink didn't spend the money for personal gain. Instead, he used the money on at least six needy families and on recruiting a pastor from Laos.

Piepenbrink "has a soft heart," Udoibok said. "He doesn't belong in prison."

Whatever the money was for, Backstrom said, Piepenbrink obtained it fraudulently.

After the charges were filed, the synod released a statement saying it had taken precautions to ensure that internal controls exist for funds nationally and internationally. The thefts by Piepenbrink were a "unique and isolated incident in which someone had direct access to synod funds without proper protocols and oversight," the statement said.

The synod is a fellowship of about 1,279 churches and 389,545 members in 48 states, the group reported.

Piepenbrink trained leaders and pastors for non-English speaking Asians across the country, a church spokesman said. Piepenbrink was ordained as a pastor in 1986.

See also -

'via Blog this'


GJ - WELS members - Aren't you glad SP Schroeder spent $250,000 on software to track synodical money better? That happened as soon as he took office. He should have called back the synod treasurer who found that staffers had taken the MLC chapel fund, some $8 million. That was under Gurgle.

The initial figure for Piepenbrink was impressive, but $300,000? The entire synod staff should resign. They cannot handle a real estate deal or manage their own people.

It is safe to say that anyone in American or world missions is a Church Shrinker. The main speaker at the Kelm "Leadership" Conference at WLC is in charge of the Third World Skim Program. You should hear the stories. I am guessing that Thrivent is funding some of this, but loot is loot. Stolen Thrivent loot is still money taken under false pretenses.

WELS members and pastors should de-fund the synod until sincere repentance is evidenced. So far, under Schroeder, each new scandal is just another opportunity to spin the news for people with short-term memories.

The trouble is - GA teaches seminarians to lie, and UOJ gives them an excuse for it.

UOJ and Antinomianism

The Little Sect on the Prairie is too small for Stormtroopers,
so they have Dark Helmet as their mascot and protector.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Brett Meyer Address the Synodical Conference Spin ...":

One can see that UOJ and SJ are just Calvinism sandwiched together with Lutheranism. The OJ is Calvinism and SJ is Lutheranism, except that Calvinism is its own system and is not compatible with the Biblical system of salvation, aka, Lutheranism. Sandwiched together, OJ and SJ amount to gross antinomianism. Calvin counter-balanced justification before faith with the idea of limited atonement and DP so that the antinomianism implicit in justification before faith would be balanced by idea that if you act like an unbeliever, maybe that's because you actually are one. UOJ-type Lutheranism has no such counter-balance to fend out antinomianism since Lutherans believe in unlimited atonement and deny that God reprobates anyone. Therefore, some over-assured Lutherans end up getting in trouble in various sins and with the law, but for most the theoretical antinomianism results in a largely unregenerate and life and many sins of omission (a non-dedicated, non-rigorously religious life) that the UOJer Lutheran doesn't feel any guilt over.


GJ - UOJ unifies the Synodical Conference (tm) and its scattered parts.We know Richard Jungkuntz was dedicated to UOJ because his essay is lovingly preserved in the Holy of Holies, the WELS Essay Files, even though they kicked him out of WELS. From there he did his liberal work in the LCMS, a real star of Seminex, as the chairman of the board of the first gay Lutheran seminary. Seminex was the official seminary of the Metropolitan Community Church.

Jungkuntz went on to serve as provost of an ALC college. He was written up favorably in the NY Times.

He argued for women's suffrage, conceding it was the same argumentation for women's ordination.

UOJ was the common thread in all his denominational affiliations. UOJ unites all the mainline Protestant denominations. Their motto is - "Everyone is forgiven and saved by the grace of God." Since they have given up the significance of creeds, hymns, sermons, and liturgy, they are vulnerable to every radical leftist fad.

For instance, the Episcopalians preserve the historic liturgy and creeds, and still hold solemn worship services, but they say, "We also have a contemporary service in our parish for the young people." (David Virtue, Virtue Online) Bad money drives out good, so that concession means the traditionalists will soon give way to the Fuller crowd, as all the rest have.

The Antinomian part is the most enjoyable. Anyone can do anything, as long as Holy Mother Church is not offended. If a man runs off with another woman, he will be restored as a pastor because "Who are you to judge?" That also goes well with communing a wealthy man  living openly with his mistress, which Dale Redlin of the CLC (sic) argued for at a pastors' meeting. The other pastors were appalled, but there were many other things they were happy to overlook.

UOJ has nothing to say about the complete erosion of the family, the treatment of children (from conception on), and the culture of hedonism.

"When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?"

That question suggest that the End Times will be dominated by a complete lack of faith in the Savior. Not surprisingly, that is the siren song of UOJ - forgiveness without faith.
Richard Jungkuntz, UOJ advocate:
WELS, LCMS, Seminex, ALC:
Chairman of the Board, 
First Gay Lutheran Seminary in America.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "UOJ and Antinomianism":

The false gospel of Universal Objective Justification was leaned on heavily by departing (W)ELS president Karl R. Gurgel in 2007. The man who knows where the $8Million dollars of Synod money went but has never confessed.

"Then, as if out of nowhere, comes another truth that is not self-evident. A perfect life and an innocent death—not ours but the Savior’s—liberates us from our sentence of death and makes us eternally happy.

This truth can only be perceived and received by faith in God’s Son, our Savior, Jesus. This is the saving truth we’re privileged to proclaim: God’s pardon for sinners, the eternal peace of sins forgiven.

Notice the already existing forgiveness of sins by God to be perceived.

His statements can be read here:,0

A self evident truth is that in order for Synod Leadership - Synod President, the Council of Presidents, the District Presidents, the Circuit Pastors, the church Pastors, the church councils and elders all have continue to promote the false and utterly unsubstantiated, Anti-Scripture, Anti-Christ and Anti-Lutheran Confessions gospel of Universal Objective Justification or face the enormous mountain of shame and guilt that comes from the whole world realizing they've decieved their members concerning Scriptures Chief and Central doctrine - Justification by Faith alone.

For the sake of their own souls may God grant them Godly contrition and the Holy Spirit's faith to trust alone in Christ and to lead and direct Christ's Church to the one true Christian faith and away from the New Age Antichrist's religion of justification before God without faith in Christ which is essentially belief that they are their own god - creating their own way to righteousness and the forgiveness of sins.

Brett Meyer Addresses the Synodical Conference Spin on the Book of Concord

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Waltherian Spin on the Election Strife":

Manipulating Lutherans have been deceiving their flocks by spinning stories in their favor since the beginning.

Another spin is the deceptive statement that the Lutheran Confessions do not address the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification (UOJ) because the BOC was written to address the Works Righteousness doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. The spin says that obviousely the focus would be on "Subjective Justification" (SJ). It's hard to believe that so many people could fall for such an absurd assertion -that the Lutheran Confessions did not deal fully with the Chief Article of Christ's doctrine.

The truth is that the RCC would oppose UOJ even more than SJ alone because it teaches the whole unbelieving world was declared forgiven, justified and righteous by God without and before faith in Christ. Doubly offensive to justification by works.

The advantage the Lutheran heretics have is that they've established schools that teach such drivel in their school systems. Christian discernment is beaten out of the kids early on with Holy Mother Synod worship and institutional authority. Compound that with the (W)ELS paying Kuske to forfeit his soul and edit UOJ into the Catechism. All they need now is a Bible translation that clearly states what they've been reading into it all along...wait, the NNIV does that.


GJ - The Naughty NIV has turned a perfectly clear translation (Genesis 4:1) into soft-core porn, and added another "all" to claim that all have sinned and all (sic) have been justified.

The NNIV is being promoted by The Sausage Factory because WELS turned mainline a long time ago. The translation has to catch up with the agenda.

The Waltherian Spin on the Election Strife

The LCMS is Mormon-like in its
hagiography and veneration of C. F. W. Walther

F. A. Schmidt (1837-1928) was a member of the Concordia Seminary faculty in St. Louis, from 1872 to 1876. He graduated from Concordia and taught at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, until he joined the St. Louis faculty. The Preus family is quite prominent in the history of Luther College. Schmidt left Concordia in 1876 and served Luther College and other Norwegian institutions. Schmidt was fluent in Norwegian and English. (Suelflow, Servant of the Word, p. 104)

Suelflow dug up this nugget from the Lutheran Witness, which is quite illuminating, since it parallels how Walther treat the son of Bishop Martin Stephan:

Now someone among the friends or enemies informed Professor Schmidt that Dr. Walther had prevented his nomination by putting on such a face and shrugging up his shoulders in such a manner, when Professor Schmidt's name was mentioned, as to indicate he would not like Schmidt as a colleague. Though there is not a word of truth in this, Schmidt took it for granted and--now comes the worst feature--took it also as an affronting challenge of his [Schmidt's] orthodoxy, which he was found to avenge...We reasoned with him there, and not knowing the facts, we begged him for the sake of the Church, even if Walther should have done something out of the way, not to act in a rancorous spirit, but to consider that God had given him more knowledge and talents than others, to employ these in the maintenance of harmony and peace in the Church, and not to destroy his own usefulness, that our Professors should not make the whole Church suffer for the infirmities they find with their brethren. But he had his mind fixed. (Suelflow, p. 110f. - citing Meyer, Log Cabin to Luther Tower, p. 70.)

Without the details about Walther making a face, this story is told repeatedly about the real cause of the election controversy - it happened because Schmidt was not elected to the job.

Walther's chosen disciple was elected instead. Contrary to Suelflow, Fuerbringer said that Pieper's election to the post was unusual. The synod convention elected Pieper, while Fuerbringer said the best approach was the "electoral college," which I assume meant going out to the districts. WELS pretends to do that when manipulating votes.

Fuerbringer was irenic in his presentation of the old battles, and his tidbit suggests to me that his Uncle Walther created division by slighting one professor, selecting another one himself, and making sure it happened at a convention he could control. Walther was just as democratic as his disciple, Jack Cascione, allowing everyone to vote as long they agreed with him.

The arguments against Schmidt could easily be turned around. If he had been such a heretic, why did he teach at the seminary, the school from which he graduated? Walther called Schmidt "his hands."

The LCMS has dismissed the election controversy as turning on Schmidt's "rancorous spirit," self-destruction (!), and obstinancy. "But he had his mind fixed."

However, it is generally assumed and often affirmed that Walther chose F. Pieper for the job, a fact that WELS enjoys repeating, since the Pieper family was Wisconsin Synod. Needless to say, Pieper was slavishly devoted to Walther's UOJ, repeating the double-justification scheme of Knapp (Halle University, where Bishop Stephan and Hoenecke studied).

Excusing the election controversy through personal attacks against one man is troublesome for anyone studying the history of doctrine. The facts do not match the theory. For instance, Stellhorn came from the original Perryville cult and taught at Ft. Wayne, but he also parted company with Missouri.

Stellhorn was an author of the Error of Missouri.

In those days, before pension funds and synod ownership of property, men were much braver in discussing doctrinal issues. Nevertheless, it was difficult for men to part company with others who were related in doctrine and through family ties.

Later I will try to get into more detail about all this, which figures in the promotion and ultimate victory of UOJ - forgiveness without faith.

Virtual Tour of Creation Museum - Observe Every Denomination Involved in This Ecumenical Endeavor

Answers in Genesis Museum, aka Creation Museum.
Cost - $27 million.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "This Is How I Feel When Kelming Luther's Sermons f...":

Virtual Tour of the Creation Museum--a 360 wrap around photo of every room:

Here is the Wiki tour.

Ken Ham
He appears to be Baptist - hard to tell - with a "ministry."

Reaching Out to Southern Baptists

Answers in Genesis has the opportunity this week to promote our ministry at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist convention—being held in Phoenix, Arizona. We have a display on the Ark Encounter project, along with various resources we are giving away to pastors and other Christian leaders in attendance. We are handing out copies of ourAlready Gone and Already Compromised books, plus a variety of creation-apologetics booklets. It’s all a part of our mission to equip leaders in the church.
Our two staff out there (David Chakranarayan and Jason Nave) have told me they have been blessed to hear testimonies from several people who have expressed their thanks for our ministry—enabling them to defend the Christian faith in today’s world. A typical comment they heard goes something like this: ”The ministry of Answers in Genesis has changed my life . . . our family’s life . . . our church . . . ” and so on.

Dave Menton belongs to the CLC (sic), which opposes ecumenism,
except when it is involved in ecumenism.
Menton was very much opposed to publishing in Christian News,
until he began publishing in Christian News.

July 16, 2012 to July 20, 2012 in Branson, MO

with Ken Ham, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Buddy Davis, Dr. David Menton, Mike Riddle, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Bodie Hodge, Steve Ham, Jason Lisle.