Saturday, April 28, 2012

Zion Mourns

Bearing the cross is no longer just a sermon topic, but also a daily experience for many within the visible Church. The facts are too numerous to summarize. Congregational property is stolen by power-intoxicated Leftists. The Fuller disciples continue to prey upon every denomination, board, and parish in the land. The Lutheran leaders are too gutless to admit they have been completely snookered and robbed by these ecclesiastical thugs. One reason is that they have eagerly participated in the same fraud and larceny.

The innocent should consider that all the glorious programs portrayed are mostly money-makers for synodical buddies. Every program needs someone to run it, and he has a budget plus helpers. When Thrivent or a foundation donates money, the administrators consider it their own loot to dole out to bootlickers and hatchet-men, who sell their souls for a pittance.

The flood of money, from the insurance business and foundations, has altered perceptions. One friend observed that companies with little extra cash find all kinds of ways to do things on very little money. The opposite is true of corporations with plenty of cash. They often get into ludicrous schemes because the figures are so large.

Although WELS and the LCMS are small potatoes, the money from outside sources is quite large. The synods do not figure out how to preserve their capital but how to maximize the grants. They can invent positions for friends and fund them with grants. Soon the race for more grants is joined, with the same bunch elbowing out everyone else.

In the good old days, the synods were dependent upon parish giving, which was limited. One parish had separate envelopes for those who cared to give to the synod. That got turned into a sacred obligation to support the fabulous work the synod was doing all over the world - such as payoffs to settle lawsuits, luxurious booze-fueled conferences, tax-sheltered housing, salaries and benefits. Does anyone know the salary and benefits of the Synod President and staff? None of your business!

God will accomplish His will through His Word. I can tell various ministers that the abuse they have received is to be expected in the Age of Apostasy. Luther is the most influential theologian in history, the best expositor of the Bible, but also the most reviled of all Christian leaders. His approach was to teach the Word and trust in its efficacy, without judging immediate results.

I challenge everyone to find a Luther sermon where they discover no new insights. The latest for me was his comment that people normally prosper in their work, no matter what it is, the longer the work and the better they work. In the ministry just the opposite happens - fidelity and hard work lead to poverty instead. My friend said, "You can tell the good pastors - they don't have any money."

So when you see a pastor crowing about his money and global trips, his perks and luxuries, just say, "Oh, you are an apostate."

O Lord Look Down from Heaven Behold

Divine Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church Leaves WELS

These false teachers are the backbone of Church and Change.
They dominate WELS through their overlord, Mark Jeske.

Divine Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church:

Divine Savior disaffiliates from WELS - ministry continues

At their meeting on April 26th the voters of Divine Savior decided to disaffiliate from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. We are now an independent Lutheran congregation. The voters also decided to seek out a Lutheran synod that teaches according to Article II of our church constitution (Click here for a copy).

This was a solemn decision which the voters prayerfully considered after discussing the issues in Bible classes and open forums. One of the open forums even included hearing from the WELS Southeastern Wisconsin District President, the 1st Vice President of the Southeastern Wisconsin District who also holds the office of 1st Vice President of the WELS, and our circuit pastor.

We are thankful to God that the Holy Spirit granted us a spirit of Christian love and orderliness during this process. God is still with us through His powerful and comforting Word and Sacrament. We need Him every day and His promise still stands: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Join us this Sunday as we come together to our Savior for the spiritual rest we all need. We will hear His Word preached and receive His Word visibly in the Sacrament. And He will give us rest. The service is at 10:30. All are welcome!

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Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Divine Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church Leaves W...":

Article II of the church Constitution states: Section 2
This congregation accepts and confesses all the symbolical books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as true statements of scriptural doctrine.

Section 4
Hence, no doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at variance with these symbolical books and the Holy Scriptures.

Is there clarification publicly available which details the specific Synodical error which caused this church to separate?

Pastor Schulz had some faithful things to say in this Intrepid Lutheran blog post:


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Divine Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church Leaves W...":

Pastor James Schulz!(aka an icha-trepid) His commentary on Intrepid Lutherans is a fine example of what other WELS pastors should be echoing. He will be missed! I would rather see the money changers leave, but as in Biblical times, the money changers will have to be ran out of the temple.

Oh and one more thing...this message is for Mark Jeske; please send this over the wire. A plea to Rev. Mark Jeske: As they say at the customs counter,"Do you have anything to declare?" I will give you two weeks and two days to cut your loses with Ebele.(you heard me 2 weeks and 2 days!) In the mean time you may want to start cleaning the church growth houses quick, fast, and in a hurry. This is a loving warning, please understand. I WILL go public reguarding Boettcher and Trinklein, the BIG HUGE LIES, and everything. I will let the Kat(hint) out of the bag!

May God bless Pastor Schulz's congregation.


GJ - I am confused about synodical power. I read that WELS dispatched, James Huebner First VP of WELS, to the congregation, along with two others. I thought SP Schroeder was powerless to do anything. And then - BOOM! - the Fuller Seminary false teacher rushes down to Indiana - not exactly next door to Grace Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.

His dad raced to Phoenix with a busload of bedazzled WELSians,
to defend Al Just in the famous murder trial.
Dad was president of DMLC in New Ulm.


Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Divine Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church Leaves W...":

WELS parishioners understand individual congregations like a McDonald's franchise. They don't understand that each congregation *chooses* to affiliate with WELS. So when a congregation leaves they act like they stole from the WELS.

There is a huge lack of understanding of Word and Sacrament ministry and Christ's presence in the local parish. Although, there is a great understanding of each parish as a business owned and operated by the WELS.

Anti-bullying hero bullies conference of school children « Hot Air

This story needed some warmth.

Anti-bullying hero bullies conference of school children « Hot Air:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden may be having second thoughts about assigning Dan Savage as their de facto “Anti-Bullying Czar” this year. According to Fox News, the sex advice columnist – Savage Love – and gay rights activist who founded It Gets Better seems to either have a hard time understanding the definition of bullying or has some serious issues with irony.

Really? So you picked a raunchy sex advice columnist who publishes a column called “Savage Love” as your ambassador to help out at risk children. What could possibly go wrong? Well, here’s what can possibly go wrong.

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy asses.” …

Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

Rick Tuttle, the journalism advisor for Sutter Union High School in California, was among several thousand people in the audience. He said they thought the speech was one thing – but it turned into something else.

“I thought this would be about anti-bullying,” Tuttle told Fox news. “It turned into a pointed attack on Christian beliefs.”

Tuttle said a number of his students were offended by Savage’s remarks – and some decided to leave the auditorium.

“It became hostile,” he said. “It felt hostile as we were sitting in the audience – especially towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on.”

The speaker, in a supposed attempt to encourage young people to behave in a civil fashion toward each other, immediately launches into a diatribe against Christian values. When some of the students – particularly a few of the young ladies – become offended, he berates them and engages in hostile name calling. This is the keystone of the anti-bullying campaign?

For anyone to be shocked by this outcome, you’d either have to be completely ignorant about the author’s history or … well… have a job at the White House, I suppose. For just one brief sample of the aforementioned “Savage Love” wisdom, click here. But before you do, I have to warn you… the language in this column is absolutely not safe for work and not appropriate for children to read. Also, if you are easily offended, don’t read it either. (Or at least don’t say I didn’t warn you.) I will not be reprinting any of the quotables here today.

UPDATE: (Jazz) I won’t embed it here because of the NSFW language, but if you want to watch Savage’s speech (along with all of the Christian students walking out) you can do so here. Link provided via Twitter by Ningrim.

But wait! We have located what is likely the primary source material Dan Savage used in developing this program. Watch the video and be amazed.

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Synods Increase the Pressure on Icha-readers

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - How the Cultural Elites Are Destroying the Episcopal Church

Mark and Kate, the odd couple.
Synergism in destroying their own denominations.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - How the Cultural Elites Are Destroying the Episcopal Church:

It should be apparent by now that the Episcopal Church is on a downward trajectory. Nothing it seems can or will stop it. Figures for attendance and income are both down.

This summer delegates to General Convention will pass a resolution allowing trial rites for same sex marriage thus even further jeopardizing the consciences of the dwindling orthodox minority who still vainly believe that their voices matter. The few plaintive cries for a return "to the faith once for all to the saints" will be drowned in a sea of cries for "tolerance", "inclusivity", "diversity" and the need to strengthen interfaith alliances. A much-touted Covenant will be quickly washed away as "fault-finding", "homophobic", "fundamentalist", "colonialist" and much more helped along by the Executive Council's already revealed rejection slip. Liberals and revisionists will run up the victory flag of pansexual inclusion while the small minority of orthodox bishops, clergy and laity will leave GC2012 with their tail between their legs wondering what the future holds for them in TEC.

What will happen with Rites after they are passed is predictable. It will follow the bell curve of women's ordination. First you may use Rites to unite same-sex persons, then you will be told you ought to use rites, and then it will soon be you must use such rites. Then priests must perform these unnatural unions if asked or face being thrown out of the church by a revisionist bishop.

Liberal priests in orthodox dioceses will feel greatly encouraged and strengthened with greater clout to challenge their bishops knowing that they have the full weight of PB Jefferts Schori, the House of Bishops, Bonnie Anderson and the House of Deputies and the defiantly pansexual organization Integrity behind them. Groups like the Episcopal Forum of South Carolina will feel more empowered to challenge their bishop Mark Lawrence. Liberal parishes will use DEPO to bring liberal and revisionist bishops into orthodox dioceses. (See my story on the Diocese of Albany here: )

All will climax when an orthodox bishop announces that he will not allow same sex marriages or rites for such unions to be performed in his diocese. Like Canute's courtiers frantically scratching yet another line in the ever-diminishing ecclesiastical shoreline, he will only discover that he has run out of beach. Liberal clergy will go right over his head and appeal to 815 2nd Ave and Bishop Clay Matthews, Jefferts Schori's consigliore for bad boy bishops, who will bring up charges of discrimination against said bishop. His life will be made a living hell. South Carolina Bishop Mark Lawrence will suddenly find he has company as he watches other orthodox bishops being hounded like he is.


The rub for liberals lies in the area of money. The population of TEC is aging and dying. The Episcopal Church looks more like Louie Crew and Gene Robinson than Beyoncé or Brad Pitt. People seem to be drawn more to the Assemblies of God and cults like Mormonism with its strict definition of the family, even if it does have bizarre views of the Trinity and salvation, as well as to New Age religions and the feel good froth of televangelists and mega churches preaching a health, wealth and happiness gospel.

People are not rushing to join the Episcopal Church. This will not change even if the Diocese of Eastern Oregon does get a resolution passed saying that the Constitution and Canons and the Prayer Book should be changed to invite all to Holy Communion, regardless of age, denomination or baptism. The church is officially on record saying that anyone, including people of other religions, no religion or without recognizable Christian Faith, can take the sacraments. People will still not be rushing through the church's red doors where TEC's priest's sermons are indistinguishable from the New York Times or Gay Times.

Money, or the lack of it, will be the crunch point for TEC. The Episcopal Church cannot stop the hemorrhaging of people and parishes and the inevitable loss of dollars that go with it to keep both parishes and diocesan coffers afloat. Already whole cathedrals are starting to close down. Seminaries are conflating to accept fewer seminarians because the cost of a seminary education is rising and graduates cannot pay off education loans while taking small parishes.

Even short term winners like the Diocese of Virginia that managed to get its hands on $3 million of endowment from Falls Church when they emptied that parish recently won't last long. They still have legal fees and empty churches to maintain in the short term as they will not be able to talk people away from other parishes or bribe enough people into becoming Episcopalians. Last week the Diocese lost over 6,000 Episcopalians, a large portion of them from Falls Church, (there were six other churches) who will never return or be replaced if they had 100 years to do so. The 300 plus returnees at Falls Church were mostly ringers who will be gone in a month. The church and all its properties will be unsustainable in the long term. So what exactly has The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston XIII Bishop of Virginia won?

In time, when they sell off Falls Church to a Mosque or Long Term Care facility or saloon - Mrs. Jefferts Schori favorite - their coffers will temporarily fill. They will still be incapable of making disciples for Christ because they have no gospel to proclaim. You can buy a hooker for a price, but you can't buy and make people into Episcopalians who have no interest.

Sarah Frances Ives, in her brilliant expose of the Diocese of Washington's efforts to get its hands on the Soper Fund of $25 million so it can go on propping up the diocese, notes, "Even a limited discovery process should reveal the debts and financial decline that the Diocese of Washington now experiences. Its situation is dire and getting worse. Already the sophisticated Diocese of Washington pays for lawsuits out of a trust, dismisses concern of whether its actions will drive the Episcopal Church out of existence... the current sophisticated leadership of the Episcopal Church conducts dozens of lawsuits, while watching its money disappear. The Episcopal Church as a whole watches parishes and dioceses flee to Rome or faithful Anglican groups, and yet it still continues to reject the scriptures with their written record of the holy actions of Christ. For those watching the Episcopal Church's follies and heresies, this hearing seems somehow indicative of the Church as a whole."

A recent TEC sponsored report by C. Kirk Hadaway revealed that 72% of all Episcopal parishes in the U.S. are under water or in serious financial straits. It is only going to get worse. Congregations are aging and getting smaller. With no discernible life-changing message, there is little hope they will survive.

Hadaway also established that the Episcopal Church spends 77% of its income on staff salaries, buildings and investments with only 22% on program support, "evangelism" and fellowship. Top-heavy bureaucracy never grew a single church or won a soul for Christ that work is being done by church planters with nickels in their pockets and a passion for the lost in their hearts. TEC doesn't believe anyone is lost, hence no need to preach a life-changing gospel. In fact evangelicals from orthodox seminaries are specifically not wanted in liberal dioceses.

Short term financial gains like those in the Diocese of Virginia are just that, short term. Even if Bishop Johnston had $50 million in the bank, he cannot create converts if he doesn't believe in Christian conversion. He might just as well dump the money into the Church Pension Fund where they can use it to fund more retirees.

Susan Brown Snook in her blog A Good and Joyful Thing says The Episcopal Church's resources are being eaten up by administrative costs. "In a world that is rapidly changing, in which hierarchical institutions are being flattened, and new forms of church are bubbling up, our churchwide structure is caught up in a top-heavy model of ministry that simply eats up money." She noted that the millions it cost just to run the church has resulted in the elimination of Christian Formation (that is, all youth and campus ministries, and all formation offices), which currently costs much less than running the finance offices. "It's like the dioceses are sending money to 815 so they can spend the money counting the money."

This past week, Executive Council - the Episcopal Church's elite corps - met in Salt Lake City. It was as though someone switched on a 100-watt light bulb where a dim 25-watt bulb had been with reality suddenly hitting like a thunderbolt. Light shone in the darkness. Miraculously, the darkened minds of this elite group actually comprehended it.

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori tried to put the best spin on things when she talked about "collective grief" at the state of the church and called on the Council "to let go of suspicion, assumptions about others' motives, and power politics - all of which are based in fear and scarcity." She then lamely invoked the spirit (small s) to let go of what is dead and embrace the new life that's emerging... seeds are already springing forth, she said. But where this "new life" is she did not say. One thing is for sure, she did not have the ACNA in mind.

Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies, talked about the need for TEC to be restructured, but she was a lot more direct when she said, "Either we meet the challenge or become irrelevant and, eventually, bankrupt." Those are words Jefferts Schori did not want to hear, but they may be closer to the truth.

She went on to bewail The Episcopal Church's declining membership noting that since 2000 TEC's membership has declined by 16% "and we lose about 50,000 members per year."

COO Bishop Stacy Sauls went so far as to talk about survival. "Vestries, councils, and boards have a fiduciary duty to use financial assets so that the institution survives, but survival is not a value of the Gospel this institution exists to serve.

"I have never been a part of a governing body that did not spend a lot of its time on survival. We do. In the eight months I've been back as a part of the life of Executive Council, and in the six years I spent as a member of it prior to this triennium, I have noticed a lot of time spent on survival. It is not wasted time, and the topics are important, but they do relate to survival."

This is the desperate state of the Episcopal Church coming from its own leaders - the elite of the elite - the supposedly bright lights showing us the way forward out of the descending darkness.

The deep profound tragedy is that with no transcendent message of God's unique salvific plan for mankind being offered, The Episcopal Church is simply going with the tide of the culture. That means it will, in time, be swept away like so much ecclesiastical flotsam and jetsam into interfaith and secular oblivion.

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Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

The founder of the Synodical Conference was a bully, too.

Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes:

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy asses.”

The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars. Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”

Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama’s 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.

Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

Rick Tuttle, the journalism advisor for Sutter Union High School in California, was among several thousand people in the audience. He said they thought the speech was one thing – but it turned into something else.
“I thought this would be about anti-bullying,” Tuttle told Fox news. “It turned into a pointed attack on Christian beliefs.”

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Should Foxes Draw Up Plans for the Hen Houses?
The Dishonest Spin of the WELS Committee on the New NIV

Naughty NIV 2011:
Adam and Eve were not real people, and....

KJV Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

Pastor Nathan Bickel:

The prolonged WELS consideration of NIV 11 and the TEC’S Role - Should a fox population draw up architectural plans for the community’s hen houses?

I cannot help but think, that WELS is taking its time with the translation issue, and in the process desensitizing its membership  to the New NIV 11. Why else, then, would the synodical four-part Bible "translation study," which includes the New NIV 11, be in the consideration mix of two other translations, in the same Bible study? The two other Bible translations are, the ESV and the Holman Christian Study Bible, - both, of which are considered to be non gender neutral, unlike the (politically correct) NIV 11 gender neutral Bible – the (supposed) “improvement” from the notorious 2005 TNIV.

Added to this slanted (TEC) Bible study has been the TEC'S (Translation Evaluation Committee's) own recommendation that the new gender neutral NIV 11 would be suitable for WELS synodical use. To such I ask myself:  

“And, what logical conclusion can be drawn, but that the New NIV 11 will be WELS next officially (approved) translation for synodical use? I think that part of the reason for the long drawn out affair, is to wear down the opposition and curry more of the membership’s approval favor to recognize the New NIV 11 as just another alternative, to the non gender neutral translations of the ESV and the HCSB. Also, by taking all this time, those in favor of the NIV 11, will have more time to gather their forces together for the synodical convention, when another important decision will be made concerning this whole translation issue.”

Those within WELS, pushing the new NIV 11, don't care (or, haven't seriously) thought of all the people that they will be offending. Instead, it is too easy and convenient to mark those who disagree with their new NIV 11 bent, as sinning against the 8th Commandment for expressing spirited disagreement, with the whole translation consideration issue.

Following is an email I sent to a high profile WELS pastor involved with the ongoing translation issue process. I voiced my concerns and have never (to my knowledge) received a response email. His silence is deafening and leads me to believe that concerns like mine are considered inconsequential and frivolous. In fact, this following letter is the 2nd email communication regarding the same issue, of which he has failed to respond, or even acknowledge:

Dear Pastor --------,

It greatly distresses my wife and me that WELS would even consider the NIV11 as an option for official WELS publications, as it looks to a different Bible translation to replace the 1984 NIV.

I keep reading that WELS and our local congregation is committed to Christian belief and practice, based upon the inerrant Word of God. However, the very consideration of the gender neutral NIV11, renders that professed resolve, inconsistent.

Adopting a gender neutral Bible is tantamount to messing with God's Word. I prefer to liken it to "molestation" of God's written revelation. Adopting gender neutrality in Scripture is humanly micro managing and tweaking Scripture to suit one's own (carnal political correctness, Bible study slothfulness, or, whatever) desires and / or, ends. There is no Scriptural or rational excuse to intentionally remove and / or alter Scripture's patriarchal language. Doing so, would be akin to literary revisionism, - as altering other literary works of antiquity, such as Homer's Iliad, Caesar's Gallic Wars, Josephus’ writings, etc. Even in the secular world, I’m convinced that many would consider this type of editing alteration, unconscionable.

Scripture, itself makes it clear that "every word of God is pure." Scripture, (itself) also states that "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God" [God-breathed - the very words]  -  [Proverbs 30:5-6 ;  2 Timothy 3:14-17]

If WELS leadership and congregational pastors would be (Biblically) wise, they would drop the NIV11 consideration from the mix of options. Presently, I'm reminded of the Scriptural reality: ".....Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you....." [2 Corinthians 6:14-18 - in context]

Pastor, -------- I urge you to do your part in calling for a halt to the WELS consideration of a gender neutral Bible, and, also to help lead and encourage WELS pastors and congregations to do the same. Also, I believe that there is no need to bottleneck the process of selecting a different translation by including a gender neutral one, in the mix.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this short email, - "I keep reading that WELS and our local congregation is committed to Christian belief and practice, based upon the inerrant Word of God. However, the very consideration of the gender neutral NIV11 renders that professed resolve, inconsistent." Not only would I describe this present action of WELS "inconsistent," but also irresponsible.

Finally, I never thought I'd witness the day that a Conservative Lutheran Christian denominational church body would ever entertain adopting a gender neutral translation, which, essentially, departs from the Reformation sola scriptura principle. I can't believe that our Triune God ever intended that His Word (and very words) be conveyed in any other way than what His Holy Spirit breathed to His inspired human authors.


Nathan M. Bickel


I believe that this prolonged drawn out affair will end up with WELS accepting the politically correct New NIV 11 for its synodical and congregational usage. And, I believe that it is being partially spun by the TEC, this way, quoting from the aforementioned WELS translation Bible study – Lesson 4:

"We expect that the primary way in which most WELS people experience most of the Bible most of the time is by hearing it read - in the context of the public worship service. Consideration must therefore be given to a translation's suitability for being read aloud........."  - TEC'S own words

In Lesson 3 is this:

“As language changes, why is it difficult for one generation to “give up” the way they are used to speaking for the sake of another generation?  Why will it be necessary for someone to make a sacrifice?  Who will make that sacrifice?”

There you have it - a clear indication of this [supposed]  "objective" committee pushing for the new NIV 11. Breaking these two quotes down, what the TEC is actually saying (in their own little code), is:

“……….We think that most of the WELS membership, experience the Scriptures, basically in the Sunday worship service. Even though the Scriptures are printed out, they don’t read those Scriptures, in the worship service, nor, at home -  but hear them read Sunday morning.  We like the new NIV 11 because it sounds better than all the other translations. We need a ‘dumbed down’ translation for those unlearned laymen to hear. We need to appeal to the lowest common denominator......

...........Furthermore, its time for the present older 2 generations to give up their familiar Scripture translation preference for the sake of the up and coming, younger  2 generations. That ‘sacrifice’ is the honorable thing to do. And, it doesn’t matter if the translation is a gender neutral one. After all, we must keep up with the politically correct culture.”

The above (aforementioned) reasoning makes me think of the past, when we were youngsters, and when we would love to hear the adults (in family gatherings) talk. We would gravitate to that adult talk and not expect them to talk baby talk. We never thought that we were being discriminated against and loved to listen to this “adult” talk. Nor, did our parents and aunts and uncles ever feel that they needed to give up their adult conversation so that their children could understand.

Finally, I think it offensive that part of the TEC ‘S criteria would be to “dumb down” the Scriptures to appeal to a lower standard of people communication. This is, at least, my clear impression of their slanted 4 part Bible study!

Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor

"Let's play an innocent game of ping-pong."


It is my understanding that WELS now has a 100 person group of pastors, - (many of whom are young pastors) who are studying the TEC'S work with the translation issue. I would not doubt that their concerted work will be compiled and categorized so as to add to the Translation Evaluation Committee's presentation at the summer WELS convention.

I am under the impression that the young pastors won't be so apt to be critical of the TEC'S work, since one or more of the TEC'S members may have had some of these young pastors as seminary students. Hence, I ask myself the question:

“What type of honest, straight-forward and objective analysis will be given by this group of 100 pastors, since they may be (still) emotionally dedicated to their former professor (s) and loyal to the instruction given them by this same professor or professors?”

Furthermore, this whole process and the time that it is taking to come to some sort of synodical resolution, seems to me to smack, "suspicious." And, I would say, it appears, it is somewhat contrived and planned to reach a desired end, - namely to welcome the new NIV 11 with the fellowship of open arms, hugs and "holy" kisses.

Finally, it should be noted that most, if not all those on the TEC and the 100 pastor, man, woman, male and / or female - and, even possible transgender committee members [excuse me as I feel the political correctness need to cover all the gender bases so as not to offend anyone] have been schooled using the NIV 84 version. To them, it would seem, switching to an "up-graded" version is no "biggy" - even if the new NIV 11 gender neutral translation offends the WELS grandpa's and grandma's in their midst. After all, these old traditionalist octogenarians will soon all croak and then the Church can have a “decent updated, culturally accepted Biblical translation.” So goes the [flawed] thinking of some, I believe, - even if I express it in exaggerated terms........