Wednesday, May 9, 2012

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - North Carolina Episcopalians on the Wrong Side of History

Episcopal women clergy support abortion on demand
and gay marriage.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - North Carolina Episcopalians on the Wrong Side of History:

North Carolina Episcopalians on the Wrong Side of History


By David W. Virtue
May 9, 2012

Once again, three bishops of the Episcopal Church, this time in North Carolina, found themselves on the wrong side of history and theology. Episcopal clergy across the state had expressed their opposition to Amendment One also known as the "marriage amendment" that upholds marriage between a man and a woman. Yesterday voters passed the constitutional measure by a margin of more than 20 percentage points. It was Bill Clinton vs Billy Graham. Clinton lost.

Bishop Michael B. Curry, Diocese of North Carolina, Bishop Clifton Daniel, III, Diocese of East Carolina, and Bishop G. Porter Taylor, Diocese of Western North Carolina all co-authored a joint letter opposing the amendment.

The state's Episcopal Church leaders have been visible opponents to the measure as were California's Episcopal Church bishops during the Proposition 8 campaign that ended a brief window of same-sex marriages in that state.
These liberal bishops were theologically and morally outflanked from the state's two Roman Catholic dioceses, as well as prominent pastors from historically black churches who vocally supported the measure. (Blacks deeply resent their color being equated with sodomy). The Roman Catholic bishops of Charlotte and Raleigh also issued a mailer calling for support of traditional marriage. Even Billy Graham weighed in in support of Amendment One.

In states where same-sex marriage has appeared either on the ballot or in legislatures, Episcopal Church bishops have typically supported, alongside Unitarian Universalist and liberal Protestant officials, legalizing such unions. A rare exception was Rhode Island Episcopal bishop Geralyn Wolf who argued in 2011 against efforts to legalize same-sex marriage in that state.

Yesterday, voters in North Carolina voted overwhelmingly to uphold marriage as between one man and one woman as the only legal domestic partnership recognized by the state. They did not recognize civil unions either.

The arguments raised by Episcopal liberal bishops are typical of most arguments raised by liberals who believe they can change God's mind for Him.

"We oppose Amendment One because the love of God and the way of love that has been revealed in Jesus of Nazareth compels us to do so. We oppose Amendment One because every time we baptize someone in the Episcopal Church, the entire congregation vows to 'strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.' We oppose Amendment One because it is unjust and it does not respect the dignity of every human being in the state of North Carolina. If passed, it will harm not only law-abiding gay and lesbian citizens but other men, women and innocent children in our state," reads one excerpt from the letter.

This is theologically flawed at many levels.

The love of God revealed in Jesus has never embraced sexual behavior of any kind outside of marriage between a man and a woman. Jesus affirmed this in the gospels: "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning ... God made them male and female" (Matthew 19-4 and Mark 10: 6).

What right do these Episcopal bishops have to believe they can reverse what Jesus personally spoke and affirmed? Do they really think that God's love can suddenly embrace what His Son firmly rejected? Of course Jesus didn't address homosexuality specifically He didn't need to. He also never addressed bisexuality, lesbitransgay, bestiality and a host of other sexual sins and aberrations. He openly affirmed the Genesis record and His Father's created order pronouncement. That was enough, no more needed to be said.

To use baptism to affirm homo-erotic behavior blasphemes the very nature of baptism. "Respecting the dignity of every human being" is not a license to respect the sexual behavior of a small group of men and women who scream that they have the same rights as heterosexuals and demand it be affirmed when sodomy is ontologically unacceptable, theologically without foundation, medically dangerous and fails the test to bring another human being into the world.

Furthermore, there is not a shred of evidence that law-abiding gay and lesbian citizens and other men, women and innocent children in the state will be harmed more or less than by heterosexual violence.

According to the North Carolina Department of Justice State Bureau of Investigation, the rate per 100,000 people of Crime Index offenses reported to law enforcement agencies throughout North Carolina decreased 5.6 percent during 2010 when compared to the figures reported in 2009. The rate of violent crime (which includes murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) decreased 10.2 percent statewide. Individually, the murder rate decreased 7.3 percent, the rape rate decreased 14.3 percent, the robbery rate decreased 19.4 percent, and the aggravated assault rate decreased 5.3 percent. This includes all homosexual assaults.

Where is the foundation for the claims made by these Episcopal bishops that homosexuals will suddenly experience an uptick in domestic violence?

There were 27 LGBT people and HIV-affected people killed in 2010 in the United States, according to the latest numbers from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP). The statistics did find that LGBT people of color and transgender women were subject to a disproportionate number of attacks - 70% of the 27 murders in 2010 were LGBT and HIV-affected people of color, while transgender women made up 44% of the murder victims.

By contrast, there were 13,636 murders in the US. Of those, 9,146 were caused by firearms.

In 2005, the most recent year for which mortality data are available, suicide was the second-leading cause of death among Americans 40 years of age or younger. Among Americans of all ages, more than half of all suicides are gun suicides. In 2005, an average of 46 Americans PER DAY committed suicide with a firearm, accounting for 53% of all completed suicides. Gun suicide during this period accounted for 40% more deaths than gun homicide.

If these Episcopal bishops feel so concerned about the rights of a handful of pansexualists where is their outrage about gun violence in America, the incredible suicide rate ripping apart our nation's youth and a culture that is taking them to hell faster than they can say The Creed?

It is hypocrisy and hubris of the highest order for these bishops and clergy to wear T-shirts proclaiming "Vote Against Amendment One" to appease a cultural aberration. Despite the belief that following the consecration of Gene Robinson in 2003, Episcopal churches have not rapidly filled with pansexualists.

Archbishops and bishops in the worldwide Anglican Communion have denounced same-sex marriage, including the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams and Archbishop of York John Sentamu. Global South archbishops and bishops have vigorously denounced both homosexuality and same-sex marriage regarding it as a deep violation of the mind and will of God as it is revealed in Holy Scripture.

Yesterday, these NC bishops lost and their dioceses will continue to shrink. Siding with the world is not winning them new parishioners in their churches and souls for the Kingdom.

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VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - LONDON DIARY: Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans and Other Observations

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - LONDON DIARY: Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans and Other Observations:

"He who grows tired of London grows tired of life" opined Dr. Samuel Johnson. But that was in the 18th Century. Dr. Johnson would not recognize London in the 21st.

Walking through central London, about 20 minutes by fast train from my hotel in Wandsworth, (south London) one feels suddenly isolated and alone. Virtually nobody speaks English as a first language and often not at all. Almost everybody I saw or passed on footpaths or crossing London's celebrated bridges was a foot shorter, gesticulating and babbling in a foreign language, flashing iPods and cameras while pouring thousands of pounds into England's ancient tourist attractions, foremost among them being Westminster Abbey where tourists fill the coffers to keep the doors open and the ancient sarcophagi of kings and archbishops dutifully polished.

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Condescending Wonka Offers an Opinion

WELS Rustoleum - Warning! Graphic!

A long-time WELS member wrote this about the following post:

First, let me say that the exposing of the goings on at North Pointe is a worthy topic as it relates to Appleton and WELS. It is absolutely amazing stuff. How WELS cannot do something about the Stanley followers now is incomprehesible. If they don't do anything about Appleton, then they must openly admit to the direction the synod is taking. Doing either will hurt the synod immeasurably. I believe they are now at the point where there is no recovery. WELS will never be Lutheran again.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "WELS Rustoleum - Warning! Graphic!":

So WELS operates like our US (federal) government? Horrors! This should not be! But, then, again, I am not surprised to hear this. Double standards are always "tools" of convenience.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS Rustoleum - Warning! Graphic!":

I think inviting Satanist Leonard Sweet to teach the clergy and laity how to "do church" was enough to kick every single Church and Change member to the curb.

Likewise with (W)ELS Change or Die conference hosted with the LCMS and ELCA.

For that matter same goes for (W)ELS financial support of Thrivent and their direct monetary support for Charles Gibbs Executive Director of the United Nations Global New World Order Religion called URI (United Religions Initiative)
Scroll for MONEY & SOUL

Well, let's not forget the excommunication of the Kokomo families for defending One Justification by Faith Alone. Or the Krohn family for rejecting (W)ELS version of the false gospel of Universal Objective Justification.

Oh, Oh don't forget (W)ELS Pastor and Media personality Mark Jeske who is playing Synod Twister with (W)ELS, LCMS and ELCA.

The Kudzu That Swallowed WELS, Missouri, and the Rest.
Church Growth, Fuller, Willow Creek, Trinity Divinity, Mars Hill, Groeschel, Andy Stanley, Stetzer, Leonard Sweet, Driscoll

Kudzu vine was promoted by the federal government.
Now it is called the Vine That Swallowed the South.

People are reading the WELS Tendrils essay, about Church Growth WELS, so I linked it on the left and here.

Nothing was done about Church Growth, no matter how many times it was addressed, no matter how gentle the reproof.

The laity and pastors are supposed to rebuke false doctrine, not make little hints about it.

KJV 1 Timothy 5:20 Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.

KJV 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

KJV Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

KJV Titus 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

KJV Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Mentor to Ski, Glende, Parlow, Buske and Others -
Andy Stanley Promotes This.
WELS Sanctimony on the Issue

Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church – Atlanta, GA
(To view this graphic, go to the Christian sermon series, Part 5, 24 minute mark)

Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, recently wrote an article concerning the problematic trend of “megachurches” in evangelical Christianity, in which pastors attempt to oversee enormous churches with multiple sites, and members in the thousands, through the savvy use of technology and multi-media.

In his article entitled Is The Megachurch The New Liberalism?, Dr. Mohler specifically mentioned megachurch pastor Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, GA and creator of the Catalyst conferences. Andy Stanley, according to Dr. Mohler’s article, recently gave a message in which he described a situation at North Point where a woman, her ex-husband and her ex-husband’s male lover were in a conflict.

The strangest part of this story is that the issue with which Stanley took exception was the fact that the ex-husband’s male lover was not yet divorced from his wife, and yet was serving in leadership at North Point. Presumably, the man’s adultery was the issue, but not, apparently, his unrepentantly homosexual lifestyle. From the article:

“(Andy) Stanley told the two men that they could not serve on the host team so long as the one man was still married. He later told of the former wife’s decision not to live in bitterness, and of her initiative to bring the whole new family structure to a Christmas service. This included the woman, her daughter, her former husband, his gay partner, and his daughter. Stanley celebrated this new ‘modern family’ as an expression of forgiveness.” (online source)

(Incidentally, this story of the wife, the ex-husband, the ex-husband’s male lover, etc., etc. was presented by Andy Stanley with graphics. This was no off-the-cuff account that just spontaneously occurred to Andy Stanley. The graphic below was obviously prepared well in advance of this sermon. I smell an agenda. Is open homosexuality going to be the Next Big Thing in Evangelicalism?)

Bishop Robinson left his wife for his new partner
and was enthroned as a bishop-for-life in the Episcopal Church USA - PB Schori's sect.
Robinson has two daughters.

For myself, I was thoroughly shocked and appalled when I read about this recent message by Andy Stanley. I know a number of people, solid Christians, who attend North Point, and speak highly of the teaching there. Andy Stanley is generally well-regarded here in Atlanta where he grew up and where his father (Charles Stanley) has also been a pastor for a number of years. So I would say that I am somewhat predisposed to be favorably inclined toward Stanley. And yet, by his teaching, it seems he is drifting down the path of ear-tickling liberalism that so many before him have done.

Not convinced? Then I offer Exhibit B for your consideration:

Andy Stanley’s North Point has a document that must be filled out and signed by adult volunteers seeking to minister to students if they wish to be considered for ministry. There is, however, some very curious language in this “covenant” document. The following is taken directly from the covenant:

Regarding Sexual Behavior

We teach that sex was created by God as an expression of intimacy between a man and woman within the context of marriage. Volunteers who embrace lifestyles or behaviors that conflict with this teaching will eventually find themselves having to pretend to be something they are not or believe something they don’t. In an effort to protect you from a potentially awkward situation, we ask the following:

If you are involved in a sexual relationship and are not married, we ask that you not volunteer in family ministry at this time.
If you are pursuing a same sex relationship, we ask that you not volunteer in family ministry at this time.
In the spirit of being a good role model, if you are single and living with a member of the opposite sex, we ask that you not volunteer at this time. We do not want to put you in the awkward position of having to explain your arrangement if members of your group visit your home.
If you are married and are currently involved in a sexual relationship outside of your marriage, we ask that you not volunteer at this time. (online source)
Our commentary: In the section of this covenant regarding sexual behavior, there is no call for repentance for those in willfully sinful sexual situations, no mention of church discipline, just a caution for those in sexual sin not to volunteer for ministry because of the “potentially awkward situation” it might create.

But what about protecting those same people from the potentially fiery situation they might face, if they don’t repent before a high and holy God? Is this what pastors are called to do……protect people from potentially awkward situations?

“But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

Taking into account the troubling message recounted by Dr. Al Mohler in the first part of this article, as well as this North Point covenant statement for students to sign, my question is this: has Andy Stanley abdicated his right to serve as an church leader?

“An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. Since an overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” (Titus 1:6-9, my emphasis)

“Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” (1 Peter 5:1-4)

Our elders are called to guard and teach the flocks entrusted to them, and also to lead them by example. What we need today are sober-minded, Godly men who take seriously their charge before God to not only guard and teach their flocks, but to also exhort them to righteous living before a high and holy God to whom they will one day give an account.

We need leaders who, if need be, will discipline their members engaging in unrepentant sexual sin, not coddle them in their sinful passions and tickle their ears with man-centered language aimed at quelling the conscience. Where are such men? And more to the point of this article, does Andy Stanley still qualify for the role of elder/overseer?

Update: Andy Stanley recently released a response to Dr. Al Mohler’s article:

“We are requesting that everyone watch the entire series: Christian.* It concludes this Sunday. It’s 8 parts. That’s a lot of content to wade through. But I figure that’s better than a sound bite or an interview.” (online source)

My concern: how do you frame up that scenario with the woman, her ex-husband, the male lover (who is still married to HIS wife), etc., in a way that makes sense unless a clear call for repentance is given? It certainly wasn’t in the sermon that Dr. Mohler accounted. And if it was given, but in a later message, why wouldn’t you give the call for repentance in the same sermon where the scenario was presented?

*This entire 8-part series by Andy Stanley can be listened to in its entirety here.

Glende's response to the previous post was to denounce me,
not Andy Stanley's open marriage concept.
Ski's journal about Drive 08 with Andy Stanley recorded this spine-tingling event: The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal.  We began with awesome worship. 


The emergence of the megachurch as a model of metropolitan ministry is one of the defining marks of evangelical Christianity in the United States. Megachurches — huge congregations that attract thousands of worshipers — arrived on the scene in the 1970s and quickly became engines of ministry development and energy.

Over the last 40 years, the megachurch has made its presence known, often dominating the Christian landscape within the nation’s metropolitan regions. The megachurch came into dominance at the same time that massive shopping malls became the landmarks of suburban consumer life. Sociologists can easily trace the rise of megachurches within the context of America’s suburban explosion and the development of the technologies and transportation systems that made both the mall and the megachurch possible.

On the international scene, huge congregations can be found in many African nations and in nations such as Brazil, South Korea, and Australia. In London, where the megachurch can trace its roots back in the 19th century to massive urban congregations such as Charles Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle, a few modern megachurches can be found. For the most part, however, the suburban evangelical megachurch is an American phenomenon.

Lay Liberalism and the Future of Evangelicalism
It Takes One to Know One–Liberalism as Atheism
Air Conditioning Hell: How Liberalism Happens
A New Path to Theological Liberalism? Wayne Grudem on Evangelical Feminism
It Takes One to Know One–Liberalism as Atheism
Theologically, most megachurches are conservative in orientation, at least in a general sense. In America, a large number of megachurches are associated with the charismatic movement and denominations such as the Assemblies of God. Many are independent, though often loosely associated with other churches. The largest number of megachurches within one denomination is found within the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest non-Catholic denomination.

The emergence of the megachurch was noted by sociologists and church researchers attempting to understand the massive shifts that were taking place in the last decades of the 20th century. Researchers such as Dean M. Kelley of the National Council of Churches traced the decline of the liberal denominations that once constituted the old Protestant “mainline.” This decline was contrasted with remarkable growth among more conservative denominations and churches — a pattern traced in Kelley’s 1973 landmark book, Why Conservative Churches Are Growing. Kelley argued that conservative churches were growing precisely because of their strict doctrine and moral teachings. The early megachurches were the leading edge of the growth among conservative churches, especially in metropolitan and suburban settings.

The megachurches were not without their critics. Theologian David Wells leveled a massive critique of the doctrinal minimalism, methodological pragmatism, and managerial culture of many megachurches. Os Guiness accused the megachurch movement of “flirting with modernity” to a degree that put the Christian identity of the massive congregations at risk.

On the other hand, there is evidence that the megachurches have also helped to anchor conservative Christianity within the social cauldron of the United States in recent decades. The evangelistic energies of most megachurches cannot be separated from a deep commitment to conversionist theology and conservative doctrinal affirmations. Within the Southern Baptist Convention, megachurches played an essential role in what became known as the Conservative Resurgence — the movement to return the Convention and its institutions to an affirmation of biblical inerrancy. The most intense years of this controversy (1979-1990) saw the Convention elect an unbroken stream of conservative megachurch pastors as SBC president. In the main, the megachurches provided the platform leadership for the movement, even as the churches themselves became symbols of denominational aspiration.

Sociologically, the megachurch model faces real challenges in the present and even greater challenges in the future. The vast suburban belts that fueled megachurch growth in the last few decades are no longer the population engines they once were. Furthermore, cultural changes, demographic realities, and technological innovations have led to the development of megachurch modifications such as churches with multiple locations and sermons by video transmission. From the beginning, the megachurches led in the embrace of new technologies, and these now include the full array of digital and social media.

What about theology? This question requires a look at the massive shifts in worldview now evident within American culture. Trends foreseen by researchers such as James Davison Hunter of the University of Virginia and others can now be seen in full flower. The larger culture has turned increasingly hostile to exclusivist truth claims such as the belief that faith in Christ is necessary for salvation. One megachurch pastor in Florida recently told me that the megachurches in his area were abandoning concern for biblical gender roles on a wholesale basis. As one pastor told him, you cannot grow a church and teach biblical  complementarianism. Even greater pressure is now exerted by the sexual revolution in general, and, more particularly, the question of homosexuality.

The homosexuality question was preceded by the challenge of divorce. By and large, the story of evangelical Christianity in the United States since the advent of legal no-fault divorce has been near total capitulation. This is certainly true of the megachurches, but it is unfair to single them out in this failure. The reality is that the “Old First Church” and smaller congregational models were fully complicit — and for the same basic reason. Holding to strict biblical teachings on divorce is extremely costly. For the megachurches, the threat was being called judgmental, and the perceived danger of failing to reach the burgeoning numbers of divorced persons inhabiting metropolitan areas. For smaller churches the issue was the same, though usually more intimate. Divorced persons were more likely to have family members and friends within the congregation who were reluctant to confront the issue openly. Church discipline disappeared and personal autonomy reigned triumphant.

Is the same pattern now threatening on the issue of homosexuality? No congregation will escape this question, but the megachurches are, once again, on the leading edge. The challenge is hauntingly similar to that posed by divorce. Some churches are openly considering how they can minister most faithfully, even as the public and private challenge of homosexuality and alternative sexual lifestyles has radically transformed the cultural landscape. Other churches, both large and small, are renegotiating their stance on the issue without drawing attention to the changes.

A shot now reverberating around the evangelical world was fired by Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley in recent days. Preaching at North Point Community Church, in a sermon series known as “Christian,” Stanley preached a message titled “When Gracie Met Truthy” on April 15, 2012. With reference to John 1:14, Stanley described the challenge of affirming grace and truth in full measure. He spoke of grace and truth as a tension, warning that “if you resolve it, you give up something important.”

The message was insightful and winsome, and Andy Stanley is a master communicator. Early in the message he spoke of homosexuals in attendance, mentioning that some had shared with him that they had come to North Point because they were tired of messages in gay-affirming churches that did nothing but affirm homosexuality.

Then, in the most intense part of his message, Stanley told the congregation an account meant to illustrate his message. He told of a couple with a young daughter who divorced when the wife discovered that the husband was in a sexual relationship with another man. The woman then insisted that her former husband and his gay partner move to another congregation. They did move, but to another North Point location, where they volunteered together as part of a “host team.” The woman later told Andy Stanley that her former husband and his partner were now involved as volunteers in the other congregational location.

The story took a strange turn when Stanley then explained that he had learned that the former husband’s gay partner was still married. Stanley then explained that the partner was actually committing adultery, and that the adultery was incompatible with his service on a host team. Stanley told the two men that they could not serve on the host team so long as the one man was still married. He later told of the former wife’s decision not to live in bitterness, and of her initiative to bring the whole new family structure to a Christmas service. This included the woman, her daughter, her former husband, his gay partner, and his daughter. Stanley celebrated this new “modern family” as an expression of forgiveness.

He concluded by telling of Christ’s death for sinners and told the congregation that Jesus does not condemn them, even if they cannot or do not leave their life of sin.

Declaring the death of Christ as atonement for sin is orthodox Christianity and this declaration is essential to the Gospel of Christ. The problem was that Stanley never mentioned faith or repentance — which are equally essential to the Gospel. There is indeed no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but this defines those who have acted in repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). As for those who are not in Christ, they stand condemned already (John 3:18).

The most puzzling and shocking part of the message was the illustration and the account of the homosexual couple, however. The inescapable impression left by the account was that the sin of concern was adultery, but not homosexuality. Stanley clearly and repeatedly stressed the sin of adultery, but then left the reality of the homosexual relationship between the two men unaddressed as sin. To the contrary, he seemed to normalize their relationship. They would be allowed to serve on the host team if both were divorced. The moral status of their relationship seemed to be questioned only in terms of adultery, with no moral judgment on their homosexuality.

Was this intended as a salvo of sorts? The story was so well told and the message so well constructed that there can be little doubt of its meaning. Does this signal the normalization of homosexuality at North Point Community Church? This hardly seems possible, but it appeared to be the implication of the message. Given the volatility of this issue, ambiguity will be replaced by clarity one way or the other, and likely sooner than later.

We can only hope that Andy Stanley and the church will clarify and affirm the biblical declaration of the sinfulness of homosexual behavior, even as he preaches the forgiveness of sin in any form through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His affirmation of grace and truth in full measure is exactly right, but grace and truth are not actually in tension. The only tension is our finite ability to act in full faithfulness. The knowledge of our sin is, in truth, a gift of grace. And grace is only grace because of the truth of what God has done for us in Christ.

And yet, even as we know this is true, we also know that the Christian church has often failed miserably in demonstrating grace to those who struggle with same-sex attractions and those who are involved in homosexual behaviors. We have treated them as a special class of sinners and we have assured ourselves of our moral superiority. The Gospel of Jesus Christ destroys that pretension and calls for us to reach out to all sinners with the message of the Gospel, declaring the forgiveness of sins in Christ and calling them to faith and repentance.

The Gospel is robbed of its power if any sinner or any sin is declared outside its saving power. But the Gospel is also robbed of its power if sin — any sin — is minimized to any degree.

What does Andy Stanley now believe about homosexuality and the church’s witness? We must pray that he will clarify the issues so graphically raised in his message, and that he will do so in a way that unambiguously affirms the Bible’s clear teachings — and that he will do so precisely because he loves sinners enough to tell them the truth — all the truth — about both our sin and God’s provision in Christ. Biblical faithfulness simply does not allow for the normalization of homosexuality. We desperately want all persons to feel welcome to hear the Gospel and, responding in faith and repentance, to join with us in mutual obedience to Christ. But we cannot allow anyone, ourselves included, to come to Christ — or to church — on our own terms.

The current cultural context creates barriers to the Gospel even as it offers temptations. One of those temptations is to use to use the argument that our message has to change in order to reach people. This was the impetus of theological liberalism’s origin. Liberals such as Harry Emerson Fosdick claimed that the Christian message would have to change or the church would lose all intellectual credibility in the modern world. Fosdick ended up denying the Gospel and transforming the message of the Cross into psychology. Norman Vincent Peale came along and made this transformation even more appealing to a mass audience. Fosdick and Peale have no shortage of modern heirs.

Theological liberalism did not set out to destroy Christianity, but to save it from itself. Is the same temptation now evident? The Great Commission, we must remind ourselves, is not a command merely to reach people, but to make disciples. And disciples are only made when the church teaches all that Christ has commanded, as the Great Commission makes clear.

The megachurches are once again on the leading edge of these questions, but they are not alone. The urgency to reach people with the Gospel can, if the church is not faithful and watchful, tempt us to subvert the Gospel by redefining its terms. We are not honest if we do not admit that the current cultural context raises the cost of declaring the Gospel on its own terms.

Given their size and influence, the megachurches have an outsize responsibility. I am a member and a teaching pastor in a megachurch, and I am thankful for its faithfulness. I know a host of faithful megachurch pastors who are prepared to pay whatever cost may come for the sake of the Gospel. I know that my own denomination was regained for biblical fidelity under the leadership of brave megachurch pastors who used their pulpits to defend the truth. We desperately need these churches as both theological anchors and missiological laboratories.

The times now demand our most careful and biblical thinking, and they demand our clearest conviction matched to a missiological drive to reach the world with the Gospel. We must embrace the truth with the humility of a sinner saved only by grace, but we must embrace it fully.

Once again, the megachurches are on the leading edge. We must pray that they will lead into faithfulness, and not into a new liberalism.

Luther's Hymn - Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above.
The Lutheran Hymnal, #458

"Our Father, Thou in Heaven Above"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. Our Father, Thou in heaven above,
Who biddest us to dwell in love,
As brethren of one family,
To cry in every need to Thee,
Teach us no thoughtless word to say,
But from our inmost heart to pray.

2. Thy name be hallowed. Help us, Lord,
In purity to keep Thy Word,
That to the glory of thy name
We walk before Thee free from blame.
Let no false doctrine us pervert;
All poor, deluded souls convert.

3. Thy kingdom come. Thine let it be
In time and in eternity.
Let Thy good Spirit e'er be nigh
Our hearts with graces to supply.
Break Satan's power, defeat his rage;
Preserve Thy Church from age to age.

4. Thy gracious will on earth be done
As 'tis in heaven before Thy throne;
Obedience in our weal and woe
And patience in all grief bestow.
Curb flesh and blood and every ill
That sets itself against Thy will.

5. Give us this day our daily bread
And let us all be clothed and fed.
From war and strife be our Defense,
From famine and from pestilence,
That we may live in godly peace,
Free from all care and avarice.

6. Forgive our sins, Lord, we implore,
Remove from us their burden sore,
As we their trespasses forgive
Who by offenses us do grieve.
Thus let us dwell in charity
And serve our brother willingly.

7. Into temptation lead us not.
When evil foes against us plot
And vex our souls on every hand,
Oh, give us strength that we may stand
Firm in the faith, a well-armed host,
Through comfort of the Holy Ghost!

8. From evil, Lord, deliver us;
The times and days are perilous.
Redeem us from eternal death,
And when we yield our dying breath,
Console us, grant us calm release,
And take our souls to Thee in peace.

9. Amen, that is, So shall it be.
Confirm our faith and hope in Thee
That we may doubt not, but believe
What here we ask we shall receive.
Thus in Thy name and at Thy word
We say: Amen. Oh, hear us, Lord! Amen.

Hymn 458
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Matt. 6:9 ff.
Author: Martin Luther
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Vater unser im Himmelreich"
Tune: "Vater unser"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Leipzig, 1539

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Church volunteer arrested for molesting boys in Oak Harbor - Whidbey News Times

Church volunteer arrested for molesting boys in Oak Harbor - Whidbey News Times:

Denounce this, Appleton. This kind of criminal is where Hochmuth and pals got their files for swapping on the Net.

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Appleton Gang Cries "Fowl!" (sic)

Anonymous said...

This is just par for the course for Greggy. This is, in fact, one of the chief ways in which he operates.

Cry fowl (sic) whenever someone points out that this is breaking the Eighth Commandment.


GJ - Notice that the fake blog does not denounce Andy Stanley, but me...again. Par for the course. They still love Andy Stanley, because they hate sound doctrine.

The illiterates are the stars of WELS, and Synod President Mark Schroeder has only made it worse since assuming office. All the Changers have been rewarded under Schroeder, and the money management is even worse than Gurgle's.


His latest masterpiece? A whole Hitler video dedicated to one misspelled word in my last post! By the way, his Hitler videos are very much like the song parodies he used to publish -- very little humor and very little understanding of the rhythm of the format.


GJ - You do make us laugh a lot, Tim, but we are laughing at you and your cowardly Klan.

Stern Warnings from Concordia, Ft. Wayne - And the Appleton Dumpling Gang

His personal motto, from Craig Groeschel -
"In order to reach people no one else is reaching
we must do things no one else is doing."
Graduation ceremonies at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne warned against "hateful" blogs. Considering how bland most of them are, that sounds odd.

Meanwhile, the WELS colleges are banning this humble effort by name. Woe unto the student who reads Ichabod and is edified. Martin Luther College (sic) has not published Luther's Sermons on its website, but the college routinely directs its brain-washed students to follow the lead of false teachers.

The Appleton Dumpling Gang (WELS) is crying slander because identified their affinity with Babtist Andy Stanley. But Ski's blog bragging about worshiping with Stanley is still online. I copied part of Ski's Blog about Drive 08 in this post.

The recent Ichabod post points out the shift in the Emergent Churches (Andy Stanley in particular) in supporting homosexuality. This blog has extensive information about the Emergent Churches, including devastating information about Stanley's "ministry" in particular.

Groeschel to Stanley: "How long do we hold this phony pose?"
Stanley: "I am trying to reach a new group in mah church."

It is no secret that Tim Glende, Ski, and the Appleton gang run down to Stanley Drive Conferences and plagiarize Craig Groeschel in particular. Stanley and Groeschel work together in holding high-priced ministry conferences.

No other Lutheran pastors have spent more time with false teachers than Ski and Glende - except for their leader Mark Jeske.

Mark Jeske - not a Photoshop

Even in the Babtist South, Stanley cannot admit to being a Babtist. Therefore, his slide into Biblical apostasy should be no shock to anyone.

The fake blog is good at denouncing. In several years the only posts have been denouncing posts - silly, stupid, illiterate, and hateful - but consistently denouncing. The orthodox Ichabod readers will wait patiently for Glende, Ski, Parlow, and the rest to denounce the lavender ministry of their hero, Andy Stanley.


Febreze has left a new comment on your post "Ski's Journal Still Online: Drive ’08 - Pastor’s C...":

The WELS COP will hunt down and find out who attends the Intrepid Lutheran conference and therefore put them on a, uh, let's just say, "watch" list. But when a WELS pastor wants to go down and learn from people who don't believe in the means of grace, then they will be defended and promoted.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Stern Warnings from Concordia, Ft. Wayne - And the...":

About the "hateful blogs," that isn't an exact quote, I think. The source is from the sermon by District President Bonack's (spelling?) of one of the LCMS' 35 districts. His sermon starts at about minute 35 here:

He mentions in jest a "Lutheran satire blog" at minute 41:24.

Then he talks about "fierce wolves" and Satan, and between 48:57--49:13 he says "and blogging slander against your brothers in the ministry in the name of 'correcting' their doctrine is a twisted thing. This is not life together. It is sinful--for which you will need to repent." He used finger quotes around "correcting."


Other archived videos can be found here:

Ski's Journal Still Online: Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point

Drive ’08 - Pastor’s Conference - North Point:


Pastor Ski - St. Marcus - Milwaukee
Pastor John Parlow - St. Mark - Depere
A Healthy Staff Culture
- Jeff Henderson
“Leaders don’t get people, they attract them”
- Andy Stanley


Whew!  Day 5, it has been a heck of a road trip.  Today was the last day.  As you can see it was jam packed.  Before I get into Day 5... Let me just say this, “We should have sat in traffic to go to the Brown Bridge Campus!”  Buske & I were bitter.  Remember that I had said John got frustrated sitting the parking lot for 30 minutes?  So we went to dinner & called it a night.  Well, on Day 5 they showed the video for what happened at Brown Bridge.  Sweet cookout, the food looked awesome, games and fellowship outside (without snow or cold, I might add) and then a surprise JEFF FOXWORTHY show.  Man, how are they gonna top that next year?

Anyway, Day 5.  It is kind of crazy, just when you think it can’t get any better, it does.  Well, sort of.  In the morning they had Q & As for different groups.  I went to one that was about linking adults into small group studies.  It was well done, but for me it is difficult because everyone is looking for concrete answers on how to solve their own personal small group issues.  Many of the questions didn’t apply for us at St. Marcus.  However, the leaders were great and had a ton of info.
My final breakout session was entitled Parental Guidance Required.  The leader was Clay Scroggins.  He kind of looked like Steve James (he’s a St. Marcus member, Steve that is) but he talked with a Texas drawl.  He was high energy.  Based on his presentation and his passion for kids, I imagine that he rocked it out with kids.  The gist of his session was that what happens in the home has a greater influence on the spiritual life of children than what happens at church.  Based on that it becomes imperative that parents & the church partner.  Here are the steps that North Point uses:
  1. 1.Inform Parents - inform them about what is being taught to their children.
  2. 2.Partner With Parents - invite parents to be in an environment with their children.
  3. 3.Equip Parents - provide parents with the tools to assist in the spiritual development of their children.
Pretty good points and a really good session.  
After that session we broke for lunch.  John took off for the airport, so Buske and I were on our own.  That might sound a little scary, but it is true.
The final Main Session with Andy Stanley was just phenomenal.  We began with awesome worship.  Today though, they began with a Christian rapper, Toby Mac.  Our school kids would have loved it.  I’m not sure that they would have believed that it was church though.
When Andy began his session.  He started by saying that he was not going to follow his notes in the Drive ’08 Journal Book.  Instead he was going to do something that he called, “Recent Random Thoughts On Church Leadership.”  He shared 5 points and 5 takeaways.  I think that he was at his absolute best this afternoon.  Here are the 5 point & takeaways:
  1. 1.To reach people no one else is reaching we must do things no one else is doing.
Takeaway - Become preoccupied with those you haven’t reached as opposed to those you keep.  This is easier said than done.
Wow, it seems so simple.  And yet so hard.
  1. 2.The next generation product almost never comes from the previous generation.
Takeaway - Be a student not a critic.
What more can be said?  How do we approach things?  When things are different & involve change are we scared?  Do we criticize or do we look to learn and implement?
  1. 3.What do I believe is impossible to do in my field?  But if it could be done it would fundamentally change my business.
Takeaway - Pay attention to the people who are breaking the rules.
Crazy sounding isn’t it?  We can fight technology and change, but in the end it will pass us and we will become archaic and irrelevant.  Not our Message, but the manner in which we present it.  Who would have ever thought texting would be as big as it is?  How about multi-site church?  Video church?  These are all things that have changed how we worship.
  1. 4.If we got kicked out & the board brought in a new CEO what would they do?  Why shouldn’t we walk out the door & then come back in & do it ourselves?
Takeaway - Acknowledge what is NOT working & own up to why you are unwilling to change it.
Some thoughts on this - rarely does the church (in general) get concerned about change until they run out of money.  What if we asked some questions before it was too late?
  1. a.What’s in decline?
  2. b.Where are we manufacturing energy? In other words pretending something is important.  An example would be if I continued to say that Bible Study was important, but never attended.  I’m blowing hot air, “manufacturing energy.”  I don’t believe that anyone wants to stand behind that or get involved in something like that.
  3. c.Finally, when are we going to unearth all underlying assumptions?  Sometimes, what we assume, is not the reality.  Are we willing to dig to find out the truth or are we happy with assuming? 
  4. 5.When your memories exceed your dreams the end is near.
Takeaway - Don’t let success or momentum overshadow your vision.  Keep the out front.
How quickly can we be satisfied?  How often do we look at things and say, “Well, it’s not great but it is better than such and such church.” Scary, but we sometimes fool ourselves into thinking like this.  Some questions to ponder:
  1. a.What the burden on your heart? (sic, yo)
  2. b.What breaks your heart?
That was it.  After that Andy just ended and prayed for all the people there & for there ministries.  As you can see from the pictures above, Buske & I got to get a picture with Andy, pretty cool.  He is way down to earth.  His wife Sandra was there also and she is just great.  We actually got to talk to her a little more than Andy.  You also notice John with the North Point member who played Bender in one of their sermon series called “Twisted”.  The series was all about how Satan twists God’s Word.  Finally, there is a photo of Buske & Todd Fields.  I’m a little bitter about that one, but you’ll need to ask me why.
Thanks to everyone who read this while I was gone.  Be looking for some cool stuff that we will be implementing at St. Marcus, especially in Sunday Night.  Thanks also for all the patience.  Writing this thing mostly between 1 AM & 2 AM means that there are probably a ton spelling and grammar mistakes.  I can’t wait to see you guys on Sunday.  Check out the Picture Page for some added photos from Drive ’08.
I’m out!

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"Spontaneous" Arranged and coached dance at Drive 09


Andy Stanley is on the left, Ski on the right.
A reader says: "Short version:  Andy Stanley (the 3 star general of Emergent Churches) tells his congregation a homosexual couple cannot serve as greeters in his church because (...drumroll...) one of the partners (sic/sick) has not yet divorced his wife.   Affirms homosexuality as just 'modern family.'"


You see, looming only slightly off the horizon of the mainstream evangelical community there is indeed a same-sex storm that’s right now gathering hurricane force.
Let me also tell you that the evil influence of the Emerging Church[1] is really going to be felt in the arena of a growing acceptance within evangelicalism that the deviant and sinful lifestyle of having sexual relations with another of the same sex, i.e homosexuality, is a viable one for the regenerated Christian.
The core EC doctrine of pietistic Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism (CSM)[2] has horribly corrupted younger sectors of evangelicalism, which have now largely abandoned the proper Christian spirituality of sola Scriptura. Unfortunately, once one does this, fallen human reasoning becomes the only criterion left when it comes to judging whether or not God has spoken.
If you want to know where the battle lines will be drawn, then take a good look at the mortally wounded mainline denominations who long ago gave in to the Cult of Liberalism and kicked out sola Scriptura as well. Behold the new progressive/liberal rebels against the authority of the Bible masquerading as evangelicals like gay-affirming “pastor” Jay Bakker[3].
You need to know that Bakker, who is good friends with EC guru Brian McLaren and EC progressive theologian Tony Jones[4], is the tip-of-the-spear for this EC area of attack upon proper Biblical Christianity. He’s also a perfect example of the new Morris Alpert “nothing more than feelings” theology that’s fast becoming such an integral part of mainstream evangelcalism.
Now we’re on the proper part of the battlefield for me to show you that a few days ago Southern Baptist megapastor Rick Warren would tweet to Dr. Al Mohler, also SBC:

Somehow, even though it’s also a mega issue, I doubt that will make its way into CP. But be that as it may, this all actually started with another Southern Baptist pastor by the name of Andy Stanley. You may know he’s the son of über-popular former two-time SBC president Dr. Charles Stanley. However, what you may not know is that Andy Stanley’s most certainly no lightweight.

In fact, Stanley’s a major player in the Seeker Driven set and a pastor to his protégé prophet-pastors such as Steven Furtick. As that CP story points out, Mohler expressed:

concerns over a recent message preached by Andy Stanley, pastor of North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga. As he described the account of a gay couple, Stanley mentioned the sin of adultery (one partner was still married to his wife) but did not affirm the sinfulness of homosexuality.

“The inescapable impression left by the account was that the sin of concern was adultery, but not homosexuality,” Mohler wrote, adding that he hopes Stanley will clarify his view on the issue. (Online source)

The sermon in question, When Gracie Met Truthy, is part 5 of his Christian series and was preached on 4/15/12. More on that in a moment. First, because Stanley’s very highly respected in that attractional megachurch set Mohler’s post was titled Is The Megachurch the New Liberalism? In it Al Mohler noted:

The emergence of the megachurch as a model of metropolitan ministry is one of the defining marks of evangelical Christianity in the United States. (Online source)

After providing some history and background of the megachurch Mohler begins to look at theology. He points out:

One megachurch pastor in Florida recently told me that the megachurches in his area were abandoning concern for biblical gender roles on a wholesale basis. As one pastor told him, you cannot grow a church and teach biblical  complementarianism. Even greater pressure is now exerted by the sexual revolution in general, and, more particularly, the question of homosexuality. (Online source)

Well, we’re already beginning to see ostensibly conservative attractional churches rejecting the Biblical teaching concerning pastors, e.g. Word Faith Pastrix Christine Caine Preaches Sunday Morning Sermon For Steven Furtick. Mohler then uses the issue of divorce to inform us that in many megachurches, “Church discipline disappeared and personal autonomy reigned triumphant.”

He then asks a key question:

Is the same pattern now threatening on the issue of homosexuality? No congregation will escape this question, but the megachurches are, once again, on the leading edge. (Online source)

This brings Mohler around to the aforementioned sermon by Andy Stanley. Mohler writes:

A shot now reverberating around the evangelical world was fired by Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley in recent days. Preaching at North Point Community Church,… Early in the message he spoke of homosexuals in attendance, mentioning that some had shared with him that they had come to North Point because they were tired of messages in gay-affirming churches that did nothing but affirm homosexuality. (Online source)

At first this might seem odd to you; but having much experience in dealing with the pro-homosexual lobby I can tell you that some so-called gay Christians have rather novel ways of interpreting Scripture so as to make it seem as if the Bible itself affirms homosexual behavior. So, for these practicing LGBT people, they prefer a more conservative church than those in liberal mainline denominations.

Mohler then turns to the section of Andy Stanley’s sermon which you’ll be able to watch for yourself in the video clip below:

in the most intense part of his message, Stanley told the congregation an account meant to illustrate his message. He told of a couple with a young daughter who divorced when the wife discovered that the husband was in a sexual relationship with another man. The woman then insisted that her former husband and his gay partner move to another congregation.

They did move, but to another North Point location, where they volunteered together as part of a “host team.” The woman later told Andy Stanley that her former husband and his partner were now involved as volunteers in the other congregational location.

The story took a strange turn when Stanley then explained that he had learned that the former husband’s gay partner was still married. Stanley then explained that the partner was actually committing adultery, and that the adultery was incompatible with his service on a host team. Stanley told the two men that they could not serve on the host team so long as the one man was still married.

He later told of the former wife’s decision not to live in bitterness, and of her initiative to bring the whole new family structure to a Christmas service. This included the woman, her daughter, her former husband, his gay partner, and his daughter. Stanley celebrated this new “modern family” as an expression of forgiveness. (Online source)

Now Mohler does mention that Stanley did share “Christ’s death for sinners,” however Stanley:

told the congregation that Jesus does not condemn them, even if they cannot or do not leave their life of sin. Declaring the death of Christ as atonement for sin is orthodox Christianity and this declaration is essential to the Gospel of Christ.

The problem was that Stanley never mentioned faith or repentance — which are equally essential to the Gospel. There is indeed no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, but this defines those who have acted in repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21). As for those who are not in Christ, they stand condemned already (John 3:18). (Online source)

If that wasn’t bad enough on Stanley’s part Mohler correctly tells us:

The most puzzling and shocking part of the message was the illustration and the account of the homosexual couple, however. The inescapable impression left by the account was that the sin of concern was adultery, but not homosexuality. Stanley clearly and repeatedly stressed the sin of adultery, but then left the reality of the homosexual relationship between the two men unaddressed as sin.

To the contrary, he seemed to normalize their relationship. They would be allowed to serve on the host team if both were divorced. The moral status of their relationship seemed to be questioned only in terms of adultery, with no moral judgment on their homosexuality. (Online source)

Mohler goes on to make another very important point concerning liberalism, and as he does, you should see the clear parallel with Seeker Driven attractional methodology:

One of those temptations is to use to use the argument that our message has to change in order to reach people. This was the impetus of theological liberalism’s origin. Liberals such as Harry Emerson Fosdick claimed that the Christian message would have to change or the church would lose all intellectual credibility in the modern world. Fosdick ended up denying the Gospel and transforming the message of the Cross into psychology.

Norman Vincent Peale came along and made this transformation even more appealing to a mass audience. Fosdick and Peale have no shortage of modern heirs. Theological liberalism did not set out to destroy Christianity, but to save it from itself. Is the same temptation now evident?
(Online source)

As far as I’m concerned the answer is: Absolutely. That’s why those with ears that hear and hearts that understand can see that the worldly pragmatism of the Seeker Driven camp and the postmodern neo-liberalism of the Emergent one are but two sides of the same man-centered coin. Consider the following from when Andy Stanley and his father Charles shared a platform at the Southern Baptist Pastors Conference in June of 2010.

There the younger Stanley discussed his pragmatic Church Growth Movement business model approach to church:

Andy recalled when, in the early 1990s, the Atlanta-based Chick-fil-A restaurants were facing stiff competition from the upstart Boston Market. Chick-fil-A leaders were trying to figure out how Chick-fil-A could get bigger, faster. Company founder Truett Cathy pounded on the table and said, “I am sick and tired of listening to you talk about how we can get bigger. If we get better, our customers will demand we get bigger.”

Applying Cathy’s prescription to church growth, Stanley said that getting better, and ultimately bigger, requires evaluation and clarification. “I think the local church should be the best-run organization in your town,” he said, because the church is “the vehicle through which the gospel is fed to and communicated to the whole world.”

Stanley cited the Intel Corporation, whose ever-escalating battle with Japanese companies in manufacturing computer chips ultimately caused the company to diversify and stop making the component. Intel leaders realized they needed to abandon their emotional attachment to what they’d always done and if they didn’t, they’d soon be out of the computer chip business.

Stanley lamented that “we fall in love with the way we do ministry.” (Online source)

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