Friday, January 25, 2013

Lutheran Bunko Artist Working on His Clueless Prize from NWC's Voss

Luther is talking about WELS and Missouri here.

Luther Bunker has left a new comment on your post "The Light Sabre of UOJ":

I have read that blogging is on the way out. No doubt posts like this contribute to the trend since there is no substance. Really, it is a waste of bandwidth. I know, I know, 3100 views a day, right? 

But, how do you quantify why they are coming to your blog? Do they come for real, confessional and responsible reporting? 

Or, is it the sensational 'TMZ' pop/gossip style of reporting that is so passe? Really. Luther is rolling over in is grave if you think this is polemic. 
Rationalism is at the heart of UOJ and Church Growth,
both of which are abysmal failures among the SynCons.


GJ - I have been looking for a way to mention the favorite content of the blog. The most popular posts are easy to look up. The summary is always published on the bottom of the page. Here is the insider's look at the last 30 days -



The top post is a quotation from Luther, and it is also the top post since Google began their statistics, with about 17,000 views. 

The second most popular is the Apology of the Augsburg Confession. I have posted most of the Book of Concord on the blog, and people use those posts all the time. One stop shopping for Lutheran Orthodoxy.

A sermon from Luther is on the top ten. I have also published the entire 8 volume Luther's Sermons set, edited by Lenker.

This only proves that people want what I favor the most - doctrinal content from the Reformation and the Book of Concord.

Compare FICKLE, run by women. There is no doctrinal content at all. John Brenner (Slick) used to call it The Ladies Home Companion, and that was before it really went downhill.

Or Prexy Pete's Infallible Epistle. Perhaps Bunko has read that. Perhaps he wrote it. What a leader! 

The WELS DPs could not lead six drunks to the restroom - and we all know they have tried their best at the COP meetings.

Photos: Joe Rosenthal and Iwo Jima - Plog

On War: Joe Rosenthal and Iwo Jima, the pictures

Photos: Joe Rosenthal and Iwo Jima - Plog:

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The Light Sabre of UOJ

Tim Rossow addresses justification by faith adherents as "you morons"
and erases all Steadfast (sic) Lutheran (sic) evidence of LCMS complicity
in sex abuse against minors.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "The Light Sabre of UOJ Ceremony. Gottesdienst Onli...":

If Rev. Rolf Preus ought to get the Saber of Boldness aware for leaving one synod, getting kicked out of another, and being stymied at getting back into the synod he left, then Dr. Jackson deserves the Saber of Boldness award four times over! :)

Anti-JBF Rev. Tim Rossow with his cat reminds me of an arch villian:

What's new?  

Archdiocese says bankruptcy 'dire situation' but 'Church isn't going out of business' - TODAY'S TMJ4.
WELS and Missouri Are Next

Archdiocese says bankruptcy 'dire situation' but 'Church isn't going out of business' - TODAY'S TMJ4:

MILWAUKEE - The chief of staff of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee says bankruptcy proceedings are putting Milwaukee's Catholic Church in a 'dire situation.'

However, Jerry Topczewski told Newsradio 620 WTMJ's "Wisconsin's Morning News" that "The Church isn't going out of business by any means."

The Journal Sentinel reports that the Archdiocese filed court documents showing that it's losing so much money on legal fees that, under current legal demands, it will no longer be able to pay its regular operational expenses after Easter Sunday.

It's asking Federal Judge Susan Kelley to let them stop making payments to lawyers except for reorganization.

"It's a dire situation in the sense that the Archdiocese does not have a lot of resources.  A lot of people think the Church is rich.  Financially, the Archdiocese runs on a very small, balanced budget," explained Topczewski.

"The Archdiocese has expenses.  Those moneys have been eaten up by attorneys as we try to move through this bankruptcy in a responsible way."

He also detailed how money parishioners donated in offerings during Mass and other appeals would not go to pay lawyers.

"We've been very good caretakers of their money.  When they contribute, money (isn't) used for attorneys, for court fees.  Those monies go for service.  They know their money is going to help people."

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GJ - Archbishop Weakland, homosexual Roman Catholic priest, helped Milwaukee go downhill with his embezzlement of funds to pay off his boyfriend, and mismanagement of church funds. No wonder the Church and Changers wanted him to lecture the public.

Manti Te'o's Interview with Katie Couric: What We Can and Can't Believe | Bleacher Report

As George Orwell said before he died,
evasive answers are being as a substitute for the truth.
For tips on this, see WELS, LCMS, ELS, and the micro-minis.

Manti Te'o's Interview with Katie Couric: What We Can and Can't Believe | Bleacher Report:

The biggest lie, which Couric let dangle before moving on, was Te'o's interaction with Kekua on her trip to Hawaii. 
"I asked my dad if I could go sleep over one of my friend's houses and while I'm sleeping over we made plans. [I said] 'okay dad I'm going to try to make plans to meet up with her.' That night when I brought it up [to Lennay], 'oh, my brothers are using my car.' 
"Since she's not from Hawaii I know she didn't have multiple cars. They had one car, a rental car. And she said, 'they have it, I'm over at the hotel and I can't go anywhere, can you come over here?'

"It's one of those things where it didn't happen."
You of those things.
This is an unacceptable answer and Couric did a disservice to the viewers by allowingTe'o to change the topic back to lying to his father about seeing her, not the fact that he doesn't have any viable answer for not seeing her at all.
If, at that point in the story, Te'o believed Kekua was alive, why didn't he drive to the hotel to see her? How long was she staying in Hawaii, and why did he make zero effort to see her over the course of her trip?
If her brothers were there and took the car, why didn't they offer to drop her off? Why didn't Te'o borrow his dad's car or ask the friend he was staying with to drive him?
Why didn't Te'o make plans to see her in the morning for breakfast? HOW WERE NONE OF THESE FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS ASKED!?!?

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GJ -

Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. 
George Orwell 

Live by Demographics - Die by Demographics

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Grace, St. Timothy Lutheran churches become one - ...":

Recently, I was discussing some changes in demographics with a friend of mine. I brought up the trend toward lower marriage rates in this country. The CGM used demographics as a tool to allegedly help them reach more of the lost. All of this has backfired on them. 

If the growthers were really serious, they would look at the fact that many simply do not care about institutions any more. The megachurch model is faulted with their "Bible studies" which are nothing more than a book of the month club. 

There is a latency effect as congregations simply cannot keep enough members to pay the mortgage on their expansion programs. Many cannot even cover their overhead. Anyone who thinks that this scenario will turn around soon is delusional. 


GJ - Robert Schuller built a monument to himself, "to reach the unchurched," but the neighborhood changed and people moved away. He was stuck with an over-mortgaged Philip Johnson spectacular he could not support. When televangelists run out of money, they lose stations. When they lose stations, they get even less money.

WELS will keep excommunicating members and pastors until the last few share the endowment funds and Thrivent loot.

The Light Sabre of UOJ Ceremony.
Gottesdienst Online

Gottesdienst Online:

"Sabre of Boldness ceremony Thursday
Thursday, January 24th, the annual Sabre of Boldness ceremony will be held at about 8:30 pm in the seminary commons area. This year we have amplification, so everyone should be able to hear just fine.  You may bring libations with you. In fact, if you don't bring libations with you, you might be without them.

Here is the official list of nominees, in no particular order.  Not all the submitted names made this list.  Details pertaining to each, and the announcement of the recipient, will be posted.

1.  Bishop Amos Bolay
Lutheran Church of Liberia

2.  Rev. Jim Matthews
Grace Lutheran Church
Tacoma, Washington

3.  Rev. Joshua Gale
Shepherd of the City Lutheran Church

4. Rev. Rolf Preus - Does not comprehend father's last book, declares war on JBFA. Bold!
three point parish
Mayville, North Dakota

5. Mrs. Katie Schuermann
Sherman, Illinois

6. Rev. Michael Frese
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Fort Wayne, Indiana

7. Rev. Tim Rossow - Calls justification by faith adherents "morons." Erases sex abuse evidence. Bold!
Bethany Lutheran Church
Naperville, Illinois"

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