Saturday, March 5, 2011

Words of Wisdom from Another Blog

Anonymous said...
I'm with you on that idea Adam! I have consistently heard through the years and continuing to this day, that the word "synod" means "walking together".

There are just so many people, and that includes these clergy members as well as others,that have decided to take some hikes of their own off the path so well marked in God's Word, blazed for us by our Savior Jesus. They don't want to "walk together" and are so proud of their new paths and the "success" they are having along the "new" trails.

Well, I may be outwardly trying to hang on to the shreds of youth that I have left, but as a result of the experiences I've had in my spiritual life, I've gained enough wisdom to know the following is true: When a person is following God's Word and trying to follow Him, life is going to be a struggle because Satan wants you in his sheep pen and won't be happy until you are.

Likewise, things are substantially easier when we follow our own paths... Satan doesn't need to bother with what's already his.

I believe it's time to do a little gardening pull the weeds from the trail as well as the dead wheat on the rocky ground that are obscuring the path that God laid out for those who are walking together on the narrow path... "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!" (Matthew 11:15) Let's all be listening to the true God - the one in the Bible! Linda Sasieta


GJ - I do not know Linda S., but her words jumped out as a concise summary of the entire issue.