Friday, March 1, 2013

UOJ Invented from Ephesians 2:8 - Another Example of WELS Dishonesty

Faith! WELS, Radcliff, Kentucky

KJV Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 


GJ - Even their precious NNIV has this -

Ephesians 2:8

New International Version (NIV)
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Invented from Ephesians 2:8 - Another Example ...":

And they had plenty of blank space on the sign to put "through faith," or at least "thru faith". Any excuse will do for UOJers to omit JBF.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "UOJ Invented from Ephesians 2:8 - Another Example ...":

This particular church will, no doubt be commended by their parent Universalist wayward WELS synod.

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - "Oh, Pastor A. Postate, I am so glad you are giving due credit to grace and not falling prey to that Calvinistic faith business."

"Thank you, DP Hategood. Our beloved seminary and our beloved synod warned me against paying too much attention to Uncle Marty [Luther]  - and that has been good for me and my congregation."

Church Organizations Are Lawless - Hiding Behind Trust Built Up from the Past

Milwaukee Archbishop R. Weakland set a record for
bad management, homosexual activism,
and his own boyfriend blackmail scandal.
So Wisconsin Lutheran College hired him to lecture to the public!

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Failure To Supervise Is a Legal Issue - A Liabilit...":

Apparently, the private sector companies have higher standards than many so called Christian denominations. I just recently went through my company's anti-corruption training. Like the sexual harassment training, this is required for all employees once a year. Special favors, kickbacks, influence peddling by employees most certainly can get their supervisors in trouble. At the very least, it shows negligence. Even illegal activities by third parties under contract is enough cause for investigation.


GJ - Things have changed. Now, when a cardinal's name is mentioned for the office of Antichrist, the newspapers say, "He is being sidelined by questions about covering up for his priests." Or - he is going to the conclave, but he should not, because of his record for covering up for his priests.

Archbishop Weakland was so corrupt and immoral that Wisconsin Lutheran College had to have him lecture to the public. Not only that - his priests were part of the package deal. WELS had two sets of lies about that debacle. One was that it was a private luncheon. (Although that was another deception - why is that better?) The second, always useful for WLC - the college is not WELS.


Daryl Meyer has left a new comment on your post "The Know-Nothings in Fox Valley, WELS...They Know ...":

Regarding the graphic "Sex Ed at The Core", yes, yes I can think of someone more inappropriate for the FVLHS sex ed role...Hochmuth. But he's unavailable at the moment. I'm sure he was the first choice, though.

"That's funny, Daryl."


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Church Organizations Are Lawless - Hiding Behind T...":

About "WLC - the college is not WELS."

More like "WLC - the college is not WELS, except when it is."


GJ - WLC is not WELS unless it is raising funds.

Fox Valley Pastor Joel Lillo Smirks - The Joke's On You, WELS.

This alleged incident
took place six months ago.

Pastor Joel Lillo has left a new comment on your post "Does Ski Skate? Friday Is the Big Day for the Trut...":

So, how did the massive Ichabod assault on the Love Shack go? I expect a battlefield report shortly.


quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Third World Skeptic Asks about The CORE, Ski, and ...":

All things considered, St. Peter must be $2 million into this CORE fiasco. How much was the remodel cost lost when they lost that theater? How much was the electric bill for Ski to watch baseball games on the big screen with all the subwoofers thumping, let along Ski's non-African salary? Popcorn is cheap at Costco, so that's a gimme. Apparently dry cleaning vestments isn't an issue, either.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Who Owns the Title to This Newest Stewardship Fail...":

related post:

Dr. Church Asks, "Is The CORE Necessary with So Many Churches Nearby?" FEBRUARY 27, 2013


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Gerhard on “justifies the ungodly” – Romans 4:5 | ...":

Ichabod -

On the basis of what Gerhard has said; it must be concluded that he is anathema with the universal objective justification enthusiasts. It is no wonder why some of them go a whoring over WELS and its Jeske "Time of Grace," UOJ compadre. "Come to the altar for Christ," Billy Graham, would be proud of his decision theology Lutheran first cousins.......

Nathan M. Bickel


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Contact Information To Clear Up Fox Valley Mystery...":

The Core's "Love Struck" pietistic cell group series continues...


"One of our students is reading Ichabod?!"

St. Peter uses this motivation to get people to join their cell groups.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Third World Skeptic Asks about The CORE, Ski, and ...":

Ichabod -

Apparently, you are referring to the makeshift bar building that has been transformed in chameleon style into some sort of modern "church growth" "sanctuary." I understand that this is the expensive piece of property and building, called the CORE, in which all sorts of antics and ploys are employed to call sinners to repentance - one of which is defacing the Cross of Christ.

Such molestation of Christ's Cross will certainly bring God's just curse. How can this supposed "Christian" congregation ever sing the glorious hymn, "In the Cross of Christ I glory," with their church's cross all cluttered and mangled with all that stapled stuff? Certainly this people of the CORE have ignored the First Commandment. None other than the the sculptor's image of Christ is to be on the cross.

Nathan M. Bickel

Gerhard on “justifies the ungodly” – Romans 4:5 | Faith Alone Justifies

Gerhard on “justifies the ungodly” – Romans 4:5 | Faith Alone Justifies:

Gerhard on “justifies the ungodly” – Romans 4:5

Romans 4:5 – But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness. (NKJV)
Many modern Lutherans take the phrase “who justifies the ungodly” to mean that God has already “objectively” justified all the ungodly who have ever lived, without faith.  This is not only contrary to the text, it is also contrary to the historic Lutheran understanding of the text. Here is Johann Gerhard’s interpretation of that phrase in Romans 4:5.
From Johann Gerhard’s commentary on the first six chapters of Romans (translation mine):
With ἀσεβῆ [ungodly], the ungodly is not understood as remaining securely in his ungodliness without repentance (Prov. 17:15), but as he comes out of it through repentance and faith.  This one is judged as righteous before the judgment of God through the imputed righteousness of Christ and is absolved from sins, since compensation has been made for his sins through the satisfaction of Christ.  Therefore, such a penitent and believing man, who is certainly ungodly and sinful in himself, is nonetheless righteous in Christ through faith.

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