Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Caro Michigan Community Schools: Public school principal under the poisonous paranoid influence of political correctness |

Caro Michigan Community Schools: Public school principal under the poisonous paranoid influence of political correctness |

Caro Michigan Community Schools: Public school principal under the poisonous paranoid influence of political correctness

Pic of Principal Susan Wright, apparent self-appointed political correctness defender, who by her intolerant and insensitive actions toward a 9 year old child, makes public school taxpayers wonder what type of people are allowed to educate their priceless children. Note: The pic taken from the Caro MI Community Schools website.
Pic of Principal Susan Wright, apparent self-appointed political correctness defender, who by her intolerant and insensitive actions toward a 9 year old child, makes public school taxpayers wonder what type of people are allowed to educate their priceless children. Note: Above pic taken from the Caro, MI Community Schools website.
Earlier this month a 9 year old third grade boy was sent home from school with his politically incorrect “poisonous” cupcakes.
Apparently, the taxpayer funded public school principal couldn’t “handle” the small figurine toys which were placed upon the cupcakes, (intended by the small and innocent child) for decorative purposes. According to the paranoid principal, Susan Wright, the cupcakes [in her limited world-view] were “insensitive.” [Aka - "'politically incorrect"]
The obviously offended school principal defended her insensitive and intolerant decision to remove the toy decorations and send them home with the boy. Her remarks smacked a paranoid type of (needless fearful) insecurity. Had she exhibited some basic teaching and people communication skills, this public school taxpayer funded educator / administrator could have been versatile (enough) to have turned the toy decorations into a teaching moment. She could have (morally  and legally) allowed the toy World War II figurines and asked the boy’s teacher to teach the third grade class about American patriots who helped save the world from Hitler’s Nazi Germany and the Nazi’s evil quest for world dominance. But, sadly and pathetically, that did not happen. Teaching children political correctness [by modeling it] is way too much more important that teaching them some good morals and to differentiate between right from wrong, and to appreciate their patriotic forefathers.
The public school principal’s political correctness actions toward the boy and his parents, illustrates the taxpayer funded public teaching profession’s degenerative downward slide towards absurdity and intolerance. Please read the following excerpt with accompanying pics and captions:
>>>>>>>> Excerpt:
Casey Fountain told Fox News that the principal of his son’s elementary school called the cupcakes “insensitive” — in light of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
“It disgusted me,” he said. “It’s vile they lump true American heroes with psychopathic killers.”
Fountain’s wife made a batch of 30 chocolate cupcakes for their son Hunter’s classmates at Schall Elementary School in the town of Caro. The 9-year-old helped decorate the treats with plastic figurines representing World War Two soldiers.
The following morning Fountain said his wife delivered the cupcakes to the front office. The secretary complimented her on the decorations and then took the cakes to Hunter’s class.
What type of future does Caro's Elementary Schall School want for precious youth? Does she want for them to emulate her fears? Does she want herself as a model of the culture's decadent and paranoid political correctness?
What type of future does Caro’s Elementary Schall School Principal, desire for precious youth? Does she want for them to emulate her fears? Does she desire herself to be a model of the culture’s decadent and paranoid political correctness at the expense of reality?
“About 15 minutes later the school called my wife and told her the couldn’t serve the cupcakes because the soldiers had guns,” Fountain told Fox News. “My wife told them to remove the soldiers and serve the cupcakes anyway — and I believe she may have used more colorful language.”
The school complied and confiscated the soldiers — sending them home with Hunter in a bag.
“I was offended,” Fountain said. “I support our soldiers and what they stand for. These (plastic soldiers) are representations of World War Two soldiers – our greatest generation. If they aren’t allowed in our schools — who is?”
Principal Susan Wright released a statement to local media defending the decision.
Henry Knier, Jr. - Caro Community Schools Board Sec. Of 7 Board members, Knier and the Treasurer's [Bill Thayer's] pic are the only ones to appear on the Caro School's website page. There are no email addresses nor addresses given. Have these board members abrogated their responsibility toward the community's children? Will they stand idly by and not sanction Principal Wright for her intolerant personal actions of political correctness foolishness upon impressionable youth?
Henry Knier, Jr. – Caro Community Schools Board Sec. Of 7 Board members, Knier and the Treasurer’s [Bill Thayer's] pic are the only ones to appear on the Caro School’s website page. There are no email addresses nor addresses given. Have these board members abrogated their responsibility toward the community’s children? Will they stand idly by and not sanction insensitive  Principal Wright for her intolerant personal actions of political correctness foolishness upon impressionable youth?
“These are toys that were commonplace in the past,” she wrote. “However, some parents prohibit all guns as toys. In light of that difference, the school offered to replace the soldiers with another item and the soldiers were returned home with the student.”
“Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions,” she stated. “In the climate of recent events in schools we walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere.”
Fountain said it was beyond outrageous to compare American soldiers to deranged mass murderers.
“In our politically correct society they can’t separate the good from the bad,” he said. ”I’m sure hammers are allowed in schools — although a lot of people are killed by hammers.”
Principal Wright explained in her statement that she meant no disrespect to the military.
“By not permitting toy soldiers on cupcakes at school, no disrespect for our military or for the brave men and women who defend our rights to have our differences was intended,” she wrote. “Our commitment is always to our children and creating a safe place for them to learn, grow and have respectful dialogues about their differences.”
Fountain said his little boy is aware of the controversy but doesn’t quite understand what all the fuss is about.
“He’s nine-years-old,” Fountain said. “He was just glad to get his soldiers back.”
“It’s not about a toy,” he said. “It’s not about a cupcake. It’s what the toy represents — and we’re just taking political correctness too far.”  >>>>>>>>>>> -
Note from this author regarding the above article:
For those who would wish, I think that at this time, it would be useless contacting the aforementioned school principal. Susan Wright has made her contention clear. She is entrenched in her politically correct world. This author intends posting at least another article about this school principal’s intolerant and insensitive actions which were not only forced upon a 9 year old boy, but his parents and the whole surrounding community, etc.
For those who desire to voice your sentiments and opinions, please voice (or write them) to the School Board Members. Here, is the school’s less than desirable school board web page.This author will attempt to supply those interested with a way to contact them, individually. They, are the ones to hold the local school system accountable and responsible.
For now, here is the listing of Board members:
John Forshee, President; Dean Tomlinson, Vice-President; Henry Knier, Jr., Secretary; Lisa Graf, Trustee; Bill Thayer, Treasurer; Robert Fetting, Ttustee; Paul Strasz, Trustee
Posted by:
Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel

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Third World Questions about Ski, The CORE, and Tim Glende

What is happening at The CORE
and who is funding the fiasco?

quercuscontramalum ( has left a new comment on your post "Mid-Week Lenten Service - The Compassion of Christ...":

"Peter predicted, 2 Pet. 2:13, that there would be godless bishops, who would abuse the alms of the Church for luxury and neglect the ministry. Therefore [since the Holy Spirit in that connection utters dire threats] let those who defraud the Church know that they will pay God the penalty for this crime."

I cannot help but contrast the WELS Synod video boasting of the line of impoverished Pakistanis hearing of Jesus while waiting for our simple medical care versus the millions of dollars blown on the bar in Appleton. Per Twitter, they don't even use the bar for mid-week Lenten services.

The demi-popes withhold the Living Water from the thirsty, for their own vanities.


GJ - John 6:1-15. The fragments were gathered that nothing be wasted. And yet these fabulous Church and Change projects waste millions of dollars and accomplish almost nothing.

Will Keith Free and Mark Schroeder tell the truth about The CORE, funding, and Ski's demi-semi-suspension/vacation?

The supine clergy and laity let this happen.

"Who told you?"
Flogging will continue until morale improves.

Sean Brouch has left a new comment on your post "Third World Questions about Ski, The CORE, and Tim...":

You are correct! The Core's building did house a bar prior to The Core purchasing it. In fact it had changed hands several times as a bar with different owners and different names the last one being Revolutions. This purchase is a good move for God's Kingdom. The purchase took a former modern day Sodum (sic) and turned it into a place to worship the Lord. If you think of it this way it is like taking a Godless sinner and turning them into a strong Christian. Jesus' church is not a building and The Core's building is just a place for Christians to gather (Hebrews 10:24 & 10:25)that keeps them warm and dry. Before The Core's building housed several bars it was owned and used by a printing company. Do you hold ill will against printing companies as well?


GJ - Answer Sean or whatever your real name is - where is Ski?

Mid-Week Lenten Service - The Compassion of Christ

Mid-Week Lenten Vespers

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Worship, 6 PM Phoenix Time

The Hymn #462   I Love Thy Kingdom             4:21
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody                   Psalm 23                    p. 128
The Lection                            The Passion History

The Sermon Hymn #657            Beautiful Savior                    4:24

The Sermon –     The Compassion of Christ
The Prayers
The Lord’s Prayer
The Collect for Grace                                            p. 45

The Hymn #558               All Praise to Thee   2:9

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. 14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

The Compassion of Christ

The Human Nature of Christ should always be a source of greatest comfort for the Christian.

Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Two Messages
This passage has two powerful messages. The first one teaches us that the Word of God discerns exactly what we are like. When someone hears the Word, it is not simply hearing words written in a revered and ancient book. That individual, whatever his lot in life, is hearing the Holy Spirit speak, teach, admonish, and comfort.

For those who do not believe, the impact is great and may seem quite harsh or dramatic. That leads to greater resistance, hatred, and anger – or it collapses all the schemes and philosophies of man, especially his inward righteousness, which is exposed as false and delusional.

That is also the effect upon carnal security, the attitude of “I am in the right church and doing the right things, so everything is fine, no matter what.” That leads people into endorsing and even participating in the most heinous acts, because their fleshly security tells them they are just fine. The Word of God should shatter that concept.

For those reasons above, church officials warn against teaching the Word of God, because it gets people (including the officials) upset. Whether the problem is pure unbelief or the steps along the way (carnal security), the Word will be upsetting, irritating, and drama-producing. It is the action of the Holy Spirit.

The effect is just as strong upon sincere believers, and it is a good remedy for our ills. Because of our own weakness, the impact of the unbelieving world, and the ministrations of Satan, we are always being pulled away from godly contrition and the Gospel.

The believer longs for the Word just as we thirst for water after strenuous exercise, or for food after a long stretch without. When someone experiences discomfort and pain, he wants the doctor to find out what is wrong. Otherwise, there is no cure, or the wrong cure is applied. I recall a man whose family gathered around their father, who was about to die in the hospital. Then they found out he was on the wrong medications, changed them, and promptly went home in good health. There was a problem but the wrong cure also finished him off.

The Second Message
The cure provided by the Word of God is to remind us of the humanity of Christ. This is perhaps the most eloquent passage in the Bible about His human nature.
As all our listeners know, Hebrews is devoted to portraying Jesus as the great High Priest. But what kind?

15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

This is a verse we can dwell upon all year around. Often the divinity of Christ is emphasized to the exclusion of His humanity. But here we see portrayed the fact that Jesus shared all our infirmities and was tempted in every single way that we are tempted today.

That is the basis for the word “compassion” – to suffer with. Jesus understands our weaknesses and temptations because He experienced all of the same Himself, and yet He did not sin (because of His divine nature).

The atoning death of Christ is the portrayal of the Two Natures of Christ. As man, He suffered and died. As the Son of God, without sin, He suffered on our behalf. Nothing drives unbelievers into a rage more than this Gospel – Christ crucified.

As they say, “I reject this.” And – “No for my sins. I am a good person.” And they judge God’s Word by attacking God – “God is not like this, according to me.”

This is where faith does not take any side-bets and cannot compromise about the truth of God’s Word revealed. This is or it is not. This is the Son of God as revealed throughout the Scriptures.

Do you have a better and more concise description of the Two Natures than the verse above? I cannot imagine one. And it leads to this –

16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

The language is clear. Therefore, in conclusion, if you believe in the words before this, then the following is true and worthwhile for each believer.

We do not go to the Throne of God’s Grace because we are worthy, but because God understands, has compassion, and extends His complete and full forgiveness of our sins.

The language of man is always – I will be a better person, I will work harder. Do this, do that.

But God’s language begins with faith and grace. Trust in God’s love and mercy, free and plentiful. Faith informs what we do, but this begins with God’s grace and trust in His love.

And what is faith? True justification by faith means believing that all sins are removed and forgotten by God, because of the merits of sacrifice of Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God.

"That was the time of blindness when we knew nothing of God's Word, but led ourselves and others into misery by our own idle talk and dreams. And I was one of those who indeed bathed in this sweat or in this bath of anxiety. Therefore let us give heed that we may thoroughly grasp and retain this doctrine, if other fanatics and false spirits wish to attack it, so that we may be fore-armed and learn, while we have the time and the beloved sun again enlightens us, and buy while the market is at our door. For it will come to this when once these lights, which God now gives, have departed, Satan will not take a furlough until he raises up other fanatical spirits to do harm; as he has already commenced to do in many places during our generation. What shall take place after we are gone?"
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 192. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46.


"All Scripture ought to be distributed into these two principal topics, the Law and the promises."
Apology Augsburg Confession, IV. #5. Justification. Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 121. Tappert, p. 108. Heiser, p. 32.

"They teach that by contrition we merit grace. In reference to which, if any one should ask why Saul and Judas and similar persons, who were dreadfully contrite, did not obtain grace, the answer was to be taken from faith and according to the Gospel, that Judas did not believe, that he did not support himself by the Gospel and promise of Christ. For faith shows the distinction between the contrition of Judas and of Peter. But the adversaries take their answer from the Law, that Judas did not love God, but feared the punishments."
Apology Augsburg Confession, XII. #8. Penitence. Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 255. Tappert, p. 183. Heiser, p. 79.

"But the chief office or force of the Law is that it reveal original sin with all its fruits, and show man how very low his nature has fallen, and has become [fundamentally and] utterly corrupted; as the Law must tell man that he has no God nor regards [cares for] God, and worships other gods, a matter which before and without the Law he would not have believed. In this way he becomes terrified, is humbled, desponds, despairs, and anxiously desires aid, but sees no escape; he begins to be an enemy of [enraged at] God, and to murmur, etc. This is what Paul says, Romans 4:15: 'The Law worketh wrath.' And Romans 5:20: Sin is increased by the Law. [The Law entered that the offense might abound.'] Smalcald Articles, Third Part, II. #3. The Law.
Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 479. Tappert, p.303. Heiser, p. 142. Romans 5:20; Romans 4:15.

"But the only thing that was taught and advocated was: Invoke the Virgin Mary and other saints as your mediators and intercessors; fast often and pray much; make pilgrimages, enter cloisters and become monks, or pay for the saying of many masses and like works. And thus we imagined when we did these things we had merited heaven."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 191. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46

"The Law continually chastises us as sinners and transgressors, and threatens us with death and hell, until Christ comes and bestows His Spirit and His love, through the faith preached in the Gospel. Then we are freed from the Law. No longer it demands, no longer chastises, but lets the conscience rest. No more it terrifies with death and hell. It has become our kind friend and companion."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VI, p. 281. New Year's Day, Galatians 3:23-29

"It is now plain to whom Paul addresses the words of this verse--the work-righteous, who would become godly through the Law and its work, who consider the first office of the Law sufficiently effective to make them righteous. This doctrine gives rise to a class who might be styled 'Absalomites.' For as Absalom remained hanging by his head, in an oak tree, suspended between heaven and earth (2 Samuel 18:9), so this class hang between heaven and earth. Shut up by the Law, they do not touch the earth; they are restrained from the things their evil nature ardently desires. On the other hand, since the Law, powerless to improve their nature, only irritates and provokes it, making them enemies to the Law, they are not godly and so do not reach heaven."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VI, p. 277. New Year's Day, Galatians 3:23-29; 2 Samuel 18:9

"The Spirit is the ink or the inscription, yes, even the writer himself; but the pencil or pen and the hand of the writer is the ministry of Paul. This figure of a written epistle is, however, in accord with Scripture usage. Moses commands (Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 11, 18) that the Israelites write the Ten Commandments in all places where they walked or stood--upon the posts of their houses, and upon their gates, and ever have them before their eyes and in their hearts."
Sermons of Martin Luther, ed. John Nicolas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, VIII, p. 225. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 11, 18.

"But now, if we are to know Christ as our helper and Savior, then we must first know, out of what He can help us, not out of fire or water, or other bodily need and danger, but out of sin and the hatred of God. But whence do I know that I lie drowned in misery? From no other source than from the Law, that must show me what my loss and disease are, or I will never inquire for the Physician and His help."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 192. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46

"Since we are unable to keep the Law and it is impossible for the natural man to do so, Christ came and stepped between the Father and us, and prays for us: Beloved Father, be gracious unto them and forgive them their sins. I will take upon Me their transgressions and bear them; I love Thee with my whole heart, and in addition the entire human race, and this I will prove by shedding My blood for mankind. Moreover, I have fulfilled the Law and I did it for their welfare in order that they may partake of my fulfilling the Law and thereby come to grace."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 188. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46

"I have often told you, dearly beloved, that the entire Scriptures consist of two parts, of the law and the Gospel. It is the law that teaches us what we are required to do; the Gospel teaches where we shall receive what the law demands. For it is quite a different thing to know what we should have, and to know where to get it. Just as when I am given into the hands of the physicians, where it is quite a different art to tell what my disease is than to tell what medicine I must take so as to recover. Thus it is likewise here. The law discovers the disease, the Gospel ministers the medicine."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 31. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37

"I would much rather have people say that I preach too sweetly and that it hinders people from doing good works (even though my preaching does not do that), than that I failed to preach faith in Christ, and there was no help or consolation for timid, fearful consciences."
Sermons of Martin Luther, The House Postils, 3 vols., ed. Eugene F. A. Klug, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996, II, p. 115. Ascension Day Acts 1:1-11

"When we examine the laws of Moses, we find they all treat of love. For the commandment: 'Thou shalt have no other Gods before Me,' I cannot explain or interpret otherwise than: Thou shalt love God alone. Thus Moses himself interprets it in Deuteronomy 6:4-5, where he says: 'Hear, O Israel; Jehovah our God is one Jehovah; and thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.' From this passage the lawyer has taken his answer."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 21f. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37; Deuteronomy 6:4-5

"For if I love God I love also His will. Now, when God sends us sickness, poverty, shame and disgrace, that is His will. But what do we do under such circumstances? We thunder, scold and growl, and bear it with great impatience...But God does not want this. He wants us to accept His will with joy and love, and this we are too tardy in doing."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 26. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37

"But there is not a man on earth who thus fulfils the law; yea, we all do just the opposite. Thus this law here makes us all sinners so that not the least letter of this commandment is fulfilled, even by the most holy persons in the world. For no one clings so firmly to God with all the heart, that he could forsake all things for God's sake. We have, God be praised, become so competent that we can almost not suffer the least word, yea, we will not let go of a nickel for the sake of God."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 25. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37

"For God is a jealous God and cannot suffer us to love anything above Himself. But to love anything beneath Himself, He of course allows. Just as a husband can easily allow his wife to love the maid servants, the house and house utensils, cattle and other things; but to love with the love she should have for him, he will not suffer her to love anyone besides himself; yea, he desires her to forsake all things for his sake; and so again the wife also requires the same from her husband."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 24. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:23-37

"That was the time of blindness when we knew nothing of God's Word, but led ourselves and others into misery by our own idle talk and dreams. And I was one of those who indeed bathed in this sweat or in this bath of anxiety. Therefore let us give heed that we may thoroughly grasp and retain this doctrine, if other fanatics and false spirits wish to attack it, so that we may be fore-armed and learn, while we have the time and the beloved sun again enlightens us, and buy while the market is at our door. For it will come to this when once these lights, which God now gives, have departed, Satan will not take a furlough until he raises up other fanatical spirits to do harm; as he has already commenced to do in many places during our generation. What shall take place after we are gone?"
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 192. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46

"Let a prince give a person a castle or several thousand dollars, what a jumping and rejoicing it creates! On the other hand, let a person be baptized or receive the communion which is a heavenly, eternal treasure, there is not one-tenth as much rejoicing. Thus we are by nature; there is none who so heartily rejoices over God's gifts and grace as over money and earthly possessions; what does that mean but that we do not love God as we ought?"
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholaus Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, V, p. 190 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, Matthew 22:34-46


Argentina Pope: Cardinals Sandri, Bergoglio Are Very Different Papal Candidates

Bergoglio. Argentina.

The Washington Post wrote earlier:
"Argentina’s Jose Bergoglio, the Philippines’ Luis Antonio Tagle and Italy’s Angelo Bagnasco are among the cardinals listed as long shots."

Argentina Pope: Cardinals Sandri, Bergoglio Are Very Different Papal Candidates:

Bergoglio, 76, reportedly got the second-most votes after Joseph Ratzinger in the 2005 papal election, and he has long specialized in the kind of pastoral work that some say is an essential skill for the next pope. In a lifetime of teaching and leading priests in Latin America, which has the largest share of the world's Catholics, Bergoglio has shown a keen political sensibility as well as the kind of self-effacing humility that fellow cardinals value highly, says his official biographer, Sergio Rubin.
Bergoglio would likely encourage the church's 400,000 priests to hit the streets to capture more souls, Rubin said in an Associated Press interview. He is also most comfortable taking a low profile, and his personal style is the antithesis of Vatican splendor. "It's a very curious thing: When bishops meet, he always wants to sit in the back rows. This sense of humility is very well seen in Rome," Rubin said.

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Daryl Meyer has left a new comment on your post "They Have a New Pope!":

Habemus Antichristum!


Daryl Meyer has left a new comment on your post "They Have a New Pope!":

Habemus Antichristum!

They Have a New Pope!

The world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics have a new spiritual leader.
As afternoon turned to evening in Vatican City on Wednesday, around 7:08 p.m. local time, white smoke rose from a chimney above the Sistine Chapel and bells rang through St. Peter's Square — the traditional signals that the church's cardinals have chosen a new pope.

Still to come: the identity of the cardinal chosen to take the now-retired Pope Benedict XVI's place.
Now, as NPR's Sylvia Poggioli has said, the new pope and the church face a choice: "Whether to continue an inward looking conservative path or to open up to the broader world of the faithful and introduce more collegiality, as had been indicated by the reforms of the Second Vatican Council 50 years ago."

We'll have much more about the new pope and what his selection means as the day continues. Be sure to hit your "refresh" button to see our latest updates.
The papal selection came after five votes by the 115 cardinals eligible to cast ballots. They voted once on Tuesday, twice Wednesday morning and then twice again on Wednesday afternoon. It takes a two-thirds majority (77 in this case) to become pope.

Update at 2:12 p.m. ET. Who Is It? We'll Know Soon:
According to Vatican Radio, which is streaming its coverage on YouTube, the identity of the new pope — who will appear on a balcony above St. Peter's Square — should be known within an hour or so. At this moment, Vatican Radio says, he's likely changing from the vestments he's worn as a cardinal into those made for a pope alone.

Ski Fanatic Accuses, But Has the Glory Departed from the Means of Grace?

Don't tell me that The CORE stole this from Craig Groeschel!

Sean Brouch has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Ski and WELS Fox Valley - The CORE Non-Upda...":

I was told about this blog site two years ago but this is the first time I have ever taken a look at it. I have a great sadness that the glory has departed you. i (sic) confident (sic) that if you were to make your way to Appleton WI and attend The Core, You would receive the word of The Lord and you too would be filled with Jesus' love!


GJ - More likely this is a WELS pastor. They rush to defend their false teachers and their institutions.

But the Word of God? What does that mean when everyone is born forgiven!


Sean Brouch has left a new comment on your post "Ski Fanatic Accuses, But Has the Glory Departed fr...":

Sean Brouch is not a WELS Pastor. He is a newly awakend Christian! Two years ago I didn't know my savior, I was a wreck of a man! Since meeting Pastor Ski I have grown as a man and more importantly I now have a relationship with Jesus! I do not attend the Core because it is WELS Luthern, I attend the Core because through the Pastors such as Ski I get to devour The Word! Every time I get to walk through the doors at The Core (and it is a get to!) Jesus rubs off on me.


GJ - So where is Ski right now? You must know since you get to attend the remodeled bar.


Sean Brouch has left a new comment on your post "Ski Fanatic Accuses, But Has the Glory Departed fr...":

You are correct! It is a remodeled bar! How awesome is it that The Kingdom took a bar, a modern day Sodom and turned it into a place of worship! You should come to a service sometime I will save you a seat right up front and give you a tour of the building. By the way before the building housed several different bars it was owned and used by a printing company. Do you hold ill will against printing companies as well? Jesus' church is not a building! The building just keeps us sinners warm and dry while we worship The Lord.


GJ - Please answer the question. Where is Ski and what is his role right now? Suspended or not? Kicked out of the ministerium?

Pope Mahoney? - Nope.
L.A. archdiocese to pay $10M in priest abuse cases

L.A. archdiocese to pay $10M in priest abuse cases:

Ex-priest, later convicted, had confessed to Cardinal Mahony in 1986 to abusing boys.

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has agreed to pay four men almost $10 million to settle allegations of sexual abuse by a former priest who more than a quarter century ago had confessed to molesting children, attorneys said Tuesday.
Two brothers will receive $4 million each, and the other two men will get nearly $1 million apiece, said John Manly, a plaintiff's attorney.
The settlement is the first since the Catholic Church released thousands of internal records detailing the actions of the defrocked priest, Michael Baker, and how church officials responded. Baker was convicted in 2007 of child molestation and paroled in 2011.
In January, as the files were about to be made public, a California judge ordered the archdiocese to identify all priests and church officials named in the documents.
The confidential files -- medical and psychiatric records, abuse reports, church memos and letters with the Vatican -- revealed that in 1986, Baker told Cardinal Roger Mahony that he had abused boys beginning in 1974. Mahony removed Baker from ministry and sent him to New Mexico for psychological treatment.
A year later, however, he returned with a doctor's recommendation that he not spend any time with minors and that he should be defrocked immediately if he did. Nonetheless, the abuse continued until 2000, when Baker was finally removed.
Mahony retired as Los Angeles archbishop in 2011. Last month, his successor, Archbishop Jose Gomez, stripped him of his official duties.
Mahony is in Rome participating in the conclave selecting the next pope. He was aware of the settlement, J. Michael Hennigan, an archdiocese attorney, told the Associated Press.
"We have for a long, long time said that we made serious mistakes with Michael Baker, and we had always taken the position in these cases that whatever Baker did we were responsible for," he said. "That was never an issue."
Two cases were scheduled for civil trial in April.
Another plaintiff attorney, Vince Finaldi, told the Los Angeles Times that he believed that the release of the files was a major factor in the settlement.
"Once we got the files it confirmed everything we had argued for years and years," Finaldi said. "Cardinal Mahony's fingerprints were all over the case."

'via Blog this'


GJ - Listen to Lutheran leaders exclaim, "We didn't know!" In the ELCA debacle, one known predator, ordained, cost them $40 million.

Ask the LCMS, WELS, and ELS what they spend settling lawsuits each year. They will say, as WELS did to a court of law, "We don't know of any."

Kregel Academic - Charts on the Book of Hebrews - Herbert W. Bateman IV

Herbert W. Bateman, IV. Charts on the Book of Hebrews. 266 pages. Kregel Academic.
ISBN #780825424663. $26.99.

This is one of many books of charts published b Kregel.

Kregel Academic has asked bloggers to review their books, and I have been happy to receive them. Normally I prefer the works of long-dead theologians, but I also like to see what is being published today.

Kregel is my source for Luther's commentaries on Galatians and Romans. I get them "used" but new on the secondary market, often for $1 plus shipping.

Bateman is a prolific author. He teaches at Southwest Baptist Theological Seminary. Here are some of his books.

This style of reference work was new to me. I can see how useful it would be for anyone undertaking a serious study of Hebrews. Kregel has many more books like it, using a matrix to condense a lot of factual material for easy comparisons. I would rather scan a chart than read a 100 page article on a topic.

In Biblical studies, there are so many learned papers and books on any topic that one German journal was established simply to publish overviews of topics. Its English name is Theological Round-Look, literally: Cliff Notes for scholars.

The first challenge of writing is to gather all the well known research on a topic, whether it is good, bad, or zany. Many do not make the attempt. They go to their school notes and reproduce what they were told in seminary, because their professors had the last word on any given topic.

The authorship of Hebrews is an interesting topic. This book has about 15 pages listing all the possible authors and who nominated the putative author. Moreover, these authorship debates are arranged in various ways. That alone would save students of the Bible many hours of searching and note-taking.

Paul signed his letters and Hebrews has a different style than Paul's, so it is natural to think of another author. In one place Luther argued for Apollos but went on to say "Paul..." In other words, the issue was not a major one for him.

The date of Hebrews is an issue parallel with the authorship. Having these charts is like finding the note cards of an obsessive compulsive scholar, all neatly arranged. But there is much more than the standard introductory questions for any book of the Bible.

There are so many charts that I can only list a few of them here:

  1. Genre and structure
  2. Old Testament quotations
  3. Second Temple
  4. Godhead
  5. Interpretive Issues
  6. Figures of Speech

Each topic listed above has sub-categories.

The Book of Hebrews should be studied more in congregations, colleges, and seminaries. The work contains some of the most eloquent expressions in the Scriptures. The argumentation is also worth exploring and appreciating - Jesus as the High Priest, Melchizedek. That leads us into a greater appreciation of the Bible as one, unified truth - the Book of the Holy Spirit.

Who would be interested in this book? Every Biblical professor will profit from this concise treasury of research. Biblical students will have their eyes opened about this often-overlooked letter and its meaning.

If a pastor wants to teach a course on Hebrews, this is a reference work to use, for organizing the presentation and the topics to be addressed.