Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Long Will People Stay with Sects That Deny the Gospel
And Work with ELCA?

Under-cover work does not fool anyone.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Pastor Paul Rydecki - A. Hunnius on the truly conf...":

Great post and another great question,

"How long will the truly confessional Lutheran pastors in the WELS remain in voluntary fellowship with the synod that officially condemns the Gospel of justification by faith alone in Christ as heresy?"

Another question - How long can they stay in fellowship, and honestly remain Confessional, with a Synod which officially teaches in harmony with the Antichrist by damning to Hell all those who believe men are forgiven solely by faith in Christ alone.

Matthew 10:33 But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.


GJ -  The recent American Lutheran approach has been to ask which is the best group to join. Each sect (while in union with all the others) argues, "We are the best and the others are nothing but Dreck." It is funny to hear ELS and WELS pastors play that with each other. And WELS pastors play that within their own ranks, too, since the Jeske Church and Change faction mocks and degrades all others.

The LCMS pastors have more religious orders than the Roman Catholics - David-Scaerians, Marquart-Memorialists, Walther-da-Infallibilists, Ft-Waynians versus Louisans, and Certify-Ottenites.

Luther never asked that question. The only thing he did was teach the Word of God. He believed everything would follow from the power of the Word. He did not leave. He was excommunicated and hunted as a heretic to be burned at the stake. Even then the Word was efficacious.

Lutherans today admit, "If I went that far, I would be kicked out and lose my benefits and be trashed by all my friends and relatives."

That is true. WELS will not tolerate anyone who questions clergy adultery, child molestation, murder, sexual harassment, or false doctrine. But the better question is, "Who is stronger - God or Holy Mother Synod?"

I have seen many guys make deals with the synod, to be quiet, to feign ignorance. Holy Mother Synod dumped them anyway, when they were no longer useful.

As a WELS pastor recently wrote, and I experienced, "WELS District Presidents are extremely nasty. They never forgive and never forget. And they keep punishing the same person forever." The DPs' imaginary honor is offended just by being questioned. The DPs invite questions and letters and meeting so they can get rid of anyone who dissents from their infallibility. And this method goes all the way up to the Synod President.

Many have told me about taking their concerns to Mark Schroeder, only to be told, "Write a letter." And yet, Mark Schroeder does not even acknowledge letters.

WELS reminds me of a furniture company - do it yourself. If the box is short on parts, the phone message tells people to hang on for customer service. There is none. Or use the website. The website asks for the part numbers missing, but what if the parts are missing - along with the instruction manual where the numbers are listed? Phone customer service, where the call is never answered.

WELS has been playing this game for decades and collecting millions for

  • High salaries, 
  • Deluxe vacations in tropical resorts, and
  • Lawyers'  fees to fend off legitimate lawsuits.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "How Long Will People Stay with Sects That Deny the...":

Ichabod -

You stated about Lutheran pastors:

<<<<<< .......Lutherans today admit, "If I went that far, I would be kicked out and lose my benefits and be trashed by all my friends and relatives."....... >>>>>>

This is the reason for the various Lutheran synod's tentacles reaching into Lutheran congregations and having in place pension systems for its pastors.

The long and short of it is:

Some Lutheran pastors will ride their time out with their perspective synods; and then retire. It's the "pension glue" which keeps them with these synods, of which promulgate the false gospel of universal objective justification.

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - Congregations worry about their property and "Where will we get another pastor if we leave Holy Mother Synod?" Once again, they fail to see how God can provide.

A New Entry in the Icha-slang Lexicon

The Board of Directors has met and voted in a new entry for the Icha-sland Lexicon: Rydeckied.

Classic Ichabod - from 2009 -

Someone has requested explanations for neologisms (new words) found on Ichabod, suggesting the term Ichaslang, which is yet another neologism.

Bi-sectsual is a term for services that claim to blend Lutheran and Babtist worship.

GA - is not a term I invented. The initials stand for Gemuetlicher Abend (friendly evening), but GA is a week of hazing. WELS claims it has stopped, but it is still going on secretly, among the few who preserve its sacred character. GA starts with lying about whether there will be GA, which is inflicted on first-year students. Hazing has been universally practiced in WELS schools, so this is not new for most students. GA is full of deception and scare tactics. Most of the present ministerium went through GA. They are forbidden to tell its secrets, even to their wives. Anyone who knows or tells is punished. Anyone who objects to GA is pushed out of WELS or punished.

Blogicide - When someone like Tim Glende creates a Chicanery blog and erases it, he is said to have committed blogicide.

Gurgle - Ex-SP Gurgel has been renamed by a WELS pastor. Gurgle stands for the noise WELS was making as it went down the drain during his administration. He did the same thing as a District Pope, despoiling the MilCraft Estate. Gurgle did even more damage as SP, using up the Schwan loot and going after all the designated funds. He now works as Dom Perignon Patterson's campaign manager.

Anonymouse - Two people (approximately) are Anonymouse. One was Tim Glende, who even named a blog Anonymouse, before erasing it, creating blogicide. Another Mouse is a very nasty ELCA pastor whose invective is a constant source of amusement and inspiration.

Babtist - There are two types of Baptists, as someone explained at Wheaton College. "There are Baptists, and Ba-a-a-a-btists." The Southern and more conservative ones will often call themselves B-a-a-a-abtists, so I use that term for Brother Ed Stetzer and Brother Andy Stanley, both adored by the members of Church and Chicanery.

Dom Perignon Patterson. The Central Southeran Babtist District of WELS has been influenced by Patterson, who earned his nickname from livin' high off the hog while applying for synod subsidies.

Forward in Confusion - The Northwestern Lutheran was renamed Forward in Christ to get rid of the odious name Lutheran. WELS pastors have nicknamed it Forward in Confusion because the magazine obviously promotes the anti-Lutheran Church and Chicanery bunch while pretending to be Lutheran. Also known as: Forward in Chicanery. Now that Lutheran has finally been added to the cover page, the magazine is known as FICL or FICKLE.

Ichapeek - when you have to get one last quick look at Ichabod before going to bed. From Mrs. Joe Krohn.

Ichawidow - when your husband spends too much time on Ichabod. From Mrs. Joe Krohn, Ichawidow.

Immersing Churches. The Emerging Churches are just another name for ChurchGrowthy churches. They are Immersing Churches because most of them are Babtist or Pentecostal.

To Kilcrease
[v. kill-krees-e; n. kill-krees] verb, -creased, -creas·ing,  noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to eliminate; to remove evidence of,  confession, opinion, or error; decrease; take away from: to kilcrease the  evidence.

Scholars are divided, but some think the word began to be used when a Roman Catholic adjunct instructor started erasing his own blog posts and comments.

Brett Meyer, Assistant Lexicographer. Daniel Baker, Contributing Lexicographer.

The Love Shack - WELS headquarters: so named because the Church Growth people talk about love all the time but show so little, unless they are talking about Fuller Seminary, Trinity in Deerfield, Willow Creek, or Leonard Sweet. This has been renamed The Guilt Factory, because everyone should feel guilty for not doing more to prop up the salaries of the residents there. Since the Love Shack is moving to Pewaukee, the newly approved name will be PU Towers - for Pewaukee Universalist.

The Sausage Factory - The Evangelical Lutheran Synod has nicknamed the WELS seminary this because all the graduates come out looking exactly the same. That sameness is actually a goal of the school.

Church and Chicanery - The Church and Change organization in WELS is the somewhat stealthy faction running The Love Shack, The Sausage Factory, and FIC. Thy bow the knee to Leonard Sweet, New Age Professor of Wikiletics, so they are Sweet-hearts. They also love Brother Stetzer as much as he loves food. Luther, they know little about - and what they do know, they despise.

To Knapp - Borrowing double-justification from George Christian Knapp. Hence the Syn Conference has been caught knapping.

To kelm or to parlow: copying another parson's sermons and taking credit for them. In the Patterson Circuit, a copied sermon is called a doebler. Kelming and parlowing are often followed by large but undeserved grants. A doebler is always backed by rock music and disappointing grant allotments.

To Krohn - To encourage someone to write a letter or meet with a pastor to discuss doctrine, the first step in excommunicating a person who actually follows that advice. Because of the Appleton incident, which was almost identical, this term is considered synonymous with Rick-Rolling.

Kudu Don Patterson - Kudu Don was going by the nickname Gunga Don until I read his email calling me a fool and a liar. His email name is Kudu Don, apparently inspired by a wild deer he loves to hunt in Africa. That does sound better than Zebra Don. Left unexplained is how he can hunt animals in Africa and beg the synod for a grant to pay the vicar each year. Kudu Don took a passle of WELS guys to see Babtist Ed Stetzer at the Exponential Conference.

Mary Lou College is the place where Church and Chicaneries have a field day. It used to be called Martin Luther College, but that is hardly appropriate. Before that, it was Dr. Martin Luther College, nicknamed Dumb Man's Last Chance, for those men who decided teaching parochial school was easier than all that Greek and Hebrew.

Perish Consultants - The Wisconsin Synod pimps parish consultants out to congregations. These Fuller-trained consultants tell churches to start modern worship, etc. These inept leaders are killing congregations, so they are aptly named Perish Consultants. They work under the banner of the gold-plated, high living Board of Perish Services. BPS = Church and Chicanery = Fuller/Willow Creek/Sweet/Stetzer/Emerging Church.

Popcornites - They are a sect within the Wisconsin Sect. They organize their entertainment sessions around popcorn, soda, snacks, and latte - all served during church. If you enjoy hearing popcorn munched during the Prayer of the Church and sode slurped during the Groeschel sermon, you are a Popcornite.

Rick-Rolling - Not to be confused with the April Fool's joke. Rick-Rolling is the process of encouraging someone to write a letter to and meet with those WELS clergy who are promoting false doctrine, plagiarism, and deception. This is better than April's Fool, because the Doctrinal Pussycat ducks the meeting and leaves a letter blaming Ichabod for the mess he has created. Next the pastors excommunicate the member who followed WELS advice and the DP agrees. Rick-Rolling is jolly good fun for the rollers but not for the rollee. Synonymous with Krohning someone.

The Little Sect on the Prairie - The Little House on the Prairie was situated in Minnesota, so the tiny group of Lutherans in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod deserve a similar name.

The Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie - Bethany Lutheran College and Seminary are small, in spite of the large dollops of money from Marvin Schwan.

Pope John the Malefactor - ELS President John Moldstad starting behaving better after we lost count of how often he extended the Left Foot of Fellowship to pastors and congregations. When people questioned his qualifications to teach New Testament at the Little School on the Prairie, he hastened to finish his college degree. They have standards to uphold.

The Left Foot of Fellowship - When a pastor or congregation is kicked out of a synod, it is called extending the Left Foot of Fellowship.

Rydeckied - When the District President promises the congregation to continue discussing doctrine and suspends the pastor instead, that pastor is considered Rydeckied. WELS often extends the Left Foot of Fellowship, but when the action is especially duplicitous, it is considered a Rydecki.

St. Marvin of Schwan - The late donor and owner of Schwan Frozen Foods has been preached into heaven by the bagmen of three synods (WELS, ELS, LCMS). Somehow Marvin Schwan managed to bankrupt all three while giving away so much money after his death. His second wife went back to the Church of Rome, suggesting that money is efficacious in converting people.

Stealth Pastors, Stealth Churches - When pastors and congregations refuse to use the name Lutheran, they deserve the appellation of stealth. They lust for loot from their synods, but they want to fly under the radar in their own communities. They call that witnessing. Paul Kuske started the first stealth congregation in Columbus - Pilgrim Community Church. Attendance climbed to 3 (three), approximately the size of the Church Growth staff.

Stealth Organizations - When one unit within a synod drops the name Lutheran, it earns the stealth title. WELS has dropped Lutheran from the magazine title, the hymnal, Lutherans For Life, and other entities. Stand back and watch it grow!

The Surrendered Fort - Graduates of Concordia, Ft. Wayne enjoy calling it The Fort, but that school has waved the white flag in the face of Eastern Orthodoxism and Roman Catholicism. If the graduates do not join the Willow Creek army, they pope or semi-pope. Poping is an old term for joining the Roman Catholics. Semi-poping is for those who want the incense without the baggage.

Our Lady of Sorrows - Concordia, St. Louis, is just as anxious as The Fort (sic) to send young men to Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy. Two clues about their ultimate exits are a nauseating obsession with clerical garments and an unholy obsession with the Virgin Mary. St. Louis also produces Church Growth experts like Paul Kelm (DMin, Our Lady of Sorrows).

Safe Sects - The Church Growth drones argue that they can safely nestle among the despisers of the Mean of Grace. The gurus are just experimenting with safe sects.
Tim Feltneeds - At Bailing Water, Tim Niedfelt is always promoting his Church Growth ideas, which began in WELS under the name of "felt needs." Someone suggested the nickname of Tim Feltneeds, who is a follower of the Rock and Roll blog. Surprise?

Staph Ministry is a program headed by Lawrence Otto Olson (Our Staph Infection) to spread Fuller doctrine and the ordination of women in WELS. This contagion has grown to a large number of people, proving how infectious Church Growth can be.

- When a toxic group or congregation has a website, it becomes a websty. Example: Church and Chicanery has its own websty.

Some Church and Chicanery congregations are:

  1. Rock and Roll Lutheran - with its own apologetic blog.
  2. Latte Lutheran, featuring the first woman pastor in WELS.
  3. CrossWalk, in Phoenix, Arid-zona. The city needed another WELS church, another Church Growth church, another stealth church.
  4. CrossRoads - now Evangelical Covenant, but started by WELS DP Robert Mueller and VP Paul Kuske, and three WELS pastors - Rick Miller, Kelly Voigt, and Mark Freier.
  5. CrossRoads, Chicago has a pastor who knelt at the feet of Leonard Sweet even before C and C had their Leonard Sweet conference.


    Church and Chicaneries speak with forked tongues, so their words need translation. Their terms are listed below, reverently posted in red, followed by their real meaning:

    Outreach - Sheep-stealing from other congregations.

    Excellent Worship - Entertainment by a Praise Band.

    Praise Band - Members of various denominations who want to perform in a Lutheran church.

    Ichabod! - Our funds are being cut.

    Violating the Eighth Commandment - Publishing our false doctrine.

    Violating Matthew 18 - Failure to speak privately to us about our public sins, because we need time to trash the speaker before anyone pays attention to him.

    Church Consultant - Fuller Seminary graduate.

    Mission Counselor - Fuller Seminary graduate.

    Seminary Professor - Fuller Seminary graduate.

    Staff Ministry - Finding a way to ordain women.

    WELS Prayer Institute - A place for Chicaneries to hide in case Church and Change is shut down.

    Foundation Grants - The lifeblood of C and C.

    Thrivent Grants - The lifeblood of C and C.

    Synod Subsidies - The lifeblood of C and C.

    Stewardship - Arranging for various funds to keep us going because we hate to give.

    Totally Awesome Worship Leader - Andy Stanley, Craig Groeschel, Marc Driscoll, etc.

    Baby Blue Eyes sees nothing wrong, and if it is wrong, it's harmless.
    Baby Blue Eyes will cry if Holy Mother Synod is criticized.

    Ichabodians know that the Chicaneries never tell the truth - they even deny belonging to Church and Change. Their hearts and minds are wrapped around Fuller, Willow Creek, Granger, NorthPoint, Exponential, Trinity Deerfield, and Leonard Sweet, but "they are not Changers." Ask Vicar Gurgle, whose dad at Mequon posted Chicanery diatribe on the Church and Change listserve.

    Ask Kudu Don Patterson, who led a Bible study of sorts at a Church and Chicanery conference.

    The Baby Blue Eyes are a different breed, easily exploited by the Shrinkers. Holy Mother WELS can do not wrong, so there must be something terribly evil about anyone who suggests otherwise.

    All the false teachers are "nice guys." How could a classmate be wrong about anything?

    Worse, they are relatives. Blood is thicker than doctrine in all denominations. For instance, I wondered how Pope John the Malefactor (Little Sect on the Prairie) could stay in office. Then I read that someone named Moldstad helped found the ELS. Case closed.

Pastor Paul Rydecki - A. Hunnius on the truly confessional Lutheran teaching of Romans 5:18 | Faith Alone Justifies


A. Hunnius on the truly confessional Lutheran teaching of Romans 5:18 | Faith Alone Justifies:

A. Hunnius on the truly confessional Lutheran teaching of Romans 5:18

ClearExplanationAegidius Hunnius has a brilliant section in A Clear Explanation of the Controversy among the Wittenberg Theologians concerning Samuel Huber’s misuse of Romans 5 to prove that all those who have been condemned through Adam’s sin have also been justified by Christ’s obedience (whether they believe in Him or not).
The WELS officially interprets Romans 5 just like Huber did, and condemns those who disagree with them as “unlutheran,” unconfessional, and even impenitent sinners.  From the WELS official This We Believe statement of faith, first paragraph in the section on Justification:
1. We believe that God has justified all sinners, that is, he has declared them righteous for the sake of Christ. This is the central message of Scripture upon which the very existence of the church depends. It is a message relevant to people of all times and places, of all races and social levels, for “the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men” (Romans 5:18). All need forgiveness of sins before God, and Scripture proclaims that all have been justified, for “the result of one act of righteousness was justification that brings life for all men” (Romans 5:18).
And this from Professor Forrest Bivens of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in an article from Forward in Christ about a year and a half ago:
Romans 3:23,24 and Romans 5:18,19 affirm that all are sinners and all are justified.  Through Adam all are condemned, and through Christ all are justified. The astonishing reality is that God has forgiven the sins of the whole world, whether people believe it or not.
Hunnius takes apart Huber’s (and the official WELS) doctrine piece by piece, concluding with this observation about Huber’s supposed “confessional subscription” to the Lutheran Book of Concord:
And what will Dr. Huber reply to the Book of Concord, which, in citing these very words from Romans, explicitly confirms that those things mean nothing other than that we are justified by faith? This is what the Book of Concord says in the Latin edition, page 666: “Therefore, these statements are equivalent and clearly mean the same thing, when Paul says that we are justified by faith; or that faith is imputed to us for righteousness; and when he teaches that we are justified by the obedience of one Mediator, who is Christ; or that through the righteousness of one man, justification of life comes upon all men. For faith does not justify on account of this, that it is such a good work, or that it is such a splendid virtue, but because it apprehends and embraces the merit of Christ in the promise of the Gospel.” Thus far the Book of Concord.  If the Pauline phrase (that “through the righteousness of one Man, justification of life comes upon all men”) clearly means the same thing as that other statement, “We are justified by faith” (as the Book of Concord clearly and emphatically asserts), then the interpretation is rejected by the sentence of the Book of Concord that imagines from these words of Paul a justification apart from faith—one that extends also to those who have never had faith and never will. Dr. Luther says it even better in [his lectures on] the second chapter to the Galatians: “Where Christ and faith are not present, there is no remission of sins, no refuge, nothing but pure imputation of sins and condemnation.”
According to Hunnius, one cannot honestly claim to be a “confessional” Lutheran while at the same time teaching a justification apart from faith based on Romans 5:18.  His quotation from Luther is also highly relevant.  How long will the WELS continue to claim to be a “confessional Lutheran” church body? How long will the truly confessional Lutheran pastors in the WELS remain in voluntary fellowship with the synod that officially condemns the Gospel of justification by faith alone in Christ as heresy?

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Two men request colloquies | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

"And we will lie about discussing doctrine with you,
kick you out, and foreclose on your mortgage."

Two men request colloquies | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):

Two men from the Arizona-California District have requested colloquies so they can become pastors in WELS. Rev. Taesang "John" Kim is a member of Water of Life, Las Vegas, Nev., and Rev. Joon Ho "Paul" Chung is a member of Prince of Peace, Thousand Oaks, Calif.
A colloquy is an in-depth interview with a pastor who has left another church body due to its false teaching or practice and now wants to serve as a WELS pastor. “The purpose of the colloquy is to examine the doctrine and practice of the applicant for ministry in our midst, so that we can be certain that he teaches and carries out his ministry in conformity with God's Word,” says Rev. Jon Buchholz, Arizona-California district president.
A colloquy is a rigorous process in which a committee consisting of one of the WELS vice presidents, a member of the faculty of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, and the president of the district where the applicant lives questions the applicant about “his history and background, his family circumstances, the theological training he has already received, his understanding of Scripture, and his overall grasp of Lutheran doctrine and practice,” says Buchholz. “The colloquy process is designed to be thorough, so that all of the men involved can say definitively, ‘We are one in faith and a common confession.’ ”
If the candidate is approved, he also often attends Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary for an academic year before being declared eligible for a call.
Buchholz says this process is beneficial for all involved. “Our synod is enriched by the experience and the diversity in culture and background that colloquy applicants bring. Our synod is a blessing to them because they find in WELS an encouraging bond of common faith as they walk together with pastors, teachers, and congregations who share their commitment to the truth.”
Formal notice to the WELS constituency of a colloquy request is required by the synod’s constitution. This notice is included below.
The Rev. Taesang "John" Kim of Las Vegas, Nevada, has requested a colloquy for the purpose of serving in the pastoral ministry of WELS.
The Rev. Joon Ho "Paul" Chung of Thousand Oaks, California, has requested a colloquy for the purpose of serving in the pastoral ministry of WELS.
Correspondence related to both of these requests should be addressed to the Rev. Jon D. Buchholz, Arizona-California District President, 715 W Southern Ave, Tempe AZ 85282. azcadp@wels.net. Comments should be received no later than April 15.

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narrow-minded has left a new comment on your post "Two men request colloquies | Wisconsin Evangelical...":

If these guys are UOJers, they will be right at home; however, if they are JBFAers, they should speak up now, lest they get Rydeckied. I'm using "get Rydeckied" as a synonym of "the left foot of fellowship" from the Icha-lexicon.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Two men request colloquies | Wisconsin Evangelical...":

I second the motion to add 'Rydeckied' to the list.

Passed unanimously by the Board of Directors -


Groundbreaking at MLC | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)

"The faculty told me not to read anything with Ichabod in the title."

Groundbreaking at MLC | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS):

Martin Luther College (MLC), New Ulm, Minn., will break ground for its new Early Childhood Learning Center April 6 at 10:00 a.m. Rev. Michael Otterstatter, St. John, Redwood Falls, Minn., will be the officiating pastor for the event. Current MLC students and children they serve in the early childhood program will take part in the groundbreaking.

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GJ - One WELS member said, "Great. Borrow $50,000 to learn how to change diapers."

No word on Ski's suspension in the call reports.

"Ski, you are now on DOUBLE secret probation."

Chocolate Bars, Wings, and Pizza for Jesus

How often does St. Peter Freedom/The CORE sell goods to the public, hiding behind their tax-free status?

A few weeks ago it was pizza. Before that, it was wings.

Now, buy some chocolate bars.

This reminds me of an old Yiddish joke.

"If I were a Rockefeller, I would have more money than Rockefeller?"

"Sophie, how could you have more money than a Rockefeller if you were a Rockefeller?"

"Gertie, I would take in some sewing on the side."

This boondoggle began with a reported, early expenditure of $250,000. Rick Techlin reported that figure.

Recently, SP Mark Schroeder and his missions honcho Keith Free gave Ski and Glende somewhere around $500,000 as a grant to buy a failed bar in downtown Appleton, Wisconsin. WELS leaders also loaned them money to remodel the bar, which was keeping its beer and wine license.


bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Chocolate Bars, Wings, and Pizza for Jesus":

Pastors joke that instead of using the words "church service" on their church signs, they'd get far more people in the pews if they posted "Happy Hour" instead. So how is a church supposed to succeed in the same location where bar after bar (and night club) has failed?! Did they determine that the people who lived in downtown Appleton were too holy for bars, and thus would come to church services instead?


GJ - Happy Hour? It is more like the Flea Market. There is something in the Bible about turning the House of God into a den of thieves.

And I do think they are thieves for their prodigal waste of funds.

KJV Matthew 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in
the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves [pizza, wings, and chocolate], 13 And said unto them, It is written,

My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

Matt21-12 cleansing the temple

Pope Paul's Blogicide - Another Casualty To Be Blamed on Ichabod?

From Paul McCain's late, great Cyberbrethren:

Dear friend, thank you for your long and encouraging support for me and this blog site. I have enjoyed bringing you the notes, news, messages and other bits of information and Roman Catholic propaganda that I have shared here over the years. But I have decided to take a hiatus from blogging. For how long? I don’t know, but it is going to be for a good long while.
I have several significant writing copy and paste projects I am going to be pursuing for the foreseeable future and I’d like to devote myself to those without further demands on my time, in addition to my regular work load at CPH. Thanks for understanding.
I know many of you have “tuned in” here for news and information about new resources from Concordia Publishing House, the Vatican, and Fatima. I am still going to continue to share that information, but from now on, my primary means of doing so is going to be from Concordia Publishing House’s Facebook page. You’ll find my posts there from now on.
I strongly encourage you, if you are not already, to add our Facebook page to your own and follow us there. When there is some new resource or something having to do with Concordia Publishing House that I know you will find interesting, I will post it there. So, again, be sure to like our page.


GJ - Has someone spotted Paul McCain or his boss apologizing for CPH-sponsored plagiarism?

I have not seen anything so far, but I may have missed it.

If you want to see the fruit of Universal Objective Justification, world absolution without faith, read McCain's blog while it still exists.

Irish Inventions Reveal a Strange Gap for 300 Years.
St. Patrick's Day Discovery

'Tis true.

List of Irish inventions and discoveries

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Irish inventions and discoveries are objects, processes or techniques which owe their existence either partially or entirely to an Irishperson. Often, things which are discovered for the first time, are also called "inventions", and in many cases, there is no clear line between the two. Below is a list of such inventions.




[edit]14th century

[edit]17th century

Italian bishops thank God for wrong pope - Yahoo! News

Italian bishops thank God for wrong pope - Yahoo! News:

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Italian bishops were so convinced that one of their own would become pope that they sent a congratulatory message to the media thanking God for the election of a prelate from Milan.
The trouble was, the new pope had already been named as Argentinian cardinal Jorge Bergoglio.
The secretary-general of the Italian conference, Monsignor Mariano Crociata, expressed "joy and thanks" to God for the election of Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan in a statement sent to reporters at 8:23 p.m. (3:23 p.m. ET) on Wednesday night.
About 10 minutes earlier, Bergoglio had made his first appearance before the crowds in St. Peter's Square.
At 9:08 p.m. (4:08 p.m. ET), the Italian bishops conference sent another statement thanking God for the election of the pope, but this time got the name right.
In the days leading up the secret conclave, many Italian newspapers openly promoted Scola as the next pope.
The newspapers - and the bishops conference - appear to have missed the warning contained in a traditional Italian saying that front-runners at a papal conclave are often disappointed.
"He who enters a conclave as a pope, leaves it as a cardinal," the saying goes. Perhaps it was never more true in the modern age than in the conclave that elected Bergoglio instead of the Italian favorite Scola.

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Classic Ichabod - O Lord Look Down from Heaven Behold

Art by Norma Boeckler

Art by Norma Boeckler

Art by Norma Boeckler

"O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. O Lord, look down from heaven, behold
And let Thy pity waken:
How few are we within Thy Fold,
Thy saints by men forsaken!
True faith seems quenched on every hand,
Men suffer not Thy Word to stand;
Dark times have us o'ertaken.

2. With fraud which they themselves invent
Thy truth they have confounded;
Their hearts are not with one consent
On Thy pure doctrine grounded.
While they parade with outward show,
They lead the people to and fro,
In error's maze astounded.

3. May God root out all heresy
And of false teachers rid us
Who proudly say: "Now, where is he
That shall our speech forbid us?
By right or might we shall prevail;
What we determine cannot fail;
We own no lord and master."

4. Therefore saith God, "I must arise,
The poor My help are needing;
To Me ascend My people's cries,
And I have heard their pleading.
For them My saving Word shall fight
And fearlessly and sharply smite,
The poor with might defending."

5. As silver tried by fire is pure
From all adulteration,
So through God's Word shall men endure
Each trial and temptation.
Its light beams brighter through the cross,
And, purified from human dross,
It shines through every nation.

6. Thy truth defend, O God, and stay
This evil generation;
And from the error of their way
Keep Thine own congregation.
The wicked everywhere abound
And would Thy little flock confound;
But Thou art our Salvation.

Hymn 260
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 12
Author: Martin Luther, 1523
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein"
Tune: "Ach Gott vom Himmel"
1st Published in: Enchiridion
Town: Erfurt, 1524

This is Martin Luther College's Schwan Cathedral - irony.

The Bible TV Series Introduces Satan

But I thought...

bruce-church (https://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "On the First Pope Named after a Quadraped Movie St...":

About Satan being played in The Bible series looking like President Obama's father (humor):



Satan Actor Resembles Barack Obama:
http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/the-bible-recap-viewers-claim-satan-actor-resembles-barack-obama-2013183  [GJ - That link no longer has the story. Diabolical!]


GJ - Mrs. Ichabod suggested a blanket denial.

Monday, March 18, 2013

On the First Pope Named after a Quadruped Movie Star

quercuscontramalum (http://quercuscontramalum.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Second Thessalonians Really Made an Impact on Gori...":

slightly off topic:

That Roman reactionary Barhardt website you posted the other day (http://barnhardt.biz/) has gone full parabolic in panic over the pope being a less-than-devout fellow. (What was the first clue? That he was the stalker candidate at Ratzinger/Benedict's election?) Her recent posts are hilarious in a piteous way, especially the cardinal-to-be-pope celebrating puppet masses.

But sit up and take notice of the answer given by new Pope's confidant:

Q: In what sense is reform necessary?
Cardinal Hummes: Not just of the Curia, but many other things: our way of celebrating ("fazer", lit. "making", "doing") Mass, of doing evangelization, this new evangelization needs new methods. The pope spoke in the meeting with the cardinals of new methods, we need to find new methods.

BWAAAAA HAH Hahahaahahahaha!!
Which of the washed up C&C consultants can we export to Rome?

Do Not Be Shocked - WELS/ELS and Missouri Work with ELCA.
N. Carolina church stops performing straight weddings until gay marriage becomes legal - Salon.com


N. Carolina church stops performing straight weddings until gay marriage becomes legal - Salon.com:

A Winston-Salem-based United Methodist church has announced that it will stop performing straight weddings until same-sex marriage is legalized in North Carolina.
The Green Street United Methodist Church announced its decision in a powerful, deeply affirming statement asking the congregation’s pastors to perform marital blessings in lieu of official marriage rights (emphasis mine):
As an Anti-Racist, Reconciling Congregation, Green Street United Methodist Church seeks to be in faithful ministry with all people in the brokenness of our world. This statement is being adopted as a sign of our commitment to love and justice for all people.

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