Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Double-Minded Man Is Unstable in All His Ways

The Silver Marks:
Jeske, Schroeder, and Driscoll -
also sing in perfect harmony.

Polluted WELS Blog has gone silent for five days. His big target was the Jeske Mystical Experience, formerly known as Change or Die! conferences. No one took much notice of them, so Jeske expanded the numbers and loot involved.

Some are expecting me to criticize PW for not blogging every day. I do not know anything about him, and I have no contacts at all with him. He has already done a lot of good by telling the truth about WELS - from the inside.

I see almost no follow-up among those who agree with him. I am not criticizing those who have posted with their names, but the hundreds who have done nothing at all.

Jon-Boy Buchholz, who can walk through a septic tank and call it a lake, bailed out quickly. He obviously felt the heat. One little blog had an effect because the truth divides the liars from the rest.

Unfortunately, the divide-and-conquer method of WELS has also been effective. Individuals are divided against themselves.

James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

The inner debate continues.