Thursday, April 24, 2014

Jeske's Koine Band Charges Congregations $3,000 - Watch the Rest of the Edgy Christian Crowd To Follow Jars of Clay

Jars of Clay Frontman Comes Out in Support of Homosexual ‘Marriage’


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JarsofClayIn a series of assertive Tweets yesterday, Dan Haseltine of the popular band Jars of Clay took to his Twitter account and came out in support of homosexual ‘marriage,’ citing that he does not “particularly care about Scripture’s stance on what is ‘wrong.’”
Haseltine, who is the lead singer of Jars of Clay and whose band became famous for its Christian-themed music, posted to his Twitter account on Wednesday: “Not meaning to stir things up BUT… is there a non-speculative or non ‘slippery slope’ reason why gays shouldn’t marry? I don’t hear one.”
“I’m trying to make sense of the conservative argument. But it doesn’t hold up to basic scrutiny. Feels akin to women’s suffrage. I just don’t see a negative effect to allowing gay marriage. No societal breakdown, no war on traditional marriage. Anyone?” he went on to argue.
“I don’t think Scripture ‘clearly’ states much of anything regarding morality,” Haseltine stated.
According to Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus defined marriage in referring back to Genesis 2:24, ”…Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?’”
Scripture also addresses homosexual behavior in both the Old and New Testaments, warning that immoral sexual activity will lead to death and eternal damnation.
Haseltine argued in one post, however: “I think the vast interpretation [of Scripture] has left room for people to deal inhumanly and unlovingly toward others that don’t fit their guidelines.”
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“I don’t particularly care about Scriptures stance on what is ‘wrong,’” he stated in another Tweet. “I care more about how it says we should treat people.”
Jars of Clay was formed in Tennessee in the ’90s and is considered one of the most popular and acclaimed contemporary Christian bands today. In 1995, their self-titled debut album was a major success for the group, reaching beyond Christian radio play to secular audiences.
The group’s single Flood received heavy secular radio airplay and reached #12 on the Billboard Modern Rock chart and #37 on the Hot 100 pop chart. It’s debut album has achieved double-platinum sales in the U.S. since its release, while the group has scored 20 top 10 singles on the contemporary Christian singles charts.
However, Haseltine says that some stations have now decided to stop playing the band’s music due to his recent statements, and some fans have erased Jars of Clay from their music library.
“Caught wind that some radio stations have pulled my music and people are deleting my music from their playlists,” he Tweeted on Thursday. “Why?”
“Because you have decided to support a lifestyle God calls an abomination,” one follower responded. “The fallout was inevitable.”

Video of the Last Mark Jeske Change or Die! Conference

If you like ELCA, apostasy, abortion, and the Lavender Mafia,
attend Jeske's conferences to learn even more.

Change or Die Conference 2013

The Change or Die Conference was held on April 18, 2013, at the Harley Davidson Museum Conference Center.  The guest speakers and their presentations were captured and are here for you to view.
  • Pastor Mark Jeske, from Time of Grace Ministry and St. Marcus Lutheran Church, facilitated the conference.
  • Rev. Dr. Jeffery Schrank, Senior Pastor, Christ Lutheran Church, Phoenix, Arizona.  Dr. Schrank is an energetic, outspoken leader who has helped Christ Church Lutheran grow from 2,000 souls to almost 3,000 in the last decade.  A former member of the LC-MS Board of Directors, Schrank embraces his church's urban neighborhood and enthusiastically supports Christ Lutheran School and its enrollment of over 480.  His "Best Practices" conference in February draws hundreds of attendees from all over the country.
  • Rev. Dr. Paul Hill, Executive Director, Vibrant Faith Ministries, Bloomington, Minnesota.  Dr. Hill has more than 35 years of experience in outdoor ministries, lay education, youth and family ministry and congregational development.  He has served as a parish pastor, a camp director and taught for 17 years in theological education.  He is co-author of many books and articles including:  Up the Creek with a Paddle:  Building an Effective Youth and Family Ministry; Frogs Without Legs Can't Hear:  Nurturing Disciples in Home and Congregation; Coming of Age:  Exploring Identity and Spirituality in Younger Men; Operation Fuzzy Squirrel:  Effective Youth Ministry Practices.
  • Dr. John Bauer, CEO, Bethesda Lutheran Communities, Watertown, Wisconsin.  Dr. Bauer is well-known in the Milwaukee area, having served as Academic Dean at Wisconsin Lutheran College and Executive Director of the CHARiS Foundation.  At present, he is the CEO of Bethesda, leading their wonderful ministries to developmentally disabled people and helping the organization change to meet new regulation and funding realities.  CHARIS was a birth-parent of Church and Change in WELS.
  • Rev. Dr. Patrick Ferry, President, Concordia University--Wisconsin, Mequon, Wisconsin.  Dr. Ferry has served as Concordia's president since 1997 and overseen tremendous growth in the University's enrollment, campus capacity, and programs.  He oversaw the rebuilding of the magnificent bluffs above Lake Michigan, the opening of the new School of Pharmacy, a community baseball field, and the recent assumption of administration of Concordia Ann Arbor.
  • Rev. Carl Leyrer, Pastor, Divine Savior Lutheran Church, Doral, Florida.  Rev. Leyrer has quietly led one of the most successful cross-cultural ministries in the Lutheran Church.  The congregation in this Miami suburb draws more than 200 in worship each week and offers a vibrant congregational life in both English and Spanish.  The congregation's school, Divine Savior Lutheran Academy, serves early childhood, primary school, middle school and high school-aged students.
  • Mr. Frank H. "Dick" Moeller, President, Water to Thrive and Enovate, Austin, Texas.  A Harvard M.B.A. Moeller serves as founding principal of Enovate Enterprises, LLC, a consulting firm focused on assisting entrepreneurs, founders, companies and organizations to achieve their full potential with strategic planning, mentoring/coaching, market strategy, governance design and board services.  In addition, Moeller is the founder and president of Water to Thrive, a faith-based, non-profit organization that works to bring fresh water to rural Africa.  he serves also a chairman of the Board of Directors of Thrivent Financial - Funding Planned Parenthood's abortion business.
I am not going to say it,
but you know what I am thinking.

Mark Jeske's Newest Change or Die! Conference Packed with Anti-Christian Radicals

Thursday, October 9, 2014

11:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. (approximate)

Country Springs Hotel
2810 Golf Road, Pewaukee, WI  53072
Near the Pewaukee Love Shack, WELS

(If you would like to reserve a room, please call the number above.  A block of rooms has been reserved for this conference.  The Siebert Lutheran Foundation is not responsible for hotel charges.)
Our Change or Die Conference provides an opportunity for Lutheran ministry leaders to network and learn from each other.  The Conference is a safe place for assembling people from across the Lutheran tribes and building relationships across denominations. 
This year, the Conference focus is on the Dynamics of Leadership While Managing Change.  Our speakers are:
• Rev. Yehiel Curry, shekinah chapel, Riverdale, Illinois.
• Rev. Paul Kelm, Recently Retired WLC Campus Pastor, Parish Pastor, Missionary, Parish Counselor, now continuing in his role as a Visionary.
• Ms. Beth Lewis, President & CEO, ELCA's Augsburg Fortress
• Rev. John Parlow, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, DePere, Wisconsin. WELS plagiarist. Affiliated with Willow Creek Community Church.
• Rev. Mark Schultz, LCMS Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisle, Illinois.
• Rev. Steve Wagner, Associate Pastor, Concordia Lutheran Church, San Antonio, TX; Pastor360; Christian Leadership Institute, Concordia University
Texas; former executive leader Pastoral Leadership Church Growth Institute.
The Conference includes lunch and dinner.  There is no charge for this conference.  Due to limited capacity, reservations are limited to church pastors (we will accept more than one pastor from a single church) and one member of their lay leadership team.  Registration is on a first-come basis.  We request that when you register, you commit to attend the ENTIRE event, including lunch and dinner.  Thank you for your understanding. 
Registration is limited, so sign up early!
Our Planning Committee consists of:
Rev. Mike Ernst, Retired Pastor, LCMS Hales Corners Lutheran Church.           
Rev. Mark Jeske, Time of Grace Ministry.
Brenda Skelton, President and Deborah Engel, Operations & Program Officer, Siebert Lutheran Foundation. (Siebert gives money to Time of Grace and to St. Marcus.)
If you cannot attend, but would like to be added to our mailing list for future Change or Die conferences and other events, please click here.
Videos of the 2013 Change or Die Conference can be viewed HERE.


Both these clowns worked for Mark Jeske.
Tim vicared at St. Marcus.
Ski and Bishop Katy were on the staff together.
The Change or Die congregations of WELS
offer soda and snacks going into church.
Sugar-coated? No you can get diet drinks,too.

Dr. Paul Hill – Change or Die Conference 2013

Vibrant Faith Ministries was honored this Spring by the Siebert Lutheran Foundation of Milwaukee, as an example of an organization that has made major changes in order to better serve it’s mission. Representing the whole organization, director Paul Hill, keynoted at the “Change or Die Conference” sponsored by Siebert. Church leaders from across the country came to be informed and inspired to change so as not to die.
GJ - Vibrant Faith was founded by Merton Strommen, ELCA, so it is safe to assume that the parachurch group is ELCAish, but that also include LCMS clergy as happy campers.

Helen Pins Back George Rolf Mueller's Ears

These are baby bats -
irrelevant, like George Rolf Mueller.

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Helen E. Jensen (Helen)
Senior Member
Username: Helen

Post Number: 6825
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - 1:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's just possible that George Mueller, who hides his identity, doesn't know anything about ELDoNA either. [I haven't read your opinions here. Long winded repetitions bore me.] I used to share classes, know and respect some of the men who are a part of ELDoNA.

What I know now is that Augustana Ministerium is a Good Samaritan to men who need one, (whose own "brothers" are likely to turn aside), although some 'come around by night for fear of their DP'.

Christ did not say you would know his disciples by their [anonymous] noisy name calling of anyone who might disagree with them.

SpenerQuest seems to exist to post hysterical attacks against justification by faith. George Mueller, in stealth mode, continues the tradition.

Confidential to George - Vast swaths of Missouri no longer teach that idiosyncratic fetish called UOJ. Worst of all, your Romanizing pal, Paul McCain, still sells a JBFA Small Catechism, the KJV Catechism.

Clean up your own tent before setting fire to another.

Obama's pajama boy in the White House -
so last year.