Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Some Metrics for Elton Stroh

Elton Stroh seems to be a regular, teaching the kids at Martin Luther College.
Is he qualified by any academic standard - the metrics they use in higher education.

Elton Stroh--like his mentors Waldo Werning and Kent Hunter--wants to talk about metrics. Not his own - the Shrinkers never talk about their own. He wants to use your statistics to get himself hired at a princely sum so he can tell you what to do. Spending a lot of money is at the top of his list, because that helps to disguise how much he costs the congregation.

I would drop by and say, "Faithfully administer the Means of Grace. No charge."

Ever since the bankrupt Robert Schuller got juiced on congregational debt, the Shrinkers have been putting congregations into debt - as if spending changes anything substantial about the congregation.

A lot of people are onto Stroh, which is German for straw.

In my classroom, this blog, I have 3,000 views each day. And I am qualified in higher education. I teach theology seven days a week.

The Martin Luther College faculty members are almost completely bereft of real doctorates. Most of them have an MDiv from Mequon (not accredited) or maybe a master's degree from a real school. Larry Olson has a DMin from Fuller Seminary, which is equal to a master's degree. Sorry, Lair - you are no doctor.

I saw some questionable schools listed, the kind that give insta-doctorates for very little effort. Anyone who sends a kid there to be brainwashed in last century's fad - Church Growth - by professors intent on instilling the company's culture, not a real education.

Preparing kids to run diaper changing academies is the latest, desperation move by the school. If only enough students borrow enough money to keep the school afloat.

Tell us about WELS failing for the last 37 years, with all your Church Growth histrionics, Elon.

Tell us about closing Latte Church, which was pumped - or pimped - by FIC magazine, Elton. You were a consultant and it was too much work for you.

Polluted WELS on the Problem of Business Principles in Church

WELS leaders found the right place for their notions,
but guys - the Southern Baptists rejected the NIV,
hoof, horn, and pitchfork.


A Travesty Examined, Part Seven

Well, at least they aren't trying to hide their shame with this one: Applying Business Principles to Church Work.

Here's the description (in red) and my comments (in black).
Do business and church work go together? 

Do the kingdom of God and the kingdom of this world go together? Do darkness and light go together?

In this session, seven key business principles will be presented that are cornerstones to building a successful business. They can also apply to ministry work. 

Can they? Really? Business and the Church are essentially and fundamentally different. They have different purposes, aims, and goals. A successful business is one that gets the right numbers regardless of the means. A successful church is one that uses the right means regardless of the numbers.

Come learn how to build a successful business and how to apply those key principles in ministry to help spread the good news of Jesus.

If you want to know about how to build a successful business, there are much better places to go and learn. If you want to know about how to build a successful church, there are much better places to go and learn.

WELS Means of Greed:
First - Management by Objective.
Second - SMART Goals.
Third - Mission Vision Statements.
Fourth - Gobs of Money.

Who Is Divisive? - The Synod Leaders, Professors, and Gollums

When someone asks questions about serious issues, the first response of synodical leaders today is - "Troublemaker! You are being divisive!"

The word goes out quickly, "Shun the evildoer. He is hurting our beloved synod." This charge quickly becomes the reason to expel the individual and threaten anyone who agrees with him.

But who is divisive? In the LCA, the Left constantly promoted a pro-abortion stance that became official, even though the entire synod voted in 1978 (Chicago) against abortion. The pro-life cadre was purged and abortion on demand became louder and more insistent. All the demons of Leftist agitation followed, paving the way for America to make the same positions canonical today.

Union at Last - Based on UOJ
The Olde Synodical Conference, supposedly an alternative to ELCA, has been forcing the same attitudes and doctrines on their members that they denounce so piously whenever they talk about ELCA. They probably stifle themselves, however, when meeting with ELCA leaders and planning their next joint ventures.

The uniting agency is the pan-denominational business called Thrivent Financial, prodigal donor to all kinds of agencies and religions, including Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in America.

The Silver Marks - Jeske and Schroeder - are enthusiastic recipients of Thrivent loot. LCMS' Harrison bragged about receiving $50 to 60 million from that business. To paraphrase a hymn, they'll never, no never, no never let go.

The Final Act of This Farce - Church Growth
I will use WELS as an example, although the LCMS, ELS, and CLC (sic) follow the same pattern of denial, adoption, and canonization. ELCA is hotter than George asphalt for Church Growth, too.

Church Growth broke out in the open in WELS through TELL in 1977, and they were open about it from the start. SP Naumann endorsed it and Carl Mischke made it mandatory.


"TELL has served the church faithfully for 15 years. Three editors have served; Ronald Roth (1977-84), Paul Kelm (1985-88), and the undersigned since 1989...The lead article in the first issue of TELL was titled 'Church Growth - Worthwhile for WELS.'...The author of this article in April 1988 issue of TELL concludes, 'It's obvious by now that I believe we in WELS can profit greatly from the writings of the church-growth leaders.' ... TELL as a separate publication ends with this issue. Nevertheless, the focus of The Evangelism Life Line will continue for years to come as an integral part of the new Board for Parish Services journal - PARISH LEADERSHIP. "
Rev. Robert Hartman TELL (WELS Evangelism) Summer, 1992.

Thirty-seven (37) years ago, WELS began to promote the dogmas of Fuller Seminary, shamelessly, brazenly, wantonly. The three named editors were joined by Radlof as the Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, TELL had a new name, a larger format, a new editor:
Ron Roth - On a golden horse named Greed.
Paul Kelm - On a black horse the color of Xerox toner, named Plagiarism.
Robert Hartman - On a fat horse that could hardly move, named Gluttony.
Jim Radloff - On a transparent horse, named Me-Too!

Polluted WELS and the Intrepid Lutherans are writing about something their synod began to promote in the open in 1977. One can only guess when the first WELS leader studied at Fuller Seminary. Bivens and Valleskey, pals in California, were alumni. Both happened to teach at Mequon.

Who divided the synod?

Gausewitz taught justification by faith in his famous Synodical Conference catechism, but WELS-LCMS-ELS switched this to UOJ and dropped G-man into the memory hole, from which no one returns.

The Olde Synodical Conference followed the historical liturgy and appointed lessons, using the same hymnal. Now they have their own barbarous songbooks, loaded with ELCA copyright materials, but they are all separate hymnals now, except for their degenerate love for ELCA's stuff.

Can anyone sing "This Is the Feast" and stay awake? Have you tried singing "Gather the hopes and dreams of all, unite them with the prayers we offer" without snickering?

From the descriptions in WELS-ELS-LCMS, I can tell where worship has gone. Instead of a common Means of Grace historic liturgy with sermons, hymns, and pipe organ music, the Olde Synodical Conference blossoms with

  • Pop rock music songs about you, me, and the deep blue sea.
  • Snacks and drinks handed out to take into the entertainment seeker service.
  • Coaching diatribes promoting works righteousness.
  • Big money for the untalented rock mediocrities, scorn and abuse for real church music.

Mark and Avoid Jeske is hosting a big, pan-Lutheran conference based on his favorite passions - himself, making money, and wrecking his the synods in the name of growth.

As Luther said, good is not going to triumph over evil. The strong will defeat the weak. If believers continue to be weak, anonymous, and eager to compromise, they will be defeated too, taking many members with them.

The new gay bishop in ELCA, formerly the professor of Confessional Lutheranism at a seminary (!) said something that should tingle the ears of Mark Schroeder, who knows this to be true. What was once revolutionary becomes accepted in time.

“Eventually what seems revolutionary now will (later) seem normal and predictable.”

One day the FBI is raiding your headquarters,
the next day you are meeting with ELCA leaders.
Small world, eh Mark Schroder?