Wednesday, September 24, 2014

WELS Discussion Group Expects a Public Apology from Glende and Ski -
To Their Victim and Her Husband -
Whom They Sued in Court Because the Couple Told the Truth!

Both of them were guilty, but only Ski was forced to resign.

  • Jeffery Clark At this point, what I think we should be looking for is:
    1) Apologies to the victim and her husband. - this is an important step for "Pastor" Ski to truly repent of his sin. If he can't apologize to the victims, how can he be above reproach and continu
    e in the ministry?
    2) How we can make sure we don't drop the ball again.

    I know the CoP was supposed to discuss changing how CRM is done, but we have heard nothing as to what was discussed or decided.
    1 hr · Edited · Unlike · 5
  • Joe Jewell There should also be open and sincere apologies from the DPs who approved his CRM over the objection of many in the relevant district and shuttled him down to Texas on an insta-call, as well as from Glende (especially for his role in the frivolous, sheep-flaying lawsuit--truly odious).
    1 hr · Edited · Unlike · 6
  • Bryan Spiff Grefsheim I wish I could like that 100 times
    1 hr · Unlike · 5
  • Joe Jewell Liking it once is a start! 
    19 mins · Like · 1


GJ - WELS, Engelbrecht, Patterson, and Mark Schroeder repeatedly violated their own Canonical Law, as Steve Spencer pointed out before, to get Ski a job in Texas.

All the pastors of the Anything Goes District had to be notified - they were not. The praesidium had to agree to approve - they did not. Zank approved and he was elected to replace Deputy Doug.

Ski had already been turned down for CRM status but got it reviewed again.

The silent consent of these synodical drones in victimizing the victims is an indictment of the entire sect.

I have said many times that SP Mark Schroeder, the DPs, and the CPs should issue a public apology for their lies, deceits, cover-ups, and slander - devised to deny the victims of their church workers justice and peace.

There are many Biblical passages about this, but they are not visible to the obstinately blind, the cold and flinty-hearted.

Facebook - Not Everyone Hymns the Glories of the WELS School System

Fun in a WELS synodical school.

  • Paul Lidtke Honestly, Dan, I believe you overstate the case of the WELS worker training system. I am an MLS grad, NWC grad and WLS grad. While I don't purposely wish to run down any of those schools or their grads, I wouldn't say that by the time I graduated from WLS we were "all one big family." It's silly, in my estimation, to paint that picture. As called workers we may be serving in the same synod, but no matter how hard we were made to think that after all those years together in school unite us, we aren't "one big family" even now. 

    Think carefully, Dan, about the pastor who says, "I was at a conference run by Google and I was received better there than I've been at most pastoral conferences." That's what I was told by someone just a year or two ago. And he's someone I expected to be a "we're one big family" type of WELS guy.

    When I attend district and synod conventions, I usually seek out laypeople. It's often easier to strike up a conversation with a rancher or grocer than it is a WELS called worker who is not familiar with you. I'm glad that you find the WELS educational system to be stupendous, but I'm not sure it's realistic.
    5 hrs · Like · 3
  • Paul Lidtke By the way, we really do need to start a new thread about schools to make these latest comments "fit" the thread. 
    5 hrs · Like · 1
  • Dan Babinec Maybe it's part of my perspective from having been in a very cutthroat and competitive job situation for most of my adult life before returning to the WELS system that I find so refreshing... "one big family" doesn't preclude dysfunction. I too seek o...See More
    5 hrs · Like
  • Paul Lidtke I recognize, Dan, that your perspective is different than mine. Yet, in one small way I share it. I worked as a fill-in on air personality during the early years of my time in ministry. Country radio is as cutthroat as it comes. Granted, I wasn't full-time, so people around each station loved a part-time guy who can handle himself on air and is dependable. Even then, I found more camaraderie and team work than I have found among neighboring WELS churches and called workers at times. In fact, I still hear more from my radio friends than most of my WLS classmates!
    5 hrs · Like · 2
WELS church workers do prison ministry from the inside,
from vicars to DPs to headquarters staff.

GJ - Too bad the pressure for conformity means covering up for the right people and expelling those who can think for themselves.

As one defender of WELS said, the sooner the sect falls apart, the better.

WELS Has Members and Pastors Who Do Not Want Coverups -
Not To Mention Hauling Victims into Court. Victims!
Glende, Ski, Engelbrecht, and Mark Schroeder Should Be Ashamed.

Homosexual themed video, created at Martin Luther College, WELS,
and uploaded to YouTube.

"As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

  • Bryan Spiff Grefsheim I'm playing catch up on this, but sadly, I've seen called worker abuses myself in my own neck of the woods, although those abuses weren't sexual but incredibly abusive none the less. I'm disgusted by all of it. Disgusted by this Ski, (I'm really glad not to call him Pastor) and anyone else who uses their calling for their own twisted gain, but my biggest concern is the way it was handled and how leaders just stood by and allowed wounded sheep to be dragged into the courts for simply wanting to shed light on a situation. Glende should be ashamed and reprimanded too. 

    I would say that guys like Ski, Glende, and the people I've dealt with are the exception, as we all know. What concerns me is that our leaders don't seem to realize that they are playing a major role in creating perceptions that lead to talk of a good old boy system, criticism of our worker training system and worse by choosing to deal with situations like this in the way that this was dealt with. Dealing more swiftly, decisively and yes, severely with called workers who are proven to cross these lines would actually serve to protect the reputations of the thousands of called workers who don't deserve this mud splashed onto them. If I were a pastor, I would be letting those DP's know that they created a situation that potentially stained the reputation of many more than the two involved here. Our workers are a gift from God, as is our training system and those who labor in it. Protecting those who abuse it does more damage than the leadership must realize and I submit that Satan loves it. 

    I'm glad this thread is allowed to be played out. It would have been shut down on another page. While we hash this out, let's also focus on protecting those workers who most likely join us in our concerns about behavior like these guys displayed.
    19 mins · Unlike · 1
  • Paul Lidtke Thanks Bryan Spiff Grefsheim for your comments. Having spoken with some leaders who are still dealing with the fallout of this case, they wish there was some time machine where they could go back and handle this better. So much of this cannot be changed, but let's really hope that we never have a repeat!