Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Universe in Compost - The Numbers Game

The ideal compost pile layers high carbon (leaves)
and high nitrogen (grass, weeds, and greens),
but tossing all the garden trash in will also do the job over time.

Compost is a whole universe of diverse soil food web organisms. Never mind the huge numbers in good, fertile garden soil: the numbers of organisms per teaspoon in compost, especially the microbial populations, are simply too large to fully comprehend: 
  • Up to a billion bacteria, 
  • 400 to 900 feet (150 to 300 meters) of fungal hyphae, 
  • 10,000 to 50,000 protozoa, and
  • 30 to 300 nematodes . 
In addition to extremely high microbial numbers, compost contains all manner of microarthropods [springtails] and sometimes worms. It teems with life.

Lewis, Wayne; Lowenfels,(2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1862-1866). Timber Press. Kindle Edition.

Earthworms are the visible reminder of the microscopic activity of the soil.

Most soil life is microscopic, so people count earthworms to measure its health. Compost begins with bacterial action heating up the pile and ends with earthworms worming their way into the pile and mixing it thorough, leaving egg capsules to inoculate every place where the compost is distributed.

The Creating Word determined at the beginning of time that a collection of organic matter would attract and feed a large array of soil creatures, building and renewing the foundation of all life on land. What happens naturally can be magnified with a little planning.

As I retire the summer garden, vines and cuttings will be added to the compost for spring. Leaves will be mulch-mowed into the front yard and raked up in the back yard. The back yard leaves will be good for some mulching and also for including in the compost.

Teaming with Microbes argues that compost adds billions of microbes and miles of fungi to the soil. Earthworms concentrate the positive values in the soil, while adding calcium, but fungi delivers nitrogen directly to the roots. Fungi use carbon from the plant to grow and extend its network (hyphae). Bacteria, protozoa, and nematodes hang around the roots to feed and to give up what the plants need.

The microbes work together tirelessly and vastly improve the soil when the principles of Creation are respected.

The Numbers Game
The last few decades of Lutherdom have been a clownish farce where all the wrong things are done and the results are ignored. Rototilling for success - Their Mission Vision Statement - embrace it or be gone, varmints.

The ELS-LCMS-ELCA-WELS division of Thrivent is in a death spiral. The leaders want the numbers from the congregation. What are theirs? They have decimated Lutheran worship and disparaged the Means of Grace every way they can.

They only need to teach faithfulness to the efficacious Word, but no - they stomp those who trust in what they despise. No one should wonder that the clergy abuse of members continues to increase faster than the speed of the cover-ups. The DPs abuse the pastors and congregations, so why shouldn't their pals abuse the members?

It is like the chemical gardener saying, "My roses won't bloom. I need more chemical salts."

The numbers game in the Word is simply and clearly taught in Matthew 13 - Mark 4. Sow the seed, which is the Word, and production will follow.

My chain-link fence is all green because I planted seed along its 50 foot stretch. Gourds have taken the high ground. Along the top, the vine grows perfectly with its leaves outstretched and blossoms every few inches. Did I ask this? plan this? order this? envision this? No I simply planted and watered, but God gave the growth.

Our little congregation simply broadcasts the Word on the Net - blogging, Facebook, Ustream, Lulu, Amazon, etc. Results follow from the faithful teaching of the Word.

The Lincoln rose grows where it is planted.
The Lutheran synods plant weeds, and say, "Look at the growth there!
Follow the example of Apostasie, our new mission at a bankrupt bar."