Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Editor Who Erased the Sex Scandal Now Complains about LCMS Apostasy

Joshua could have stood up to Matt the Fat,
but he caved, erased the Darwin Schauer thread, and got a promotion.
The bossman at No-Fast Lutherans calls JBFA teachers "morons."

No caption needed.

No-Fast Lutherans.

Me? Stand firm?

Rev. Dr. Matthew Becker, LCMS Clergyman. Exonerated.

January 22nd, 2015Post by 
concordia-shipwreckIt came out during the North Dakota District Convention that the case against Rev. Dr. Matthew Becker, an LCMS clergyman who teaches at Valparaiso University has ended with the result that he was exonerated of any charge of false teaching.
President Harrison informed the District Convention of the results.  He and his administration have been working hard on the Becker case for some time (since taking office).  The CTCR has also been working on the dissents that Dr. Becker filed (dissenting to the Synod’s stance on women’s ordination and evolution).  In the end, the process has failed to discipline one of the most flagrant dissenters to official LCMS doctrine.
A committee formed by the Dispute Resolution Process has now exonerated him.  The District President of the Northwest District (where Dr. Becker holds membership) has refused to take action against him.  President Harrison has gone on record as speaking against this and expressing his own frustration that he has run out of options as Synod President to discipline him.  The Synod’s legal documents and opinions forbid the Synod President from dealing with an individual member (CCM ruling after Newtown made sure of that).
The chief remaining action is to of course report it to the 2016 Convention of the LCMS and ask for the Convention to take action.
As for me, the Becker case has been a sort of litmus test on how the LCMS can handle things with regards to false doctrine.  This is sad, but shows how utterly broken the Synod is to handle even the most open and shut cases.  Why has FiveTwo not been taken up the Dispute Resolution Process – this is why.
The Synod in Convention can choose to do nothing.  The Synod will then become an umbrella overarching various theologies, one true, many false (which it apparently already is).  This of course does not glorify God or hallow His Name.
The Synod in Convention needs to realize that the mechanism which it has to deal with these issues is utterly broken.
Pray for those involved.  Dr. Becker, evolution and women’s ordination has won in LCMS Inc.’s court.  Lord have mercy.
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.   – James 3:1
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.  – 2 Peter 2:1-3

Never read the Formula of Concord's
The Righteousness of Faith,
Article #3.

The sniveling, whining crybabies of Steadfast have been so far up the Purple Palace that they could see the soles of Paul McCain's Gucci loafers.

Harrison started the Steadfast blogsters to be his Janissaries, but they are more like the palace eunuchs of the Muslim glory days in the Ottoman Empire, lolling about, physically decayed, morally corrupt, easily angered by threats to their honor and income.

WELS Pastors Pretend They Are Tigers, But They Are Cheatahs.
Boycott the Emmaus Conference

Read about the WELS Sermon Factories

The lazy professors at Mequon - WELS - encourage students to plagiarize, one of the lessons they easily learn.

A pastor is supposed to preach sermons based on his own Biblical studies. If he cannot do that, he is not apt to teach - or inept - as many of his professors are.

The belly-bursters are always looking for ways to get money without earning it. They also love grants from other people's money, which Jeske Church and Changer Rangers favor, elbowing anyone else out of the way.

Do these pastors admit, "Most of this sermon was written by someone else"? Tim Glende and his drinking buddy Ski both denied it and excommunicated a lawyer for telling the truth about their fraud.

If they do not post that announcement in each bulletin. they are frauds and liars, collecting money for another person's work.

Does anyone wonder why their sermons are so dead and lifeless? Shouting, screaming, and wearing costumes will not make up for the sterility of using another person's words.

Nothing is funnier--or more pathetic--than a so-called preacher walking around the stage with his electronic notebook in hand, reading the script he downloaded but never memorized.

WELS is the plagiarism synod, and the former DP of the Anything Goes District defends it.

When I was reading up on Jeff Gunn, DP Buchholz' favorite emergent phony, I was struck by how his websty content paralleled Rick Warren's. Maybe he did not copy Rick Warren, but another plagiarist. It simply was not possible for him to write down the same words, the same Biblical passages, and be original. Why no citations?

Justification by faith bears fruit,
but UOJ gives birth to sterile jackasses,
atheist sons.

Howzacome Everyone Has the Same Abusive Response from WELS Leaders?
Add Shunning and Retaliating against Relatives to the List

"If you do not like Pastor Adam Mueller and the church
council in dresses and make-up, you're gay."

Because WELS called workers are mostly a bunch of Richards and this is what happens when a person calls out a called worker and then vice versa.

Private closed meeting with a buddy clergy and yesmen Elders presiding over matter. (The kangaroo court). The called worker describes what they did with light positive words and omits key details. The called worker describes what the other person did with exaggerated harsh sounding negative words. The buddy Pastor and/or yesmen Elders only takes the called workers story into account. Then the get lost script.

Called worker didn't do anything wrong according to scripture. (Make the person think they are crazy). BUT if you talk about it at all, then you are in violation of the 8th commandment. (Guilt trip) and be prepared for the consequences. (Fear of some unknown punishment)
Then some ad lib blah, blah, blah judgment against the layperson speaking up using vague terminology for sins. And ended with "forgive as Christ forgave you."

This is what happens when a called worker calls out a layperson.

Private closed meeting with a buddy clergy and/or yesmen Elders presiding over matter. (The kangaroo court). The called worker describes what they did with light positive words and omits key details. The called worker describes what the other person did with exaggerated harsh sounding negative words. The buddy Pastor and/or yesmen Elders only takes the called workers story is into account. Then the get lost script.

You did XYZ wrong. You cannot take communion or be in fellowship with the WELS until you agree that you did XYZ wrong. Then pay restitution to the called worker for the rest of your life by doing what ever he/she commands. Then some ad lib blah, blah, blah judgment against the layperson using vague terminology for sins. And ended with "it is the consequences for your sins."

Also note that documented evidence is not required for the called worker but it is for the layperson. This happens to some called workers lower on the totem pole too who speak up.


  1. One or two examples please.

    Eine arme Schaf
  2. What I have experienced and others have experienced and what just about everyone I have talked to brings up on their own is "...You better be careful or you'll be shunned." or some other close cousin to the word "shunned". Literally everyone I have ever discussed something controversial with has said something along those lines and then told some story of how it happened to them or someone they knew.

    Is that part of Seminary training or what?

    Eine arme Schaf
  3. Seminary training does not prepare future pastors for the reality of problems and conflict during their calls. Seminary training leads future pastors to believe that they will be respected and deferred to whenever they engage in their Word & Sacrament ministry. Seminary training is often most successfully completed by men who do not necessarily have the requisite gifts for working with other people. Seminary training is, in the final analysis, graduate level theological instruction, not pastoral formation, which can only begin to occur after leave seminary.
  4. Mr. Malach,

    No doubt what you say is true. Yet it seems odd that every lay person seems to have had the same experience. Disagree with the pastor's agenda or take a position that is not popular with or in conformity with WELS central or might be slightly out of step within your church and especially if you say it where others may hear it. What happens - you are shunned, ostracized, ignored etc. It just seems odd that everyone has had or knows of someone who has had the same experience. Whatever the reason for it, it comes across as unloving, uncaring and frankly has the faint odor of either a spoiled child pouting or of a bully.

    Surely some Pastors come out of Seminary with proper manners and some people skills?

    Eine arme Schaf
UOJ Stormtroopers know how to fake contrition.

GJ - Howzacome is a Moline word for "why does."

Mequon Teaches Their Brain-Washed Students To Plagiarize,
Church and Changers Dominate the Cheating List.
WELS Documented Blog

Zank backed Ski for CRM and a new call.
The zombies of his district made him DP when Doug's flinty heart wore out.
For lesser crimes than Ski's, a WELS principal is facing 20 years and a big fine.
What's worse, sexting a grizzled cop ( as the WELS principal did)
or sexting and showing graphic porn photo to a lady staffer (as Ski did)?
Remember - SP Mark Schroeder worked the deal to give Ski a new call.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Is there a WELS Sermon Clearinghouse?

Is there a WELS Sermon
Is there a central clearinghouse within the WELS for pastors to share their sermons with one another? How would you feel if your pastor either used or shared his sermon series with another pastor? Can other pastors access the information, if they wanted to share sermons or use one, if so how do they do it?

** Update Notice that we received via email which answers these questions:

From Pastor Ben's Blog in Muskego
July 5, 2014
Sermon Series Planning – This upcoming week I’ll be getting away a couple days with the pastors from St Paul’s in Muskego to plan our next year’s worth of sermon series. It’s a blessing to work together with other creative pastors to develop series that are biblical, relevant, and helpful to you. Did you know that over thirty pastors across our synod receive the resources that we create and many of them regularly use them in their churches? Just this week I talked for an hour on the phone with a mission church pastor from South Carolina who had heard about our sermon series and who asked me to include him on our distribution list?

So if you have any ideas or suggestions for a sermon series, I gladly welcome your input. Books of the Bible, questions, topics, relevant life issues, various Bible teachings, issues raised by various books or people in our world...these are all possibilities. Any thoughts? Feel free to email or text me. I will have access to the internet while away as well.

Second Update Notice:
For past discussion on this same topic, based on first-hand knowledge, see also:


"Profile" Sermon Series
 - Spans more than one district; so it's not simply neighboring pastors sharing.
 - All were preached this last January; so they all had them at the same time.
 - Almost all had same description; so that was provided somehow
 - How do seven churches have the same sermon series at the same time otherwise?

St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Muskego, WI

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In Colossians, Paul presents a profile that has the power to change our lives completely. Paul presents Jesus, the uncreated Creator of all things, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn from the dead. The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ. In this series we’re going to work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. We’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.


Victory of the Lamb - Franklin, WI

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In Colossians, Paul presents a profile that has the power to change our lives completely. Paul presents Jesus, the uncreated Creator of all things, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn from the dead. The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ. In this series, as we work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.


 Grace of God Lutheran Church - Dix Hills, NY

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In Colossians, Paul presents a profile that has the power to change our lives completely. Paul presents Jesus, the uncreated Creator of all things, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn from the dead. The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ. In this series, as we work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.


Sure Foundation Lutheran Church - New York City, NY

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In Colossians, Paul presents a profile that has the power to change our lives completely. Paul presents Jesus, the uncreated Creator of all things, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn from the dead. The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ. In this series, as we work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church - Las Vegas, NV

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In Colossians, Paul presents a profile that has the power to change our lives completely. Paul presents Jesus, the uncreated Creator of all things, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn from the dead. The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ. In this series, as we work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.


 St Paul Lutheran Church - Calgary, Canada

Many of us today have online social networks where we create and work to maintain our profile. Our goal is to present an image of ourselves that we want other people to see. In the book of Colossians, Paul presents an astounding profile of Jesus. The baby born in a manger is also the image of the invisible God.  The better we understand Jesus’ profile, the better we’ll understand who we really are in Christ.


Peace Lutheran - Aiken, SC

In this series, as we work through Paul’s letter to the Colossians, we’re going to see how Jesus truly is our all in all and explore how this truth impacts our lives.  Today we're looking at what Jesus accomplishes through means.


"Parables that Go Against the Flow" Sermon Series

St Paul's Lutheran - Muskego, WI 
October 8-10:
Parables That Go Against the Flow: "The Parable of the Two Sons"
Sermon Text:  Matthew 21:28-32
It’s hard to swallow Jesus’ teaching that many who have been in the church all their lives are spiritually lost and they don’t even know it. Even more difficult to accept is that many whom those in the church would look down on because of their lifestyle are really God’s true children.

Emanuel Lutheran - New London, WI
October 11-13:
Parables That Go Against the Flow: "The Parable of the Two Sons"
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:28-32
It’s hard to swallow Jesus’ teaching that many who have been in the church all their lives are spiritually lost and they don’t even know it. Even more difficult to accept is that many whom those in the church would look down on because of their lifestyle are really God’s true children.

St Paul's Lutheran - Muskego, WI 
October 22-24
Parables That Go Against the Flow: "The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard"
Sermon Text:  Matthew 20:1-16
In God’s kingdom “the reward” is the same for all, whether you come early or late, work all your life or just sneak in at the end. The perplexing question is why we struggle so much when it comes to the incredible generosity of God’s grace.

Emanuel Lutheran - New London, WI
October 18 - 20 

Parables That Go Against the Flow: "The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard"
Sermon Text:  Matthew 20:1-16
In God’s kingdom “the reward” is the same for all, whether you come early or late, work all your life or just sneak in at the end. The perplexing question is why we struggle so much when it comes to the incredible generosity of God’s grace.

God’s Love—Unstoppable! Sermon Series

St Paul's Lutheran - Muskego, WI
We have great respect for people who have a dogged determination, who set their minds to accomplish something great and won’t allow anyone or anything get in their way. Yet, even the most unwavering grit and fortitude we see depicted in the heroes on the movie screen pales in comparison to the resolve God has to love us and rescue us from our sin. We see this resolve in the manger on Christmas Eve, as the Creator of heaven and earth, determined to free this world from its slavery to sin, takes on human flesh and blood and enters the world he created. Yet, Satan was also determined—to counter God’s plan in any and every way possible. And it’s in this all out battle of the wills that we clearly see who truly is the greatest. In the end, absolutely nothing is going to be able to stop God’s love. (from 2010)
December 18-20: A Miraculous Sign for the Unbelieving Heart
December 26-27: A Miraculous Escape Ensuring Our Release
January 2-3: A Miraculous Choice Made Before the Dawn of Time

Sure Foundation Lutheran Church - New York City, NY
We have great respect for people who have a dogged determination, who set their minds to accomplish something great and won’t allow anyone or anything get in their way. Yet, even the most unwavering grit and fortitude we see depicted in the heroes on the movie screen pales in comparison to the resolve God has to love us and rescue us from our sin. We see this resolve in the manger on Christmas Eve, as the Creator of heaven and earth, determined to free this world from its slavery to sin, takes on human flesh and blood and enters the world he created. Yet, Satan was also determined—to counter God’s plan in any and every way possible. And it’s in this all out battle of the wills that we clearly see who truly is the greatest. In the end, absolutely nothing is going to be able to stop God’s love. (from 2010)
December 19: A Miraculous Sign for the Unbelieving Heart
December 26: A Miraculous Escape Ensuring Our Release
January 2: A Miraculous Choice Made Before the Dawn of Time


  1. The late Tim Niedfeldt outlined the sharing between St. Paul Muskego & Victory of the Lamb and a few others in the comment section of this post on his blog


    1. Thank you for that information! We just received some more information also via email that I'm going to get updated on the original post also.
  2. I have mixed feelings about sermon sharing. I am grateful that more are developed in house rather than notes taken from LifeChurch or other source that in not in fellowship, if that is the case. What is exactly written and developed and shared- graphics, powerpoint, semon notes and bulletpoints? What is the original source for the idea? Are they getting inspiration from sermoncentral or LifeChurch and swapping out a few things so that it is hard to find the "plagiarism"?

    It is my understanding that common practice and what had been taught in the seminary was to read the sermon text and study it in the original language then develop the sermon. Sure a pastor might get inspiration from another WELS pastor, a commentary or Luther's sermons on the same text but since the lectionary is repeated every so often a pastor often highlights a different point in the text being preached on. So what is the sermon writing process taught at the seminary?

    Now a pastor can receive a canned sermon (or notes)... make a few adjustments and there you go? That doesn't seem like a good practice either. Are all the pastors upfront with the congregation that the sermon series was created elsewhere? How word for word are the sermons? Most congregants would assume their pastor was creating and writing their own sermons and that's what he went to the seminary to learn how to do. I know an older couple that was so impressed by the pastor's creativity with the sermon series topics but little did they know that most were from an online source or someone that the church had paid to write them. Are pastor's being deceitful to their own members?
  3. Is this a significant issue as long as the Word of God is being proclaimed and the Law and Gospel properly divided?
  4. Just some free flowing thoughts on the subject.

    I don't believe it would be acceptable to use a sermon or sermon series if it came from a Non-Confessional Lutheran source.

    Ethically if you are using the Muskego Sermon Series should you disclose your source? I would think yes that is the proper thing to do, even if you made numerous modifications to the sermon, if you lifted the base from somewhere else then credit should be given.

    I also question the wisdom of a Sermon Series. How do you fit a series into the traditional church year lectionary? It seems as if we are copying from the Evangelicals who always seem to have this or that sermon series going on.

    When I think of a number of congregation's using the same series my mind wanders to the Jehovah's Witnesses where the same message is read at every hall on meeting night.

    As an additional question regarding how things work. We have Stewardship Sundays for example. Four Sundays set aside throughout the year stressing Stewardship with an overarching theme that the four sermons tie to. Is the theme and the individual Sunday themes set by Synod? If so do they provide the sermon then as well? How does that work typically?

    Eine arme Schaf

Practical Ideas for Birds and Blooms

Cherry tomatoes are especially good at volunteering. Eat four, toss one.

Slight changes can make a difference in enjoying birds and having better garden production.

I bought a few pounds of suet from the meat market in the fall and bagged it all in mesh bags, far less expensive than little metal cages with $1 suet cakes in them. I had six bags hanging in four locations, on trees and the bird feeder.

Business was slow at first, since birds are wary of new feeders, but now we have morning birds singing and chortling happily as they enjoy breakfast near the window, on the trees, and on the ground.

I added a folly--a useless garden item to the feeding plan--an old filing cabinet made from composite wood, with a pull-out drawer. Seed lands at various levels, with the drawer pulled out. The squirrels jump in the drawer and pop out to eat each seed (wary of foes and competitive squirrels). It is fun to watch, whether for parents, grandparents, or grandchildren. Our helper watched and laughed at the sight. I placed it between two trees, an area where nothing grows. Suet hangs on those trees and the corn feeder is placed on one, used now by the starlings. Squirrels want fresh corn only, not a processed corn cob.

Mulch is always good for feeding birds in the garden, who manage the insect and grub population. A pulled or cut weed can be added on top of the mulch to add to the organic matter. I would rather cut a big, juicy weed at the base, let its root rot into the soil, and place the leafy weed remains on the mulch or in the compost. Pigweed is good for that, and the flowers and fruit are interesting to watch form.

Pigweed will grow anywhere, so people despise it. That is all the more reason to let some grow. I am not keen on weeds that invade through the root system or seed at apocalyptic rates (fever few). But tall weeds  like goosefoot are good for the soil and good to eat.

A mass of weeds, like a crabgrass patch, can be turned into compost by laying on newspapers and wood mulch. Another solution is to cover them first with a newspaper layer, then straw bales for a straw bale gardening areas (potatoes and strawberries).

Put down the flamethrower and the RoundUp - use or eat the weeds. Allowing some tall weed growth is good for birds perching, for bird cover, and for food. As someone noted in a gardening book, taproot weeds mine the minerals from deeper in the soil, so they add to the root zone of the plants.

Weeds Are Guardians of the Soil. You laugh? The book now sells for $350 on Amazon. Look it up.

Sticks fall from trees all year around. I keep some of them in a pile for the birds to enjoy. The sticks either harbor or attract insects so they are a good place to rest and eat. I toss sunflower seeds among the sticks to create a habit of sitting there for a snack.

I first saw branches used this way in Midland, when I piled branches near the road to be picked up. Birds rested and chirped in them, feeling safe for days - even while sitting near road and sidewalk traffic.

Birds like to perch while looking for food and preening feathers, so anything above ground level is good for that - sunflower remains, a stick pile, a fence, and tall weeds.

Water pans - small pans near the sprinklers or soaker hoses will catch water for bird baths. Birds can find their own food, but water is a necessity that draws them all summer, keeping them in the winter when the water kept thawed. We did not even have frost on the car parked outside, most of the winter, so this was not an issue. In Midland, a birdbath warmer was the best investment ever for birds in the winter. We created a bird spa, watching them line up for their winter baths.

Everything organic - once people realize the value of mulch and compost, they collect as much as possible for rich soil. The Queen of England grows organically in her private garden. The great rose gardens of America fertilize organically because the roses grow better that way.

Eliminating poisons from the garden will increase life and suppress unwanted guests by turning them into food. If someone uses herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, the normal increase of counter-measures will be killed or kept away by the toxins.

Sow in abundance, reap in abundance. I recommend buying large packets of seed, by the pound if possible. We ran out of pea seeds. I could have used another two large packets. We had enough sunflower seeds because I buy those by the 40 pound bag.

2 Corinthians 9
But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
(As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.
10 Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
11 Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

Those who buy large amounts of seed will have enough to share with others, spreading the joy and value of gardens, saving money and teaching others about Creation.

The "worst planting" in one that never grows to maturity, but even that one can be great for the soil. Many people start a bush bean crop before winter. They grow up, grown nitrogen gathering roots downward, and freeze in place. The soil is richer because they began to grow before winter.

Likewise, an entire spinach or garlic crop can be started in the fall, and harvested in the spring.