Friday, January 30, 2015

Actual Objections to Violating the Scriptures - But Not from WELS, or the Reformer Mark Schroeder

Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon; lest the daughters of the Philistines rejoice, lest the daughters of the uncircumcised triumph. 2 Samuel 1.20

Why I Objected
By Paul Williamson
Jan. 30, 2105
I have been asked why, on St Timothy Day in York Minster, I stood up to object during the ordination of Libby Lane as the first woman bishop of the Church of England. I am happy to give an answer: I stood out of love for the church for which I have served as a pastor for forty-one years and out of respect for the gospel which it proclaims.

In the Church of England when a priest is commissioned with the laying on of hands and with prayer for the Holy Spirit, a Bible is given as a sign of Authority to minister in the name of the Church. How can the archbishop of York purport to make a woman a bishop, and give her a Bible as the sign of her episcopal authority, when in that very Bible there is no authority for a woman bishop? In 1 Timothy 3:1-2 we are told that "the bishop is the husband of one wife." To be a bishop was to be a man. How have some arrived at a reversal of this view?

One attempt at explanation makes reference to procedure. They tell us that the synod has voted for it, and the parliament has agreed. I ask, do the synod and parliament have authority over the Bible? Clearly they do not. God has not given it to them.

Try to find a Lutheran who can identify this genius historian.

Two thousand years ago God chose the woman, Blessed Mary, to be the mother of his only begotten son. That son, our lord Jesus Christ, chose twelve men to continue his work on earth, and they chose men to be bishops who chose men to be priests. In this Christ gave us a model on which we should hesitate to think we can improve.
God the Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the New Testament in the Bible. How can we now say that God got it wrong?

How can we claim that the Holy Spirit now tells us that women are to become bishops and priests when it could just as well be said that the Holy Spirit at one time guided the Church to keep a male (ministry of Bishops, priests, and deacons? How can we credit such a reversal to a God who is described as eternal and unchanging, and the Son of God who is described as the same yesterday, today, and forever?

We describe holy orders of Bishop, priest, and deacon as a sacrament. A sacrament has to have the correct matter of form and words. So at the Altar at Mass (Holy Communion) Jesus took bread and wine, and said "This is my Body - this is my Blood" and we cannot change to a hamburger and coke because that is the most popular food today. We cannot marry a man to a man because Holy Matrimony is one man married to one woman. And so we cannot put a woman in the place of the man in Holy Orders.

We should not fear to show confidence in the Bible. To do otherwise is arrogance and folly.
The Rev. Paul Williamson is the rector of St George's Church Hanworth

From Four Years Ago - Another WELS Parasitical Church.
Does Anyone Have an Update?

A report from the field:

Here's another (W)ELS mission church that has a lot in common with the (W)ELS emergent church The Core.
Jarod Oldenburg is the pastor and church planter assigned by the Synod.  Things in common are sheep stealing to start the church.  The church name avoids any reference to Lutheran or WELS, although it can be found by looking.  They are using Baptist theological books for education and inspiration.

 I had a run in with Pastor Oldenburg years ago following his attendance at a Reggie McNeal (Baptist) training seminar.  He returned and was promoting the idea that if we didn't communicate God's word in the language of today we just wouldn't be communicating.  He was also working on writing new creeds for his mission - Light of Life in Covington, Wa.)  

Once a month preview services for the reasons given below.  One year of preparation before the first service is to begin.

Starting a (W)ELS church called Eternal Rock.  Quotes from Pastor Oldenburg's blog:
"Up until this point, our primary goal has been to locate mission-minded WELS members who would like to help our effort"

"During the Launch meeting, we will be sharing the Eternal Rock mission:  “Follow Jesus: Live Love.”"

"To help us align, we chose to go through the book Essential Church.  The book is not gospel truth, but it did provide some great points for discussion."

Once a month Preview Services - "will allow us time to follow-up on guests and make any necessary changes (location, timing, equipment, etc.)"

"September 2011 - Sometime after Labor Day we will launch our weekly services."

2009SeptemberThe WELS Board for Home Missions decides to fund the exploratory mission in Castle Rock, Colorado.  This decision is based on funding and the presence of an interested core group of families that live in and around Castle Rock.

2010MayPastor Jared Oldenburg [grew up in Appleton], at the time serving the church he started in Covington, WA, accepts the call to serve as the church planter for the Castle Rock Mission.

2010JulyPastor Oldenburg arrives with his family (wife and three kids).
2010Augustfirst mission meeting to discuss schedule and general goals for the mission.  It is determined that the group will meet every other week and read/study together the book Essential Church.  The first meeting had 20 adults.

2010-SeptemberNew name!  Eternal Rock Lutheran Church. The other finalists were Rock of Life and Christ Our Rock.  New website is launched at the same month as well as a serving Castle Rock task force.

2010OctoberServing Castle Rock task force starts the process of a “Community Needs Assessment” and makes plans to interview community officials and serve the community.

Interesting factoid - Baptist Thom Rainer who cowrote the book Essential Church (which Oldenburg is using) has just finished his new book, Transformational Church which he co wrote with Ed Stetzer.
"Ed Stetzer and I provide the full story of our study and these churches in our recently released book called, of course, Transformational Church. More than anything, the study and the book is a story of hope."  Thom Rainer

Just another site

Houston, Prepare for Launch

December 22, 2010
by jaredoldenburg

Houston, Prepare for Launch

There are really about a thousand ways you can start a church. Some (in my opinion) are good and some, well, not so great.  To tip my hand a little, anything involving clowns, carnies or pyrotechnics is bad.  What follows is not some breakthrough model for church planting. What follows is simply an explanation of the approach we are taking to start Eternal Rock.

Before we get into too many details, some general church planting principles ought to be laid out.  First, it is generally good to start a church in the fall because many people are settling down into some routines after a busy/distracted summer.  Second, if you are going to write about planting your church, make sure you use exaggerated blog titles that make it sound like you are about to send something to Mars. Third, in this day and age, it makes some sense to get to know/serve a community first and launch second.

Alignment (July-December)
Up until this point, our primary goal has been to locate mission-minded WELS members who would like to help our effort.  It is not that we don’t care about the unchurched, but instead we figure we can best serve and reach the unchurched in the future if we strengthen our core group.  To help us align, we chose to go through the book Essential Church.  The book is not gospel truth, but it did provide some great points for discussion.  It looks like we have just over 20 adults who are committed to our efforts and excited to help make it happen.

Prelaunch I (January-May)
Starting in January, our primary goals will move towards the planning aspects of launching a church.  This will be divided up into two types of meetings: Launch and Planning.

During the Launch meeting, we will be sharing the Eternal Rock mission:  “Follow Jesus: Live Love.”

The first meeting will cover the mission of Jesus and in turn our mission as a church.  During successive monthly meetings, we will be explaining and expanding each of the parts.  For example, “Follow Jesus” would mean follow Jesus through worship and by studying His Word.  During the meetings, we will discuss/present what this will look like at our new church.
Anyone who may want to be involved is invited to these meetings. The first is January 16th at 4:00pm at the Castle Oaks Church (across from Nike) in the Castle Rock Outlet Mall.

If you think of the launch meetings as casting a vision for the new church, the planning meetings will focus on the business end of launching a church.  Couples and individuals will be encouraged to focus on either worship, outreach, education, or service as we get ready to have our first preview service in May.  If the Launch meetings focus on what it will look like, the planning meetings will focus on what it will take to make it happen.

Prelaunch II (May-August)
During this time we will be holding worship once each month.  The weeks between preview services will allow us time to follow-up on guests and make any necessary changes (location, timing, equipment, etc.).  This is also a time when we will start to emphasize outreach and service to the community.  Not only will we have something to invite people to (worship), but we will also be mobilized to do some things in the community.

Launch (September 2011)
Sometime after Labor Day we will launch our weekly services.  The idea is that by this service date and with the help of the preview services, we will have the location, signage, welcome, timing, equipment, etc, ready so we can focus our greatest efforts on reaching those who are far from God.


GJ - Somebody should do a census on the emergent churches already in the area. This congregation is another example of Stetzer-based work. "What we believe" is so watered down and vague that any denomination could post the same words.

Their pre launch meetings are being held at Castle Oaks Church - Evangelical Covenant

I noticed the links to WELS do not work, although the website is "crazy easy" to maintain.

If you do not like this development, write a letter!

If you did not speak to the pastor first, you will be accused of violating Matthew 18. If you did speak to him first, you will be accused of not writing a letter first.

If you meet with other members and pastors and try to do something, nothing will happen, even if the DP meets with you. He probably will not. If he does meet with you, he will blame this blog for getting you upset.

You will not be taken seriously. The DP will retaliate against you, your family, and your friends. Former friends. They will desert you as soon as they find out you questioned Holy Mother WELS.

Or send an email to the Synod President. He will send a secretive message back (if you are lucky) saying that he is working on it.

One of Those Perfect Days - Sassy Does the Dickson Street Bookstore and Little Bread Company

Yesterday was so much fun. We took Sassy Sue a few miles south to downtown Fayetteville, where I delivered a number of books to the Dickson Street Bookstore, one of those magical places with endless rows of books, every topic imaginable. Previously I noticed their affinity for some of the books I had to offer.

The book buyer is right out of central casting. He is slight with long, grey hair tied back into a ponytail. He looked over my sets of books, one bought 50 years ago at The Source Bookstore in Davenport, Iowa (still run by the founder's granddaughter).

We arrived at a price inside while Sassy and Mrs. Ichabod waited in the limo outside, on the sidewalk in front of the store. Yes, I had permission to pull up there. I waved the check at the staff as I left and asked,"Is this check good?" They laughed and invited me to cash it right away.

Downtown Fayetteville is college-town, home of the Razorbacks. We "call the hogs" at Walmart meetings. Hog and pig are common business names in the area, including the Harrison Oncology Group - H.O.G. The University of Arkansas is the city's main business, I am sure.

Our next stop was familiar. Chris loves one bead store, which is two doors away from The Little Bread Company, one of those high quality bakeries, which I love. In-between is one of the few barbershops left in America. The barber is a woman who only cuts men's hair. Mine was close to a Trump comb-over in the wind. so I went inside. Sassy waited in the car.

Soon I had Sassy with me, going up to the bead store, almost next door. Sassy was welcomed inside and charmed everyone. When she grew tired of that store we went outside to explore. She knew the block from previous trips. Walking ahead without a leash, she turned back and grinned at me, "This is so much fun." The college kids welcomed her at the outdoor cafe, and we walked to the back, where our Columbus friends ate with us during a visit.

Back in Springdale we drove through at the bank. Sassy's favorite teller was there. eager to give out treats. Sassy got one for starters. We talked a bit as I cashed the check. Sassy gave one loud, commanding bark, and the teller saluted at attention, giving her a second treat. We laughed about Sassy's bossiness, and Sassy got her third treat on the way out.

Once I made sure Sassy got her treat and drove away without the cash, which I left in the tray. They thought that was pretty funny when I returned a few minutes later.

Does Anyone Wonder about WELS Role-Playing in Their Synodical Schools?

WELS Prep School Michigan Lutheran Seminary
does this every year.

WELS Church and Change Pastor Adam Mueller
and his church council members cross-dressed for the congregational picnic,
loud and proud in publishing their photos on the Net.
Children put women's makeup on the men. Cute?

WELS Martin Luther College students
copied a gay video, frame by frame, called
Party in the Fire Island Pines - and "did not know it was
produced by a group of homosexuals."
They uploaded their video on YouTube.
Scott Barefoot mourned the death of his gay lover on Facebook, later
co-authored Richard Starr's second book on homosexuality.
This is another Martin Luther College video
published on YouTube.

One hazing ritual at Northwestern College, WELS,
involved forcing the new students to simulate sex with this statue,
which they brought with them to Martin Luther College.

Anyone with a little common sense--or too many credits in adult education--realizes that WELS systematically introduces homosexual behavior in their synodical schools. A young man who attends a WELS prep school, Martin Luther College, and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary will get 12 years of de-sensitizing propaganda.

De-sensitizing is an approach where behavior totally abhorrent and repugnant becomes acceptable, cute, and fun - but only in gradual steps.

What was never allowed in public is idealized and made normative after years of taking away society's sensitivity to it. As Church and Changer John Lawrenz said about women usurping authority in the church, "I didn't know you were sensitive about this issue, Greg." A short time before that, he expressed anger that it was an issue in Columbus.

Someone must have de-sensitized him.

The program is a great success, except for the recent felony arrests and convictions of WELS pastors, teachers, and staffers.

Director of Communications

Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod
 – Present (8 years 1 month)

Who Said You're Allowed To Rain on My Parade?
Thrivent Objections? LCMS Objections? WELS Objections?
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

ELCA Bishop Guy Erwin was the Professor of Confessional Lutheran Studies
at Thousand Oaks College, ELCA when he suddenly became a pastor,
then a bishop two years later.

WELS de-sensitizing efforts are posted here.

"Openly gay Lutheran bishop-elect Guy Erwin will join the contingent of Lutherans who participate in the Los Angeles Pride march tomorrow. It's been a tradition for the Lutheran bishop to ride in a car during the march, and Erwin will now be able to ride as Bishop-elect."

Don't tell me not to live,
Just sit and putter,
Life's candy and the sun's
A ball of butter.
Don't bring around a cloud
To rain on my parade!

Don't tell me not to fly--
I've simply got to.
If someone takes a spill,
It's me and not you.
Who told you you're allowed
To rain on my parade!

I'll march my band out,
I'll beat my drum,
And if I'm fanned out,
Your turn at bat, sir.
At least I didn't fake it.

Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it!
But whether I'm the rose
Of sheer perfection,
Or freckle on the nose
Of life's complexion,
The cinder or the shiny apple of its eye,

I gotta fly once,
I gotta try once,
Only can die once, right, sir?
Ooh, life is juicy,
Juicy, and you see
I gotta have my bite, sir!

Get ready for me, love,
cause I'm a comer,
I simply gotta march,
My heart's a drummer.
Don't bring around a cloud
To rain on my parade!

I'm gonna live and live now,
Get what I want--I know how,
One roll for the whole she bang,
One throw, that bell will go clang,
Eye on the target and wham
One shot, one gun shot, and BAM

Hey, Mister Arnstein,
Here I am!
I'll march my band out,
I'll beat my drum,
And if I'm fanned out,Your turn at bat, sir,
At least I didn't fake it.
Hat, sir, I guess I didn't make it.

Get ready for me, love,
'cause I'm a comer,
I simply gotta march,
My heart's a drummer.
Nobody, no, nobody
Is gonna rain on my parade!

Read more: Glee - Don't Rain On My Parade Lyrics | MetroLyrics