Wednesday, February 4, 2015

WELS - Martin Luther College - "But far too much drinking among far too many students went on far too many times."

Dean Wormer, it is a great way to get a call
and Church and Change grants.

Benjamin Wink

1 hour ago  -  Shared publicly
And these are just the incidents on campus where people were caught.  And these are just the instances on campus for that matter.  When I attended MLC, COS and the like advertised the drunkfests right in the dorms.  "Get a cute copyright infringing t-shirt and help us fund this booze filled nonsense!"  There were local farmers that wouldn't let the pig roasts happen on their land because the drunken rowdiness from the MLCers was well known.  The amount of drunken debauchery was quite amazing for such a little college.  Now does this happen at college?  Most certainly.  But should this happen with students who are supposedly going there for a higher calling?  Now the faculty could most certainly snuff this out, but they won't and/or don't.

You're not there to sow wild oats.  You're there to be trained in the Word.  You're there to learn the languages.  You're there to learn how to manage a classroom and teach a child to read.  Christ is supposed to be the focus.  However, this school is no biosphere that protects and shields from sin.  Far from it.  Did everyone drink themselves into a coma?  No.  There were plenty of us that did not.  But far too much drinking among far too many students went on far too many times.

I find it sad that they struck those stats off of the WELS Documented blog.  Of course some of the called workers that read it can be all sanctimonious now I suppose and say things like "This helps no one."  Yet they should remember a time when they helped carry a drunk up the stairs into their dorm room.  Maybe they were the drunk.  Maybe they even had bottles of the stuff in their rooms.  And the cycle continues.

GJ - I preserved the missing article here

Truth about Bishop Cook's DUI Should Sober Up WELS, Missouri, and ELS/CLC.
Alcoholism Is a Big Issue for the "Conservative:" Lutherans

Heather Cook's bishop (left) and presiding bishop (right)
both knew their new colleague was three sheets to the wind
before her consecration..
No problem.
WELS moves their drunks - TEC consecrates them.

Episcopal bishop indicted on 13 charges, including homicide, in biker’s death

Episcopal Bishop Heather Cook was indicted Wednesday on 13 charges in the death of a Baltimore bicyclist, including homicide, drunk driving, texting while driving and leaving the scene of an accident.
Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney, had announced Jan. 9 that her office was charging the 58-year-old cleric from the Diocese of Maryland with killing Thomas Palermo on a Saturday afternoon in December while he was out for a ride.
Prosecutors have said since January that Cook could face more than 20 years in prison.
Cook, who has been in a treatment facility since the accident, has a court appearance scheduled for Friday, but her attorney David Irwin said it is likely to be procedural and the case continued.
Since the accident, details of Cook’s past drinking have come out, raising questions about what Episcopal officials knew and whether she was receiving any support since becoming the Diocese of Maryland’s first female bishop last year. Cook was charged in a dramatic 2010 drinking-and-driving incident, the bare bones of which top diocesean officials knew when they selected her as a candidate, but which they did not share with the broader body that voted to pick her.
Initially reluctant to share details regarding Cook’s personal life, officials have been speaking more frankly in recent weeks as Episcopalians have demanded answers. Bishop Eugene Sutton has appeared at two public question-and-answer sessions on the case and a third is scheduled for Feb. 11.
On Tuesday, Sutton’s office said they didn’t push Cook to discuss her drinking last spring when her 2010 drunk-driving arrest appeared in a background check, explaining that they were trying to respect her privacy. Cook is technically still the number two bishop in the diocese, though officials have asked for her resignation.
On Monday the diocese set off debate when it posted a new, detailed timeline showing Sutton suspected that Cook was drunk during a pre-consecration dinner two nights before she was officially made a bishop in the fall.
The timeline also says Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, leader of the Episcopal Church, who presided over the Sept. 6 service that consecrated Cook, was also made aware that Cook may have been drunk during the dinner.
Joel Lillo: "WELS Document took this article down for some very good reasons.  I would expect that you would do the same, Greg, if you were a decent human being.  Of course, I've long since given up hope of that."

GJ - Fox Valley WELS Pastor Joel Lillo is upset about the truth coming out, but he was never bothered by the clergy abuse perpetrated under the influence of booze in his own circuit.
Clergy students who drink themselves blind and brag about their sexual conquests are bound to come to naught in time.
First of all, they have deep-rooted spiritual problems, if they have drink that much, seduce girls dumb enough to be seen with them, and brag about their loutish behavior.
Secondly, if they are drunks in college--as many WELS clergy are--they will become physically addicted to alcohol. As Heather Cook demonstrated, alcohol in the car was not enough. She had a pot pipe during her first DUI in 2010.
Cook was undergoing three forms of therapy for her alcoholism when she was consecrated a bishop. At that point she probably had to drink in the morning to avoid withdrawal symptoms (the shakes - aka the hair of the dog that bit you). 
Herman Melville has a poignant description of alcoholism in Moby Dick. He calls it a robber that is invited into the home, robbing everyone of peace and happiness.
Once the physical addition is added to the spiritual problems, the troubles mount. One problem is the cost of alcohol, coupled with the cost of lying. Where is the money going? Where have you been?
Drunks have black-outs, when they forget entire days - terrifying. Drunks also have hallucinations, the pink elephants. One told me in the hospital that Martians were shooting beams at him. He showed me the burns. 
Drunks also lose control of their impulse control and fall prey to many more illnesses and accidents. Their livers give out and they develop distended bellies from the alcoholism
Some drunks want to fall asleep, and use alcohol as a liquid pain killer. There are many who are nasty, vindictive drunks. They destroy many relationships with their words and actions. Some of them do not repent until they are utterly alone.
The church leaders are not doing anyone favors by ignoring the symptoms, as they did with Heather Cook.  Ecclesiastical meetings continue to be surrounded by the temptations of alcohol, because "everyone drinks" and they all have a good time, right? That only makes things worse for the vulnerable,  and it paves the way for the next generation of alcoholics.
How many more victims are needed to make this stop in the Christian Church. The Scriptures forbid ordaining drunks and giving alcoholic laity positions in the congregation.  Ah, but the bigger the scandal, the more extensive the cover-up. Ask Mark Schroeder, Matt Harrison, and Pope John the Malefactor.

Correction - There Is No Problem with Drunken WELS Students and Pastors -
No DP Had a DUI.
No Mequon Professor Had a DUI.
Studying Under the Influence - All Ichabod's Fault

Joel Lillo commented on Is Alcohol Becoming More Of Issue At“Of course Herr Ichabod picked up on this. I really think that this could have been best unreported…”
Anonymous commented on Is Alcohol Becoming More Of Issue At“It's a sensational blog title. Those who have a preconceived bias will lap this stuff up. The…”
Anonymous commented on Is Alcohol Becoming More Of Issue At“The statistics say "Drinking Violations." It is a violation to have alcohol on the MLC…”
Anonymous commented on Is Alcohol Becoming More Of Issue At“Those numbers are pretty impressive. MLC had absolutely no reportable offenses except for…”


GJ - I reproduced the article on alcohol violations here. Good thing. Maybe I should get auto-plagiarism software so I can preserve WELS blogs before they are erased with their comments. The comments were still hanging in midair the WELS Documented Blog when I clicked on the article again to check out all of them.

Joel Lillo never had a problem with Ski's drinking habits. In fact, he wrote back that he knew nothing, even after the letter was sent around the Anything Goes District, to every pastor. That letter included accounts of Ski having 100 ounces of beer for lunch, drinking on the job, etc.

WELS pastors know they have a problem with alcoholism. The eruption of stories from time to time should remind people that one known violation suggests many more problems. Not every incident of drunk driving ends with a ticket or a crash.

I knew I was talking to a WELS alcoholic when he told me that drinking plus Valium potentiates the alcohol and its effect. Many problems followed that helpful bit of advice, but no one did anything, even when I contacted a supervisor and asked him to get involved.

To summarize the erased comments:
1. The problem is the sensational title of the article, not the alcoholism of WELS students while they are already in school. However, the official magazine of WELS published an article about excessive drinking at Northwestern College and sent someone around to talk about it at clergy meetings. I read the article and heard the speaker.
2. Another problem is one blog copying another one - that is evil. Being drunk on the job is no problem. Mowing down people with a car is no problem - just reporting the problem that caused their murder by a drunk.

Thomas Palermo was killed by Bishop Heather Cook's drinking, texting, and driving.
His wife is a widow, and his children are fatherless.

The bishop who knew about the alcoholism has pronounced himself innocent.

WELS SUIs - Studying Under the Influence

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Is alcohol becoming more of an issue at our synod colleges?

Underage Drinking at
our Synod Schools

Is drinking and alcohol becoming more of an issue at our Synod Schools? Are there groups like "COS" at Martin Luther College that facilitate the use of alcohol? How much of a problem is it, if any? What about at the high school level? Does it happen in our synod high schools also? What can be done to reduce the occurrences? The 2014 data has not been released yet.

Martin Luther College
Liquor Law Violations on Campus in Student Housing Facilities -
2009 - 22 drinking violations
2010 - 07 drinking violations
2011 – 12 drinking violations
2012 – 21 drinking violations
2013 – 26 drinking violations

Liquor Law Violations On campus -
2009 - 25 drinking violations
2010 - 14 drinking violations
2011 – 22 drinking violations
2012 – 27 drinking violations
2013 – 28 drinking violations
Data Taken from the 2011 Annual Security Report
Data Taken from 2013 Annual Security Report

College Sophomore 22 days ago
Party Scene: There is like no partying that's worth going to. COS or DEX stink and are just people drinking off campus. Source.

College Freshman Dec 31 2014
Greek Life: It does not affect our campus at all. People throw wild parties, yes, but it is low-key and not in the way of us non-greeks. Source.

College Freshman May 6 2014
Drug Safety: Since we are located in a small town, there isn't much to do, so people resort to drugs and alcohol, but I rarely hear of drugs, just alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on campus, so if you are caught, you must pay a fine.Source.

Wisconsin Lutheran College

Liquor Law Violations on Campus in Student Housing Facilities -
2009 - 18 drinking violations
2010 - 45 drinking violations
2011 – 38 drinking violations
2012 – 25 drinking violations
2013 – 41 drinking violations

Liquor Law Violations On campus -
2009 - 18 drinking violations
2010 - 45 drinking violations
2011 – 38 drinking violations
2012 – 25 drinking violations
2013 – 41 drinking violations

Forcible Sex Offense in Resident Hall - 
2012 - 2 Forcible Sexual Offenses
2013 - 2 Forcible Sexual Offenses

Data Taken from Annual Security Report Statistics

College Junior Jul 20 2012
Administration: Dry Campus – WLC is a dry campus and that means that even if you are legal you still cannot bring alcohol onto the campus. It doesn't mean that you can't drink off campus but you are not allowed to come back drunk and if you get caught then you will either be suspended or expelled. However they are not the best at following through on their punishments or the meetings that they want to have to discuss the situation with the students envolved. Source

College Sophomore Jul 24 2012
Administration: Dry Campus – Drinking on campus is prohibited, but if you are of age, they have no problem with you drinking off of campus. If you are underage and you come onto campus drunk, you are considered an open container of alcohol and, if caught, you can get into some pretty serious trouble. They are a little more strict on this policy then other private/religious schools, but it doesn't seem to bother most of the people I have talked to. Source.

Being drunk at college
leads to drinking on the job -
no problem in WELS.

In Gardening - Aiming for One Group Will Benefit the Others

 The chickadee who loves sunflower seeds is also a great insectivore. 

When I get out my big book on gardening, I look over which plants are good for various beneficial creatures. Most of them overlap. The catalogs know  that, so they write about attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. They do not mention bees.

I grew some bougainvillea in Phoenix. That was a bee plant. The big, black leaf-cutter bee loved those leaves to harvest for its nest. Every so often these bees would fly slow-mo through the backyard patio - bothering no one, but ominous the first time we saw them.

My neighbor had a sycamore tree and panicked over bees in her yard. Phoenix had African killer bees, but they were not as dangerous as the people driving cars there. I pointed out that her tree was known as a bee plant and in bloom. "Your tree is a bee plant." She said, "Oh."

Not one bee has bothered me while gardening. They are essential to gardening and fun to watch. Scientists study their movements in the Queen's private gardens in England. The bees' food dance can be charted to discover where they are going for their favorite food.

Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds like similar plants. Butterflies are choosy. Parsley attracts the Swallowtail, and the milkweed cousins (milkweed, butterfly weed) attract Monarchs. The Viceroy mimics the bitter-tasting Monarch that birds avoid (due to its diet of milkweed). But how did the Viceroy figure that out, to look like the Monarch and outfox the birds?

Evolutionists marvel at these visual deceptions without considering the implications. A butterfly cannot think--and even if it could--that would not change its DNA.

The Monarch decorates his chamber with bright gold highlights.

The Viceroy looks so much like the Monarch that Phoenix residents were confused. I said, "No Monarchs live here. Those are Viceroys." They were offended - the truth hurts the thin-skinned.

If I aim at one group, I get the other favored creatures. The bee-butterfly-hummingbird area will have Butterfly Bushes, sunflowers, flowering vines, bee balm, bee bread, and butterfly weed. Some other weeds or herbs will also help.

When people add manure to gardening and water their plants, they are helping the butterflies and birds. The butterflies like to puddle in the manure, and the birds use mud and manure for nesting.

Manure and dead plant material build up bacteria in the soil, the foundation of life among all the higher life forms. If I aim for bacteria  as food for plants - that will jump start all the bacteria feeders, including the earthworms.

If I aim for fungi, with newspapers and wood mulch,that will establish the channels of decomposition - the fungi building tunnels between plant roots and their sources of nutrition.

The best part of Creation Gardening is not needing to manage what is already well managed by the Creator. Pests attract pest-eaters like the ladybug, just as parsley attracts the Swallowtail. Tilting toward the birds--using suet, seed, and water pans--will stack the deck against insects and their grubby babies.