DP John Seifert is another reformer while campaigning, a pope while reigning. |
The latest WELS sales convention represents the end of the sect, which is just as well, since they abandoned the vestiges of Justification by Faith long ago.
Papenfuss, the hero of the Kokomo Statements, never heard of UOJ before he went to the Sausage Factory at Mequon. He left breathing threats against justification by faith, like Paul before his conversion. The graduates who never heard of UOJ certainly heard of Gausewitz. That was their catechism, in WELS and other parts of the Synodical Conference.graduates have never heard of Gausewitz.
The current Sausage Factory grads have never heard of Gausewitz, but they live and breathe UOJ, Emergent Church, and the absolute necessity of having a Pentecostal Praise Band - hallelujah!
Mark Schroeder--a former high school principal with almost no parish experience and the worst kind of parochial education--ran on a reform platform, his way eased by the dismay of the Issues in WELS pastors and laity. That group and website is long gone.
When Mark felt surrounded by the Jeske Crime Family, he urged his classmate to organize a loyalty group, which became the Intrepid Lutherans. But Twelve Apostates (Conference of Presidents) became alarmed and joined Schroeder in dissolving the group.
Mark decided it was better to switch than fight, if any change was really intended. I concluded long ago that he was a Manchurian Candidate, the pliable one picked to finish off the sect. His intense focus on money earns him the title Silver Mark.
My take - he was doing well at first until the Jeske stable of millionaires threatened him with total non-support. Since WELS always teeters on insolvency, that was all it took.
Perhaps Schroeder really was a critic of Church Growth gimmicks. He gave a legendary but now-missing slide show against it, as told by the Intrepid Lutherans.
Let's face it, Schroeder is no leader, but a school principal without principles. He could not make a stand for a good translation of the Bible, so he rolled over and played dead for the New NIV.
After all, WELS members are "afraid of the Bible," as Wendland told a resisting convention. What better way to solve that problem than to make a non-Bible - the New NIV - mandatory for all new publications.
WELS trained teacher - on the far Left. |
Silver Mark has made sure that no one dissents from his enabling of Mark and Avoid Jeske. His Intrepids are almost completely gone. No one dares to say anything in public or even anonymously.
Nota bene - all those who used to post anonymously, without a hint of their names or locations, are silent. The nasties have stopped too, perhaps because they revealed too much about the drunken, illiterate, degenerate state of the WELS clergy. Anyone can write using any name he wants, since the email address is open and I happily publish the most toxic statements.
Afraid even when anonymous? That is intimidation. The WELS church workers know that they will be shunned by family and friends when bounced out of the abusive sect, even though that is the best medicine, a fumigant against the soporific vapors of the cult.
As the brother of a real lifetime prisoner told me, "He is happy he has a roof a three meals a day, even if he has no freedom. He thinks I am a loser for working and being free."
An imaginary prison can be just as secure for the people with that mentality. That is why WELS cannot reach new people without assuming a Babtist persona. They have nothing that people need - they can be beaten like a rented mule at work. They do not need a church that charges them for the abuse.
Observe the hilarity pose, used by all Church Growth gurus. That helps Jeske avoid his default lopsided smile. Graphic by someone else. |
Most people have heard of Planned Parenthood as baby body-parts merchants of death, but no one paid attention when Brett Meyer described how Thrivent was part of funding Planned Parenthood, years ago.
Even if Planned Parenthood were removed - whether honestly or as a ruse - Thrivent would still be the major funder of ELCA and its relentless pro-abortion policies.
Does this bother Silver Mark or his boss Mark Jeske? I see no sign of it.
I decided long ago I would have no part of any pro-abortion institution or those who funded it, and I would oppose them vocally at every opportunity. I have talked people out of March of Dimes, United Appeal, and similar covers for Planned Parenthood.
Mark Schroeder is not offended by the sexual harassment of women staffers in a parish. He protects and rescues the offenders while the victims get sued in court.
But lo - if a WELS musician touches the keys of a non-WELS instrument, Schroeder sends an email, which is a threat.
And if a WELS pastor discusses justification by faith, Schroeder participates with his pal Jon Buchholz in kicking out that parish and trying to take away the parish property.
God uses false teachers to punish those who are indolent about sound doctrine, as Luther observed.
WELS and Missouri - Schroeder, Harrison, and Jeske are your punishment from God.
Luther says that people welcome wolf preaching - here is the Wolf of Wall Street. |
Thrivent even bragged about their speaker being the Wolf of Wall Street - cocaine, whores, fraud, lies - all supported by "conservative" Lutherans. |