Tuesday, January 19, 2016

One Hundred Percent Gay Lutheran Church Petitions To Join WELS Again.

Mark Jeske and Mark Schroeder ousted the pastor and grabbed St. John Lutheran 
and its endowment fund.

How much more descriptive of WELS can this be? An abusive cult - definitely.

The Church Growth District President got rid of the pastor and congregation on a pretext while leaving Mark and Avoid Jeske untouched.

Jeske pals organized a grab of the property and endowment through the only members, two (2) homosexuals. The late Tim Niedfeldt was going to get the worship services on the Net, so the theft prevented his family from joining. Services stopped altogether until an ex-WELS pastor (now ELCA) was found to front the theft.

Names, addresses, phone numbers?

Now the two homosexual members--who worked with WELS to grab the property--want to join WELS again under the same DP who kicked the original members out for supporting the pastor.