Tuesday, January 17, 2017

And We Were There - In Atlanta

Trump and Martin Luther King, III

I saw that Martin Luther King III Had ‘Very Constructive’ Meeting With Trump

In 1978, I gave two papers at the National Conference for the Spiritual Aspects of Aging, in Atlanta. The main speaker was Martin Luther King Sr. His son had been killed 10 years before. But his grandson, MLK III, came along with him.

Grandfather and grandson were leaving when they came near Mrs. Ichabod and me. We said hello and shook hands with them.

Every so often we would see MLK III on TV. "Remember when we met him in Atlanta?" 

So, that is our personal connection with President Trump. He visited our area during the campaign, but we skipped the chance to be stuck on a country road waiting to get to the airport.

 No you weren't. Go home to MSNBC.

Someone Really Liked Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.
More on Lutheran Books

 Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - on Amazon and Kindle.

  • Thank you for this book. It has led me and my wife from wilderness to Lutheranism.  I knew there was an emptiness about Protestantism, but the Roman Catholic church with its non-biblical accretions was a bridge too far.

GJ - I wrote CLP for Lutherans who marry Roman Catholics, since they seem inexorably drawn together, in order to create mutual understanding without the usual polemics. People demanded that I turn the original adult class for couples into a book. This is now the third, revised edition.
  • Is this book available in hard copy?
GJ - No. The current edition is available on Amazon, Kindle, and the free PDF. I appreciate the request. Unfortunately, if I publish the same title in hardback on Lulu.com, where they have that option, it confuses the databases no end. Thus - a republished book from Lulu will no longer be listed on Lulu.
  • Why did you change from NIV to KJV?
I am glad you asked. I was using the NIV software at the time, back in the Dark Ages of computers, DOS, and other horrors. Someone offered me a free KJV program and I switched to the KJV. The KJV is much more precise than the anti-Sacrament NIV. You can read about that in Thy Strong Word, first chapter. TSW is also in the third edition. Some hard-covers are around on the used market. Here is the free PDF.

The New (and the only surviving) NIV is even worse than the old NIV, which is no longer allowed to be used by the publisher. It even disappeared from the publisher's Bible Gateway website. I imagine some people have their old NIVs, if they applied for a Concealed Carry Permit.

If you want a slightly modernized, precise Bible, I suggest the KJV21 or the Third Millennium KJV. 
  • Is there a specific book or books that would help me to study Lutheranism more deeply?  My background is evangelical Protestantism. 
In order, I always recommend - 
  1. The Sermons of Martin Luther.
  2. The Book of Concord.
  3. I can send anyone my books at a very low cost. Someone has donated money to send them free.
I still use the original Lenker 8 volume set
that I purchases long ago.
CPH turned that into 4 volumes and added 3 volumes of Postils,
as shown above. It took me a few tries to obtain that
as a used set for a friend.
 Thy Strong Word has put a damper on Church Growth and UOJ
Enthusiasms, but the synods leaders continue in their errors.

Top Customer Reviews

on January 28, 2005
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on September 25, 2007
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on September 10, 2016

 Author's page for Pastor Gregory L. Jackson