Monday, June 19, 2017

Brief Notes for the Icha-peekers, Who Look for One More Post for the Day

 Someone asked recently, "Why the peacock?"
Luther used the peacock as the symbol of false teachers.
"The peacock is an image of heretics and fanatical spirits. For on the order of the peacock they, too, show themselves and strut about in their gifts, which never are outstanding. But if they could see their feet, that is the foundation of their doctrine, they would be stricken with terror, lower their crests, and humble themselves. To be sure, they, too, suffer from jealousy, because they cannot bear honest and true teachers. They want to be the whole show and want to put up with no one next to them. And they are immeasurably envious, as peacocks are. Finally, they have a raucous and unpleasant voice, that is, their doctrine is bitter and sad for afflicted and godly minds; for it casts consciences down more than it lifts them up and strengthens them."
What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 642. Cited in Thy Strong Word.

The following graphics are posted because I often ask Lutheran leaders if they teach Justification by Faith. Charles Schulz is working on a PhD in New Testament at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He posted on Facebook - ""light from above" (in Greek), the motto of Concordia Seminary St. Louis, where I'm earning my PhD (deo volente). The Sacred Scriptures alone reveal the true God."

Readers want to know how UOJ is presented by Lutheran leaders, because these readers cannot figure out how universal absolution without faith is wrestled from the plain Word of God. Here is an example.

I never hear these UOJists reflect upon the entire sentence -

Romans 4 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him; 24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Schulz freely admits to the Halle origin of his UOJ, but that does not matter.

 The magical words from the Halle Pietsts are -
Universal, General, or Objective Justification -
the opposite of Luther's and St. Paul's.

Legion Is My Source
One reader noticed WELS SP Mark Schroeder live on Facebook. The member is WELS, so he wondered if Mirthless Mark was looking for my sources, which are named Legion, "because they are many." Perhaps Schroeder wondered how the new hymnal got the nickname E-W! for Even Worse Than CW.

People keep filling me in, sometimes because they remember or find old stories, such as the previous minister of Oconomowoc - Pastor Al Schleusener - who does not admit to serving there for many years. According to self-styled genius Mark Jeske, Oconomowoc is the only city in America with "five vowel o's" in the name. I am looking for the consonant o's that may be lurking in other names. In fact, I am searching for one consonant o. So far zero have popped up.

There Must Be Opposition to the Gospel.
Unfortunately, the Opposition Is Official and Widespread

One reader asked if any progress was being made with Justification by Faith. The answer is - Yes, the opposition is clearer than ever before. Some of my Facebook friends have made a point of planting their flag on behalf of Justification without Faith. The official groups, listed below, are completely in the bag for UOJ.

I was tempted to block some FB friends who have come out as UOJ, but I decided to continue the assault on their hobby-dogma. The Word is effective in converting and in hardening, in enlightening and in blinding. Extending the Left Foot of Fellowship is only going to leave them unmolested by Luther's doctrine.

The official UOJ groups are, in ascending order:

  • Herman Otten's Christian News, is as much a UOJ-only shop as the Steadfast Lutherans.
  • LutherQuest (sic) continues to promote the Festival of the Ascension of CFW Walther, which is every day on their blog.
  • The ridiculous Emmaus Conference hosted the farce of the sects' founders being "Unsuspecting American Luthers." However their papers are not yet posted. Perhaps they did not want to motivate a book, as Jay Webber's logorrhea did - The Faith of Jesus.
  • The misnamed Steadfast Lutherans, are stifled by the Harrison censorship, which is ironic since they banned any links to this blog.
  • Higher Things - the Jugendbund of Missouri - produces moronic videos embracing UOJ, acted out by their version of Marco Rubio. They used to brag about their UOJ in a doctrinal statement, but that seems to have disappeared. Send a link to me if I am wrong.
  • The inconsequential Church of the Lutheran Confession, serves as a perfect example of a sect claiming so much while embracing UOJ and Church Growth. Donkey Basketball is the favorite sport at their college and seminary.
  • The ACELC, is a faction so intoxicated by Walther that they reference the bloke in their resolution - to wit - "Whereas, The rite of ordination, although not a divine institution (Church and Ministry, Ministry Thesis VI), is the apostolic custom by which Lutherans have designated and publicly acknowledged a man as a minister of Word and Sacrament, that is, as one who is in the Office of the Public Ministry and recognized by the wider fellowship as a fellow minister (Ap XIII 11–13); and…"
  • The Evangelical Lutheran Synod, aka, the Little Sect on the Prairie, so terminal that they have already announced their demise.
  • The Wisconsin Sect, centered in Milwaukee, so completely a Black Hole of dogma that no light escapes. 
  • The LCMS is so schizophrenic that they persecute Justification by Faith in most of their lobbying and money-making groups, but they still allow for Luther's doctrine here and there.
  • ELCA. Like it or not, is the big guy the ruling, managing, and dominant sect of all the Pietistic sects claiming the name of Luther. All of the statistically significant ones work with ELCA, follow their rules, and stifle objections. Like the others, ELCA defines grace as universal absolution without faith, UOJ. Following the example of Halle University, ELCA no longer bothers with the fraud of Subjective Justification and simply claims that the entire world is forgiven and saved. Their message is exactly the same as WELS - just tell people that they are already forgiven and saved.
  • Thrivent is an even bigger dog than ELCA, because the insurance company includes all denominations and gives money to everyone, including the pan-religious Mark and Avoid Jeske, their highly paid board member.
Note - Subjective Justification is not faith in Christ, but acceptance of the dogma of universal absolution.