Monday, April 30, 2018

How Similar the Left Wing Is to the Lutherans of This Insane, Old World

The Lutherans of today are not different from the Left Wing of politics, using the same quotas and radicalism to maintain control.

 This Steadfast Lutherans blog will not publish any post that teaches Justification by Faith or link to any blog that does.

 They wrote their own history. An ugly little fungus became a magazine, became a seminary, became a synod, and killed it.

The first principle is censorship. No one is allowed to disagree with Holy Mother Sect. That is official in the LCMS, which celebrated the Reformation's 500th this way - teaching doctrine without official approval is a fatal offense.

WELS-ELS did not need an official statement, since that has been policy for many decades.

A small faction gets things approved and the slightest murmur against the latest folly is a grave sin.

 Diversity works best when it is selective - that is why they insist on their group being over-represented, coddled, praised, and promoted.

Quota System
The quota system, often portrayed as diversity, is a toxic solution to staff problems - but it works. People insist on a certain style of person nominated to a board, praising that person's rock-ribbed conservatism and harmlessness. Once on that board, the allies work to add more. David Valleskey (WELS) is a good example, a new idea - a professor of evangelism - but really Church Growth Evangelical Ecumenism. An ecumenist loves every denomination except his own.

Soon Valleskey has his old buddy Bivens teaching at the seminary. The entire Mordor faculty is Church Growth and UOJ, truly united in folly. It took a few decades, but it worked there and everywhere else in Lutherdom.

The quota system soon drives out the old majority or replaces them one by one. This has worked wonders in the universities of America, the school boards, and of course - the seminaries. Once the seminaries are thoroughly infected, the graduates are ordained only if they are on board this social revolution.

 WELS babies are raised to excel in the stink-eye.

Hate Them Out - The Group Stink-Eye
WELS, Missouri, the ELS, and the micro-minis practice this method with rare finesse. I wrote up the reactions of the United Lutheran Seminary (ELCA) that botched their hiring of a new president, a woman who once advocated heterosexuality. They pounded her into the ground like a tent stake, even though she was 99.9% on their side.

The value of this group stink-eye can be appreciated by all. No one feels free to express any opinion outside the newly established norm. Stalinism is alive and well in Lutherdom, from the crumbling halls of United Luther Seminary to the entire father-son faculty at Bethany Lutheran Seminary (ELS). The few with decent positions can control them by keeping out any literate person who might be a threat to them. How else to explain the great Lutheran books from the past compared to the infrequent and tedious bloviations of the present?

 Use this expression when the wrong person is nominated.
It worked for CFW Walther - and he got his clone F. Pieper elected by rigging the votes. All for a good cause.

If Someone Denies the Chief Article of the Christian Religion,
Is His Weight the Real Issue? Look Again at the Issue.
St. Paul Was Abundantly Clear in Galatians

Matt's wife raised the issue of the Eighth Commandment when I posted
Honey I Shrunk the Seminaries on Facebook.

A recent exile from ELCA did not like my description of the Synod President as Matt the Fatt. I asked Nolan what was more offensive, a nickname or Paul calling such people "damned to Hell." There is No Other Gospel, and LCMS forcefully agrees with ELCA about Universal Forgiveness and Salvation without Faith.
Mrs. Harrison even cited Subjective Justification and Objective Justification - 'tis on the tips of Synodical Conference tongues at all times.

 Now really?
Where is the Chief Article - Justification by Faith Alone?
LCMS has abandoned the Gospel, with cheers and hosannas from WELS-ELS.

This is my best photo of a slender Paul McCain, Harrison's covert campaign manager, but not my Photoshop. McCain featured a toned down version of this saint being, ahem, nourished by the Blessed Virgin Mary's statue. Mariology is not the chief article of Christianity, but it seems to animate a large faction of LCMS clergy.

 Paul McCain has grown in office, like others who find a bowl of lentil soup incredibly high in carbos. Steadfast Lutherans are real heavyweights. UOJ and Mariology are just fine in the LCMS, but not Justification by Faith.

PS - Young Nolan does not think I have proved my case about LCMS-WELS-ELS doctrine, so I looked over the number of articles with the UOJ or Objective Justification tag. I found over 300 before I lost interest in auditing the list.

The new LCMS catechism effort specifically and idiotically cites Objective and Subjective Justification.

1901 Catechism - LCMS

Gausewitz - Not Just WELS but Synodical Conference

 Wilken, facing El Chubbo, thinks Justification by Faith is "Calvinism."
Wilken teaches his rubbish on the radio and through Steadfast Lutherans, the most ironic blog title since Intrepid Lutherans.