Wednesday, July 25, 2018

J Post Update - Big World News Breaking

World News
I see two major news fronts opening up, which will connect many different narratives, recent and in the distant past.

One story is the arrest of a Bronfman daughter, heir to the Seagram Whiskey fortune. The sisters got behind the NXIUM cult and its founder Keith Raniere. Nancy Salzman is another character involved in this story. More information is found in Q discussion groups. The importance of this group of felons comes from their political contacts (Clintons), Hollywood contacts (India Oxenberg, etc), and their depravity.

A even bigger story involves the British, Obama, and various spooks in meddling with the 2016 election, blaming the Russians.
Some wonder if Julian Assange (Wikileaks) is still in Britain, in the Ecuador embassy, or perhaps somewhere else. He would be an important witness in the Seth Rich murder, since Seth is considered his source for the DNC materials downloaded on a thumbdrive.

Cults Damage People - Another Cult Is Not the Answer
The NXIUM cult story got me thinking about people who have been betrayed by various dishonest Lutheran organizations. One person was involved in a mind control cult and honest about it. I could see how it affected him in looking for something honest, healthy, and Scriptural. However, the UOJ cult, once they discovered his doubts about the soundness of their doctrine, turned on him.

What might have been healing and comforting through the Means of Grace ended up being alienating in the name of a fake "Lutheran orthodoxy." That so-called Lutheran orthodoxy was really adherence to the dogma of a sex cult from Germany - the Saxon Migration  - first under the dictatorial direction of Bishop Martin Stephan and later under Pope CFW Walther, finally under Cardinal Francis Pieper.

The UOJ Magicians are not conservative. They are radical Leftists who have burrowed into the fabric of Lutheran doctrine in America and taken over. We know they by their fruits. They mention Luther and their hides bristles. They know not Luther, and they know not that they know not. They are in perfect harmony with ELCA, only a few steps behind them, but always aping the ELCA dogma - grace means everyone is forgiven and saved.

 "How did we get here?"
The rogues gallery tells part of the story.

Some forget that I know mainline dogma from the inside, not only from being in the LCA, but also from studying modern Protestant theology and comparative dogma at Notre Dame. The affinity between ELCA, LCMS, and WELS is striking and disgusting.

America has well-heeled traitors. The Lutheran Church has round-heeled traitors. They populate the colleges and seminaries of the LCMS, WELS, ELS, and micro-minis. They gorge themselves on the offerings of members and the profits of Thrivent in the executive suites  - the DPs and SPs.

I no longer have to prove the apostasy of the LCMS-WELS-ELS combine. They publish the evidence in their atrocious "translations," (ESV, NIV), in their dogmatic materials (Confessing the Gospel, new improved catechisms by morons), and their prostrate position before their abortion-loving god, Thrivent-Mammon.

 The "conservatives" are serving big helpings of Pietism and Barth/Kirschbaum. Sassy is more reliable.

How Ignorant Are the SpenerQuesters? Worse Than Most Imagine

The Enthusiasts at SpenerQuest imagine themselves to be rough, tough, orthodox Lutherans. Paul Rodham McCain, former publisher at Concordia Publishing House, kept linking his blog when it was still alive. He would post something like this on SpenerQuest:

Today is the Feast Day of St. Boniface. We pray

We pray was linked to his blog Cyberbrethren, which was taken over by a company when he bailed out of blogging.

Each time I looked up his link, it was clearly plagiarized, almost verbatim from The Catholic Encyclopedia. He conveniently omitted the obvious references to the Church of Rome, like nilhil obstat, Bishop Patrick O'Brian. Haha. I provided proof, time after time.

And Paul the CPH editor stole from his friends' blogs too, without a clear citation and without quotation marks!

That genius group of Junkyard Dogs never got it. They kept letting McCain promote his plagiarized blog's Roman Catholic garbage. No problem.

After I published enough posts on McCain's unethical, dishonest behavior, the SpenerQuest links stopped. Did they apologize for going along with McCain, for serving up the Antichrist's propaganda as his work?

Did Paul Rodham McCain apologize for his plagiarism - as a pastor, as an editor, as a campaign manager for Barry and Matt the Fatt? Never.

UOJ Antinomians are legalists, to be sure, but they are also lawless. They were born forgiven and saved, according to the great lights of the Reformation - Samuel Huber, J. J. Rambach, the Calvinist Woods, Knapp, Edward Preuss, and Walther.

Watch the Magic as UOJ Wizards Switch from the Chief Article to Rationalistic Pietism

Magic acts are a lot of fun. We all know that the magician distracts our eyes so that he can quickly do the trick where we are not looking.

The UOJ Magicians work the same way, but they are nasty and vindictive, not entertaining. Their energy comes from their hatred of the Word, which they cloak with fine words and sanctimony.

LCMS and WELS - Same History - Same Tricks
Missouri and WELS came from Pietism, which has a way of asserting itself again. The clergy who would rather be unionistic, because they love every doctrine but their own, bitterly resent the chains and shackles - as they see them - of the Book of Concord so they throw off those horrid Confessions.

Missouri and WELS both taught Justification by Faith for many decades.

JFBA Examples in WELS:

  1. Gausewitz was the catechism and no one talked of UOJ. The instigator of Kokomo never heard of UOJ before seminary.
  2. Some oldsters in WELS remember that they were taught Justification by Faith in the olden days, because they were.
  3. JP Meyer and other false teachers worked to supplant the Confessions and the Chief Article, so WELS clergy ignore and loathe the Book of Concord.
JFBA Examples in the LCMS:
  1. The 1905 German catechism of the synod taught Justification by Faith, not UOJ.
  2. They also used the Gausewitz Catechism, because he was the president of the Synodical Conference.
  3. The KJV catechism, lately in the CPH catalogue, teaches Justification by Faith - not UOJ.
  4. Dr. Walter A. Maier preached Justification by Faith and taught it as the foundational doctrine of Christianity, named before inerrancy in one quotation. See the graphic. He was praised by sister synods, not denounced as a false teacher.

The Magic Wand of Verbal Abuse

The UOJ Magicians have only one trick. They verbally abuse anyone who threatens their position, and they scare easily. They mask their fear with fake ferocity, always using their buddies to back them up, like shills in an audience helping with a mind-reading trick.

Robert believed in due process.  He repeatedly said that he would not be used to deny due process to Walter A. Maier.  He also expressed his opinion that his efforts to bring Maier to an orthodox formulation (sic) of this doctrine with the help of such eminent theologians as Dr. Harry Huth, the great Missouri Synod Confessions scholar, would bear more fruit than his brother’s approach. 

 WAM II, left, got the Preus "due process" treatment.
I do not have his academic achievements at this time.
He is with a bunch of Maiers. When I met WAM II, he was jolly and friendly.

Imagine yourself as a professor at the synod's seminary, the son of the world-famous preacher and Biblical scholar, Walter A. Maier, PhD, Harvard, who taught Justification by Faith and inerrancy.
  • Jack Preus, the LCMS president, sends a letter to every congregation, denouncing you as a false teacher - for teaching what built The Lutheran Hour, your father preaching on the radio. But the accusation is dishonest, because it does not say, "You teach the Chief Article and we reject that, agreeing with the rationalistic Pietists." No, it is "YOU deny our precious dogma doctrine of Justification without Faith Objective Justification."
  • Robert Preus, Jack's brother, as president of the Ft. Wayne seminary, denounces you to the entire LCMS, using the most ridiculous arguments for UOJ, even citing the UOJist who left teaching in the LCMS to be a Roman Catholic editor! That was Edward Preuss of precious memory, still quoted with a school-girl's sigh.
  • Instead of being the leading candidate for LCMS synod president, a big effort is mounted to deny you any votes because (wave the magic wands) both Preus brothers have unethically and illegally denounced you as a false teacher. And yes, that is indeed slander.
  • Ralph Bohlmann becomes the LCMS president, promotes Church Growth, and sees his daughter ordained as a UCC pastor and married to another woman.
  • Herman Otten, a supposed Maier friend, backs UOJ to the hilt, essentially agreeing with the Preus brothers. It took another magician, Paul Rodham McCain, to equal this level of hypocrisy and back-stabbing. Otten sells books against Luther, praises a Roman Catholic author for publishing the obvious, and specializes in promoting the thralls of UOJ.
The irony of this Preus team is that neither Preus brother earned an Ivy league degree or engaged in Biblical scholarship, as Walter A. Maier, WAM II, and WAM III did. Jack and Bob both studied Latin scholasticism at the University of Minnesota - the Icey League. Academic achievement in the Preus family stopped there. As The Right Reverend Bishop James Heiser said to me, "The Preus children are not known for their theological acumen."

The Preus brothers used the weakness of CFW Walther's education to their advantage, calling up the ghost of Stephan's thrall to pound WAM II into the ground. The weakness of LCMS clergy and laity always comes through when they line up like iron filings around the magnetic personality of their first pope, professor, publisher, and political expert, CFW Walther, BA.

The answer does not come from inane theses that beg the question, like Valleskey on Fuller and Church Growth. The answer comes from careful study of the Biblical text. Anyone can do that, but few take the trouble.

I am happy to say that the younger generations of men are willing to address what the Boomer men ignored.

 According to this former editor of Steadfast Lutherans,
Dr. Maier was "a moron" for teaching Justification by Faith.