Friday, May 17, 2019

Are the Luther-Queasies Able To Read?

Alan Lubeck (1431)
Senior Member
Username: 1431

Post Number: 1903
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2019 - 10:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"GJ - posts meme of Darth Vader, switches topic to Church Growth, calls his opponents "poopie-heads," and declares victory." There is no church growth without justification....the passive obedience, atonement and resurrection of Christ which IS our justification. How ironic to discuss "church growth." The only way the church can grow is with the justification Christ has earned for sinful mankind at the cross. And with Mr. Jackson's scheme, no one has it...without faith....and without justification no one can have faith. Sad Sad story.

Here is the link, also above, for Mequon graduates.

No wonder they misrepresent the Bible and Luther - they have no reading comprehension skills at all.

Stormtrooper 2, a senior member, only repeats what the other person got wrong and then uses that misfire as a platform to explain his sadness.

  1. There is no Darth Vader meme. That is a Stormtrooper - dumb guys who cannot shoot straight - like the OJists.
  2. I challenged them to exegesis on 3 passages. They panicked and began shooting at random targets.
  3. OJ and Church Growth were heavily promoted at Ft. Wayne under Robert Preus. Both are aspects of Calvinism.
Two Stormtroopers from LQ struggled and got three out of three facts wrong.

But wait, there's  more. Stormtrooper 1 emerged from his studies to promote the teaching of Peter Leithart, a Calvinist from Columbus. "He was selected by the Association of Reformed Institutions of Higher Education to be one of the organization's 2010-2012 Lecturers.[4]"

He is a heretic within Calvinism.

So, rather than address the Scriptural issue of Justification by Faith, they act like little boys and invent stuff to mock. Too bad Lutherans can read their burlesque verbatim.

 This is a gentle reminder that many of the leaders from the past were not ignorant of the Biblical, Lutheran basics. Fuerbringer was Walther's nephew, but he emphasized constant study of Luther, Biblical study in Hebrew and Greek.