The Path To Understanding Justification is in print, Kindle, and free PDF form. Two of my Moline classmates bought the 99 cent Kindle the day I announced it was finished.
Ichabod Lutheran Dictionary
Someone asked for a Lutheran dictionary that defined terms more accurately than the ones poisoned by Objective Justification. I will post selections as it progresses, which will help indication the interest and questions of readers. This could also be revised easily, in the future, and distributed as a pdf. I intend to have some fun with it while providing linkage to key terms.
Treasures from the House Postils
Like many, I confuse brothers named Bill and Bob, sisters named Sally and Susan. The tentative title for quotations from the three-volume House Postils is treasures rather than Gems, which we used for the eight-volume Lenker set. That way, people can have two sample quotation books without confusing the titles.That will take some time, because several of us already worked through the Lenker, marking the gems as we went along. Now we have to start afresh, but that is still a great exercise - to pick the best.
The Two Pietisms
The history of the Lutherans in America, from a doctrinal viewpoint, can be called "The Two Pietisms." I need to order some books I gave away to keep the dates and figures straight.One group of Pietists began with the General Synod (founded by a Halle Pietist, Muhlenberg) and drew in other Pietistic groups, eventually forming ELCA in 1987.
A second group of Pietists began with the Missouri Synod (founded by Loehe, a Pietist, and Stephan, a Halle Pietist). They drew in the Wisconsin Synod Pietists and the Little Sect on the Prairie (Norwegian) Pietists.
Currently, all the Lutheran groups have embraced each other in joint religious work and in birthing the love-children of Pietism - Rationalism and Objective Justification.