Tuesday, March 12, 2019

George Gerberding Quotation

 George Gerberding

This is from the wise and comforting "Reflections of a Youthful Octogenarian" by Rev. George Gerberding.  He is speaking of one his favorite professors at the Philadelphia Seminary, Rev. William J. Mann:
'In one of his classes in Ethics I once asked, in substance, this question: "Doctor, if the Lutheran Church is so much better than others, how does it come that we find so many superior Christians in the Reformed Churches around us?" As always, the doctor was ready with his answer: "That's easy, my good friend; you might live on the juiciest beefsteak and be a lean dyspeptic. Your neighbor might have nothing but soup-bone and thin soup, and he might be healthier than you. Does that prove that thin soup is better than beefsteak? Ach, no. But he assimilates his soup bone soup better than you do your beefsteak. That's all!"'

Terminology Matters Because Words Convey Meaning - And Culture

 The author was a teacher of math and logic.

The Word of God judges all books, so no book or human author judges the Scriptures.

This is the problem with the modern Pietists. They pick their guru, as the Walther circle did Martin Stephan, and assume the guru is always correct.

That authoritarian and Enthusiastic spirit remains strong with the LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).

I wonder why the Objective Justification wolves have not examined the words they use.

To redeem means (two different words in Greek) - to pay with a price, based on the word for marketplace. The other verb means to release, such as releasing from slavery. Both refer to Jesus as paying the price for our sins with His blood, for Jesus releasing us from the power of sin, death, and Satan.

The word atonement means "one for another," used in secular fashion as four quarters equal to a dollar. The same word is translated as atonement and reconciliation.

Ransom is a ransom for many, not all. The OJists want to rewrite Greek and change the words, but they cannot get away with it honestly, as if to claim the most flexible and precise language means "all" rather than "some" (since some blows up their dogma) and that "all" can appear like a leprechaun when needed (New NIV).

The word for saved is also used for healed. Exactly where - apart from the fulminations of Jon-Boy Buchholz are all saved and all forgiven?

Some would follow the style of Halle Pietism and say the world was justified when Jesus rose from the dead (Rambach, Walther, Oh Jay Webber).

Others - like Hale - groove on 2 Corinthians, that He became sin that we might have His righteousness. So Hale leads us into his swamp of universal forgiveness and salvation without faith.

But it does not matter if the Great Walther imagined this to be true and taught it all his life. Poor Hale was given an M.Div. in guru-worship at Ft. Wayne, and skipped the part about the Scriptures as the ruling norm and the Confessions as the ruled norm. His master and guide is Walther, who was a Pietist with a B.A. and little grasp of the Biblical languages. Others in the OJ pantheon are followers from the Midwest, men who bowed the knee to Walther.

The real founder and leader of the Perryville Sex Cult was Martin Stephan, who studied at Halle University but never graduated from anywhere. He did not have the minimal requirement for becoming a pastor, but his status as a Bohemian Pietist (see Count von Zinzendorf) allowed the Pietist Bohemian Pietist congregation (land donated by Zinzendorf) to call him.

Stephan taught Objective Justification, whose language comes from Halle Pietism, not from the Bible. There is no OJ in the Bible, and SJ does not equal Justification by Faith (as Dave Scaer claims in his overpriced autobiography).

 A Calvinist leader used OJ to define a Pietist Halle professor's deep thoughts, and one ELS pastor got all huffy with me about this graphic being misleading. Verbatim quote, exact source. Before getting irritated, I would get the book, check the source, and worry about my sect colluding with Calvinists and Pietists. 

Track Objective Justification - A Favorite Dogma for Various Denominations, Cults, and the Mainline Apostates
Readers, anons, OJists, minders, innocent bystanders - please check out  Objective Justification with search engines, concordances, doctrinal books.

The concept is used by Calvinists, and Walther's deliberate polarizing of the Lutherans with his Election-without-Faith is exactly what Calvin taught about predestination. John Sparky Brenner, OJ fanboy, confirms that Walther's Election dogma was his backup for his OJ. CFW deliberately went against Article XI of the Formula of Concord, but he decided to fling his Powerful Objective Observation (POO for short) at everyone. He emerged as the only leader of the ones who still followed him, a very bad precedent for the future.

As I have written before, more than once, Objective Justification is also used by the Jehovah's Witnesses to teach the same nonsense. These links are very hard to find, whether Ichabod or about the JWs. I suspect paid Internet scrubbing of the issue, either from JWs, SynCons, or both.

If that is not enough, UOJ is the penultimate expression of the mainline apostates like ELCA, UCC, Presbyterians, liberal Baptists. Penultimate means almost ultimate, just before the end -in this case. Once they reach the UOJ stage, the final one simply declares that all these religious labels and categories are useless. God-talk is irrelevant - express yourself and make up your own Christology to build a foundation for being a Social Justice Warrior.
Exposing ELCA gives a lot of unsavory details, but many of them are at your doorstep.